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DS got his first job!

Night Elf

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This is my kid with Aspergers. He's a stocking clerk at Kroger, a grocery store. He'll be working the graveyard shift, either from 10:00pm to 6:00am, or 11:00pm to 7:00am. He doesn't drive so this is going to interfere with my sleep schedule but I have no other obligations so I believe I can make it work. At least the store is only 5 minutes away and we won't be in traffic. Haha! His psychiatrist told him he has to learn how to drive as the next step to him becoming independent. So we need to work on that. He thinks the hours are good for two reasons. One is an Aspie thing. He'll have very little customer contact. The store is closed from 1:00am to 6:00am. And the second is that he prefers staying up all night and sleeping during the day. He's always been like that. Right now he doesn't go to bed until about 2:00am and I get him up at 11:00. This way he'll just stay up a little later and sleep later. He's firmly convinced he'll like this much better than college. Just an FYI, he quit college this semester because he hated it and said he would rather work. We'll see how things go.


Anyway, I'm nervous and excited at the same time. His next step is to get in and do paperwork and start online training. Then he has to go to their training center which is about 30 minutes away from us for a couple of days. Then he begins his actual job.

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That's great!  If you and he are comfortable, perhaps he could take an Uber home (or to work) sometimes.  My daughter worked at a downtown Macy's department store during Christmas last year, and often returned to her college campus late at night.  She ended up taking an Uber backed to her dorm whenever she worked late, and that worked out perfectly.

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I didn't think about Uber. DD had a good experience with them at college recently. I'll keep that in mind if I'm having a hard time waking up to go get him.


The store is down the highway with a 55 mph speed limit. There are no sidewalks or bike lanes. We don't live in an area where walking anywhere is a good idea. We don't have public transportation either. I've seen a couple of taxis in the 11 years I've lived here so I know they are around.

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