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Playing all the Board Games


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Anyone want to join me in my goal to play all the board games we own in 2019, which is hundreds of games?  I decided I wanted to do this last night as I stared at the mounds of games we have trying to decide what to bring to a board game night I'm going to tonight.

My hope in doing this is to replay some old favorites that have been forgotten and to cull the collection of anything we have no interest in playing again.  I'll keep track with a spreadsheet and put a red sticker on the game box once it is played.

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I love this idea. We have some things that I know the kids have outgrown, so this would shine a spotlight on which ones. 

We don't have hundreds though. Maybe 30 including the multiple forms of chess since my kids went through a huge chess phase a few years ago? Which means that if we do a  weekly game night, we'll get through all of them. 

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Yes!  I've been wanting to inventory and cull our games!

I've been trying to find an app like Goodreads but for games.  Basically something that let's you scan a barcode or type in a title and then mark them played or not.  Anyone know of one?  I'm only finding mention of apps that no longer exist or are for video games.

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2 hours ago, happi duck said:

Yes!  I've been wanting to inventory and cull our games!

I've been trying to find an app like Goodreads but for games.  Basically something that let's you scan a barcode or type in a title and then mark them played or not.  Anyone know of one?  I'm only finding mention of apps that no longer exist or are for video games.

BoardGameGeek has an app, although I’ve never used it. I think you can add your own games and then mark if you’ve played them.

As for the OP, yes, I want to do this!  I was already thinking about playing all of our games with ds before he leaves home this summer.

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37 minutes ago, Amira said:

BoardGameGeek has an app, although I’ve never used it. I think you can add your own games and then mark if you’ve played them.

As for the OP, yes, I want to do this!  I was already thinking about playing all of our games with ds before he leaves home this summer.

Sadly, managing one's games is a "future feature".

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Yay! I'm so happy there are people who want to do this too. It'll be fun.  I'd love to keep a running thread so people can post their progress if people are interested. It can be just this one or I can post a new one each month.  What do people prefer?

Just to give you guys and idea of the number of board games we have.  At our old house the only walk in closet in the house was used almost exclusively to store board games and it was filled to the brim.  Now at my parents, about half of the games are still packed.  I suppose we'll play through the ones that are unpacked and then go from there.

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To play all your games sounds daunting!  I hope it is actually fun!  

We have around 14 games, yet rarely use any other than chess and Clue.  

I’d join in especially so as to figure out what to keep and what to send onward!

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2 minutes ago, Pen said:

To play all your games sounds daunting!  I hope it is actually fun!  

We have around 14 games, yet rarely use any other than chess and Clue.  

I’d join in especially so as to figure out what to keep and what to send onward!


Oh it will be fun.  We didn't acquire all these board games because we don't like board games. Many get played often enough but it is so easy to stick to a few favorites while forgetting other gems.

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58 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

Yay! I'm so happy there are people who want to do this too. It'll be fun.  I'd love to keep a running thread so people can post their progress if people are interested. It can be just this one or I can post a new one each month.  What do people prefer?

Just to give you guys and idea of the number of board games we have.  At our old house the only walk in closet in the house was used almost exclusively to store board games and it was filled to the brim.  Now at my parents, about half of the games are still packed.  I suppose we'll play through the ones that are unpacked and then go from there.

I like the name of this thread so I vote we keep this one going!

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8 hours ago, happi duck said:

Yes!  I've been wanting to inventory and cull our games!

I've been trying to find an app like Goodreads but for games.  Basically something that let's you scan a barcode or type in a title and then mark them played or not.  Anyone know of one?  I'm only finding mention of apps that no longer exist or are for video games.

Board Game Geek lets you keep track of games you’ve played.

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8 minutes ago, happi duck said:

I tried making a "play all the games!" meme but couldn't figure out how to import it here.  I think the file was too big.



ETA:  Can we post memes?  Or do I have to take that down?  I’ll leave it up for a bit...

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We are planning to do this! 

We are using the app Tiny Decisions to help decided which game to play (it’s a spinner app that you can input all your options your trying to decide (also handed for figuring out dinner lol) and can set it not to repeat) 

Once we play a game we asking the kids if they would rather play the game again as a family or to play Minecraft by themselves. Which is surprisingly a good stick to measure by for my kids. 

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We keep all our new games out on an atlas stand we bought from the library a few years ago. It's full (of course) so this holiday dh, ds2, and I are reading instructions and trying to clear off a few shelves. Anything older than 2 years that we don't play is going into a box for sale or donation. 

I'm trying to convince dh that no new games are bought until we have shelf space. As much as he agrees, he keeps bring games home. 🙄

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20 hours ago, BarbecueMom said:

I’m in!  We’re still unwrapping our 12 Games (or Expansions) of Christmas, but after that, we can start in on older games again.  I need to count up how many games we own to see what “games per week” rate to shoot for.  We’re probably right at 100, more or less.

What an awesome idea!

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Dh is compiling the spreadsheet right now.  So far, we have 90 games.  Those are the only ones that have been unpacked.  There are more in the garage but we'll tackle those at a later date.  Of the 90 games we actually play a good number of them regularly enough.  Culling games is going to be hard!!!

Oh, I am including card games in my goal.

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We're starting the year of to a good start with a few game played already. 

1. Sleeping Queens: card game by Gamewright (i think)  that is a pretty quick play that my kids all enjoy a lot.  My 3 year old can play and understand how the cards work so that is nice.

2. Sushi Go: another family favorite card game.  

3. Ghost Fighting Treasure Hunters:  the kids got this as a gift last year and I think it collectively their favorite game.  Someone pulls it out once a week and the whole family has a blast trying to collect treasure in a haunted house.  The advanced game is kinda hard to beat, especially if you aren't communicating as a team.

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And more

4. Go nuts for donuts:  This is a mixture of sushi go and dixit and another family favorite.

5. Simply Suspects:  This is a new game as of Christmas.  Essentially you are trying to determine which criminal each person is by how they stack the evidence markers that are always changing.

6. Forbidden Island: A great cooperative game for many age ranges.


That's it for now.  Yesterday ds6 got birthday presents from mil, he got two new games!  Gotta them to the list

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am taking this challenge pretty seriously! Most of our games we have played previously but we are going for the goal of playing them all in 2019. So far this month we have played:

1. Century Golem Edition

2. Potion Explosion

3. Splendor

4. Lords of Waterdeep

5. 3 chapters so far of Mice and Mystics

6. Ghost Fight'n Treasure Hunter with the Cellar expansion that we hadn't cracked open yet

7. Saboteur

8. 10 Days in Europe

9. Mythmatical Battle

10. Cat Crimes

Our next games we plan to play are:

1. The next chapters of Mice and Mystics

2. Love Letter

3. Mysterium

4. My Little Scythe

5. Arabian Nights

6. Stuffed Fables (once we complete M&M)

7. Pandemic Legacy Season 1 (been sitting around unopened for a while...)

8. DH and I are finally going to conquer Gloomhaven 😂 pretty sure this one is going to take us all year...

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  • 2 months later...

Today was a cold rainy day here so we played some games.

3. Clue - my kids were super, super excited they beat me 2x. I always, always win at this, so they're feeling like hot stuff.

4. Imhotep - new game from Christmas we haven't played. DD's memory and attention problems are resolving, so she wanted to give it a go. We liked it; I think it might get boring at the entry level, but there are suggestions for harder play in the booklet. 


Ones played in March, but I forgot to come and post about it.

5. Phase 10 Dice - another new one from Christmas. ok, a little too much chance for my taste, but ok.

6. Dos - quick and easy.


Youngest got a new game (GalactiQuest) for her birthday that we haven't broken out yet. MIL gave the kids an old version of Trouble and Masterpiece as well to add to the list. 

Anyone still playing? Are you finding great games buried in the cabinets?


Eta: huh, we didn't play at all in February. Oopsies. 

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We are still planning on playing all of our games.  But we bought a house at the end of Feb so it has been hectic.  WE actually started pulling games out this week to play for the first time in months.  My spreadsheet is saved on my mom's computer because for some reason when dh made it he didn't use googledrive, so i don't know how well we are doing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For Mother’s Day we spent two days playing multiple rounds of board games. Here’s my review: 

Aquarius card game: a fast, easily understood game yet very fun. Ages 8-47 all enjoyed it. It is card matching designs similar to matching in dominoes. First person to match 7 cards to their “goal” card wins. There are several action cards that can change the game as well. There is some luck in the game but it has enough strategy to keep interesting even for avid gamers as well as teaching beginners. The play time is quick as well. 


Picture Charades for Kids is exactly what you expect with charades but it has pics rather than words allowing prereaders to play as well. Even so, our entire family loves playing regardless of age (8-47). I will say we have played so many times that we know the cards as well as most players’ actions by memory so we might have to retire this one soon. 


Jeff Foxworthy’s Relative Insanity: We have played this many times as a large group when in-laws are together. It’s more fun when we read the cards aloud in Jeff’s voice or at least a country accent. Now I allow all ages 8+ to play but some cards can get a wee bit racey. Most of it goes over their heads though. Just be aware. It is played like Apples to Apples but I enjoy this more. 


Steam Time: a risk when I bought it as a new unreviewed game but turned out to be a real gem. It is my favorite worker placement game. Myself, 8; 10; 12 yr old played it two times. All of us loved it. The 10 yr old still prefers Machi Koro but likes this one. I am not sure if most young kids can play it but mine have been playing this style long enough to do well. Matter of fact, my 10 and 8 yr old tied one game and my 12 yr old won the other. They left me in the dust even though I fancy myself as a pretty good strategy gamer. It is cumbersome to learn but is easy and quick to pick up speed once you understand all the rules. Still it will take around an hour to play minimum. No two games are the same, nor are the five rounds due to the changing board. Trust me when I say it’s best to watch a video to learn to play but this game is so worth it. Definitely in my top 3 games list. 


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  • 2 months later...

We found some new-to-us games at Salvation Army a couple of weeks ago. All have been played and added to the cabinet.

1) Scrambled States of America: kids really like this one, but I don't know if it will hold their attention for too long.

2) Querkle: Fun for all. We keep coming back to this one.

3) Scattergories: I think I'll break this one out for brain breaks during schoolwork. I'd played before, but the kids hadn't. Everyone enjoys it. Bonus is the previous owner apparently hated digging for writing utensils, and there was a baggie of 15 freshly sharpened pencils in the box. 

4) Some Scooby Doo themed game that the kids wanted to play with the neighbor boy. He's a young 7 and bilingual so many games are above his attention and language skills. So this one works.


Other games we've played in the last few months:

Operation: My kids have outgrown it, but they play it with the aforementioned neighbor kid.

GalactiQuest: My youngest received this for her birthday. We've only played once, and it hasn't seen the light of day since.

Chess: Middle is joining a chess club this coming school year. She's been begging daily to brush up her chess skills.

Scrabble: No one will play with me any more as I crush them in this game even when I am holding back. Note: oldest, DH, and probably youngest have language-based learning disabilities. So no surprise there.

Uno in several forms: A perennial favorite.

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My boys aren’t huge board game fans, but Scrambled States is one of our longest running frequently played games! I was actually surprised since I bought it more more learning the states! 😁 

we love uno too, and just bought Dos last month. It’s fun too! It took a few minutes to learn it and compare to uno, but we like it!

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This reminds me that we have several games that we have not learned to play yet. DH and I have figured out that the two of us need to play games first, so that we understand the rules and can explain them quickly to the kids. They are not thrilled when we have to sit, hemming and hawing, because we don't know what to do next and have to flip through a giant instruction book to figure out the next move. I am the person who most loves games, so I guess I should just get busy learning them myself, so that I can teach everyone.

We did get two games this spring that we have been playing  -- Century Golem and Coup. We all like both of them (though DS15 has not agreed to try Golem yet -- he is our resident game curmudgeon and resists learning new ones).

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We've played  2 new games recently. 

The first was Troyes, which I purchased  for sentimental reasons. It is a good game. I like the mechanics. We've played it twice and I am pretty sure we'll have to play several more times to really strategize effectively. 

The second was Battle Sheep. It is super easy to learn and set up, but it still takes strategy to win.  It is probably going to become a favorite shorter game.

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3 hours ago, Meriwether said:

We've played  2 new games recently. 

The first was Troyes, which I purchased  for sentimental reasons. It is a good game. I like the mechanics. We've played it twice and I am pretty sure we'll have to play several more times to really strategize effectively. 

The second was Battle Sheep. It is super easy to learn and set up, but it still takes strategy to win.  It is probably going to become a favorite shorter game.


Battle Sheep is great so long as you don't have a baby minmaxer in your family. We had to make a special rule for that one special person who figured out how to optimize starting sheep placement - now, everybody places the initial sheep stack of the person to their left. Nobody places their own sheep stack to start. Otherwise the game was three of us playing while one person had already won after move three.

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2 hours ago, Tanaqui said:


Battle Sheep is great so long as you don't have a baby minmaxer in your family. We had to make a special rule for that one special person who figured out how to optimize starting sheep placement - now, everybody places the initial sheep stack of the person to their left. Nobody places their own sheep stack to start. Otherwise the game was three of us playing while one person had already won after move three.

That would be Ds14. It took him exactly one time to figure out how to win the next time. 

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On 12/29/2018 at 7:02 PM, beckyjo said:

I love this idea. We have some things that I know the kids have outgrown, so this would shine a spotlight on which ones. 

We don't have hundreds though. Maybe 30 including the multiple forms of chess since my kids went through a huge chess phase a few years ago? Which means that if we do a  weekly game night, we'll get through all of them. 

This is a fun a brilliant way to make the task of sorting through all our board games not so onerous. I'm in!

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  • 1 month later...

Well, the kids are on another board game streak this week. 

Edit: hit post after the first line evidently. 

4 Way Chess: kids took this to co-op and ganged up on friends - I guess it's good to see sisters working together, but they destroyed the other players. LOL They tried to convince one of the friends that he really wants to play 3D chess, but he was understandably wary after they wiped the board with him in 4 way chess.

Phase 10 Twist: Perennial favorite.

Game of Life: playing with the neighbor boy. 

Lots of chess games happening here. 

I think I have convinced them that Pretty, Pretty Princess needs to go. They sold Guess Who in the garage sale last month. 

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i kinda abandoned my own thread when out of no where we found a house to buy and then had to go through all the craziness of purchasing and moving.  But we have been steadily going through our games.  I'll try to update my list in a few days.  It is crazy busy time with home school groups starting and such. So I'm in complete lesson planning mode.

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