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WWYD? Preschool, kindergarten, etc.


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So, we are trying to plan for next year.  Pretty hard because the Lyme test is not back yet and obviously we do not know if this is PLS, ALS, or Lyme.



But.... if I want the shorties in preschool, I have to do it now.


Would you?


William turns 3 this summer.  He could do 3yo preschool two days a week.

Cate is 4 - she can do preschool 4 days a week.

Liv is 6 - we would do 5 days Kindergarten.



Mostly?  Mostly because I am not fun mom these days.  My effort is exerted on minimal stuff - school, basic cleaning, basic meals.  

It will alleviate the guilt and let them have some fun.  

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Sign them up, you can withdraw them later if things aren't working.


My four year old has done two half years of preschools--district preschool on an IEP at age 3 and a Montessori preschool at age 4. Both situations served him well for a time but both times we ended up withdrawing by January; the first time because the class that started with just a few children had grown very large over the ensuing months and was no longer a good fit for him, the second time primarily because I needed a break from all the driving. 


Basically, a decision to enroll doesn't have to be permanent.

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That depends alot on what the driving situation will look like?  Is preschool the same hours as K? Will they all go together and then you have to drive back and forth each day at separate times?  That really ties a person down.  If the K is able to ride the bus, I would send the one in K.  If you have to drive the preschoolers, I would reconsider and just do what you can at home with them.



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With 3,4,5 day involved though that i a ton of running back and forth.  I would try and have at least the 3 and 4 year old on the same schedule if possible.  Do you get bus service?


That said, if the time is now I would sign them up.  You can always change your mind or pull them later. 

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Both of mine went to church preschool, simply because I don't enjoy the types of activities that go along with that age (singing, messy crafts, etc.) nearly as much as I enjoy "real" school. I knew everyone would be happier if we outsourced some of that. We chose a play-based school where the emphasis was on making friends and having fun, not academics. It was a half-day program and and very developmentally appropriate.


Sounds like you have a much better reason than me!


FTR, my kiddos LOVED their preschool experiences and also love being at home now that they are older. I don't think you can go wrong here, really. If preschool gives you the breathing space you need, do it and don't feel guilty for a second. As others said, you can always bring them back home later if/when things get easier for you. Personally, I think it would be easiest to have at least the younger two on the same schedule, so either 3 or 4 days a week, not both, or even all 5 days if you want to keep them all on the same routine. That's just a logistical preference, though.

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I would absolutely put them in school in your situation.  Best case scenario the kids love it, you find out you have lyme, you get better, and can make a new plan when you do.  In the mean time they'll make friends, have fun, and learn something.  Worst case scenario, you don't have lyme, and school will be a supportive, structured place for them to have some predictable security and make friends.

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I have always regretted doing preschool and will probably never do it again. The preschools were fine and the most liked ones around. But it was ho hum for the kids. It was work getting them going. And through the years, with just the first four kids, we have spent 20k on preschool. I wish I could have never sent them and could have the money back. No matter how tired I am, I am happier without it. If it were free, maybe. But it was a waste of money.

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Absolutely.  As others have said, try and get the 3 and 4 year old on the same schedule, if possible.


DS3 attended a VPK program at a local church.  It was a wonderful preschool and they had programs that started at 2.  You could arrange it so drop off/pick off and days were the same for all of the kids.


DS2 went to a Montessori Magnet school for Pre-K3.  His classroom went from 3-5 year olds...so PreK3, PreK4, and Kindy.  It, too, was wonderful.


As Maize and others have said, it doesn't have to be forever either.


Still praying for you. 

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You could send the 4 and 6 yos and keep the 3 yo with you. And agree with the others to get the same schedule for the two olders, mercy. But that newly 3 yo, that's really young. I would just keep him home. He'd be a comfort to you and wouldn't take much work.

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You could send the 4 and 6 yos and keep the 3 yo with you. And agree with the others to get the same schedule for the two olders, mercy. But that newly 3 yo, that's really young. I would just keep him home. He'd be a comfort to you and wouldn't take much work.



Haha, I have had so far one 3 year old who didn't take much work.  The others were terrors.  My favorite age of kid, but more work than not.  The messes they can make in 10 minutes!

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Another vote to do it. Take care of you. No matter what the diagnosis turns out to be, you've been through the wringer this year. Unless it's a particularly bad preschool, they'll enjoy it. And unless it's really far away (and even then, hopefully you can make a carpool work) it will be easier on you.

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You might be able to hire a part time nanny or older mother's helper for the price of three kids in preschool. They could do all the fun mom stuff and start hsing you Ker and you wouldn't have to get them up and dressed and out the door and do all that driving.

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Unless you somehow qualify for free public school preschool for your youngest two, I'd either hire help or put them in daycare instead. The daycares I've looked at do preschooly stuff with kids those ages too, and have the additional benefit of a) allowing you to put them there 5 days a week if so desired, and b) drop off any time after whatever their drop-off time is (ours was 6am iirc) and pick up anytime before pick-up time (6pm in our case), so no concerns about being "late" as far as getting them there. The only thing was that if the kid arrived after 9am (iirc) they wouldn't serve the kid breakfast. The one Broccoli was in allowed you to sign up for whatever (half or whole) days as long as they had a slot (they obviously preferred people who put the kids in the full 5 days a week, but Broccoli went Tuesdays and iirc Fridays (the last several months he went he only went Tuesdays). And if they weren't at the limit they let me switch the days around, or would take the kid an extra day if I was sick or w/e (I had to pay for the extra day, of course). Of course, daycares (and preschools) all vary - for me, daycare also got bonus points for being only a block away so I could walk him there in winter instead of having to scrape the snow off the car and shovel the driveway. 


P.S. I picked Tuesdays rather than Mondays because a lot more holidays are observed on Mondays, so some combination of the daycare being closed more often on Mondays or my wife not having to work on those Mondays or Celery's school being closed those Mondays made Monday a much less desirable day to me.

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The daycare over preschool idea is a good one to consider.


Driving would be a huge factor as well.


Another thing you could look into is local free preschool for "at risk" kids. Having a parent with a major medical diagnosis qualifies here (or did when my kids went) and then the preschool was free and they provided bussing both ways.

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That depends alot on what the driving situation will look like?  Is preschool the same hours as K? Will they all go together and then you have to drive back and forth each day at separate times?  That really ties a person down.  If the K is able to ride the bus, I would send the one in K.  If you have to drive the preschoolers, I would reconsider and just do what you can at home with them.



So this is the catch 22.  I would not want them on a bus, kwim?


I would need to drive each of them to the local school (1.2 miles away) and pick them up.  I am going to assume I will still be able to drive.  Then they get on a little van and go to the elementary school about 8 miles away.  Then they are driven back at lunch time.  


(The medical thought here is:


Dr. A thinks this is ALS or PLS - most likely slow moving ALS because my calf is diminishing.  

Dr. B thinks this is Lyme.  Still waiting on results.  


If Lyme - super sick with antibiotics but I should be improved by the fall.

If ALS, we are truly in a world of hurt no matter what so hopefully we will have Liz and her driving license by then.  Or I get a really cool sip/puff and/or hand controls that the very idea scares the bejeebers out of my hubby, lol.  I am not a great driver on my best day and the sip/puff thing FREAKS him out.  It is fun to tease him a little.


The at risk stuff, etc., does not qualify for us - we are rural Iowa.  The closest city is a 15-20 minute drive, not bad by any means, but not possible for me five days a week and the same with options for a Christian preschool.   

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