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Immediate prayer request for my DAD! UPDATE # 41


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My Dad, Robert, has been in the hospital 4 times since Feb. 2014.   He is a cardiac patient and was diagnosed this year with liver cancer. 


Now his liver cancer is actually contained and has not deteriorated!   Praise the Lord!


He is on Coumadin to regulate his blood to the right consistency.  Not too thin, not too thick.  He's done remarkably well on this med, over the years.


The glitch though is this - because of his heart surgery that led him to start Coumadin, he had a vein removed from his inner leg that runs from near his ankle to below his groin.  As a result of that surgery about 16 years ago, his leg has never been the same.  It is constantly inflamed (reddish) and swollen.  Now he has cellulitis.  He went in to have that treated a couple of weeks ago.  He was discharged, but apparently they didn't "fully" resolve the problem.  Either they didn't use an appropriat3e antibiotic and/or they didn't keep him on it long enough because the issue persists. 


He's in the hospital now and tomorrow they will insert an IV to give him an antibiotic.  Here's the concern.  They had to hunt down an antibiotic that would work b/c he's grown resistant to some.  AND, because he's a Coumadin patient and he's 90 in 3 months, the actual pricking for the IV could cause him to "bleed out".   If he bleeds out OR the infection is beyond the ability of the antibiotic, he may not make it.


Would you please pray?  The last paragraph is everything in a nutshell. 


FWIW, my sister called today and she was torn what to do.  Either one could kill him (not started the IV soon enough or bleeding out).   After thinking/praying about it, it seems to me he needed to be transported to OSU (Ohio) from a very small, local hospital.  And, I thought it would be more important to start the IV under the circumstances.  I think the hospital may have more flexibility in brining up his Coumadin level (which they've done before but it was tricky) than to wait too long on an infection and have the antibiotic (IV) NOT work.


Unfortunately, she is keeping him in this very small, local hospital and not starting his IV/procedure until Wed. morning.  


Thanks in advance for those of you who will pray and I'll let him know you are doing so!  


Pray for peace for my Dad and the hospital staff!  I'm thanking God in advance for His abundant grace He's shown my Dad over the years.   



Thursday update:  The procedure is not an IV it is delivering antibiotic through a "picc line".  That makes more sense to me now that he's at a higher risk for bleeding. 


Thanks for all of the replies and prayers!



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My sister called at 1:00 est (just minutes ago) to inform me that the procedure went well as relayed by the hospital.   


The "picc line" (I thought it was IV until this morning when I learned it was a picc line went in well. A picc line, I guess, is more of a small "opening" vs. a puncture/hole from a needle.  The opening is a little larger.  Thank you, Lord, for this good report!


It is an out-patient procedure and they are transporting him back to rehab.  Ironically this rehab facility is across the street from his house and very small community/neighborhood. 


We are not sure how long the picc line will remain.  The purpose is to deliver antibiotic  to his infection which is cellulitis on his leg.  It is always red and swollen (from cellulitis and his heart condition of needing med to remove water from his body - I forget the name of the med).


Because he is more frail now they could not keep inserting needles into him.  Also, he doesn't drink enough to stay hydrated for multiple needle insertions.


Prayers are appreciated for the antibiotic to work to destroy infection/cellulitis, no infection at point of entry for the actual picc line, no excessive bleeding (bleeding out), Coumadin level to balance out, reduce swelling and inflammation leg which should come about when no infection is present and he keeps his legs lifted to help reduce swelling.  Also, he needs to desire and remember to eat and drink fluids.  He's usually always dehydrated lately. 


Lastly, he needs to be ambulatory again - walking and eating on his own to return home. 


God has been so loving and gracious.  He gets the praise, honor and glory!!!






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My dear Dad is being transported to OSU (Columbus, OH) because the infection from his leg his spread.   This is not good!   My sister called this morning to tell me the nurse informed her that Dad's infection has now traveled up to his hips and an area on his lower back!


I'm praying to the One who is King of kings and Lord of lords!  Praying the doctors will find an antibiotic that is favorable with my Dad's system.   Always thanking God for Who HE is!  


Please keep this up over the weekend, would you?   


We'll be making the drive up or I will myself.

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My dear Dad is being transported to OSU (Columbus, OH) because the infection from his leg his spread. This is not good! My sister called this morning to tell me the nurse informed her that Dad's infection has now traveled up to his hips and an area on his lower back!


I'm praying to the One who is King of kings and Lord of lords! Praying the doctors will find an antibiotic that is favorable with my Dad's system. Always thanking God for Who HE is!


Please keep this up over the weekend, would you?


We'll be making the drive up or I will myself.

I don't like this but I'm praying!

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Update Tueday, Aug. 25



This past Saturday I drove to Ohio to be with my Dad for what may be the last time.


It's too lengthy but suffice to say that his kidneys are not producing urine and he is in decline. He is a cardiac patient but that has been controlled. He was diagnosed with liver cancer earlier this year but it's a miracle it has been stable up to this point in time.


He was even a little more lucid yesterday, Monday, than he is today.


There are so many issues and meds. Some meds may address and help certain issues but there may be one of his meds which is not helpful to him.


He is hallucinating in his hospital room and it is incredibly sad to see. I found myself crying a lot but want to be strong for my Dad so I don't let him see me cry.


It does seem, unless God intervenes, that he will only have a week or two of his life to live.


This is hard to write...as I went through my email contact list, there is his name and face.


Please pray that my Dad is not in pain and that he won't suffer. I do believe in miracles and God can certainly heal if He chooses to.


I'm so grateful for the grace and mercy He's shown my Dad over the years. My Dad should have died a time or two before (literally) but HE spared his life!


Thank you for your prayers!


Note: The OSU/James Center (Columber, OH) is where he is receiving care. The dermatologist there said my Dad does NOT have celluitis. His swollen and red leg is partly due to surgery he had years ago and his heart condition.


There are fewer meds to give him b/c he has multiple issues. So, one med may work for one issue but it can't be used b/c it may make the other issue/s worse.


Does anyone know about how to hire an out of pocket R.N. 24 hours a day? It would take probably 3 nurses at 8 hours a shift. If he does not improve (can't use the other word/phrase) my brother, sister and I are considering having him spend the remainder of his time in his home. And, I would be there with him to assist but I'm not a nurse.


This would be 1-2 weeks, "probably".


He turns 90 on November 1. He is the first male in his family to make it to 90 in a little while. In recent times his male relatives passed away 50's, 70's. So, it's neat my Dad is about to turn 90! If you remember we had a combined "early" birthday party for him and July 4th celebration! So glad we did!


Tired, off to bed. Thanks for you prayers!




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:grouphug: The hospital can help with home health arrangements. I wouldn't think you would need an RN. Gently, hospice could be a great help in many areas for all of you. He doesn't have to be dying imminently for their care. 90 - go dad! 

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UPDATE - Saturday


My Daddy passed away Wednesday morning. He was a good man. He was a former public teacher and principal who was pro-h.s!


When I left his room Tuesday evening (same evening as my post 35) I thought I'd see him again and that maybe even perhaps he'd have another 1-2 years - "maybe". As I started to leave and right before I closed his door, I looked back and caught myself as I thought that maybe this will be the last time I see him alive. That was the case.


We had a viewing today, Sat. and one Sunday, tomorrow. The funeral is Monday.


He joined my Mom in heaven. I love him and will miss him so much - I already do!


Thanks to those who prayed and for these replies! Truly, it has helped more than you know!



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