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Only when I'm cranky. Which at my point in my life is more often than it used to be. It's really and truly me a few years younger than I am now (just in case someone wasn't sure;)) I should add that when I was a baby the doctrine was to let your baby cry for a full hour a day to help her lungs develop. Aren't you glad that one went the way of the dodo? I have no idea how my mother stood it! I mean, just letting us cry. My eldest cried for hours but I always tried to make her happier.

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Um, if the pup were a female, my husband might think this is me during a certain time of the month. :tongue_smilie: (I admit that I am that way.) (Dang age and hormones!)


This is one of my beautiful border collies, Tesla, yes named after the Tesla because my DH is an electrical engineer.


I should change so I show off both my beautiful pups, and perhaps my son, but I love this picture.

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After reading Leila's post I started wondering how many avatars are just favored images and not the actual posters photo. I'll let you guess if I'm really my avatar ;)


Why? What are you saying? Did someone say my avatar isn't really of me? Who? Who is saying this?






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Nope, it's just blue...to go with the name, you know. And the name was just picked out of the blue (heh heh heh...) a few years ago when I needed a user name for a needlework board. Birthday's in September, blue's my favorite color, needlework=stitching...et voila.


My photo's on my blog and I probably should use it for my avatar. But that means resizing it, and that means getting tech support aka DH because I lack Photoshop skillz.


Yes, I do prattle on. It is my besetting sin.

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