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Darn. The Second Stitch Fix - UPDATED: #36; Got 3rd Fix


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Boo. I was ridiculously excited my Stitch Fix #2 was coming. It arrived moments before we left for my niece's wedding, so I didn't even open it, but thought about it 27 times while we were away. Arrived home today, tore open my box and...meh. Hmmm. I don't know...


There are three things in my Fix that I mightpurchase, but I'm not delighted as I was with my first box. So, here's what I asked for and here's what turned up:


I asked for casual dresses that would work well for the beach. Things that could actually be worn on the beach, but that also would be suitable at a beach restaurant. Also asked for a denim jacket, but pretty, pretty please, nothing with rips or holes, which I despise. I also asked for a fitted shape on the dresses, but I think I should have made this more clear: defined waist.


So. Item #1. This was a tee-shirt style dress in a pretty blue green small floral print. The fabric is very cute and I wanted to love this dress. But, alas, it is not a defined waist. It is the box shape that is popular now, but not popular with me ever. My small waist is my one best feature and I'm not into hiding that. I don't have appreciable bOOks to show off and not a lot of booty to talk about, so - we gotta show off the waist. Otherwise, this could have been a perfect bridge from beach to restaurant, no lie. But no. 7/10. It's gong back because of the shape.


Item #2. This is a shape-fitting, short sleeved dress with a paisley print over a black background. It has a cool asymetrical hemline. I almost like this dress, but it fits sort of weirdly. There's some puckering behind the shoulder and at the hips, like it maybe needs to fit tighter on a bigger person? Or the fabric is not elastic enough for the cut? I'm not sure. I would love this dress if the fabric would fit smoothly. I don't know if washing it would eliminate that issue, but I don't think I can risk it. This goes back. 7/10.


Item#3. This is the most likely dress I might keep, but I haven't decided yet. It is a MAXI dress, which I specifically said I didn't want when I wrote my note in the first fix. I wondered if I need to repeat such instructions from one fix to the next. Guess so. My main beef against maxi dresses is that they are not classic, they are trendy, and it really annoys me to have a piece of clothing I like or love, but that falls out of fashion quickly. I do love the cut of this dress and it has a beautiful strappy back. It is v-neck with a wrap shape and I will need to do a small amount of hand sewing because it is close to wardrobe malfunction territory. The print and colors are nice, but a bit bolder than I generally would choose; it is a navy field with bright pink, orange, red and white print. It has sort of a repeating mendala design; one of the mendalas falls right on my ass, like a target! 😱. OTOH, It's not an unattractive print, color or design. So...maybe. 7/10. I may keep it but I resent that they sent me a maxi dress.


Item #4: This is a summer sleeveless blouse, in keeping with my first fix. I can imagine it working well for dinner/parties/church, but I would not wear this as daily wear. It is too dressy for that. My other mild complaint is that it is also a very bold, bright color and print that I would not choose. It is a blue backround with a criss-cross diagnal of very bright fushia wavy lines. VERY bright. If I keep this, it will be by far the most brightly-colored article of clothing I own or have ever owned since sixth grade when flourescent shirts were in style. 😄 I don't know if I would choose to wear this when I could wear something else, so even if I kept it on the thinking that it will be a nice option when dressing up, it will probably be passed over. I haven't decided, but I'm leaning towards sending it back. I would probably only rate this a 5/10.


Item#5 is the denim jacket I requested. It is in keeping with my request that it has NO HOLES. It is a medium wash with no color variations at all and black buttons. I could wish for it to have something, though. It is a little non-descript. The idea with this is to have something to throw on over a dress or outift if it gets chilly, and it would serve that purpose. It is impressively substantial, which means it will probably be quite useful for changeable fall weather. I'm probably keeping this, but I'm sad that I'm not totally delighted with it. I'm just like, "Well, yeah. It does work for what I asked."


So, there you go. One "Wow" fix and one "Meh" fix so far. If anybody else who got a fix off my other post has received their fix, please post your thoughts here.

Edited by Quill
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I hate to say this, but I would send it all back.


It doesn't sound like you would have purchased any of those items if you'd seen them in the store and tried them on. Even the denim jacket sounds boring -- so why buy boring?


It sounds like you want to like this stuff, but you really aren't crazy about any of it. If you wouldn't buy it in the store, I think you should send it back.

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I loved my first and second boxes, but the third and fourth have been less than stellar.  It is a combination of not getting what I asked for (and believe me, I wasn't asking for anything I didn't see everyone else on their Stitch Fix YouTube channels getting) and really weird fit/cut issues.  I get my fifth box later this week and I'm thinking this will be the make or break box.

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It sounds like you want to like this stuff, but you really aren't crazy about any of it. If you wouldn't buy it in the store, I think you should send it back.


This has been the hard part for me - it is already there, in my house.  I have had to really train myself to say if I was out at a store, would I (a) even consider taking this in the dressing room, or (b) buy it given the color/cut/fit/style.  I find myself being more willing to "settle" on something because it is already in my possession and I "want" to like it.

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This has been the hard part for me - it is already there, in my house. I have had to really train myself to say if I was out at a store, would I (a) even consider taking this in the dressing room, or (b) buy it given the color/cut/fit/style. I find myself being more willing to "settle" on something because it is already in my possession and I "want" to like it.

Yes. It is definitely this. I had such high hopes and I'm leaving for the beach in two weeks.


Part of why this is hard for me, though, is that I don't want to be too rigid, you know? It's easy for me to have a fixed idea of what I will only wear or will never wear or what-not. What is hard for me is to be open to something else looking pretty or being very good when it does not fit my preconceived notions. So, it makes me wonder if I should be willing to wear something in brighter colors than I generally choose (who knows? Maybe other people think, "wow, she looks beautiful in that!") and maybe it is good to challenge my fixed ideas a bit.


But I also appreciate "permission" to send it all back, if I so choose. I still might keep the maxi dress.

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I think it would be best to send it all back if you don't like any of it. However, I would think that one advantage of getting such a box would be that it might get you to try something new/unexpected. So maybe I would try on those items that you are kind of undecided on (not stuff that doesn't fit or that you hate but something that is maybe brighter than you would generally buy etc.) and maybe show/ask your husband or a friend what they think. If they feel it is meh as well I would definitely send it back. But if for example your husband thinks it looks great on you it might be an opportunity to try something new.


Please note that I am not at all into clothing and generally buy the same thing over and over. Quite possibly you do not need any outside push to branch out a bit - if so, just ignore my suggestion.

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This has been the hard part for me - it is already there, in my house. I have had to really train myself to say if I was out at a store, would I (a) even consider taking this in the dressing room, or (b) buy it given the color/cut/fit/style. I find myself being more willing to "settle" on something because it is already in my possession and I "want" to like it.

I think that's what they count on. I'm the same way. I get excited about getting a package so when it comes, I really, really, really want to like it. I feel like I'm making excuses just so I can keep something, even though I would have never bought it on my own and I don't even particularly like it. And I start wondering if maybe I should like it and maybe I need to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. It's like I'm blaming myself for not liking things, which I know is ridiculous.


Fortunately, my dh has a great eye for what looks good on me, so I trust his opinions and it makes it a lot easier to box things up and return them.

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I think the fit issues are really specific and would expect to have some issues with a prearranged box, without trying stuff on first. Ya know? Things in stores will look okay on the hanger and then not fit right.


You should only keep what you love, but I'd say maxis are pretty classic. They have been more popular than usual the last few years, but I wouldn't call them trendy.

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My second box was my most disappointing box.  I'm pretty sure I sent everything back.  The only box that has happened with since then was a box where I asked for something REALLY specific, and knew it was a long shot to get.  By the sixth box, things definitely got into a groove.  I keep on average 2-3 items every box; some months there really is only one thing I love and keep, and once in a while I keep all five.


It does also get easier to send things back after the "new" has worn off the subscription.


Really detailed feedback also helps.  For a while I kept getting those open, cardigan-style sweaters.  I know they have been popular the last few years, but no matter how cute they are, I just will not wear them.  It doesn't fit my lifestyle at all.  I had to re-iterate that two or three times, but I haven't gotten one in over a year.  I reasserted that fact recently when I switched back over the maternity clothes (apparently, things with no button fronts must be fabulous for pregnant women).


In other StitchFix news, my DH just got his first box this weekend.  The clothes look good.  He really, really, really needs to update his non-work wardrobe; if I see one more 20 year old t-shirt, I might go blind.  I'm waiting impatiently for him to try things on, but he just got off a 20 hour flight, so I'm trying to be understanding about jet lag et al.  :coolgleamA:

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I tried Stitch Fix years ago before it was so popular and I only tried it one month. Now I use Nordstrom and Zappos as my Stitch Fix. Free shipping, free and easy returns, still shop and try on at home.


That said, I don't think Maxi Dresses are trendy etiher. I love them, but I don't wear sleeveless well so they are mostly just too much fabric for me. If you love everything about it other that it may be trendy, I'd think again about keeping that one. 

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Does a belt not fix the first dress? Keep the maxi dress. Don't be resentful; they sent you something you really like. Happy accident.  I would also keep the denim jacket unless you actually dislike it. It sounds like you mostly want it for practical reasons and it will serve those. 

My second fix was better than my first. You can exchange if something is just the wrong size.

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Have any of y'all tried Trunk Club? I was talking with my 19yo about Stitch Fix and got a recommendation to try Trunk Club instead. I had never heard of Trunk Club. My 19yo had never heard of Stitch Fix. My 19yo is the one I take shopping with me because I don't like the way that anything looks on me and my 19yo can always find stuff that will at least work. My 19yo has a really good eye for fashion, but I am very hard to fit. 


I like that Trunk Club lets you preview what's in the trunk before they ship it and you can veto items. I also like that they only send you a trunk when you request it. You don't have to get one every month. It looks expensive though.

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Does a belt not fix the first dress? Keep the maxi dress. Don't be resentful; they sent you something you really like. Happy accident. I would also keep the denim jacket unless you actually dislike it. It sounds like you mostly want it for practical reasons and it will serve those.

My second fix was better than my first. You can exchange if something is just the wrong size.

A belt might fix it but it's not meant to be belted. It's very casual. I'm not sure about the maxi dress. I do not love it. It is not *ugly*, but there are prettier dresses.

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I'd send them all back. Finding a cute denim jacket is so easy that you shouldn't have to settle. I'm sorry the box was such a dud but I do enjoying how this works for different people.


I agree with the "send it all back" thought.  If you don't love it, don't keep it. 


Also, if there are any decent consignment type shops in your area, denim jackets are very easy to pick up. I have one I love. Probably paid $10-12 for it. It's perfect. No holes either!

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Oh, I am actually sad for you. The first box was so good. When you return them, do you have to give a reason? Such as, this print gives me a headache, repeated multiple times. Maybe they will get the point. I don't like clothes that scream for attention either.


Does Stitch Fix say who is picking out your clothes. It would be nice to a person whose taste you share. Or is everything computer matched?

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Oh, I am actually sad for you. The first box was so good. When you return them, do you have to give a reason? Such as, this print gives me a headache, repeated multiple times. Maybe they will get the point. I don't like clothes that scream for attention either.


Does Stitch Fix say who is picking out your clothes. It would be nice to a person whose taste you share. Or is everything computer matched?

You do give feedback on the items you are sending back (and on the clothes you keep). Presumably, the better-detailed your feedback, the better it would help your fixes improve, but I don't know how much attention is paid to that.


It seemed like there was an actual name for the first box, such as, "Your Stylist is Megan D." I don't see one on this fix. Allegedly, there are actual, human stylists. I had expected it to be a computer. It would also seem like a no-brainer that if "Megan D." Did my fix and I loved most of the items, they would want Megan to continue doing mine, to build up an understanding of what I like and increase the chances I would buy my fixes. But I do not think they do this. Although it would be smart.

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I was annoyed when I lost the styling fee after sending back everything last time, but when I explained why I was unhappy with my Fix, they gave me a credit for next time I order. I'll probably give it another shot this fall, as I don't need any more summer things.

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My daughter just got her first SF and ended up sending the whole thing back, so don't feel bad for not liking it. It is disappointing since you liked the first so much, though!


For dd they sent her all casual clothes and that was not what she was looking for or had asked for. She's going to try one more time. She hates to shop so we were thinking this was a good solution. Unfortunately she's also extremely picky so I am not hopeful after the first box!

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I had the same thing happen. I kept one item for the fee, but otherwise it was terrible.


I left very specific feedback. I was clear about why I didn't like anything, and why I was annoyed. I gave them one more chance. They TOTALLY listened and ROCKED my third box. I bought and loved everything. I'd be very clear and leave feedback and try one more time.

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I had the same thing happen. I kept one item for the fee, but otherwise it was terrible.


I left very specific feedback. I was clear about why I didn't like anything, and why I was annoyed. I gave them one more chance. They TOTALLY listened and ROCKED my third box. I bought and loved everything. I'd be very clear and leave feedback and try one more time.

I hope this happens. I will leave very specific and clear feedback. I am vascilating on choosing one to keep because of the fee. But I don't know. If I keep anything, it will be the maxi dress, but then I feel like an idiot saying, "I said no maxi dresses, but I'm keeping this one maxi dress because I like the strappy back and the shape and I do want something for my beach trip."

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I hope this happens. I will leave very specific and clear feedback. I am vascilating on choosing one to keep because of the fee. But I don't know. If I keep anything, it will be the maxi dress, but then I feel like an idiot saying, "I said no maxi dresses, but I'm keeping this one maxi dress because I like the strappy back and the shape and I do want something for my beach trip."

Actually, I think that's exactly what you should say if you keep the maxi dress -- you're only keeping it because you need at least one dress for your trip and that one is the one you hated the least, even though you don't like maxi dresses. And don't forget to add that you were counting on that box to supply you with the clothes you needed for your trip and they let you down by sending stuff you didn't like.


I don't think there's any harm in letting them know how disappointed you were in this shipment, especially after you'd liked the first one so much.

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My first two boxes were awesome, the third bombed and they gave me a credit, and the fourth was "meh". They actually sent me 3 sleeveless tops in April, when I really wanted some spring (NOT sleeveless!) tops. They totally ignored my request for fitted/not boxy. I had even requested a stylist that I loved from a prior box but I guess she was busy. I ended up going shopping for spring clothes and canceling my summer fix because they essentially had sent me a summer fix in April. And here in NJ it was cold this year through the first or second week of June. Not sure if/when I'll do it again.

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I hope this happens. I will leave very specific and clear feedback. I am vascilating on choosing one to keep because of the fee. But I don't know. If I keep anything, it will be the maxi dress, but then I feel like an idiot saying, "I said no maxi dresses, but I'm keeping this one maxi dress because I like the strappy back and the shape and I do want something for my beach trip."

I said in my feedback that I didn't love what I kept but that I only bought it to not forfeit my fee. I wasn't rude, but I was super honest and specific. I hope it works out for you.

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Send it all back.  You don't love any of it. There is no reason to keep something you don't love.  If you don't love it you won't wear it. If you are like me, you have enough closet dresses and you want something you will wear and feel good wearing.

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Send it all back. You don't love any of it. There is no reason to keep something you don't love. If you don't love it you won't wear it. If you are like me, you have enough closet dresses and you want something you will wear and feel good wearing.

Yeah. I'm sending it all back today. I still need to fill out my feedback. It will make more sense for the next fix if I'm clear that each of these pieces had some aspect that I did not like, and if I then explain what I specifically did not like. I feel like I would send mixed messages if I say I don't want maxi dresses, but I kept this one or this shirt is too bright and "loud," but I kept it anyway. And I have already ordered a similar jacket (same brand, different details) from Amazon, so the jacket is going back, too. There's no point buying a pricey denim jacket that I don't love when, as a Pp pointed out, denim jackets are not rare or difficult to find.

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That's too bad. Now, I'm no stylist, but I have a friend who shops from Boden and it seems she has a bunch of really pretty casual dresses that are either belted or fitted at the waist. That's what I pictured when you described your request and it seems to me that's pretty much in style right now and would be easy to satisfy.


I got my first Fix and I actually loved everything in it-- but could only keep 2 things because of weird fit issues. This is an ongoing problem for me with clothes, but it's also a problem for most women who aren't manikins, so I kind of wish they would just send everything in 2 different sizes. The things I liked best were way too baggy and I think that if I'd been trying the clothes on in a store, I would have also probably gotten a smaller size on the jeans they sent-- which are awesome and comfortable and cute, but did not shrink in the wash. But there was definitely the "it's already in my house, I'm out the stylist fee anyway" factor. Oh well, they are cute and will be forgiving when I gain my usual post-weaning 15 pounds.

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So, there you go. One "Wow" fix and one "Meh" fix so far. If anybody else who got a fix off my other post has received their fix, please post your thoughts here.


I got my first fix today. I signed up partially because of your first post and partially because I had been intrigued for awhile. 


For me, I'd say it was good enough that I will do it again, but it wasn't a home run. 


I specified that I didn't want pants as I have a lot. I was mostly looking for interesting tops or skirts/dresses. I mentioned that I mostly wear jeans or plain pants and Tshirts and was looking for things that were more stylish/pretty than my usual clothes. 


Item 1- Loose black lightweight buttonless cardigan. I really like it and it is definitely my style. I love that it has kind of funky (in a good way) pockets. It is a little big on me but I think I will likely keep it because I've actually been looking for something similar for awhile but not found anything I like as much as this. 


Item 2- Silver and gold long coin necklace. I really like it and will probably keep it although I don't need it. It's totally something I would buy myself. 


Item 3- Black and white skirt. I really want to like this. It's an interesting material, kind of soft and stretchy and the pattern is cool. It's something I probably wouldn't buy myself but it's the kind of thing I wanted when I decided to try this...different from my usual stuff but still fits my style. However, it's not a great fit. Part of me wants to keep it but I think in reality I won't wear it very much because of the fit. 


Item 4- Bright fuschia silky top with very slightly ruffled short sleeves. I like the style and fit and it is also the kind of thing I wanted. However, I don't like the color and I don't think it's a great color for me. 


Item 5- Sleeveless coral/peach top with embroidered placket. This is the only real dud in the box for me. It's actually a style that I probably indicated I liked when I took their quiz. But it's the kind of top that I always think I like and I like on other people but looks bad on me. Also I don't like the color, especially the embroidery which is almost a neon orange. And I don't like sleeveless tops. 


The cost of everything was ok. Most was more than I would normally spend, but I don't typically spend much on clothes. 


So two things I really like but don't really need. Two things I like but will likely send back for being not quite right. And one definite no. I felt like for my first try it was pretty good and I'm willing to try again. I hate shopping with a passion but would like to appear a little more stylish and put together than I normally do. So the idea of this really appeals to me. 

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If you send it all back, they'll know they'e bombed hard. Maybe the first box they send you exactly what you ask for to get you hooked, then the second box is a tester to see if you can be convinced to try things outside of your comfort zone?


Although I don't think maxis are a fad. I've been buying and wearing them for at least a decade.


PS--not to try to convince you if you hate them :) I just really like them. Maybe if they aren't something you'd buy yourself it doesn't seem as if they've been around as long.

Edited by Barb_
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If you send it all back, they'll know they'e bombed hard. Maybe the first box they send you exactly what you ask for to get you hooked, then the second box is a tester to see if you can be convinced to try things outside of your comfort zone?


Although I don't think maxis are a fad. I've been buying and wearing them for at least a decade.


PS--not to try to convince you if you hate them :) I just really like them. Maybe if they aren't something you'd buy yourself it doesn't seem as if they've been around as long.

Don't worry - one only gets three business days to return the unwanted items, so there's not a lot of dithering. I sent them all back. I rescheduled an "emergency" fix that is supposed to come next week. They sent me an e-mail saying they will get it right this next fix and are communicating with the stylist to send no maxis and no bold patterns. We shall see how it pans out. I changed some of the info in my profile to make it more clear that I ALWAYS want a fitted waist and I like subtle patterns or solid colors. I also mentioned the mame of the first stylist because I loved that stylist. I am actually wearing the red top that came in the first fix right now. When I pulled it out this morning, I thought, "yup. 10/10. This top is practically perfect in every way." I want another home run like that.

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UPDATE: my "emergency" replacement fix came today and it is a home run! I LOVE every item in the box. And just in time for my trip to the beach beginning this weekend. The stylist from the first box did this one, too. I hope to request her forever after. Either she pays keen attention to my pinboard or she justs "gets" me or something. This is what came in my third box:


1) a chambray sundress with a fitted waist, knee-length. It has spaghetti straps and a pretty keyhold detail on the back, and embroidery along the bottom edge. This will be perfect as a beach cover up or for walking on the boardwalk. 9/10.


2) a black fit and flare dress with a beautiful scallop-edged halter top. It is above the knee, probably a little bit shorter than I would have picked, but for a summer dress, I am okay with it. The top part is just SO pretty with the scalloped edge. I'm going to have to make sure DD does not adopt this out of my closet! 10/10.


3) a blue and white checked halter-style blouse by the same company as the two tops I loved in the first box. Perfectly cute. Totally will do that dress up or down thing; would be great with denim shorts or jeans, or with a nice skirt. 10/10.


4) the best item in the box: a navy blue fit and flare, cap sleeved dress with a light blue sporadic floral design and a wrap-style bodice. I LOVE everything about this dress; it is exactly everything I wanted. The fabric is light and easy and I can imagine it packs beautifully. It looks great with a denim jacket thrown over or just by itself. It fits like it was tailor-made. Perfect in every way. 11/10.


5) my surprise: a silver choker with light blue diamonds. It looks great with the chambray dress or the navy floral dress. I would not have particularly asked for a piece of jewelry, but this goes with the outfits just great! 9/10.


So, there you go. I am SO thankful I did not buy any of the What-Were-They-Thinking items last fix. Maybe this helps them pinpoint better and better what I am after. One thing I said in my note this time when trying to help pinpoint the colors I like was, "You could hardly go wrong with any shade of blue." Well, she must have taken that to heart because all but the black dress has blue or is blue!

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Glad this new box was a home run.  I am plus size and hard to fit so I am leery of trying it......along with the fact that the clothes are much more expensive than I would typically wear.  What I need is one of their stylists to go with me to the local high end consignment shop and dress me there.

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UPDATE: my "emergency" replacement fix came today and it is a home run! I LOVE every item in the box. And just in time for my trip to the beach beginning this weekend. The stylist from the first box did this one, too. I hope to request her forever after. Either she pays keen attention to my pinboard or she justs "gets" me or something. This is what came in my third box:


1) a chambray sundress with a fitted waist, knee-length. It has spaghetti straps and a pretty keyhold detail on the back, and embroidery along the bottom edge. This will be perfect as a beach cover up or for walking on the boardwalk. 9/10.


2) a black fit and flare dress with a beautiful scallop-edged halter top. It is above the knee, probably a little bit shorter than I would have picked, but for a summer dress, I am okay with it. The top part is just SO pretty with the scalloped edge. I'm going to have to make sure DD does not adopt this out of my closet! 10/10.


3) a blue and white checked halter-style blouse by the same company as the two tops I loved in the first box. Perfectly cute. Totally will do that dress up or down thing; would be great with denim shorts or jeans, or with a nice skirt. 10/10.


4) the best item in the box: a navy blue fit and flare, cap sleeved dress with a light blue sporadic floral design and a wrap-style bodice. I LOVE everything about this dress; it is exactly everything I wanted. The fabric is light and easy and I can imagine it packs beautifully. It looks great with a denim jacket thrown over or just by itself. It fits like it was tailor-made. Perfect in every way. 11/10.


5) my surprise: a silver choker with light blue diamonds. It looks great with the chambray dress or the navy floral dress. I would not have particularly asked for a piece of jewelry, but this goes with the outfits just great! 9/10.


So, there you go. I am SO thankful I did not buy any of the What-Were-They-Thinking items last fix. Maybe this helps them pinpoint better and better what I am after. One thing I said in my note this time when trying to help pinpoint the colors I like was, "You could hardly go wrong with any shade of blue." Well, she must have taken that to heart because all but the black dress has blue or is blue!

Yippee! I am excited for you!

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Two tops and two dresses that you love, without shopping? Yay!

It's actually three dresses and one top; the black one is a dress. But yes. A huge win. I am SO happy I get to take these things on my trip.

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I started going through the questions and then got stumped. There were too many I didn't know the answers to or how exactly to answer them to get the clothes I like. Got frustrated, quit. I'm such a good role model for my children.

Like what? Maybe the Hive can help?

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You need to add your "referral link" to this thread! I just signed up . . . inspired by you . . . and didn't realize I could have given you a $25 credit if I'd had the right link! Too late for me to fix that, but you should add your "referral link" here so others can use it if they, too, are inspired to give it a try. 



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I think maxi dresses are ugly on any body type. I'd send it back.

Yeah, that was from my bum Box #2. All of those went back. But now that I got Box #3, all of this box are great. 😊

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