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Being insulted


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Earlier this week we sold something on Craigslist.  After, it was sold there were still lots of responses and I wrote back to a few to say Sorry, but the item had been sold.  One person wrote back "Thanks for getting back to me, you moron."


Today, I went to the grocery store.  After shopping, I went to my van and fund card on my window that said:  

"Learn how to park A*!*hole"  My van was about 3 inches over the line but the parking lot was not full at all.  Anyways, I think the note was meant to be mean, not instructive, given the language


Okay, I know that these people are most likely not the creme de la creme of our society.  I know that but they still made me cry.  

Life is short.  Spend your precious moments being kind to others.


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Earlier this week we sold something on Craigslist. After, it was sold there were still lots of responses and I wrote back to a few to say Sorry, but the item had been sold. One person wrote back "Thanks for getting back to me, you moron."


Today, I went to the grocery store. After shopping, I went to my van and fund card on my window that said:

"Learn how to park A*!*hole" My van was about 3 inches over the line but the parking lot was not full at all. Anyways, I think the note was meant to be mean, not instructive, given the language


Okay, I know that these people are most likely not the creme de la creme of our society. I know that but they still made me cry.

Life is short. Spend your precious moments being kind to others.

That's horrible!! It would make me cry too!


I once made an error driving (it was minor and not going to cause an accident). But a man shouted at me, "You whore!" Tears. It just shocked me.


Some people are just awful. But also, if my Craigslist email were anonymous (mine is) I might snark right back at the person who called me a moron. lol. But I probably wouldn't because I like laying my head down at night knowing I've tried not to be a contributor to the crud in the world.

Edited by MommyLiberty5013
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Since email and internet, people do write things they would never dare say face to face.

Sadly, this is not elevating the standard of conduct in our society.

The person who left the note on your car was likely extremely upset about something altogether different and this little thing of being an inch over the line set them off. Crunch up the note and toss it in the next trash bin...because that is where it belongs.  :grouphug:

You have enough on your plate without worrying about things like that.

Edited by Liz CA
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People can be so mean. I am not sure if it is because of my job or what but I am pretty resistant to people like that. I just tend to feel pity for them because I suspect their lives are miserable and they want to bring others down too. You just know if someone gets that upset over a car parked a bit over the line in an empty parking lot that they are tipping over the edge. It reminds me of that scene in Father of the Bride where Steve Martin's character gets thrown in jail for losing it over hotdogs and buns in the grocery store. I like to think of these funny scenarios when faced with people who are trying to steal my joy.


I like when someone is rude or passive-aggressive in person because atleast I can give them the inquisitive look and just stare and blink at them until they feel uncomfortable. :)

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I'm the same type of person. I'd rather cry over the insults and rejoice over the sunrises and the first bite of the first apricot of spring that not feel anything though, kwim?


I've found that being unapologetic about that is just fine around anyone that matters and it saves me a lot of grief.

Edited by Guest
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I understand. I hate that, too. I remember one time I was parked at a gas station and a man with a long backhoe trailor pulled up behind me and blocked me in. Now, I understand there's no helping how long those things are - my DH is in construction and he has one, too - but it was not necessary for him to pull in where he did. There were other areas where he could have been. He started talking to another customer and, after a few minutes, I called to him and said, "Hey, are you going to be able to move your trailer so I can get out?" And he snapped at me and said something mean and why can't I just WAIT for a couple of minutes. I was very hurt by that. I'm sure he probably had some tense problem going on and he just took it out on me, but it bothered me still. Maybe it bothered me in particular because my husband is in a field like that and I feel like, "I'm on your side" towards people in construction.

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Some people need to get hit in the face--right in the face-- way more than they actually do get hit in the face. Right in the face.


:grouphug:  Sorry some jerks took out their small lives on you.

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One really good thing about having the restaurant is that my very sensitive youngest dd is getting really good at brushing off people like this. There really aren't many that come into our restaurant anyway, but the ones who are rude do definitely to do it for the power trip, not because anything is genuinely wrong, or they have been wronged.


One of the funniest was a woman who announced at the end of her meal (after she asked for a to go box for the small portion she didn't eat) that all the food she and her husband had eaten was "absolutely disgusting". Her husband had just finished a breakfast called "The Country Benedict", a large order of hash browns, country sausage, three eggs, two biscuits covered in country gravy. It is huge, most people order it for the experience, I have seen hungry loggers who do not finish this breakfast and yet her husband cleaned the plate so well that he might was well have licked it multiple times, lol. She also didn't want to pay for her husband's coffee even though he had several refills, just because she said it was disgusting too, lol. She said she was giving the food she took to go to her dog, but I saw how carefully she put it in and knew she was going to reheat it, lol. There is a way you put food in for the dog and the way you do when you are going to reheat it. She was really mad when she didn't get my goat, or a discount, but I simply have more practice dealing with jerks. She really stomped out, but it was quite sad that she was so used to getting away with this behavior that she was shocked not to. I am sure she leaves a lot of destruction in her path. 


I guarantee the people who were unkind the the OP would actually be DELIGHTED to know they made her cry. They weren't just venting, they are overgrown junior highers on a power trip. Ruining someone else's day makes theirs a little better. There is no amount of shaming them that would change them. They got used to bullying as kids and can't give up the cheap high. 

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One really good thing about having the restaurant is that my very sensitive youngest dd is getting really good at brushing off people like this. There really aren't many that come into our restaurant anyway, but the ones who are rude do definitely to do it for the power trip, not because anything is genuinely wrong, or they have been wronged.


One of the funniest was a woman who announced at the end of her meal (after she asked for a to go box for the small portion she didn't eat) that all the food she and her husband had eaten was "absolutely disgusting". Her husband had just finished a breakfast called "The Country Benedict", a large order of hash browns, country sausage, three eggs, two biscuits covered in country gravy. It is huge, most people order it for the experience, I have seen hungry loggers who do not finish this breakfast and yet her husband cleaned the plate so well that he might was well have licked it multiple times, lol. She also didn't want to pay for her husband's coffee even though he had several refills, just because she said it was disgusting too, lol. She said she was giving the food she took to go to her dog, but I saw how carefully she put it in and knew she was going to reheat it, lol. There is a way you put food in for the dog and the way you do when you are going to reheat it. She was really mad when she didn't get my goat, or a discount, but I simply have more practice dealing with jerks. She really stomped out, but it was quite sad that she was so used to getting away with this behavior that she was shocked not to. I am sure she leaves a lot of destruction in her path.


I guarantee the people who were unkind the the OP would actually be DELIGHTED to know they made her cry. They weren't just venting, they are overgrown junior highers on a power trip. Ruining someone else's day makes theirs a little better. There is no amount of shaming them that would change them. They got used to bullying as kids and can't give up the cheap high.

Lol at the woman. I want to know what you told her.
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People on Craigslist and in parking lots can be crazy! I stopped selling on it because of nuts. I even was really careful to immediately edit the listing when the item was spoken for. A man got shot in a nearby parking lot over a squabble about spaces. I just park far out and park carefully to try and avoid crazy people. A quick reverse and adjustment is worth not getting shot! I hope this week is better for you. :grouphug:

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I agree with Ann. Mean people are mean on purpose. They do not deserve your tears.


How does a driving error make you a whore? Unless you were banging in the front seat, that's just absurd. People use that word because it's degrading, not because it's deserved.


Ladies, please guard your hearts against these jerks. Save your tears for love.

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Lol at the woman. I want to know what you told her.

I was just very gracious and acted slightly amused at her. I told her I hoped her day improved, because obviously she was having real troubles I was not the cause of.  I also pointed out her complete consumption of every aspect of her meal as proof that if she was unhappy it was clearly her own fault. Her poor husband was like a deer caught in the headlights, lol. I think they normally pull this in a bigger restaurant where the actual owner/ manager can see your husband happy scarfing food and drinking multiple cups of coffee. Usually when she complains the person she is complaining to did not see her eat, lol.

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I was just very gracious and acted slightly amused at her. I told her I hoped her day improved, because obviously she was having real troubles I was not the cause of.  I also pointed out her complete consumption of every aspect of her meal as proof that if she was unhappy it was clearly her own fault. Her poor husband was like a deer caught in the headlights, lol. I think they normally pull this in a bigger restaurant where the actual owner/ manager can see your husband happy scarfing food and drinking multiple cups of coffee. Usually when she complains the person she is complaining to did not see her eat, lol.


I'm glad you stood your ground.  I've heard tales of folks giving this advice to others (complain after the fact) to get things reduced or for free.  It's a pattern some have to essentially steal things - though they look at it as "getting a bargain."

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I'm glad you stood your ground.  I've heard tales of folks giving this advice to others (complain after the fact) to get things reduced or for free.  It's a pattern some have to essentially steal things - though they look at it as "getting a bargain."

I don't think she expected to pay, she was quite horrified to hand over her credit card. Since I could see from her car (again, probably not what normally happens where she pulls this) that she was from LV, I googled her and found she is the head of a large dietary clinic there. She is used to speaking with authority and getting what she wants. I am sorry for people who work for her day in and day out who probably can't stand her. I have worked with so many important people over the years I am just not intimidated by that form of speech, which I think surprised her that a hick in the back woods had a good vocabulary and could hold her own. 

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I was just very gracious and acted slightly amused at her. I told her I hoped her day improved, because obviously she was having real troubles I was not the cause of.  I also pointed out her complete consumption of every aspect of her meal as proof that if she was unhappy it was clearly her own fault. Her poor husband was like a deer caught in the headlights, lol. I think they normally pull this in a bigger restaurant where the actual owner/ manager can see your husband happy scarfing food and drinking multiple cups of coffee. Usually when she complains the person she is complaining to did not see her eat, lol.


Those kind of situations crack me up when they start saying, "I'm never coming here again!" and inside you're thinking "I hope not!" 

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I once made an error driving (it was minor and not going to cause an accident). But a man shouted at me, "You whore!" Tears. It just shocked me.




Something similar happened to my newly driving daughter. I honestly don't know what kind of people these are.

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People are so mean!  What are they, like 13 years old??  Jerks!!  I hope it's okay to commiserate!!


A couple years ago we moved from a small town in South Dakota to right outside of DC.  We brought my husbands old truck as a car for our teenager to drive.  It was painfully out of place in a land of Prius and Accords...  We had only lived there a couple of weeks when dd drove the truck to the movies with some kids she had just met at church (I have no idea why the new girl was the driver??)  When they came out of the theater, there was a note on her windshield telling her to F'n learn how to park you nasty B... etc..  It was horrible.  She came home crying.  She's trying to make new friends, trying to do something fun, driving in a strange place and gets such a mean note.  She says she was centered in the parking spot, but the spot was small and her left tires were on the line.  She was painfully embarrassed and humiliated! 


Parking was always an issue there. Even in large parking lots like Costco, the lines for parking are drawn smaller in VA than in SD.  We were there 2 years and she successfully drove the truck all over the place.  (funny, not mean story:  Once she drove a guy home from track practice after school, and when he climbed into the truck he said, "you really ARE from South Dakota")  We recently moved back to South Dakota - home to many trucks and large parking spots at every location.  Where the big old blue truck looks kind of petite compared to most of the work trucks around.  The next dd in line is now driving the truck...


Just thought of another one!  This weekend our family was assigned the task of cleaning our church.  It also happened to be a conference for young adults, so we really couldn't do the usual cleaning.  Instead we helped clean up breakfast dishes and get things ready for lunch.  We had nothing to do with the actual conference, we didn't help plan it, weren't attending it, and basically knew nothing about it.  As I was cleaning out a warming tray, a woman (who was also not attending the conference) came over and started telling me off for choosing that particular weekend for the conference.  Didn't I know it was a busy day in our small town?  Didn't I know it was impossible to find lodging? (not that she needed lodging since she lived in town) Why didn't I check the community calendar to see what else was happening?? She went on and on, then asked if she could take some of the leftover food home with her...  I just went with it.  ...I had no idea about the conflict....  I am so so sorry to let you down. .... I will make sure we don't do the same thing again....  It was a really odd experience, but since I had no personal attachment to it and she wasn't personally insulting me, it was easy to just let it go past me.  She seemed to need an excuse to complain and latched on to me because I happened to be in the right spot.  Weird.  



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I don't think she expected to pay, she was quite horrified to hand over her credit card. Since I could see from her car (again, probably not what normally happens where she pulls this) that she was from LV, I googled her and found she is the head of a large dietary clinic there. She is used to speaking with authority and getting what she wants. I am sorry for people who work for her day in and day out who probably can't stand her. I have worked with so many important people over the years I am just not intimidated by that form of speech, which I think surprised her that a hick in the back woods had a good vocabulary and could hold her own. 


I love this story!!  I don't think well on my feet and definitely don't do well with confrontation.  Your  story made my day.  


OP - I'm sorry that happened to you.  People can be so mean, but it just seems like people are getting meaner.

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