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Anyone else in a post-holidays funk?

Janie Grace

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It's not exactly Christmas letdown (it wasn't like I had all these hopes that were dashed)... it's just feeling kind of angsty, for some reason. My guess is that it's not enough sleep, exhaustion from making Christmas happen, being out of my routine, and having decorations to put away but not doing it yet. I also get kind of reflective at New Year's and haven't had any solitude in which to reflect. So yeah... I just feel on edge and grouchy and down. Anyone else? Misery loves company and all that...


Went for a long walk with the kids today to try to shake myself out of it. It helped, a little. I think dh is in a similar place, so that adds to my angst (and mine to his, I'm sure). Sigh.

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Yes up until about 5 minutes ago. Since Christmas my downstairs has been a perpetual mess and it didn't really start bothering me until yesterday when I realized dh goes back to work on Monday and if we don't get the house in order as a team then I'll be stuck with it come Monday. That angst lingered and gradually got worse until I just had to tackle the mess before I found myself in full blown depression over it. Aside from the kitchen, the downstairs is back to normal! So for now I'm good but once I go upstairs the angst will come back because it's in disarray. Oh and the school year starts on Monday and I've planned nothing!

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Let's see. Achy, cranky, angsty, and I don't want to get off the couch? I'm telling myself it's a post holiday funk.... I hope I'm right!


We have a four day weekend and it feels suffocating. What are we going to doooo???


I think I need to go to bed earlier. Dh and I have been watching films after the kids go to bed. It's supposed to be a holiday treat for us, but I'm still getting up for the five month old and I think I'm just run down.

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I get that way too.  It's not too bad this year, for some reason.  I generally attribute it to the buildup of Christmas, and outside pressure to Start The New Year Right!  I don't typically succumb to the pressure but I think it still gets to me a little bit.   I unsubscribe from a lot of websites and facebook pages around this time of year.  I don't want daily reminders to declutter, get more exercise, save more money, be more spiritual/religious, etc.


Not that those are bad things.  It's just that I don't need the pressure from outside, all at once.

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Yes, a little. The hype leading up to Christmas and all that plus the obligatory cold between Christmas and New Year's   :glare: . However, 2016 is not exactly a year we are looking forward to because of serious health issues with an extended family member.

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I figure that if ai get through Christmas, I'm doing pretty well. My son died on New Year's Day 14 years ago, and my MIL had a brain aneurysm burst on New Year'Eve 12 years ago. It's worst on years like this one when we're home-if we're still on vacation or coming home from a trip, it is easier to avoid slipping into the pit. Not doing well this year.

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Mine will come on or about Jan 10th.  Middle son leaves to head back to college on the 9th.  (Youngest leaves on the 4th.)


I have school testing days I'm working to help adjust back to normal rather than staying home and feeling bummed.  I also made sure the Christmas things got finished today.  My guys just finished planting the tree outside.  They've still got to get the decorations back in the attic, but that will get done.  Then we can have more fun together time extending the enjoyment together.


2016 could end up being an interesting year.  :glare:  Time will tell.

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I figure that if ai get through Christmas, I'm doing pretty well. My son died on New Year's Day 14 years ago, and my MIL had a brain aneurysm burst on New Year'Eve 12 years ago. It's worst on years like this one when we're home-if we're still on vacation or coming home from a trip, it is easier to avoid slipping into the pit. Not doing well this year.


:grouphug:  Wish I could offer more.  :grouphug:

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You don't know how comforting it is to come and read the title.  I'm feeling pretty sad today and it's nice to know I'm not the only one.  Having all my kids together was so nice... now it's just back to life as usual.  I've been fighting it off over the last week.  The stress of being an introvert with a housefull fought with having a house filled with my kids.    I don't know if that makes sense, but that's whati t was like for me.


Now it's just the quiet aftermath.


I'm not in a good place today. 



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I figure that if ai get through Christmas, I'm doing pretty well. My son died on New Year's Day 14 years ago, and my MIL had a brain aneurysm burst on New Year'Eve 12 years ago. It's worst on years like this one when we're home-if we're still on vacation or coming home from a trip, it is easier to avoid slipping into the pit. Not doing well this year.


oh man.. that is rough.  I'm so sorry. 

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I figure that if ai get through Christmas, I'm doing pretty well. My son died on New Year's Day 14 years ago, and my MIL had a brain aneurysm burst on New Year'Eve 12 years ago. It's worst on years like this one when we're home-if we're still on vacation or coming home from a trip, it is easier to avoid slipping into the pit. Not doing well this year.


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I'm in a bit of a funk due to spending a few intense days on the Balkan route families escaping various conflicts are going thru (I know correct term is refugee but I hate using that for various reasons). So many little kids. I'm heading back to one of the islands for a week. And then I'm supposed to go home and worry about math acceleration? I hardly care. DS also went along but he seems so chill about it. Kids have much better coping mechanisms than we do.

Just to keep it homeschool related, I did learn about some amazing, free IB boarding school program than one of the volunteers had been through and highly recommended.

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I figure that if ai get through Christmas, I'm doing pretty well. My son died on New Year's Day 14 years ago, and my MIL had a brain aneurysm burst on New Year'Eve 12 years ago. It's worst on years like this one when we're home-if we're still on vacation or coming home from a trip, it is easier to avoid slipping into the pit. Not doing well this year.

So sorry for your losses :(
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Always. Christmas is my time. I work so hard to make it special for my family, and between the fact that my favorite time of year has ended and the fact that I'm completely exhausted from making it happen, I'm always down for the first few weeks of the year. Fortunately, I have lots of fun things to look forward to this year, so it won't last long, but for now, I'm totally bummed that Christmastime is wrapping up!

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I figure that if ai get through Christmas, I'm doing pretty well. My son died on New Year's Day 14 years ago, and my MIL had a brain aneurysm burst on New Year'Eve 12 years ago. It's worst on years like this one when we're home-if we're still on vacation or coming home from a trip, it is easier to avoid slipping into the pit. Not doing well this year.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  Sending love.

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I'm not routine dependent, so I'm not too thrown, but I'm a bit off. I'm dreading the end of vacation because sleeping in, reading books, and watching movies has been really nice. My kitchen table and counter are piled with crap. Today was the day I was going to excavate it, but so far no dice. I haven't attended a dance class in over two weeks so my appetite has dropped severely. My family, however, expects regular meals. I'm not looking forward to starting school on Moday. I need a vacation do-over for the productive stuff to happen, but I'm glad I got around to the R&R.

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I am just ready for all the holidaying to be done. I want my routine back. But extended family gatherings have stretched the season from Thanksgiving through the coming weekend.


And the introvert in me just wants to crawl under a rock. I need folks to go on about their business outside the house so I can regroup. I've had a few very physically demanding days and I need recoup time without someone constantly bothering me about what's for lunch. Our spring semester promises to be extraordinarily busy and I am ready to just get on with it.


But the Christmas decor? Neither put it up nor took it down myself this year, dh and the kids did it all, for which I am very thankful.

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I'm trapped between wanting a normal routine again and freaking out that my normal routine will be starting again on Monday.


I have butt loads of school prep to do for our co-op and my dc, and I have ZERO motivation to do it. But I'm also sick of sitting around and then finding things that need to be cleaned.



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I am, I guess. We're away and family holidays are HARD - trying to make sure everyone gets to do something they like. We're due to drive home today, and I'm ready for it, except that it's the middle of summer, we're having occasional 39+ days and our aircon is broken and won't be fixed until at least next Friday. Also there a bushfire closing the main road between us and home. I'm not sure if we should choose an alternate route early, drive closer and then see what the detour options are or stay over another night before driving home. I'm stressed and tired...

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I guess that's why I woke up grumpy from the nap I took this afternoon.  I slept away the whole afternoon (seriously, I had a NAP, why am I complaining?) and woke up at 5:00pm and thought, "I have to make dinner now.  I bet there's still probably dirty dishes/pots/pans in the kitchen I need to deal with before I can do that."  I know it's my own fault for not dealing with them earlier.  Now they're taken care of and there's still no dinner.

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You're not alone.


It hit me earlier this afternoon, once the friends my son had over for NYE last night left. I'm tired and headachy and cranky and suddenly wishing I had the option for a do-over on the entire holiday season. We had some unpleasantness around Thanksgiving, which put me in a funk for a couple of weeks and put a damper on the whole Christmas build-up. Before I could blink, it was December 27 and we were putting our daughter on the plane back to NYC and I was facing the fact that it could be another 11 months before I see her in person again. Then, by the time I came up for air, we had an entirely run-of-the-mill, already-mostly-blown-over argument with our son.


Now, here we are. The Christmas tree isn't even dead yet, but the season is over. As of next week, I'm going from juggling three part-time jobs to four (five if you count the twice-weekly tutoring sessions I'm doing with our neighbor's child), and I don't really like any of them.


I'm trying to feel excited about the new year, new possibilities. Normally, I love beginnings and making plans, but . . . eh.



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I figure that if ai get through Christmas, I'm doing pretty well. My son died on New Year's Day 14 years ago, and my MIL had a brain aneurysm burst on New Year'Eve 12 years ago. It's worst on years like this one when we're home-if we're still on vacation or coming home from a trip, it is easier to avoid slipping into the pit. Not doing well this year.

So sorry for your losses.  :grouphug:

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I get sick every year after the holidays. I think it's the stress + not sleeping + sugar and junk food + celebrating with lots of people that does me in. I have an awful head cold that's keeping me and two of my kids up at night, making me a total grouch and then feel like I'm starting the new year off on a bad foot because I don't have it in me to do all the things.

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I figure that if ai get through Christmas, I'm doing pretty well. My son died on New Year's Day 14 years ago, and my MIL had a brain aneurysm burst on New Year'Eve 12 years ago. It's worst on years like this one when we're home-if we're still on vacation or coming home from a trip, it is easier to avoid slipping into the pit. Not doing well this year.



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