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Sherlock: The Final Problem

Amy in NH

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Not sure what I think, either. What are some of the tumblr comments (generally speaking)?

"Betrayed" Johnlock shippers, mostly.






I'm confused about so many things. Who was really pulling the strings here? Just the sister? Moriarty? Both of them? Or is the ones of those Moffat-y "just don't think about it" things?

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They can't do that!  No warning?!


Masterpiece Theater does have it up to watch.  Dh and I did watch the episode before posting.  I need some time to process this one.



They announced a while ago that this would be the final season. All of their schedules are just too demanding to keep it going. 

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I'm sad it's over, but less sad because this was not my favorite season. It was intense and definitely full of surprises, but less the crime-solving, intuitive Sherlock of the previous three.


The Holmes parents seem so normal. Their children turned out so . . . not.

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I had mixed feelings. As a finale, I thought it worked. They wanted to wrap up some things. They left with the viewer being able to imagine all the beloved Sherlock characters still continuing in their usual places (which is kind of the underlying idea...that Sherlock as a character is enduring). But also they left Sherlock and Watson at sort of the end of a period of character/emotional growth. I thought the part with Molly was particularly touching. He went from having no idea of her feelings (or really just not caring), to openly making fun of her, to caring for her as a friend but still using her and then at the end he really seemed to understand how horrible what Euros wanted him to make her do was. That was huge emotional growth for him. 


As an episode, I enjoyed  it much less than the ones from Season 1 or 2. If it had been one of the earlier episodes I'm not sure I would have wanted to keep watching. 


I just read a book about Seinfeld which made me think about the making of TV shows. Often, whatever hooks the watcher early on becomes difficult to keep doing. The really cool thing about the early episodes was the mystery solving and watching how he put the clues together. But I think after awhile that isn't new anymore so they tried to delve into the character's pasts more and go deeper. But that wasn't what hooked people in the beginning and I think is harder to sustain in a show that only is on 3 times a year (and skips 2 years in between seasons). Maybe that is why the new trend of having short run TV shows works so well. It never has a chance to get old. 



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They announced a while ago that this would be the final season. All of their schedules are just too demanding to keep it going.

Where did you see that? Because I know they have no plans in the near future for another season but in everything I've seen Steven and Mark have indicated that they would like to do more if they can.



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Spoiler. . .











I wondered how a young Euros (who was what, 7? 8?) could have carved fake headstones. I don't doubt that a savant could make up the rhyme and the numerical cipher etc. but to physically put up those headstones seemed farfetched to me.

I thought she just used the headstones that were already there.

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Spoiler. . .











I wondered how a young Euros (who was what, 7? 8?) could have carved fake headstones. I don't doubt that a savant could make up the rhyme and the numerical cipher etc. but to physically put up those headstones seemed farfetched to me.

I think the whole "Euros did it" was entirely implausible. I believe she could bamboozle a lot of people, but pulling off the associated physical happenings was entirely too much of a stretch, imo. Completely controlling a high security facility, tying up men to be dropped in the ocean, transporting to the Holmes' estate... goes way beyond just headstones. Even with Moriarty involved in the past to record messages, his hand would not have stretched so far into the future.


Anyone else catch the people unconscious on the airplane as a reflection of Mycroft's concoction of that airliner full of dead bodies?

Edited by Seasider
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I think the whole "Euros did it" was entirely implausible. I believe she could bamboozle a lot of people, but pulling off the associated physical happenings was entirely too much of a stretch, imo. Completely controlling a high security facility, tying up men to be dropped in the ocean, transporting to the Holmes' estate... goes way beyond just headstones. Even with Moriarty involved in the past to record messages, his hand would not have stretched so far into the future.


And this is the problem I have with Steven Moffat, both in Doctor Who and now Sherlock. Instead of putting together something originally clever and riveting (like the show did the first two seasons), he crosses over into the patently ridiculous, as if to prove people will still watch it no matter what. Because, it's Sherlock (or DW). It's icky and a tad manipulative and takes advantage of its cult/fandom following. Of course, it's just a show, and the worst he can do is jump the shark and waste 90 minutes of my time thrice every few years. And occasionally on Christmas.


Still, I had very high hopes for a puzzle that would twist and turn its way to a satisfying ending. Instead, it was slapped together moments of mortal peril, hand-waving solutions, with a few nice character moments to dangle in front of us until the end.


Boy I have stronger feelings about this than I expected.

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The first two seasons showed a Sherlock who was certainly smarter and more observant than all of us, but we. like Watson, could understand how he did it after it was explained to us.  But really, those shows relied on Conan Doyle for the basic plots and even to some extent the solutions but with some modern updates.  But once they veered from Conan Doyle's mysteries it seems like the writers couldn't come up with original plots and solutions that still kept to the original character as created by Doyle. 

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And this is the problem I have with Steven Moffat, both in Doctor Who and now Sherlock. Instead of putting together something originally clever and riveting (like the show did the first two seasons), he crosses over into the patently ridiculous, as if to prove people will still watch it no matter what. Because, it's Sherlock (or DW). It's icky and a tad manipulative and takes advantage of its cult/fandom following. Of course, it's just a show, and the worst he can do is jump the shark and waste 90 minutes of my time thrice every few years. And occasionally on Christmas.


Still, I had very high hopes for a puzzle that would twist and turn its way to a satisfying ending. Instead, it was slapped together moments of mortal peril, hand-waving solutions, with a few nice character moments to dangle in front of us until the end.


Boy I have stronger feelings about this than I expected.

LOL thanks for saying all that, it really sums up my feelings, too! Plus, I am more than a little indignant that Molly didn't get a proper apology.

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I really liked it. Admittedly there was hardly any of the Sherlock that we fell in love with in the beginning, all of the lightening speed deductions. There was bits of it, like when he decoded the rhyme, but not what we're used to. But I'm okay with that. I think a character has to grow and change and so does a show. We would all be less and less impressed if it was just the same story of super quick deductions and he saves the day. This one was very much a character episode. It was about family and the past and coming to terms with his own humanity. 


I loved when they trolled Mycroft in the beginning, that was just awesome! I was nearly giddy when Moriarty showed up, even knowing it was probably a flashback. AS is one of my favorite actors and I felt his character was gone too soon. I was on the edge of my seat through most of the episode. I thought it was touching when Sherlock finally said those words to Molly. You could hear the meaning change each time. From mechanical to letting himself feel that he was hurting his friend. I would have preferred a bit more resolution there. He hugged John last episode, we should have gotten to see him hugging Molly with or without hearing a verbal apology. Looking forward to analyzing it more after a second viewing. I always watch episodes of Sherlock a second time after 2-3 days and the season again sometime within a few months. :D 


I hope it's not the end, but I expect it to be quite a while before we see more. I have never seen definitive word that it's over. I believe I read somewhere once that they would love it to continue for many years, it just won't be an ongoing thing, it will be when they can. 

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I can finally open this thread!!!


I absolutely loved it.

Yes, there are some things I would fix/change, but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, and I liked the surprises.


I guessed the girl was the sister, but not in the way it was.  Dh guessed Redbeard, but we both assumed it would be "the fourth" that was much discussed, and a twin, to boot. I was very surprised when it wasn't.  Dh also guessed Mycroft's attempt to have himself picked *just before it got truly obvious, making me feel slow. :-p


I didn't care for the way the gravestone puzzle was slapped together. And I hated the parents.

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I can finally open this thread!!!


I absolutely loved it.

Yes, there are some things I would fix/change, but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, and I liked the surprises.


I guessed the girl was the sister, but not in the way it was.  Dh guessed Redbeard, but we both assumed it would be "the fourth" that was much discussed, and a twin, to boot. I was very surprised when it wasn't.  Dh also guessed Mycroft's attempt to have himself picked *just before it got truly obvious, making me feel slow. :-p


I didn't care for the way the gravestone puzzle was slapped together. And I hated the parents.


They are BC's real parents! :)  

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I was finally able to catch up while babying a tennis injury sustained this afternoon.


I thought the final two episodes were both meh, definitely not the caliber of the first two seasons. I still become teary eyed thinking about Watson beseeching Sherlock to "not be dead." Why, oh why, did the writers depart from that?


I was happy that the strange relationship between Watson and the girl on the bus was explained. Knowing he was manipulated makes it a bit easier to tolerate.



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