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What? No Space Mountain? Over a year since my crash - update.


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OK, over a year ago was in a horrific car crash (yada yada yada) at the time and for most of last year (May 24 2014 through winter 2015) biggest concerns  were getting my tip fib fracture healed and my descending colon reassembled, and then recovery from THAT.

At the time my broken right hip (just the big curvy part had a big old crack in it, not the socket itself) and the seat belt abrasion over it were not a big deal.  I was non-weight-bearing anyway for months on that side, so it healed on its own, no surgery needed.

Except - the first time I slept on my now-healed right side, my weakened abdominal muscles, (which nobody had mentioned), failed and I developed a hernia.  Long story short, I needed yet another  surgery just to poke my innards back in place and patch up the hernia a couple weeks ago.  I am "enjoying" wearing a strong elastic band snug around my waist as I recover (in summer, oh joy) for support.  When I saw the surgeon to get the stitches out a few days back she said she had done her best, but the abdominal muscles had been torn from the outer rim of the bone (iliac crest) by the accident - and had never reattached. Nor could she refasten them. They were still very weak and the mesh she used to try and hold everything together may or may not hold. I am permanently forbidden to lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk - so no strength training, etc. :-(    


Almost as an aside, I asked "But I can still go on roller coasters after six weeks,  right?"  

NO! Not ever! 

Ok, now I am mad! No roller coasters? No Space Mountain? Grrrrr!  That is the last straw!!! ! :cursing:


(I know, I know, perspective.)

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That's so frustrating! I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm not sure if it would make you feel any better, but according to my college friend's neurosurgeon, no one should go on roller coasters. She had an aneurysm in high school, and her mom thought that after her surgery and recovery she shouldn't go on roller coasters ever again. Her neurosurgeon said that really no one should ride on them because they do rattle your brain more than it should be rattled, but she didn't have any more reason than the average person to not ride them.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I'm so sorry, honey girl.


Personally, I would gladly give up Space Mountain, but I'm thinking that Indiana Jones and Big Thunder Mountain are also out, probably also Splash Mountain, and that stinks. MATTERHORN!!!! No Matterhorn!!! :svengo:

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That's so frustrating! I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm not sure if it would make you feel any better, but according to my college friend's neurosurgeon, no one should go on roller coasters. She had an aneurysm in high school, and her mom thought that after her surgery and recovery she shouldn't go on roller coasters ever again. Her neurosurgeon said that really no one should ride on them because they do rattle your brain more than it should be rattled, but she didn't have any more reason than the average person to not ride them.

That is disturbing to hear, especially since my kids LOVE coasters, the more terrifying the better. They do not bat an eye and will ride every coaster at Hershey Park. The last several years, I have declined all the new coasters because they are too insane. I like the classic-style coasters, but I don't want to be launched by nitrous oxide into a corkscrew tunnel at 80mph. Not so much, no.

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I remember your accident and I'm glad you're well on the road to recovery...but what a bummer about lifting.   I can't stand roller-coasters, but the grandma in me immediately thought about my g'kids.   One hope is that perhaps surgery like this will continue to improve so that perhaps in the future you may be able to have it re-attached. 


Thanks for the update..

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I'm so sorry, honey girl.


Personally, I would gladly give up Space Mountain, but I'm thinking that Indiana Jones and Big Thunder Mountain are also out, probably also Splash Mountain, and that stinks. MATTERHORN!!!! No Matterhorn!!! :svengo:


Space Mountain is my fav, California Screaming a close second.  I can live without Matterhorn since they "improved" the seats (too uncomfortable).  Sad to lose Big Thunder and Indy.  Teacups I might do - if someone else turns the wheel.  I am not to strain pushing or pulling either.




Have never been on Splash Mt.  has I HATE those old America Sings characters, and despise getting wet.


Me for riding Pirates over and over and over ;-)

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:grouphug:  That would be really, really tough news for me - tough to abide by news - so you definitely have my sympathy.   :grouphug:   I think I would need to avoid Disney/amusement parks entirely to even have a chance at complying.  Perhaps it's time to start visiting National Parks and/or Museums more?


The no vacuuming part I could EASILY live with (I think).


I wish you had better news.  That accident sure was the pits.  I hope you get a really good settlement of some sort from it.

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Problem is, my adult son with autism LOVES Disneyland, and whenever we do go again to S. Calif he will expect to go.  Guess for the thrill rides I will get to the front of the line (using the DAS pass as needed) and step through myself while letting him ride.  Torture for me, though (although not as bad as having to sit through Captain EO three times a day as DS loved that, too.)


PS can't avoid S. California as that is where all my family is.  I even worked at D'Land decades ago.  And leaving DS at home is not a good idea, he needs someone in the house to make sure he stays OK - and that would be me most of the time.  So if/when I travel, I need to bring him.


As to the settlement - which someday we may actually get - hubby, with his 20 years insurance law experience, finally got hospital and rehab joint liens lifted as bill got paid etc. etc. - in fact, Blue Cross finally paid all the out of network bills 100%.


Then Blue Cross went and slapped a lien on our settlement to get all that money back!  Which hubby asserts they can not do, but it will take a while to sort it all out. After which I half expect BC to take back the money they paid out, which will make the hospitals etc. put liens back on the money, etc. etc. in a circle that will never end.


We only have a settlement (for BC and the providers to slap liens on) in the first place since hubby had had the foresight to pay extra on our car insurance long ago to have coverage in case we got hit by an uninsured motorist.  Which is what happened! 


We are entitled - if we ever get it - to the full amount (half a million).  In fact, had the folks who caused the accident carried decent insurance we'd probably get more - as it is, the settlement amount is , get this , EQUAL to our total medical bills (mine alone were over $350,000 and rising, since I just had another surgery)!   Normally, for our degree of injury (broken bones etc.) the formula is pain and suffering is about 4x the medical bills (only 2.5x if no bones broken).  But, hey, at this point I will take the half million, since we have almost no retirement funded and need to beef up ds's special needs trust a bit.  Plus am tired of having to let hubby's aunt pay our mortgage (which she started doing when he lost his job before the crash).  And I need to keep some $ accessible for future surgery to repeatedly repair this hernia - it can take just one time forgetting and lifting a heavy laundry basket or too many groceries to poke that sucker out again.

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