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  1. Praying for your son and your family.
  2. This. She’s 81 years old and working full time. That’s exhausting. My dad’s that age and in relatively good health I can imagine him working full time and having energy left for much else. I think as people age they become somewhat of caricature of themselves. If she was always somewhat negative now she’s just more so. You need to let it go.
  3. Physical exercise (hard and a lot) helped me. Recognizing that my anger was out of proportion to the situation helped me remain silent when that was the most appropriate response. Also having friends my own age helped tremendously - shared suffering. I don’t know your family size but sometimes those of us with large families tend to spend the most time with moms the age of our youngest children (I’m 55 my youngest is 11). As I get older I more appreciate friends my age we share more in common.
  4. Have you checked what’s available online through your local library? I’m able to read the nyt wsj and washpost online on my device using my library card.
  5. This is what you literally wrote. You switch the responsible party from Mr Card to Mr Walker. You are taking the focus off of Mr Card to advance your agenda.
  6. Your narrative is false. The narrative that if there is a good guy with a gun this tragedy doesn’t happen. The only responsible party here is Mr Card and his gun. Without the gun the young man who charged with a knife probably lives. Yes the young man was a hero who needlessly died because of our fetish with guns. A bar full of people easily overpowers a lone crazed man. Give that man a gun and many people die.
  7. The last sentence is your opinion and not in the article. You should only carry a gun in public if you are willing to use it. The reality is that most people are not willing to kill some one regardless of the NRA fantasy narrative that we’re all walking around like John Wayne in a movie ready to kill at a moments notice.
  8. Is there a possibility that there’s an addiction you may not be aware of? Perhaps prescription drugs? Addiction can be easy to hide.
  9. I think that goes for both men and women regardless of how you socialize. My mom died this year leaving my dad widowed. They’d been married over 55 years. It’s the person you built your life with, grown up with, knows you better than anyone. And one day it’s just over and you’re alone. Friends and children just aren’t filling that void. Yes you should prepare financially (know your financial situation) and medically (know their wishes) but nothing truly prepares you for the day it ends.
  10. It’s hard and tiring. Teenagers are exhausting. Be kind to yourself.
  11. You did great. If grades go south I suggest you let it go. Reiterate that you’ll pay for a tutor, she should see the teacher for help and take advantage of any extra credit opportunities then let it go. I had a similar situation with one dd she ended up with a c in English but if I had ridden her like a rented mule (which is what I was naturally inclined to do) she would have gotten a better grade but ruined our relationship and she would have shut down. The c did cost her her first and second choice college but in the end she’s turned around and started taking responsibility for her grades and is very successful at the college she attends.
  12. I wear Nike tempo shorts for running. But just a heads up I find leggings far more modest for strength training at the gym than any of my shorts.
  13. Ladies who fast for long periods 20+ hour periods. Are you dizzy going that long without food? Do you do strenuous exercise ie long runs during your fasts?
  14. Sorry she went through that. Your advice to her was good. Has she any interest in joining band or cross country? Something that could help her find a friend group.
  15. Two of my dd in their 20’s and my son in his teens saw it this weekend and loved it. As did their friends.
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