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Contractors coming tomorrow....do you give snacks, extras?


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We have a contractor and a few of his guys coming to build bulkheads and drywall our basement ceiling.


I already told them to help themselves to the water from water cooler in garage and use of bathroom in the basement (stocked with TP, soap and towels).


Do you also give out extras like a snack, etc? I will likely be baking tomorrow so though about offering them muffins, cookies, or whatever I bake.


Anything else to make this better for them...and us?

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Arghhh, I don't know if it was a coincidence or what but every time we were extra nice/friendly/giving to anyone working on our house - they did a crappy job.  It's like they felt so comfortable, they forgot to do their job.


We have ordered pizza for the guys installing our furnace.  It was suppose to be a one day job, that turned into months of them coming and going and us either not having heat or thermostat going crazy.  I live in New England and had little babies.


When I offered water, snacks and vitamins to one of the guys cleaning our carpets - my husband ended up calling their boss and having them come back bc they "forgot" to do two bedrooms.


I have more examples...


So, next time - I will be cordial but won't offer anything and won't let my husband have any chit chats.  We'll see what happens....



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If we have them available, yes.  The Gardener just arrived.. When my wife fixes our Breakfasts, I'm sure she will fix Breakfast for him too. If he is still here when we eat Lunch, he will get Lunch.  Three months ago today, a bunch of men (approximately 6 or 8) came to our house to install our FTTH (Fiber to the House Internet) and the Satellite TV installation,  We bought a bunch of Lunches that were delivered to our house, for them and for us that day.  And, I probably went to the bakery and bought snacks and  Coke or something that day too.


Not a requirement, but probably much  appreciated. Sometimes, when we ask, they've brought their Lunch, but we try to keep them content and we want them to do a great job for us. 


Good luck with your Contractors and the job they do for you!

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Arghhh, I don't know if it was a coincidence or what but every time we were extra nice/friendly/giving to anyone working on our house - they did a crappy job. It's like they felt so comfortable, they forgot to do their job.

My mom and I both have this experience. :-/ Idk if we have "sucker" written on our foreheads, or what, but I don't feel this is a situation where being my "usual nice" pays off. Good luck with your project!
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Certainly provide a cooler with water, and ask the contractor or foreman about offering more.


Over the years I've asked them what they liked, and even got pizza on the last day for them. 


The contractor we just had do a bathroom told his that they had a policy of not accepting anything other than a cooler of water because it distracted his workers from doing a good job. 

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I usually  offer coffee if they are here early in the morning.    I always have a supply of disposable cups on hand for this.   That way they can have their coffee and start on their work at the same time.   After that I usually eave out a bowl of fruit with some packages of peanut butter crackers and water bottles.  

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Thanks for the input.


Today it is just head guy and one worker. They have enjoyed fresh zucchini muffins and cookies. The water cooler is open for them to use as well.


There will likely only be 2-3 guys here at a time as it is just bulkheads and then drywall so not a huge project as far as projects go.

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I do not. I can barely afford groceries for my own family, and if we have to spend money for something beyond DIY work, it gets scraped out of the food budget.


Water bottles, definitely. But nobody buys DH or DDs lunches, and they get paid far less per hour than the trades workers. No one brought me lunches when I was on my feet all day cutting hair. We all take care of our own lunches. These are workers, not guests.


Many years ago, my mom had a guy do concrete steps and sidewalk for us. I swear, half of his estimate was him telling us about how some "nice Italian Granny" had a full hot lunch for them every day. :rolleyes: I don't recall if she bought any food for them, but he was loud and foul-mouthed while working, even doing the estimate, and the steps are crooked and uneven, plus the railing he did was an embarrassment.


If he did horrible work because we didn't feed him, then he's a massive butthole.

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Feeding a crew would add up quickly. I usually have water bottles but that is it and I only offer that if they don't seem to have a cooler with them.


The one time i offered food was to movers. I guess with them handling my stuff I felt more compelled to make them like me. Even that wasn't a meal. I left protein bars and individually wrapped snacks for them in the garage where they were coming and going. The same crew would be unloading at our destination so I really wanted them to take care of our stuff. I remember tipping them well on the loading day figuring they would rather cash than food. I am trying to remember but I think part of the reason for snacks was for them to stay on site and try to get loaded before taking off for lunch.


I guess I never feel as vulnerable with workers as I did with the movers and our stuff. That was the one time I remember trying to be extra nice. I will say , also, that one of my pet peeves is having someone in to my home to work and they waste a bunch of time visiting with me. I don't want to encourage chattiness. I just want them to do their job and leave.

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No obligation. Dh works in a similar industry and says his folks are told to not accept any offers like this unless the homeowner insists to the point it would be rude to refuse. I dont offer anything to people working on my house besides a bathroom and an offer of water if it's really hot. (And once towels when they were soaked in a storm.). I'm not rude or mean, but I'm also clear that they are there to work.

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Thanks. I certainly can't do it daily as I have to work next week. I figured water and bathroom access were the least I could do.


This is what I would have suggested as something you should provide had you not already mentioned it. The baked goods would be nice to offer but I wouldn't bake just for them.

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Keep it as business like as possible. AsSomebody posted above, the crappiest jobs we we've experienced hasbeen when the s.o. went overboard with the snacks, lunch, conversation. What I tell All trade prople is that I Have several frinds with the same problem who want to know how my guy worked out..

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