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A friend just left my house after she was here with her kids for 3 hours and on the way out she mentioned that her 8 year old had been vomiting all morning but looks great now. Um?mmmmm?????

I would be seething. But I wouldn't have the guts to say anything. I have a 24 hr rule... it's got to be at least 24 hours since the kid puked or had a fever to take him/her out.

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My kids have thrown up from coughing too hard or eating too quickly, but that's usually just a one time incident. I'd still be very cautious about taking them around other kids until I was sure that it really was just a fluke. You don't mess around with possible stomach bugs and kids. That's just mean.

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This is right up there with people who give you a big hug and then tell you that they have a terrible cold, sore throat thats lasted for weeks, or whatever. Germ theory, people! This isn't the Dark Ages, keep your plague to yourself.

Edited by RioSamba
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"Wow, I wish I'd know that before you came over. We could have rescheduled. We have some important things coming up, and I can't risk my kids coming down with avoidable illnesses."


That was just really, really thoughtless of your friend.


I'd make it a point to ask her flat-out the next few times you make plans if anyone has been sick in the past 24 hours before getting together. Just to drive the point home.


I don't understand people sometimes.

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Ugh. That is not someone I'd be inviting over my house again. I simply can't deal with inconsiderate people who have no problem putting my health and my kid's health in jeopardy just to hang out.


There are times I'm willing to risk exposure, for example Christmas day at my parents' house or when my sister is visiting from 900 miles away. If someone comes down with something on a day like that all my siblings are fine with the sick person coming and just taking precautions. But we have no elderly or immune compromised people in my extended family. But for a silly playdate, no way in hell

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I'd be extremely hesitant to invite her over again. 


I had a neighbor send their daughter who had just been diagnosed with strep. I was pregnant at the time. Neighbor knew that. Seriously?


If my kid had the sniffles (seasonal allergies), I'd contacted anyone before getting together to make sure it was okay with them. I would explain that I thought it was just allergies, but it could be something else and that I was fine with it if they didn't feel comfortable. Some were okay with it, some not. That is fine. But I would have appreciated the same consideration in return. Because you never know who another might have contact with that what most people think of as a trivial illness could cause serious problems for. 

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What the heck?


That'd be the end of that "friendship" to me. That's so incredibly irresponsible and rude and awful in every way! Sorry that happened!! 


Get out the Lysol, clean like crazy, load up on gatorade and GI meds and do some cooking ahead of time  . . . 


Wow, just wow. What an awful thing to do to a "friend"!

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A friend just left my house after she was here with her kids for 3 hours and on the way out she mentioned that her 8 year old had been vomiting all morning but looks great now. Um?mmmmm?????

Why do people think this is ok? I'd be really annoyed. In our small group we had when the kids were young, it was expected that you would mention recent illness before showing up, not after.

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Ugh. I mean, occasionally you have a kid who, say, gets car sick so you know it's nothing. We know a kid who gets migraines that cause him to vomit so we don't have to worry about contact if he was just vomiting - it's not contagious.


But in general, fever or vomit = no contact. It's a no brainer.

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Some people just don't think.  A friend of mine used to bring her feverish dc to my house and to group events after giving them Tylenol to feel better.  Inevitably, my dc would get sick from the contact and would pass it on to our whole family.  I finally learned to ask if any of friend's dc were sick before planning things together.  Then, one time I had to go out of town for an appointment and needed someplace for my dc to spend the day; when I'd exhausted my other options, I asked her, and she told me her kids were all healthy.  It was only after I came to pick them up later that I realized SHE was sick.  She told me not to worry, she hadn't gotten close to my kids.  Never mind that she had prepared their sandwiches and cut up their fruit for lunch.... They got sick, of course.  Lovely woman, really sweet, but totally clueless about germs. 

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Ugh.  I have a friend who has done this to me a couple of times.  In fact, she told me once her dd had food poisoning.  My dds were puking the next couple of days due to her dd's "food poisoning".  


Hope you and your kids fare better -- I second the Airborne and probiotics recommendation.

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I could get past her kid having a cold, but vomiting all morning? What the..

Exactly. A cold is one thing and as long is it is something like a cough and runny nose if it isn't day one I have no problem taking that risk. But a fever or vomiting, you better stay away.

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Um, no. One time when my MIL came over, we had a puker by the time she arrived (it's a 3.5 hour drive). We met her at the door and warned her. (She opted to stay--we got sick at varying times, so she took care of us while we puked, and then we took care of her, lol!) If I tell Grandma to go home after a 3.5 hour drive, I sure am going to stay away from friends with a puker. Sheesh.

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I just met a woman who doesn't believe in germs. Ugh....I bet her family is the local Typhoid Mary of their community.


So sorry that happened OP. Hope you don't get it.

What?! Where does she live? Or should I ask "when?"?! The Dark Ages?! Edited by Spryte
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I have a typhoid mary too. She dropped in one day to visit, and at the end she mentioned she was just waiting for her prescription to be filled, and insisted her pneumonia was not contagious. Of course the youngest child caught it and had a rough week and my pocket was lightened with the expense of the ped visit plus xrays and meds...she didnt understand that, as she thought it wasnt a big deal bc everyone's insurance gave rates as low as medicare does for her, plus everyone gets pnuemonia, right? And the 'stomach flu', pinkeye, and an allergic cough that lasts for 30 weeks, right?

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