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Prayers please


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I know I have asked for prayers for my sons before. They were doing better for a while. Now they are both doing badly. DS13 was doing quite well with coloring a couple of weeks ago. he was enjoying it more than ever. Now he is in such distress he cannot. He is moaning for an hour at a time several times a day. Last night he could not sleep and was moaning incessantly. It was really like he was using his moans to cope, it reminded me of childbirth. The moaning in the middle of the night is horrific and I can feel it in my blood. in the past he has had reflux but responded horrifically to anti reflux drugs. he was happy with the reflux but would scream whenever it went away. I am not seeing much reflux lately so maybe it's that but when I asked him where it hurt he pointed to the teddy bear's head. He has been hitting his head badly. I hate it. He has also had episodes of severe laughing for no reason where it's like he's drunk.


I posted about DS16 last month. he was only sleeping 3 Hours a night for several nights. That improved and then he started sleeping 15 hours a night for over a week. He has been sleeping about 9-10 lately and has seemed tired. Maybe his brother has been keeping him up with his moaning. Now DS16 is moaning again. His senses are bothering him so much that he is having trouble eating because he always covers his face with his shirt.


The moaning is horrific. I had never heard a child moan like this until my children. They have been doing it for years. They are nonverbal right now.


I feel so sad and I feel like a failure as their mother. Please pray for a full miracle.

Edited by MamaBearTeacher
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I am praying for your sons and for you. You are NOT a failure as their mother! Please do not think that.



Praying for your sons -- and also praying that you will realize that you are doing everything you possibly can to help your sons and that you are not a failure! :grouphug:

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