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Guys working at our house - etiquette for hospitality


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It is my nature to serve drinks/food to anyone near our property haha, I love hospitality.  But...is it a good idea to offer drinks/snacks to those working at one's home - A/C guys, carpet cleaners, etc?  Another situation, we are having fencing done.  Do I set out a cooler of lemonade or water?  Will they then need to use the restroom?  Is it expected that they come inside the house or do they wait to be offered that?  Is it polite/proper to offer?  What have you done?

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No, you normally do not offer that. I have offered before and it pretty much usually gets turned down. If they are employees, they likely have been told not to accept. If they are not, like it is just an individual around town you hired, they might accept. Of course, this might just be our area we are in.

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I offer sometimes and I think it's fine to offer. They usually turn down, though not always. I had to learn to make it clear repeatedly to workers who were going to be here for a few days that it's okay to use the bathroom. Like, if this is essentially your place of work all day, please use my bathroom. I feel bad when they walk a few blocks away to buy a drink and use the one at the grocery store or the fast food. 

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Just now, Familia said:

In this case, it is a dozen miles!

It's potentially just a block or two here. I think - hopefully - this is different in suburbs or rural areas. I'm in the inner city and it surprised me the first time I realized that contractor guys had walked off and used their break to use the bathroom elsewhere. I mean, if you want to, none of my business, but from that I learned to make it clear to whoever is overseeing or whoever is doing the work, please know that it's fine to come in and use the bathroom or to use the kitchen to get water, etc. Twice over the years I've had the experience where after I made that clear, the behavior did change - they did come in and use the bathroom and sink so I think they were grateful.

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I always offer at least water to people doing outside work, and other drinks if I happen to have any. Even the guy checking the cable line or whatever, I'll ask if they want to take a bottle of water when they leave. In both situations, they generally have their own water but appreciate being asked, and sometimes they're pretty happy if I happen to have a coke or something. 

If it was a project like fencing, I would make a point to have lemonade and/or tea, and I would just put it in the outside fridge or a cooler and let them know to help themselves. 

Unless you want them to pee in your yard, they are going to need to come in and use the restroom, lol. They should of course ask, not just walk in, and you should be somewhere you will hear them knock. I would personally never tell them to just walk in. One, I'm liable to forget about them and not be properly dressed. Two, that one creepy guy always tends to show up halfway through the job, and then it's too late to rescind the offer. 


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I offer water or lemonade in a pitcher with some plastic cups.  Offer, as in put it out, where they can help themselves if they want.  Most workers, for liability reasons and their own protection will drive the dozen miles to use the restroom rather than use one in a customer's house.  (Using a  restroom puts them at risk of being accused of stealing from the medicine cabinet or sexual assault, and of course it can put a homeowner at risk if the workers are not law abiding. Companies tend to make the decision to just not use the restroom as a blanket rule.) 

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They will bring their own food and beverages, but it is always nice to offer. 

The workers will not expect to use your bathroom. They will take their bathroom breaks elsewhere. As already has been mentioned, many companies do not want their employees going in customers' houses for liability reasons.

Signed, someone in the construction biz ?

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I always offer cold water. If it is a crew that's going to be here several days, I'll but a cooler on my porch with ice & bottled water in it and tell them to help themselves. They don't turn me down. I've been known to take cold drinks to utility workers, etc.

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5 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Most workers, for liability reasons and their own protection will drive the dozen miles to use the restroom rather than use one in a customer's house.  



3 minutes ago, Selkie said:

The workers will not expect to use your bathroom. They will take their bathroom breaks elsewhere. As already has been mentioned, many companies do not want their employees going in customers' houses for liability reasons.



This makes perfect sense, but apparently I live in a super-casual area, lol. The a/c guy and the cable guy both used the bathroom last week. 

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We've had guys working on our basement for two weeks.  I haven't offered water (I will when they do the outside work), but they can use the basement bathroom.  They already removed the door, though.  No idea if they've used it or not.  There's nothing in the bathroom except a toilet and sink.

They have coolers in their trucks and bring gas station sodas in with them most mornings.

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Some companies have policies against their employees accepting anything but water. A contractor we used last summer didn't allow his employees to eat anywhere on our property.

Water is always good though. And being friendly and helpful. They really appreciate that.

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We offer.  Up to them if they accept or not.  And I definitely want them using my bathroom if they are here all day - the only alternative is behind a bush!!! 

Being semi rural it’s harder for people to get stuff during a quick break.  Also we have a crusty owner builder house where nothings been done properly and every job takes longer than it should.  It’s horrible for trades to work on so I try to be as nice as possible...

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We’ve had a crew for the past few weeks and though we have offered drinks and such, it has been turned down.  They bring a huge cooler of water every day and they take a lunch break and go somewhere. Our lawn guys will occasionally accept a drink when they’re finished but generally just the teen boy and not his dad.   The people who work inside (today we had electrician) never want a drink. 

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We always offer water or coffee if it's really early.  If it's a big job, I leave a basket of snacks -- prepackaged snack crackers and fruit.  We also let them know where the bathroom is.   A few workers have used the bathroom and lots of them have accepted the coffee.   Snacks and water are usually refused.  

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Nope.  Never again! 

Three times I got burned on being too hospitable.

First time - they were installing new furnace.  It was winter, basement is cold.  We ordered them a couple of pizzas.  They got soooo chatty and relaxed....were almost our BFFs by the time they left.  Long story short, they screwed up so badly that it took another 5 or 6 visits to get things right.

Second time - we had guys deep clean our carpets and tile floors.  It was only suppose to take a few hours.  One of them asked to use the bathroom bc "he was on some kind of cleanse and drinking lots of water".  I said, "sure, would you also like some water?"  He was using bathroom every 15 minutes.  All the areas that he was responsible for took twice as long.  

Third time -  we needed people to get snow off the roof.  Again, it was cold, so I offered them some hot coffee.  Next thing I know, they are asking to use our bathroom, dragging snow everywhere, not closing front door all the way, letting cold air in.

So, I am done.  As a matter of fact, we are suppose to be redoing our roof and every contractor said that they bring their own portal-potties.  I like that!!

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It is hard to know.  I am just a very open door policy kinda person, but I know the contractor has a hard time finding workers, and said, right now, he is accepting guys from anywhere....so even with my meet-no-strangers-trust-everyone upbringing (my dad was very open that way), I was a little, ahem, concerned about the looks of the two guys who showed up to work.  But, boy, do they know their fencing -- they got into engineering mode and worked out a few electric/septic line problems...you could tell they knew their business.  And, loved every minute of it.  But, shady characters none the less.  One guy was tickled when I mentioned lemonade (I do look more than a bit like 'Harriet')   I set out a cooler w/cups and texted the (absent) contractor to tell where it was and tell that the bathrooms were open with a knock.  No takers for bathroom or drinks all day.  50 holes dug, though!?

I totally get what you are saying, Margaret in CO, but having guys recently work for us is an offering for marital peace from my husband.  He is quite capable and willing.  Time, though, is little lacking.

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We had workers in our house for an extended time last year doing a big project, and rarely did they use my restroom. I was glad about that, because I really did not want people coming into the master bedroom, which would have been the situation. We had a lockbox on the front door, because they needed to come in and out at times when we were not there. It was sually not a problem, but one day a contractor's employee, not one of the regular employees, used the lockbox to come in, assumed I was not home and waltzed right into the master bath, where I was half-dressed, getting ready for the day.


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2 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I do find the term “hospitality” to be a bit strange in this context.  These workers are here to do a job, not to visit. I do get the OP’s point but even when my contractor friends were here replacing my deck they were in work mode, not friend mode. 

Completely understand your thoughts.  My children don't get me, either.  And, my husband has had to bail me out of scapes.  I am one to get myself in pickles because I do not 'read' social situations/roles properly.  But...that is another topic entirely.

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