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My volunteer experience - newest post in #45

Night Elf

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For those of you following my attempts at getting out of the house and being more social, trying to lessen my empty nest syndrome, I have officially volunteered at my Humane Society. I have access to the online portal that shows all the opportunities. You choose the ones you want to do and then hit 'schedule'. Seems like it couldn't be easier. But I'm scared to death! My counselor would be telling me right now not to let that nasty anxiety rule my life. Okay, I hear her. I understand her logically. Following through with it is another story. 


The opportunities are longer than I thought they'd be. Doing things at the shelter is a 4-hr job. I was hoping to go in for 1 hour and acclimate myself slowly. This seems like I just have to jump in and do it. Yikes!


DH is home today and rode out to the facility with me so I knew where it was and won't stress about getting lost. It's easy to get to. It's a 20 minute drive. Very doable. They have morning shifts because the center is open in the afternoons for visitors looking to adopt. They have a 7am to 11am and an 8am to 11am but they seem to be doing the same things so I don't know why one is an hour longer.


I need to work up the courage to schedule my first session. I think I need a stiff drink first. And maybe an anxiety pill. :)

Edited by Night Elf
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I would encourage you to go ahead and schedule it AND talk to someone there about your anxiety and your goals. So...let's say that physically you couldn't handle a 4 hour shift so you told them you really want to volunteer but needed to only work half shifts. I'm sure they would work with you. Your situation is very similar and I 100% think they will happily let you work a shorter shift if you need to. Plan to be there the whole time but if you need to go, don't hesitate to do so. But talking to them in advance will let them know that if you need to leave you're not just being a lazy worker.  


You don't have to give them a ton of info...just maybe a casual heads up that you're working through some anxiety and might not be able to work a whole shift at first.  My dd has done that with several jobs and it's always worked out well. 


You can do this!!! Hope it's a great experience. 

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You can do it! You're just signing up for a few hours, not a full time job. Even if (worst case scenario) you hate it, your shift will be over quickly.


I've volunteered at our Humane Society and it is so rewarding. Working with the animals is very enjoyable (much more enjoyable than working with people, imo  ;) ).

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You can do it! But, I'd also recommend discussing with them that you'll like to volunteer X hours per week for Y number of weeks. They may have big blocks because that's what is set up, but may easily accommodate you. They would probably love it if you mention you'd like a longer term commitment (for few hours per visit), or even discuss working X hours per visit now until you are comfortable, then increasing gradually.


Idk if you have anxiety or just reluctance, or how severe this may be for you. But having a knitting group and starting to volunteer, both in a short amount of time, seems great.

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Ok, I did it. I volunteered for tomorrow morning, 8am to 11am. I'm going to be taking care of the cats, their rooms, cleaning, doing laundry, washing bowls, stuff like that. The dog position said anytime between 10:00 and 1:00 so I"m assuming you just leave when you've finished all the chores. The position for the cat room didn't say that. I looked again and not all jobs are long. Most are only 2 hours. They also have a thrift store that I could work in. Those are 2 hour shifts too.


The way it is set up, there is a calendar and you click on any date and it lists all the things they need done that day. You choose which one(s) you want. There is no commitment to work a certain number of hours or days. It's literally set up your own schedule. They have tons of stuff for every day. I wonder if they're lacking in volunteers. If I like this, I may be busy. I can see me devoting a couple of hours a day to various things. 


I'll post tomorrow when I get home and give an update. If I'm still coherent. :)

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I don't know how I feel about the job I did this morning. My shift was supposed to be 8am to 11am. I got there right at 8am. There was a lady with a nametag coming into the foyer just as I was coming in the front door. I introduced myself and she wanted to show me how to sign in. Apparently I needed a PIN number for the computer which I didn't have yet since I only signed up yesterday so I signed in on a general sheet. She took me the kitten room and started telling me everything I needed to do to clean and sanitize it. I told her it was too much to remember and could I do a few things at a time then find her to learn what to do next. I was doing fine until she had to leave on business. So I finished what I knew then just walked towards the office. The place was full of people all following their routines. There wasn't really one person that worked directly with me. I was just left on my own. I had to keep asking if someone could show me what to do next. That didn't help my anxiety. Finally I finished the kitten room and they told me I could sweep the front and back walkways which I did. Then I just felt awkward. I didn't know what else to do. It was only 9:30am but I was ready to leave.

I think there was more to do. There was a sink full of dirty bowls. I don't know where they put the dirty litter boxes and who cleans them. There are employees there and community service workers. I didn't know who was who. I talked to a girl at the front desk and she didn't know much about volunteering. She did say since I was giving my time, I could choose how much to do and if I wanted to leave, that was fine. But I feel really guilty.  Maybe I should have waited for that first lady to come back. I don't know.
So that was the shelter help job, cleaning and prepping for the day. I feel like I need more help. I'd like to work side by side with someone rather than just be put in a room by myself. I don't know if I'll sign up for that job again. I think I'll try cat socialization next. That's just playing with them I think.
The dog building was loud. And there were several guys moving around in there quickly. I couldn't tell what they were doing. I don't think I want to volunteer with the dogs. I'll stick to the cats. 
And that's how my morning went. And I got home and my anxiety is up. Good grief.
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I have social anxiety and that would have been hard on me, too, but it sounds like you did fine! The first time is always the hardest and I'll bet you will feel more comfortable every time you go. It will get easier. Maybe ask if they have written guidelines or procedure lists for each job? Is there a volunteer coordinator you can email? You can just tell her what you told us and see what she says. 


This is a wonderful thing you are doing for kitties!

Edited by MercyA
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I have social anxiety and that would have been hard on me, too, but it sounds like you did fine! The first time is always the hardest and I'll bet you will feel more comfortable every time you go. It will get easier. Maybe ask if they have written guidelines or procedure lists for each job? Is there a volunteer coordinator you can email? You can just tell her what you told us and see what she says. 


This is a wonderful thing you are doing for kitties!



I don't think of myself as having much social anxiety but that would have stressed me out too.  However, I don't think it can really be helped.....the first time of doing any new thing is pretty stressful for a lot of people.  The more times you do it the easier it will be. 


I agree though, it would be  better for you to work along side people. That will help with your anxiety.

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I think there is a volunteer coordinator. I'd have to email the general shelter address and ask them to put me in touch with her. I hate to complain though. I scheduled a time for tomorrow just to socialize with the cats. We'll see if that goes better.



Don't frame it as complaining.  You are just seeking more information so you can do a better job.  

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If it's easier to get someone to give you assignments first thing in the shift, maybe you could bring a small notebook and write down what the assignments are for the day?    That way you don't have to remember, or search someone out each time you finish something.  I've had jobs where you had to do that and it always felt super awkward.


I'm sure it will get easier once you've been there a while and have a feel for the routines and how things are run.  It will probably happen faster than you think.

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Just remember the first day of anything is stressful and anxiety will be high. In my first day working as a vet tech I left and cried the whole way home. I felt so incredibly lost and although there was someone who was helping me, she still had her normal job to do as well so she would just disappear to do something else. I found myself standing around a lot that day not knowing what to do.


It got easier the more often I was there. By the end of week one I felt confident enough in a few tasks that when I was left to myself I just did those things until someone was available to teach me more.

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If they won't work with you, try any local rescue especially one who might be in petsmart. They will often take smaller shifts. Good luck amd have some fun while doing it.


We do occasional volunteering with a rescue and they're happy to have us come in for about an hour each month just to pet the cats. I think it helps that we bring a huge bag of kitty chow when we go--they remember us in spite of our irregular visits. We have friends who go once a week and only work with the dogs, taking each one out for a 15-minute romp in the play area. They stay as long as it takes to ensure each dog gets outside time--usually just a couple hours. This shelter keeps the cleaning chores limited to regular staff and folks assigned to do community service.

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You did it! You faced your anxiety and you tried something new, that is great!


You learned what you did and didn't like. Each time will get a bit easier and you will learn more.


I agree about not working with the dogs. I prefer dogs, but all that barking in what is usually a concrete room is tough on the nerves.

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Good job!


I agree with MercyA that you'll feel more comfortable as you learn the routine.


I have loved ones in the rescue field. I have volunteered at the shelter and have fostered animals at home. *Ime* a high percentage of people with a passion for animals do better with animals than people. Also, again *ime*, shelters are overworked and underpaid and always multitasking.


When I volunteered I learned my job and just did it while basically trying to stay out of the way. You mentioned fast moving people...I encountered that too.


I think you'll figure out what to expect. Hang in there!

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fwiw, what you're describing sounds totally normal at most shelters.

That whole not knowing what to do and what needs doing etc is not you, that's just how almost all of them end up running.


In some of the really super organized and highly staffed places you get assigned to a mentor for the first few shifts but it's rare for that to work. Ds is supposed to have a mentor at his place that he's volunteering at but he's mostly been left to flail around on his own too. 

My kids and I have all been through this at shelters. If you give yourself a mental commitment to try it at least 6-8 shifts, you'll find by then that you sort of know what needs doing. Before you know it, you end up being the expert lol. 

Also, places that are largely run by volunteers sometimes just don't have strict rules about how to do things. Just clean and wipe and stack things whatever way makes sense based on what you see in the cupboards and shelves..... 

 & actually what many places need is a long term stable volunteer who ends up taking some of the leadership roles. There are often leadership vacuums - someone just needs to start doing stuff and everyone else will copy them. You never know, it might be you who ends up being the leader :) 

As uncomfortable as it is, let yourself be uncomfortable and allow for the possibility of growing through this awkward phase. 

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I think it sounds awkward too. Without working with someone or anyone available, what are you supposed to do? I think if you're just playing with cats it could be fun. Idk. Some places for volunteering need the help, but they're stretched too thin to train helpers or help the helpers, iykwim.

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Yeah for you for doing it!!!


IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m wondering.... if you scheduled yourself for playing with the cats, could you then watch the person who is doing the cleaning part you volunteered for today? Or maybe youĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll see that no one is volunteering for it, so you can just do it however you want and make it your own?

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The cleaning takes place in the mornings before they open. They're only open to visits from 12:00 to 5:00pm. The girl told me they were usually done cleaning by 9:30 - 10:00 but there seemed so much to do that I find that hard to believe. I left at 9:30 and was still people cleaning.


I found the email for the volunteer coordinator. What do I tell her about my experience this morning? Really I just want to apologize for not saying until 11:00 like the shift said I was supposed to but no one could answer that question for me.

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I would just say that you enjoyed volunteering and are looking forward to coming regularly. You noticed how busy everyone was, and rather than bother them while they were working, you were wondering if she could email you the specific tasks that you should do while filling X and Y positions. Also, is there a specific day that would be best to be shown around, or a specific person that you could ask for at the front desk when you arrive?

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Yay! You did it! Good for you. 


I'm surprised that they didn't have someone give you a tour of the place to show you where things are and stuff like that.  Maybe when you email the coordinator you can ask to be shown around and have the job explained.  And also ask for names of who on site is the one you should be going to with questions. 


It really will get easier as you do it more.  It's like a new job- EVERYONE is nervous and feels out of place at the beginning. 

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I would just say that you enjoyed volunteering and are looking forward to coming regularly. You noticed how busy everyone was, and rather than bother them while they were working, you were wondering if she could email you the specific tasks that you should do while filling X and Y positions. Also, is there a specific day that would be best to be shown around, or a specific person that you could ask for at the front desk when you arrive?

I agree!
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I would just say that you enjoyed volunteering and are looking forward to coming regularly. You noticed how busy everyone was, and rather than bother them while they were working, you were wondering if she could email you the specific tasks that you should do while filling X and Y positions. Also, is there a specific day that would be best to be shown around, or a specific person that you could ask for at the front desk when you arrive?


Ok, I followed your lead. Thanks for the suggestion. We'll see if she gets back to me before I go in again tomorrow at lunch.

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Ok, I followed your lead. Thanks for the suggestion. We'll see if she gets back to me before I go in again tomorrow at lunch.

I like to assume that IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m not the first or only person to have a problem, although I may be the first to ask. And if they donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t have a procedure for new volunteers, maybe theyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢ll see how much easier volunteer retention can be if they make it easy peasy for someone to come in for the first time!
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Wow, that's great!  I don't have general social anxiety, but starting any new job or volunteer job is always overwhelming!  It always feels like it will take forever to learn everything, and like I'm a big dummy asking the simplest of questions.


That is really all totally normal!!


After you work there for a bit, it will all start feeling easier and comfortable.   Then, people will be coming to YOU for their questions.


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FANTASTIC!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! This sounds wonderful!! You DID IT!! Today was BY FAR the hardest day. Each day will get easier as you feel more comfortable. I promise!!!


I swear, I've had a terrible day, and reading this latest update from you MAKES MY DAY!!



Me too!  Awesome news.

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Thank you! Now that DH is home, we're going to cook dinner and I'm going to tell him about my day. He's proud of me for going this morning, knowing I was a nervous wreck. :)

Aw, tears of happiness for you!!!! You should be so proud of yourself for going so far out of your comfort zone both by going to volunteer and by contacting the coordinator. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m very happy for your Humane Society, too, and so glad they heard opportunity knocking and answered!
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