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Starbucks cup rant


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I've not read all the replies.


I just wanted to chime in and say that I know literally no one who gives a flying fish about this cup.  And I have a lot of very 'CC' friends.  All of them think the hoopla is either a) manufactured (though now we have seen the original video by some guy, I haven't watched it, but apparently that's where it started) because the majority of us have no one in our circle who cares about it or b) stupid.  If we do know people who care, there's an overall seriously...:rolleyes: going around.  


I wouldn't know about it at all if I hadn't seen the posts that are against the red cup haters.  I haven't seen any actual red cup haters.

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That link comes out to me as an article published July 13 2008?



Drip by drip, Starbucks lost what made it shine  

By Tom Mullaney

11:33 pm, July 13, 2008



ETA - crossed posts, sorry.


I'm super sick right not, and I'm sorry for misinforming others.  Lesson learned hopefully: Don't go by memory but double check first!

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I've not read all the replies.


I just wanted to chime in and say that I know literally no one who gives a flying fish about this cup.  And I have a lot of very 'CC' friends.  All of them think the hoopla is either a) manufactured (though now we have seen the original video by some guy, I haven't watched it, but apparently that's where it started) because the majority of us have no one in our circle who cares about it or b) stupid.  If we do know people who care, there's an overall seriously... :rolleyes: going around.  


I wouldn't know about it at all if I hadn't seen the posts that are against the red cup haters.  I haven't seen any actual red cup haters.


But the OP claimed that her FB page was jammed with Christians up in arms about this issue...that's how this whole thread started. At least one other person said the same thing. Breitbart.com featured a lead article stating it was "...Embletic of Christian Culture Cleansing". Trump received wild cheers for his rant on Starbucks. Fox News (Kelly Wright) featured it as "Starbucks want(ing) to take Christ and Christmas off their brand new cups" (in addition to a whole bunch more inflammatory stuff).


Now I see pundits claiming that this issue was all "manufactured". No, it really wasn't. I think those who started it have now come to see the silliness of it and don't want to deal with the backlash.



Edited for clarity & spelling.

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I have found ONE person on FB that is outraged over this, and they were a friend of a friend. I have tons of friends from MS who usually jump all over stuff like this, and it's all meh.


I do know someone who is nominally Christian and anti-Semitic, but frankly he has so many flaws as to be hardly worth mentioning.

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I don't know who or what Breibart is.


I don't watch or read Fox news.


I don't follow Trump.


I have about 10 friend on Facebook (they're all close family).


Maybe that's why I've been spared?


Still, I haven't heard anyone IRL upset in any way over it, even from the beginning. 


ETA:  Obviously some have experienced otherwise, but I think it was a tiny minority who were ever upset about it at all and that tiny minority was probably mostly made up of people who were played.  In the end, I think a much wider audience than that tiny minority was played.

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I don't know who or what Breibart is.


I don't watch or read Fox news.


I don't follow Trump.


I have about 10 friend on Facebook (they're all close family).


Maybe that's why I've been spared?


Still, I haven't heard anyone IRL upset in any way over it, even from the beginning. 


ETA:  Obviously some have experienced otherwise, but I think it was a tiny minority who were ever upset about it at all and that tiny minority was probably mostly made up of people who were played.  In the end, I think a much wider audience than that tiny minority was played.


This whole thing was started by a loud-mouth who has garnered nearly 187,000 'likes' on his anti-Starbucks video. National news organizations (Fox News IS the most popular cable news program nationally) and politicians (including one of the front runners for President) then jumped on board, fanning the flames. The fact that you personally don't know or follow any of them does not lessen the fact that they were the ones promoting that message on a national basis.


Do the people who generate and promote the message bear no responsibility for starting the ball rolling? I would agree that the anti-Starbucks crowd played (beautifully) into the hands of the opposing side, but to claim that they were all 'played' removes the responsibility from where it should be.

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I was at a Starbucks and they have an inexpensive reusable cup you can buy...it says "Joy" in red with the green logo standing in for the "o".

I've been wondering about those. I try to reduce trash and waste whenever I can but I have not yet braved the "please use my clean reusable cup" request at a coffee shop yet. I have been meeting my friend at Starvucks the past few months and I noticed those reusable cups. Has anybody done this yet? Am I gonna get the have-two-heads eyeroll? Or the "policy dictates we must use a fresh cup from back here" rhetoric?

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This whole thing was started by a loud-mouth who has garnered nearly 187,000 'likes' on his anti-Starbucks video. National news organizations (Fox News IS the most popular cable news program nationally) and politicians (including one of the front runners for President) then jumped on board, fanning the flames. The fact that you personally don't know or follow any of them does not lessen the fact that they were the ones promoting that message on a national basis.


Do the people who generate and promote the message bear no responsibility for starting the ball rolling? I would agree that the anti-Starbucks crowd played (beautifully) into the hands of the opposing side, but to claim that they were all 'played' removes the responsibility from where it should be.


I guess I still don't think most take Fox (ETA: I looked it up and, IF I READ IT RIGHT, though FN has the majority following, combined Fox, NBC, and CNN only have 1.8 million to 2.85 million combined news viewers) and Trump seriously. About the video, 200,000 likes out of over 300 million people in the US doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. 


Don't get me wrong, I think the discussion is valuable. I just don't think it's as big a deal as the media and others portrayed it to be. Also, there were far more Christians on this thread who said almost no one or no one in their circles were offended or vocal compared to a few who said their feed was filled with the people going on about it.


I think a few tried to get the ball rolling and jumped on the band wagon, but, thankfully, enough people saw it all as ridiculous, so it's over before it started. 

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I've been wondering about those. I try to reduce trash and waste whenever I can but I have not yet braved the "please use my clean reusable cup" request at a coffee shop yet. I have been meeting my friend at Starvucks the past few months and I noticed those reusable cups. Has anybody done this yet? Am I gonna get the have-two-heads eyeroll? Or the "policy dictates we must use a fresh cup from back here" rhetoric?

I tried to once when I was out of town and it was a big pain. If I lived in town and frequented Starbucks often I would probably do it, but finding somewhere to wash the cup when I was traveling just didn't work. 

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I tried to once when I was out of town and it was a big pain. If I lived in town and frequented Starbucks often I would probably do it, but finding somewhere to wash the cup when I was traveling just didn't work.

I bought one but I always forget to bring it with me. I ended up giving it to my kids to play "going to Starbucks" with their play food.

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I guess I still don't think most take Fox (ETA: I looked it up and, IF I READ IT RIGHT, though FN has the majority following, combined Fox, NBC, and CNN only have 1.8 million to 2.85 million combined news viewers) and Trump seriously. About the video, 200,000 likes out of over 300 million people in the US doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me.


Don't get me wrong, I think the discussion is valuable. I just don't think it's as big a deal as the media and others portrayed it to be. Also, there were far more Christians on this thread who said almost no one or no one in their circles were offended or vocal compared to a few who said their feed was filled with the people going on about it.


I think a few tried to get the ball rolling and jumped on the band wagon, but, thankfully, enough people saw it all as ridiculous, so it's over before it started.

I used to watch Fox every morning, but I started asking DH if we could watch more local news. The main reason I gave for moving away from that station was that they *constantly* do stories about someone not being able to wear/display their flag/cross/Christian symbols or companies that are removing the flag/cross/Christian symbols from some aspect of their marketing. It was surely no less than once a week they did a story that fit this same profile. I was sick to death of it.


As I said, I haven't been watching FN, so I have no idea if they featured this when it first started buzzing, but it certainly would fit right in with the same kind of stories that pretty much turned me off from watching the show. They have featured what they call the "War on Christmas" for years now and it certainly would fit right in with that theme.


But as far as actual Christians upset about the cups? I haven't seen one FB post about that.

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Yeah, that's part of my Fox turn off, as well.  We actually have a pretty decent local news channel, as well, and I appreciate that.


I think there are two very different mindsets within the Christian community, but that discussion, though important, is one that I am just way too tired to wade through and participate in right now.  

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I've been wondering about those. I try to reduce trash and waste whenever I can but I have not yet braved the "please use my clean reusable cup" request at a coffee shop yet. I have been meeting my friend at Starvucks the past few months and I noticed those reusable cups. Has anybody done this yet? Am I gonna get the have-two-heads eyeroll? Or the "policy dictates we must use a fresh cup from back here" rhetoric?

I've done it. Well, I've never done it at Starbucks, but I've used my own reusable cup at Barnes and Noble and at a locally owned coffee place. Both places even asked if I wanted them to wash it first, but I had brought it clean. No one gave me the stink eye, at least not to my face. ;)

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I use a regular thermal coffee cup (not a name brand) all the time.  I start the day with coffee I've made at home and drive around with it, and refill as needed, with whatever beverage needed, where needed, throughout my day.  (I'm a big fan of hot beverages, particularly in winter.)  I just rinse it out in bathrooms as I go.


I've never had a problem getting it filled anywhere (Starbucks or any other chain, or the independent places I'm more likely to frequent).  Occasionally a server has been a bit nonplussed about what size to count it as; I just tell them to charge me for the largest size and carry on.

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I've done it. Well, I've never done it at Starbucks, but I've used my own reusable cup at Barnes and Noble and at a locally owned coffee place. Both places even asked if I wanted them to wash it first, but I had brought it clean. No one gave me the stink eye, at least not to my face. ;)

Thank you. This gives me courage. I know I shouldn't care, but it really bothers me when servers don't get what I'm trying to do. "it's just one cup, lady. What's your problem." But that's how reusable bags were at first, but now millions of bags have been spared.

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I use a regular thermal coffee cup (not a name brand) all the time.  I start the day with coffee I've made at home and drive around with it, and refill as needed, with whatever beverage needed, where needed, throughout my day.  (I'm a big fan of hot beverages, particularly in winter.)  I just rinse it out in bathrooms as I go.


I've never had a problem getting it filled anywhere (Starbucks or any other chain, or the independent places I'm more likely to frequent).  Occasionally a server has been a bit nonplussed about what size to count it as; I just tell them to charge me for the largest size and carry on.


I don't get coffee out too much but I like this idea.   As more people do it, confusion about how to charge will probably lessen.  And, they will start giving a discount because they are saving on the cost of a cup!  :-)

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I am a conservative, evangelical Christian and I don't know anyone who is actually upset about the cup. I personally couldn't care less about it and I also get tired of the whole "War on Christmas" thing. I see it as a distraction from what is truly important and I wish it would go away. I have a hunch that the whole thing is mostly manufactured by the media and kept alive by Facebook memes that people won't stop sharing.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Am I the only person who wonders why it is important for the baristas to spell the name right? As long as they pronounce it right when the coffee is done, who cares?


I have a name that is spelled all sorts of ways. I always tell serving folks, "spell it whatever way will remind you how to say it."

When writing my name in a name tag for an event I sometimes purposely mis spell it. It is a short name that ends with a "e" that is pronounced as a short "a" So I spell it with an "a".

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 (ETA: I looked it up and, IF I READ IT RIGHT, though FN has the majority following, combined Fox, NBC, and CNN only have 1.8 million to 2.85 million combined news viewers)




The reason for that is Fox viewers tend to watch only Fox. People who watch MSNBC and CNN tend to divide their loyalties by watching both of those networks as well as BBC (BBC America usually).


Also, a Gallup poll has shown that 94% of Fox viewers belong to one specific political party. People from that party tend to get more of their news from tv. People from other parties tend to split between tv and internet (and they divide their loyalties on both tv and internet news sites). Finally, 60% of Fox viewers are over age 50, another demographic that tends to get news from tv rather than online sources.

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I've been wondering about those. I try to reduce trash and waste whenever I can but I have not yet braved the "please use my clean reusable cup" request at a coffee shop yet. I have been meeting my friend at Starvucks the past few months and I noticed those reusable cups. Has anybody done this yet? Am I gonna get the have-two-heads eyeroll? Or the "policy dictates we must use a fresh cup from back here" rhetoric?


I have asked places to put my coffee in my reusable cup.  In my experience, they don't care one way or the other.  :)  Kinda like when you bring your cloth bags to the grocery store.

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I have 2 Starbucks reusable cups - one for hot coffee, the other for iced of frozen. I use them at Starbucks all the time, and have used my hot coffee cup at gas station convenience stores. No one has ever batted an eye.


I used the one for hot coffee last night at Starbucks and was actually a little sad that I didn't get to have my salted caramel mocha in one of the controversial red cups. ;)

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I walked by Starbucks yesterday and was drawn in by the lure of seeing the cups. I love the shade of red and the ombre.


They were having a buy on get one sale on holiday drinks but they all looked too sugary so I didn't get anything. I'm not a Starbucks person; is there a way to get the holiday drinks without sugar?

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I walked by Starbucks yesterday and was drawn in by the lure of seeing the cups. I love the shade of red and the ombre.


They were having a buy on get one sale on holiday drinks but they all looked too sugary so I didn't get anything. I'm not a Starbucks person; is there a way to get the holiday drinks without sugar?


I've been too congested to enjoy a Starbucks's drink lately, but DH brought one the home the other day. I like the contrast too!


If I get a sugary drink, I ask for only half the sweetener and sometimes less. That wouldn't work with fraps, for example, I don't think though. If I could drink those (food allergies), I'd just get a small. They do have some sugar free syrup options (maybe for the holiday drinks even), if you're into artificial sweetener.

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