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Showed the kids The Birds this morning


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I watched The Birds with the big kids this morning. They are pretty mad.


Why is she so helpless?

Why is she crying again?

How does a pecking bird kill you?

Why aren't they using weapons?

Is that the end?!? What happens to them?!?

Do we not find out why the birds attacked?!?


No imagination.

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Are you guys kidding me?


We (husband, son, and I) watched it a few months ago.  I thought it wouldn't be scary because, you know, it's an old movie, special effects are so much better now, etc. 


Oh man was I wrong.  I think that is still one powerful movie!  Even the teen didn't think it was lame.



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That was the first Hitchcock my dds watched about two years ago. It led to a Hitchcock marathon. They loved all of them!

I hope to show them Rear Window this weekend!

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My mother was terrified of that movie as a kid. When I saw it I spent half the time being weirded out and the other half laughing. It was cheesy and awesome!

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I watched The Birds with the big kids this morning. They are pretty mad.


Why is she so helpless?

Why is she crying again?

How does a pecking bird kill you?

Why aren't they using weapons?

Is that the end?!? What happens to them?!?

Do we not find out why the birds attacked?!?


No imagination.


No imagination, indeed!  I tried to find it online to show my kids about six months ago but couldn't find it anywhere - not on Netflix, not on iTunes, not on Youtube.  Did you find it online?

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We watched it near Halloween and I purposely bought a lot of the black birds from the craft store/dollar store to pose around the house. It made the movie a little more fun. My middle dd was chased in the zoo by a peacock so she is already afraid of birds. (not terrified just creeped out by them) It is a great movie. 

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No imagination, indeed! I tried to find it online to show my kids about six months ago but couldn't find it anywhere - not on Netflix, not on iTunes, not on Youtube. Did you find it online?

I ended up renting it from Amazon.

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My mother watched in in the theater when it first came out, got hooked on Hitchcock and also watched Psycho. She said during Psycho, there was nothing but women screeching in the building. This was a couple of years back...we are used to stronger stuff now. Not sure it's a good sign.

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Don't forget To Catch a Thief. Oldest loves that one.


Why a those things? Because Hitchcock had funny female issues, I think. I did my high school senior English paper on the "women in Hitchcock films." I have no idea what I said, but he sure had a thing for GK.

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'what?! it's over?! how can that be the end?!'  and not scary at all is what I thought when I watched it as a teen -- and I would have said I'm very easily scared due to an overactive imagination.

Did enjoy Rear Window and The Man Who Knew Too Much.  Not sure I've watched any other Hitchcock besides Psycho.

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Rear Window is a better movie. We watched The Birds with DD because we wanted to see the landmarks and compare them to what we know. Birds in Bodega really do make that menacing sound you hear in the movie, so that makes the watching the movie all too familiar. Maybe it was the sound of the birds that was the inspiration for the movie.

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The one I remember the most is where the guy discovers he is apparently the only one alive after some horrific event and he is thrilled so he can finally spend all his time reading which is what he loves to do, but then he trips and breaks his glasses.


Can't remember the name of that one, but I never forgot it.



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The one I remember the most is where the guy discovers he is apparently the only one alive after some horrific event and he is thrilled so he can finally spend all his time reading which is what he loves to do, but then he trips and breaks his glasses.


Can't remember the name of that one, but I never forgot it.


Time Enough at Last?


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The one I remember the most is where the guy discovers he is apparently the only one alive after some horrific event and he is thrilled so he can finally spend all his time reading which is what he loves to do, but then he trips and breaks his glasses.


Can't remember the name of that one, but I never forgot it.


That was an old Outer Limits episode.


It was called "Time Enough at Last" with Burgess Meredith. It was one of my favorites.


Edit: oops, it was Twilight Zone - not Outer Limits.

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I grew up with a girl who had watched that movie at a bit too young of an age and was traumatized by it. She had an irrational fear of birds all during our upbringing (and probably even still today). If there was a bird on the sidewalk, she would cross the road and walk on the other side. Just an example.

I never watched the movie but that could have been me as a kid. In fact I would even go a couple of metres around feathers.


I've met one other person who shares my phobia later in life. Though I am over it and we have pet birds and I cuddle chickens now.

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I remembered it as being scary too, but my kids also thought it was lame and were very disappointed in how it ended.


So was I when I saw it as a young teen. So much build up.... And that's it?!? :-/


But it was a good movie. Maybe we'll do that one for Halloween this year.


One of my favorite Hitchcock's is Spellbound with Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spellbound_(1945_film)


On a side note, since I recently read it, The Birds reminded me of a scene in the book Divergent.

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My mother was terrified of that movie as a kid. When I saw it I spent half the time being weirded out and the other half laughing. It was cheesy and awesome!


My mom was 12 when she saw it (iirc) and she was terrified too. I don't remember how old I was when I saw it (I think a little older) but iirc I was bored and stopped watching it after a little while.


Maybe The Happening (2008) would leave more of an impact on Gen Z (or w/e our kids' generation is called). It's about killer trees releasing a toxin rather than about birds pecking people. It is R-rated though, vs The Birds being PG-13.

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Reminds of some of the questions my kids used to ask when watching old movies.  I'm thinking especially of the ones when someone was going to be hit by a car while crossing the street.  That person turns in the middle of the street, stares, sees a car is coming right at them, and continues to stare with a horrifying look and screams for several seconds, right before the car hits them.  They would have had plenty of time to just run and get out of the way!



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Reminds of some of the questions my kids used to ask when watching old movies. 


Speaking of which, we were watching something that took place a long time ago (I don't remember when, but I think it was the middle ages or something?), and B asked if it was true or not. C told him that no, it wasn't true, because they didn't have color TV back then, that stuff was in black&white, so of course it was fake. Er, uh, no. It was a documentary iirc, so it was true, and while they didn't have color TV back then, they didn't exactly have black&white TV back then either. :lol:

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