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Please help my friend with her doctoral research


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I tried!  First of all, due to surgery, I have no idea if I have entered menopause or not. The only options were yes or no.


Then when asked if I'd sought out help for problems before, it wasnted to know what problems. That would mean I'd have to write a book!  I either misunderstood the question, or her questions are unclear.  :( 


I'm sorry!

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I tried!  First of all, due to surgery, I have no idea if I have entered menopause or not. The only options were yes or no.


Then when asked if I'd sought out help for problems before, it wasnted to know what problems. That would mean I'd have to write a book!  I either misunderstood the question, or her questions are unclear.  :(


I'm sorry!


I'll pass along the feedback.


And thanks everyone!

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funny, have you ever sought information about a health condition... the first thought I had was "does the hive count?"

I actually did answer that way.

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I answered it.  But what did it really mean by 'sought information'?  I know general stuff because I'm fairly well educated and well read.  I don't feel the need to read reams of super-detailed information on something until it's a problem.  Like, so far, no hot flashes or anything.  Don't feel the need to find out detailed info on what to do until/unless I have one...  So I said I haven't sought information.  I've absorbed a lot, but I haven't gone out of my way to say, read a book on the subject or google extensively.

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I'll pass along the feedback.


And thanks everyone!

Is she testing the questionnaire or is this serious answers? I answered <35 (not true) for age because I was curious and I didn't get kicked to the thank you screen, so I'm not sure if all the contingency questions are right.

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For what conditions have you sought information?


For literally everything I could ever think of, or have ever heard of, ever. :D


This. I didn't know how to answer. I just put down a couple that came to mind, but I am an information hound. If I wonder - even vaguely about something, I research it.

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Then when asked if I'd sought out help for problems before, it wasnted to know what problems. That would mean I'd have to write a book!  I either misunderstood the question, or her questions are unclear.  :(


I wrote a list of health conditions from flu to prolapsed uterus.  It was a strange question.  I mean what conditions have you ever not sought information about???


Okay, now I'm wondering if I should be worried about Menopause?


I got the idea that she really wants to answers to be that women are terrified of menopause and menopause is a bad thing.  That's the bias I felt reading the questions.

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i think the idea with that question is to see if you research medical stuff in general, and then more specifically if you have researched menopause. I just put the things I have done considerable research on because they affect me or a close family member directly.

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I started, but I stopped at the question for which medical conditions I searched for information.

I do that for any condition I encounter, in self or a family member.

The question would have required me to give a complete medical history of any symptom I ever felt.

Edited by regentrude
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I am not 35 but I also research everything.  You'd think that being on your 5th child (and 6 in July!) would mean you could stop looking up the cause of various combinations of symptoms, but no.  Each kid takes illness differently and every time I worry.  We almost never go to a doctor, though.  

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I started, but I stopped at the question for which medical conditions I searched for information.

I do that for any condition I encounter, in self or a family member.

The question would have required me to give a complete medical history of any symptom I ever felt.

I almost stopped there but ended up just saying something like "lots--every time I or someone close to me has a possible problem."

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Well, I have to admit my answers are inconsistent.  The first question about "have you ever sought info about any health condition" was strange.  I took it to mean, did you ever go to the doctor (or similarly formal source) to get educated about a diagnosis.  So I said no.  Then they started asking about menopause and I thought, why yes, I have asked on the Hive about that.  :P


I only answered the multiple-choice questions.  The open-ended questions were too open-ended and too intrusive for me.


Wondering if anyone went and bought a book to learn about menopause?  :P

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I started, but I stopped at the question for which medical conditions I searched for information.

I do that for any condition I encounter, in self or a family member.

The question would have required me to give a complete medical history of any symptom I ever felt.


This.  I didn't have time to go through everything I've researched.  It's way too open-ended for a survey question.

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