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I thought this sounded crazy, but apparently it's real


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We have only had a few interactions with our odd and sometimes tipsy bee-keeping neighbor. I don't know much about him. He makes me a wee bit nervous though. But I was outside today and noticed he was talking to a couple women on his porch. After they left, he came over to show me the bee he had in a container. He said he gets 4 or 5 referrals a week from some doctor. Women come to him to get stung by bees to make them more fertile.  I was tempted to dismiss this as crazy talk, but was curious enough to google.  Apparently it's a real thing? My eccentric neighbor actually has a side-job stinging women with bees for $20/sting. Who knew?


P.S. I have absolutely no opinion about the effectiveness of bee venom therapy but was just SHOCKED when google brought up websites about it and that my neighbor gets referrals for it.





Edited by DesertBlossom
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All I can say is that if he comes into the house with a couple of bees in a jar.... RUN! ;)

LOL, thanks for the tip :)


btw, fwiw, my bee expert has never heard of that kind of treatment

Edited by soror
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And for the record, I bet it's far more interesting to reply "I'm a professional bee stinger," than my current answer when people ask what I do. :)

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Gives you a good idea of what doctor not to go o for gynocological needs.



Cramps? I have just the thing! Here's the address for my scorpion guy! Bleeding heavily? Leeches (obviously). STDs? Hear me out: bears.

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Yes, honeybees die after stinging. We also keep bees, and this is the first I've heard of stinging for fertility! Now I'm curious as to how this idea got started . . . 



Like someone else mentioned, my guess was the "birds and the bees" thing. Or just the plain old "someone had trouble getting pregnant, and got stung by a bee, and happened to get pregnant, and while that's very likely to just be a coincidence, people are going to believe in weird stuff like that because they want to believe in weird stuff like that".

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The only "therapy" I've heard of in relation to bee stings was my uncle who intentionally got himself stung at regular intervals so that his bee allergy stayed in check. He kept his own bees. I can only assume this worked for him. He's still alive. ;)

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Doesn't every month have a name for the full moon?


I had a teacher that kept bees and every once in a while somebody would ask her about bee sting therapy and she would get really sad and say no because she didn't want to kill any of the bees :(

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I'm afraid to Google but I need to know.  Where does one get stung to increase fertility?


Considering this casual bee sting transaction took place on his front porch, I would *think* that would limit the places one would be stung. I don't know though. I do recall the neighbor mentioning the hip. And maybe the arm? 

Edited by DesertBlossom
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I haven't heard of bee sting therapy for fertility, but I've heard of getting stung for all sorts of other ailments.  I know someone who did it when she had Bell's Palsy.


DId it help?




Considering this casual bee sting transaction took place on his front porch, I would *think* that would limit the places one would be stung. I don't know though. I do recall the neighbor mentioning the hip. And maybe the arm? 



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Gives you a good idea of what doctor not to go o for gynocological needs.



Cramps? I have just the thing! Here's the address for my scorpion guy! Bleeding heavily? Leeches (obviously). STDs? Hear me out: bears.

Ok, now I laughed so hard about the bear part that I woke me husband!! LOL
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Gives you a good idea of what doctor not to go o for gynocological needs.



Cramps? I have just the thing! Here's the address for my scorpion guy! Bleeding heavily? Leeches (obviously). STDs? Hear me out: bears.


Well, now I want clarification.  Causcasian as in of the Caucasus region, or simply bees that live in little boxes made of ticky-tack and buzz by Starbucks on the reg?


:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:

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You know, I vaguely remember something about research into this as a treatment for MS back when I worked on pharmaceutical studies. I was never on one for it, and don't know what came of it, but iirc, there was quite a bit of hubbub around it at the time. It's been a while though. I'll have to look it up now.

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Well, now I want clarification.  Causcasian as in of the Caucasus region, or simply bees that live in little boxes made of ticky-tack and buzz by Starbucks on the reg?




Honey bees are divided into different "races" according to where they originated. The race signifier comes after the species name, so the Caucasian honey bee is Apis mellifera caucasica, and the Italian honey bee is Apis mellifera ligustica. 

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