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I'm a Bad Mom


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DD18 went on a rafting trip today with a group from her college.  They also jumped off a cliff?  About 20 ft, apparently this was a "cliff jumping spot",  they had life jackets etc.  DD has never done this before, so she does it and since the water is super cold it knocked the wind out of her and she swallowed a lot of water.


Since then all the way back on the bus, her chest has been hurting really bad and she is very nauseated.  This happened about three hours ago.  She still has two hours back to campus, but a friend is going to take her to the ER to get checked for the "delayed drowning" thing.  


I do feel sort of worried, but also just annoyed!  This is the girl I just had to take to the ER a few months ago with a concussion.  She injures herself doing anything!  And even if not injured badly, gets (in my opinion as the child of a German mother) far too hysterical about it.  That sounds so mean, doesn't it?  


But also if you're a person who injures themselves walking down the street, is it really necessary to jump from cliffs?  Seriously??


How bad of a mom does that make me, that instead of being worried I'm thinking, oh great, she has to go in, it will be nothing, but just a million dollars more in bills....  *sigh* 

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DD18 went on a rafting trip today with a group from her college. They also jumped off a cliff? About 20 ft, apparently this was a "cliff jumping spot", they had life jackets etc. DD has never done this before, so she does it and since the water is super cold it knocked the wind out of her and she swallowed a lot of water.


Since then all the way back on the bus, her chest has been hurting really bad and she is very nauseated. This happened about three hours ago. She still has two hours back to campus, but a friend is going to take her to the ER to get checked for the "delayed drowning" thing.


I do feel sort of worried, but also just annoyed! This is the girl I just had to take to the ER a few months ago with a concussion. She injures herself doing anything! And even if not injured badly, gets (in my opinion as the child of a German mother) far too hysterical about it. That sounds so mean, doesn't it?


But also if you're a person who injures themselves walking down the street, is it really necessary to jump from cliffs? Seriously??


How bad of a mom does that make me, that instead of being worried I'm thinking, oh great, she has to go in, it will be nothing, but just a million dollars more in bills.... *sigh*

No not a bad mom. My mom was 'is there massive blood loss or a broken bone?' If not just suck it up. Except for chest colds......her baby sister died of pneumonia at age 1 and my mom was always terrified of colds.


I am sure she is fine. Make her pay for the ER bill.

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I hope she is okay.  I am glad she is going to the ER.  Her symptoms are all good reasons to go.  


I would also be upset if my child kept putting themselves in situations to be injured.  


I know she is not doing it on purpose, but she is just a total klutz.  Always has been.  I get it!  I'm klutzy as well.  Therefore I don't do things that require a whole lot of coordination OR have higher possibilities of injuries.  Her concussion (which the doctor rated as "moderate" and "concerning") she got from sitting up under her bed suddenly and hitting her head on the bed rail.  Seriously.  And the bill... ugh.

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I am sure she is fine. Make her pay for the ER bill.


No... because I really don't want her to NOT go to the ER if something could be seriously wrong because she is afraid of the cost.


Based on her symptoms she PROBABLY is fine but also SHOULD get it checked out on the slight but concerning chance she is not fine.  Same as with her concussion.  Certain things I don't think are good to take chances on, much like your mom and chest colds. 

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:grouphug:  I'm hoping she's ok.  Does she have a health insurance policy from her college to assist with the bills?  :grouphug:


She does fortunately.  And the campus has a health center that is usually open on the weekends...but of course not THIS weekend for some random reason.  The ER visit will have a $500 deductible plus copays.

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She does fortunately.  And the campus has a health center that is usually open on the weekends...but of course not THIS weekend for some random reason.  The ER visit will have a $500 deductible plus copays.


Yikes!  One does have to wonder why there's an insurance policy at all if the amount left over is $500+.  There are many people who simply couldn't afford that and would go without solely due to cost.

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Yikes!  One does have to wonder why there's an insurance policy at all if the amount left over is $500+.  There are many people who simply couldn't afford that and would go without solely due to cost.


That's actually a pretty low deductible these days!  Doesn't make it any easier to afford though.  The campus health center has no deductible and a $20 copay.... if it was open.  I would hope they could at least check lungs for fluid and check her oxygen level.

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Please update and let us know your dd is ok!!!


One of my young adults is just like this. Therefore the extra fun/clothing money that might get sent to a sibling isn't automatically sent to this kid. I hold some back for the next urgent care visit. I am thankful for insurance. And I sincerely hope this child of mine upon graduating college gets a job with good health care benefits (a lot to ask for these days, I know, but a gal can hope).

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I have a relative who was paralyzed as a teen jumping off a bridge. She was like the 5th person to jump.


Stories like this scare me.


I'm sorry. If you know for sure it's safe at the bottom and not too high, how is it different than jumping off a diving board?  Although I know freak diving board accidents have happened also.  But it's unusual.

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I have a daughter who is very clumsy. Actually three. The last time I mentioned that Middle was clumsy, Youngest was spinning around not three feet from me and as soon as the words were out of my mouth, she stumbled and tumbled across the floor. I scooped her up to comfort her and said over her crying, "See? My kids are just clumsy!"


But it's Middle who has needed stitches three times. I could see her doing that exact same thing. And I would be so annoyed. She can barely walk through the house without injuring herself! She has no business jumping off cliffs, or even running across uneven ground. ;) But I laughed out loud at the post about how she actually jumped off a cliff because her friends did. That's something your daughter will never live down.

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I hope she is ok *hug* but I get where you are coming from. One of my youngest is accident prone already at 6yo. I have had a couple of ER visits between the other 4 kids combined and this guy has been to the ER 8 times in 6 years. Wish I was kidding. He is both curious about everything and a dare devil. He is stretching me in my ability to take a deep breath and not panic. So I imagine if he is still doing it in his teens I will be most definitely annoyed ;)

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:grouphug: I have one that keeps getting sick. We have really crappy insurance so DH gets really irritated as she always gets sick on the weekends. He's still upset about her Dec visit to the urgent care which sent us to the ER. Of course we're still paying on that one. She was diagnosed with "mild" pneumonia. He focuses on the mild and thinks I shouldn't have taken her in.  :glare:

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I'm sorry. If you know for sure it's safe at the bottom and not too high, how is it different than jumping off a diving board?  Although I know freak diving board accidents have happened also.  But it's unusual.

I would think the problem with diving off a bridge is that you don't really know what's under the water or if the depth is consistent. I would assume that, generally speaking, you're not really supposed to jump off a bridge into the water, even if people do it all the time. Ten people could jump off the same bridge on the same day, but only one of them might accidentally land on a rock or dive into a shallow area and hit their head or break their neck on the ground under the water.


If you dive off a high diving board, it's likely that there aren't any big rocks submerged under the water and that someone has checked and made sure the water is a safe depth for diving from the height of the diving board.

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I'm trying to find humor in the fact that she LITERALLY jumped off a cliff because everyone else was doing it... :P

In my hometown there was a bridge crossing over a lake that was a popular jumping spot for teens. So yeah, many jumped off of a bridge because their friends did it.

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Okay, she's fine as expected! O2 levels are good, doc thinks the landing bruised her ribs and her intercostals are inflamed and tightened. Advised her she needs to keep breathing deeply even though it hurts. All is well!


*sigh* until next time! ;)


(Also there was oxygen in her stomach? Never heard of that.)

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I'm so glad she's ok. Well, relatively ok. :)


My DS can hurt himself just walking through the living room. Or doing dishes. Or ... sleeping. Yep. Sleeping. He once banged his foot so hard on the footboard of his bed that he had to have his foot x rayed. Really. I hope he never cliff jumps. Aaack!

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I am reminded of the time my sister came home in high school and showed me that her entire back was black and blue after jumping off a bridge with friends.


Boy, was I glad she was alive so that I could start pummeling her.


Your reaction, like mine, was certainly one of those definitions of love that doesn't make it's way into the dictionary. I'm glad your daughter is doing well and hope she'll be uncomfortable just long enough not to take another physical risk like this, but no longer.

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Just catching up this morning.  Glad she is ok.  And NO, you are NOT a bad mom.


I remember in college a bunch of guys (my close friend included) jumped off one of the bridges in Seattle.  (Fremont bridge for those of you from Seattle).   He was injured.  But no amount of telling him not to would have stopped him.  His friends talked him into it.  (never mind that it was illegal!)  And yes, he jumped off a bridge because someone told him to.


He still talks about it, some 25+ years later.  So, at least she will have a story to tell!

Edited by DawnM
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My 10yo might have the record for trips to the chiropractor over silly injuries.  The last one was running into a knob.  "I was looking behind me while running."  Great strategy.



My kids think I'm mean because I generally make them wait until the next day to see if their injury requires medical intervention.  My younger, who is not very adventurous but has a low pain tolerance, says I love her less because I don't take her to the doc as often.  Older has a high pain tolerance, so when she says something hurts, it's probably bad.


At least the cost of going to the chiropractor is a lot less than urgent care.  Not sure if that is an option in the "jump off the cliff" scenario though.

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I had a friend bang up her knee is a very similar situation. Cliff jumping on a college trip. She lost her nerve at the absolute last moment so ended up slipping instead of jumping. Her head was headed for the rock, but she was able to twist away and her knee got a glancing blow. Still bad enough for a er visit in the middle of no where and physical therapy.


A couple years before that, some freshmen realized they could jump from the second floor lobby to couches on the first floor lobby below. Several were successful, but then one broke her back. She didn't want her friends in trouble, so she claimed she fell.

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I know she is not doing it on purpose, but she is just a total klutz.  Always has been.  I get it!  I'm klutzy as well.  Therefore I don't do things that require a whole lot of coordination OR have higher possibilities of injuries.  Her concussion (which the doctor rated as "moderate" and "concerning") she got from sitting up under her bed suddenly and hitting her head on the bed rail.  Seriously.  And the bill... ugh.


Oh dear.  I had to laugh, that is SO similar to all the ways my kids get hurt.

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We went on a rafting trip with cliff jumping when we were in North Carolina.  I climbed up and then chickened out when I saw how far out I would have to jump to miss the rocks.  I'm not very coordinated (and old and fat) and I decided it just wasn't worth it.


My oldest was constantly getting injured.  Not because she was uncoordinated, she was a 6 day a week dancer so strained/sprained ankles, backs, wrists.  We had our own sets of crutches.  I did get to the point where I would wait a day to go to the regular doctor rather than the ER just to make sure it was necessary. 


Although she also had a nervous stomach when she was young and I used to do the same thing - wait and see.  Then one time we went to the doctor on a Saturday, she was sent right over to the ER and spent a week in the hospital.  They were worried about organ failure, severe infections, structural damage.   Never figured it out exactly except "an unknown infection".  Super mom guilt.

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I would think the problem with diving off a bridge is that you don't really know what's under the water or if the depth is consistent. I would assume that, generally speaking, you're not really supposed to jump off a bridge into the water, even if people do it all the time. Ten people could jump off the same bridge on the same day, but only one of them might accidentally land on a rock or dive into a shallow area and hit their head or break their neck on the ground under the water.


If you dive off a high diving board, it's likely that there aren't any big rocks submerged under the water and that someone has checked and made sure the water is a safe depth for diving from the height of the diving board.

Right. All this, plus usually at pools with a diving board, there is a chance of a lifeguard on duty. So there is someone that hopefully notices if the diver doesn't come up and can safely rescue without making a spinal injury worse.


If course, that isn't always the case, either.


Life is risk. Goldberry's situation reminded me of my relative's injury, and even how her parents didn't know what was happening as they rushed how from vacation. :-(


The good thing is goldberry's DD is OK.

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