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I am sorry for those of you who have had CPS scares.


As a foster parent one day our adopted daughter ran outside to meet the CPS worker with a huge black eye and cut under her eye.  She was about 4 at the time.  They NEVER even asked what happened to her or why she had a black eye, etc. as they handed 3 more kids to me.  That was a time I was worried they might ask.  She had fallen UP the steps in our garage.  They were the metal grating ones like used in industry.



We have had the case manager of twins visit just after twin one fell on the corner of the sandpit and had the biggest, darkest purple and black bruise covering whole cheek  and she didn't even bat an eyelid.

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Well, just to tone this down, they didn't remove the child. And had it come to that, they clearly weren't going to place the kid with foster parents either - they simply asked mom to find somebody else to watch the kid for a period. Given that they'd been called in about specific abuse allegations (which were fictitious, but child services didn't know that), that's not hugely unreasonable.


I get that this is really scary and traumatizing when you're in the situation, and I don't want to minimize how upset the previous poster must feel, but on the grand scale of CPS overreach this rates, like, a 1/2 of a star. Out of ten.



It was super scary at the time and still is, but looking back, they were just doing their job. And we had the option of having the person who  made the false report arrested but we chose not to because if we were told what they were told, we would have done the same exact thing. All I care is that my kids are safe.

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It was super scary at the time and still is, but looking back, they were just doing their job. And we had the option of having the person who  made the false report arrested but we chose not to because if we were told what they were told, we would have done the same exact thing. All I care is that my kids are safe.


See to me this is the major difference between a rational, caring mother who has to deal with CPS and Nicole Naugler. Of course you were terrified, angry, freaking out etc. I know I would be. But you were also able to see things with some kind of perspective and present yourself as the loving, competent, and innocent mom that you are. Nicole rants and raves and either can't or won't step back and just ask herself what is best for her kids. 

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When I first heard the audio of Nicole's kids being taken away, I was so sad for her. The devestation in her voice was just horrifying. But, I've also seen how they live/act etc. and I know it was for the best for those kids. It's a terrible situation that should have and could have been prevented. But they didn't protect their kids the way that a normal person would. I hope for everyones sakes, they do a mental health evaul.

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I never heard of Mongolian Spots until DS was born. I was so confused thinking it was a bruise from the birth?? It totally looked like a big bruise on his butt/lower back. Luckily we were in AZ and the pediatrician was familiar with it and said it was common in different ethnic groups, though she looked at me funny when I insisted I was just caucasian. Turns out I'm part Native American and never knew until 2 years after that...hence the dark features. My mom always just said it must be from the french side of the family. Anyway, I am so thankful we had DS in AZ and not later when we lived in super-white MN where I got asked if his name was something "from my culture". Lol!


OT, but the town I grew up in on the northern MN border was something like 25% NA. I even speak a little Ojibwe. Boozhoo! :D 

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I thought that generally child protective services kept caller identity confidential.  Do they reveal who caller was only if caller's claim is unfounded?


Not around here. No one would ever call CPS if they handed your name over to the family if the kids ended up staying in the home. And you certainly don't have the option to have them arrested, as a previous poster asserted.

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Not around here. No one would ever call CPS if they handed your name over to the family if the kids ended up staying in the home. And you certainly don't have the option to have them arrested, as a previous poster asserted.


We knew who called based on the fact that they filed court papers for custody as well. We were given the option to press charges if the case was unfounded. I guess that was a poor choice of words. We were going to press charges at first but after the relief sunk in that we weren't going to lose our children, we chose not to file. I live in New York.

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On Blessed Little Homestead, Nicole Naugler stated that person who called CPS did it purely out of spite and had never been on her property.  So I was wondering how she knows who placed the call or if she is guessing?  Also it is possible that someone who was familiar with Nauglers revealed his/her firsthand knowledge of living situation to the person who ultimately called.


I remain unclear on whether there was only person who called CPS in KY or if there were multiple calls.


I believe I recall reading on her blog that while she was a Maine resident, someone called CPS on her for dirty home. 

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I suspect Joe's tolerance comes from drug priorities and laziness while Nicole's comes  from mental illness and laziness. But I have wondered if either of them have family and if so where they are in this. I wonder if they've worn out their welcome with them as well. Even if family cares about the kids most people aren't equipped to take in 10 kids and if there is a strained relationship between Joe/Nicole and family members the kids are probably better with foster families.

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Not around here. No one would ever call CPS if they handed your name over to the family if the kids ended up staying in the home. And you certainly don't have the option to have them arrested, as a previous poster asserted.

That is the same here.  I know who contacted them in my case but that is because they had no choice and had to contact them and I get that (did not make it easier at the time, but their hands were tied).


In the previous time I was investigated I have no clue to who called, they came, checked things out, talked to the kids ped to prove son was being properly medicated and not "drugged" as the claim was.  I suspect it was my exhusband, we had only been split about 6 months and he has always been against any claims that ds16 is anything but perfectly normal and to this day fights about ds needing meds and tries to tell ds he doesn't need to take them etc.  But there is no confirmation on that they would not tell me, and when I asked if there was fall out for someone who makes a malicious call they said not usually, they themselves can charge a person if that person calls constantly with false claims that are very obviously false, they can charge the person for harassment for taking resources away from cases that truly need them but that is extremely rare.  

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Do we know anything about Joe or Nicole's extended family? Where did this acceptance of poo come from??


Joe's sister occasionally posts on BLH in defense of Joe & Nicole. The rest of his family testified against him in the abuse case regarding Alex, and they got Joe's parental rights terminated. A lot of the Naugler supporters seem to believe that Alex was raised by his bio mom, who filled his head with lies about Joe abusing him, but in fact he was raised by Joe's family.


Nicole's mom, Jo-Ann Fiscus, was posting a lot trying to get Nicole to calm down and get off social media and ask God for his will instead of pursuing her own will. Nicole eventually banned her. I think Jo-Ann said she hasn't seen or spoken to Nicole in person in 2 or 3 years. 


ETA: Reading between the lines of Jo-Ann's various posts, I get the impression that she loves Nicole and adores her grand babies, but doesn't have a very high opinion of Joe.

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I read yesterday on the BLH page that the kids were broken up into 3 foster homes and the oldest 2 are in an "institution". I think that means a group home.

One would hope that knowledge would get J and N off their arses.

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I hadn't been on their FB page for a few days. She still seems to believe that she can convince the "powers" that everything was fine in the first place via social media. There are a whole bunch of new pictures of her 'happy, healthy kids' to show everyone they don't need to change anything. I noticed there are no pictures of any attempts to change anything even if they don't think they should have to. Still putting their ideology, laziness, cheapness etc over their kids. 


I also saw a post explicitly stating she has had a rhogam shot before a couple of times but has decided not to have it again "unless there is cause for concern'. UH... the fact that you are rh- and your husband is rh+ IS the cause for concern. UGH UGH UGH

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Guest LocalSnow

Hi. I'm a local to this family. 

Wanted to clarify that multiple people have called into complain about them, and they've ran all over KYs Hollers.

The person NN claims called CPS on her is the same person that they menaced. 

They're spreading rumors about this person and attacking them, as well as anyone else that gets in their way. This isn't unusual for them. They're grifters, they steal, cheat and lie, and are known in the community here as being folk you don't want about. 

People have helped them out tons of times. We're scratching our heads trying to understand how they got a following, but it comes down to that most of us here are farm folk. We don't FB, we don't chat or get on these forum doohickeys. 

NN and JN prey on us and our community. They deserve no sympathy and have stolen goods, time and money from us in Breck too long. 

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Hi. I'm a local to this family. 


Wanted to clarify that multiple people have called into complain about them, and they've ran all over KYs Hollers.


The person NN claims called CPS on her is the same person that they menaced. 


They're spreading rumors about this person and attacking them, as well as anyone else that gets in their way. This isn't unusual for them. They're grifters, they steal, cheat and lie, and are known in the community here as being folk you don't want about. 


People have helped them out tons of times. We're scratching our heads trying to understand how they got a following, but it comes down to that most of us here are farm folk. We don't FB, we don't chat or get on these forum doohickeys. 


NN and JN prey on us and our community. They deserve no sympathy and have stolen goods, time and money from us in Breck too long. 




I'm so sorry you and your community have to deal with these people. I am right there with you wondering how they can have such a following. I understand the following at first. The initial press implied that they lost their children for homeschooling and living "off-grid". Naturally that bothers many people who believe we have the right to choose non-traditional lifestyles. But what I don't get is how anyone could look at the pictures Nicole herself post or read her tirades and still believe this is about lifestyle choices. This is about the health and safety of those kids. 


I know I don't have any sympathy for Joe and Nicole. I do have sympathy for the kids. I pray they get the help and care they need.

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I'm wondering how Nicole can think to have a successful business if the locals mostly don't like her. I can't see this going well.

I don't understand how a small town can support one dog grooming business and she opened a second one! Not a great business plan.

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I don't understand how a small town can support one dog grooming business and she opened a second one! Not a great business plan.


Actually, I think someone local posted that there were already 3 other grooming businesses within a pretty small radius. Judging by the photos she's posting on her Groomer Nicole page, it looks like she's averaging around 10 dogs/wk. Some of those may be people who've driven in from out of town to show their "support," but even if she could sustain that, if she had a list of 40-50 solid clients who would bring their dogs in every month, at an average cost of $40-50/dog, that would give her an income of ~$2000/month. And that's really a best case scenario.


Once you deduct rent, utilities, and supplies for the business, loan payments for the land and the business, current business and income taxes, back taxes, and Joe's back child support payments, there won't even be enough left over to buy food for 13 people. And that's if the business is a success


This is the 3rd (maybe even 4th?) grooming salon that Nicole has opened. The previous businesses have all failed, and I don't think this one will be any different. I think they'll be gone before the next baby is born, with or without the other 10 kids.

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This is why I still believe if she had to open a dog grooming business, since that is what she supposedly knows how to do, she should have gone with the mobile grooming truck. I would think in a rural area the ability to come to your clients would give you an edge. There would be the initial outlay for the truck and supplies etc but there was initial costs for the store too and the maintenance costs would definitely be less than a B&M store.


That said, I do believe the assessment that they are going to be gone soon. I think that is the crux of Nicole's change in attitude at least for a small time there. She sounded really defeated that this was going to be a long process to get the kids back. I think she figured they would through down the "Constitutional rights" battle cry, they'd get the kids back, and bolt. But now she either has to stay put or bolt. I think she cares enough about the kids to want to stay but is pushed by Joe who wants to bolt.

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Guest LocalSnow

Actually, I think someone local posted that there were already 3 other grooming businesses within a pretty small radius. Judging by the photos she's posting on her Groomer Nicole page, it looks like she's averaging around 10 dogs/wk. Some of those may be people who've driven in from out of town to show their "support," but even if she could sustain that, if she had a list of 40-50 solid clients who would bring their dogs in every month, at an average cost of $40-50/dog, that would give her an income of ~$2000/month. And that's really a best case scenario.


Once you deduct rent, utilities, and supplies for the business, loan payments for the land and the business, current business and income taxes, back taxes, and Joe's back child support payments, there won't even be enough left over to buy food for 13 people. And that's if the business is a success


This is the 3rd (maybe even 4th?) grooming salon that Nicole has opened. The previous businesses have all failed, and I don't think this one will be any different. I think they'll be gone before the next baby is born, with or without the other 10 kids.


This is her third business. 


She has owned Scissors and Suds, and Co-owned another salon.


There's also this, which states it was a chicken farm (link 2).







I have driven by her new business. It's not easy to get too, and it's been closed a lot. I've seen it open only a few times. 


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Guest LocalSnow

This is why I still believe if she had to open a dog grooming business, since that is what she supposedly knows how to do, she should have gone with the mobile grooming truck. I would think in a rural area the ability to come to your clients would give you an edge. There would be the initial outlay for the truck and supplies etc but there was initial costs for the store too and the maintenance costs would definitely be less than a B&M store.


That said, I do believe the assessment that they are going to be gone soon. I think that is the crux of Nicole's change in attitude at least for a small time there. She sounded really defeated that this was going to be a long process to get the kids back. I think she figured they would through down the "Constitutional rights" battle cry, they'd get the kids back, and bolt. But now she either has to stay put or bolt. I think she cares enough about the kids to want to stay but is pushed by Joe who wants to bolt.

She hates Mobile groomers. Complained about them constantly at church.


Said they were gougers and thieves.


Also hates the military and alienated a lot of us that way. She told another ward member that her son would die in Iraq and go to Hell. She hates the military which doesn't go over well in any Holler 'round here. Especially with those of us who are or related to vets.

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I hadn't been on their FB page for a few days. She still seems to believe that she can convince the "powers" that everything was fine in the first place via social media. There are a whole bunch of new pictures of her 'happy, healthy kids' to show everyone they don't need to change anything. I noticed there are no pictures of any attempts to change anything even if they don't think they should have to. Still putting their ideology, laziness, cheapness etc over their kids. 


I also saw a post explicitly stating she has had a rhogam shot before a couple of times but has decided not to have it again "unless there is cause for concern'. UH... the fact that you are rh- and your husband is rh+ IS the cause for concern. UGH UGH UGH

Well, that's quite disturbing.

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Well, that's quite disturbing.


Absolutely terrifying. Rh disease is not a minor thing. It's not talked about a lot anymore because rhogan prevents women from becoming rh sensitized over 99% of the time and those few for whom it doesn't work they have blood tests so they know they are sensitized and are treated by high-risk OBs so at delivery the baby is cared for immediately.


All of that requires prenatal care which Nicole refuses to get. Prior to rhogan, Rh disease was a leading killer of newborns. Nicole is choosing to put her baby at risk for a fatal disease. She might get lucky and her baby might not contract Rh disease. I think it's pretty unlikely that Nicole herself isn't rh sensitized after this many pregnancies from an rh+ father without treatment. So the risk is there. She's wiling to risk her child's life. If that baby is born at her homestead or other place without medical care and has rh disease it has a good chance of dying. But it's more important to Nicole to live her way. 


I would assume that CPS can't take "custody" of the unborn baby and at least require prenatal care. Is that correct? She's put in writing that she is purposely skipping vital treatments that could cause harm to her baby. This isn't something that is a question even in 'natural birth' circles. All reputable home birth midwives give and require rhogan. And all reputable home birth midwives would disqualify an rh-sensitive mother from having their baby at home. 

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Absolutely terrifying. Rh disease is not a minor thing. It's not talked about a lot anymore because rhogan prevents women from becoming rh sensitized over 99% of the time and those few for whom it doesn't work they have blood tests so they know they are sensitized and are treated by high-risk OBs so at delivery the baby is cared for immediately.


All of that requires prenatal care which Nicole refuses to get. Prior to rhogan, Rh disease was a leading killer of newborns. Nicole is choosing to put her baby at risk for a fatal disease. She might get lucky and her baby might not contract Rh disease. I think it's pretty unlikely that Nicole herself isn't rh sensitized after this many pregnancies from an rh+ father without treatment. So the risk is there. She's wiling to risk her child's life. If that baby is born at her homestead or other place without medical care and has rh disease it has a good chance of dying. But it's more important to Nicole to live her way. 


I would assume that CPS can't take "custody" of the unborn baby and at least require prenatal care. Is that correct? She's put in writing that she is purposely skipping vital treatments that could cause harm to her baby. This isn't something that is a question even in 'natural birth' circles. All reputable home birth midwives give and require rhogan. And all reputable home birth midwives would disqualify an rh-sensitive mother from having their baby at home. 


I've heard of judges ordering medical care (c-section) against the mother's wish for the sake of the baby, so it may be possible.


So, so sad that she is deluded to this point. I am worried for the baby as well.

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This is her third business. 


She has owned Scissors and Suds, and Co-owned another salon.


There's also this, which states it was a chicken farm (link 2).







I have driven by her new business. It's not easy to get too, and it's been closed a lot. I've seen it open only a few times. 



I think she also had Fido & Friends in San Marcos, TX. It's listed under her maiden name, Nicole Button.



LOL at the "chicken farm" — her dogs ate the first 2 batches of chicks she ordered!

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Absolutely terrifying. Rh disease is not a minor thing. It's not talked about a lot anymore because rhogan prevents women from becoming rh sensitized over 99% of the time and those few for whom it doesn't work they have blood tests so they know they are sensitized and are treated by high-risk OBs so at delivery the baby is cared for immediately.


All of that requires prenatal care which Nicole refuses to get. Prior to rhogan, Rh disease was a leading killer of newborns. Nicole is choosing to put her baby at risk for a fatal disease. She might get lucky and her baby might not contract Rh disease. I think it's pretty unlikely that Nicole herself isn't rh sensitized after this many pregnancies from an rh+ father without treatment. So the risk is there. She's wiling to risk her child's life. If that baby is born at her homestead or other place without medical care and has rh disease it has a good chance of dying. But it's more important to Nicole to live her way. 


I would assume that CPS can't take "custody" of the unborn baby and at least require prenatal care. Is that correct? She's put in writing that she is purposely skipping vital treatments that could cause harm to her baby. This isn't something that is a question even in 'natural birth' circles. All reputable home birth midwives give and require rhogan. And all reputable home birth midwives would disqualify an rh-sensitive mother from having their baby at home. 


I'm RH- AND have lost a baby at 41 weeks due to an incompetent doctor and RH issues. I had a placental abruption. RH is not something to mess around with.

ETA: The nurses actually told my grandmother that there was a chance that I could die. It was a VERY scary night.

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There is a dear lady of my acquaintance who lost two babies before rhogan. 50 years later it still hurt her.


I'm so sorry for her.


It's been 7.5 years for me and there are times where I can hardly breathe thinking about it. I have 4 kids now and I am so overprotective, it's sad. I don't think I could handle it if I lost another kid.


I also had a miscarriage almost 4 years ago. Pregnancy is scary as hell after you've lost a kid. It's 9 months of paranoia that the littlest thing is going to make you lose the baby and then afterwards you worry over the weirdest breath.

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Absolutely terrifying. Rh disease is not a minor thing. It's not talked about a lot anymore because rhogan prevents women from becoming rh sensitized over 99% of the time and those few for whom it doesn't work they have blood tests so they know they are sensitized and are treated by high-risk OBs so at delivery the baby is cared for immediately.


All of that requires prenatal care which Nicole refuses to get. Prior to rhogan, Rh disease was a leading killer of newborns. Nicole is choosing to put her baby at risk for a fatal disease. She might get lucky and her baby might not contract Rh disease. I think it's pretty unlikely that Nicole herself isn't rh sensitized after this many pregnancies from an rh+ father without treatment. So the risk is there. She's wiling to risk her child's life. If that baby is born at her homestead or other place without medical care and has rh disease it has a good chance of dying. But it's more important to Nicole to live her way. 


I would assume that CPS can't take "custody" of the unborn baby and at least require prenatal care. Is that correct? She's put in writing that she is purposely skipping vital treatments that could cause harm to her baby. This isn't something that is a question even in 'natural birth' circles. All reputable home birth midwives give and require rhogan. And all reputable home birth midwives would disqualify an rh-sensitive mother from having their baby at home. 


I wish that were true. I used to see people questioning Rhogam all the time on mothering.com, saying things like, "Back before birth was medicalized, there was no such thing as Rh disease!"


There are even crazy websites suggesting that you can change your Rh factor using herbs and "detoxes." For example: http://tinkerbelle78.hubpages.com/hub/Natural-Birth-and-the-Rh-Negative-Mother


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I wish that were true. I used to see people questioning Rhogam all the time on mothering.com, saying things like, "Back before birth was medicalized, there was no such thing as Rh disease!"


There are even crazy websites suggesting that you can change your Rh factor using herbs and "detoxes." For example: http://tinkerbelle78.hubpages.com/hub/Natural-Birth-and-the-Rh-Negative-Mother


Scary :(

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I wish that were true. I used to see people questioning Rhogam all the time on mothering.com, saying things like, "Back before birth was medicalized, there was no such thing as Rh disease!"


There are even crazy websites suggesting that you can change your Rh factor using herbs and "detoxes." For example: http://tinkerbelle78.hubpages.com/hub/Natural-Birth-and-the-Rh-Negative-Mother



It's probably those trans fats!

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Oh yeah. Before medical advances, babies lived, mothers lived, everything about birth was happy and fluffy and cuddly. :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes: :001_rolleyes:


intothefray :grouphug:  I'm so sorry for your loss.

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I wish that were true. I used to see people questioning Rhogam all the time on mothering.com, saying things like, "Back before birth was medicalized, there was no such thing as Rh disease!"


There are even crazy websites suggesting that you can change your Rh factor using herbs and "detoxes." For example: http://tinkerbelle78.hubpages.com/hub/Natural-Birth-and-the-Rh-Negative-Mother



Right. Because getting medical advice from someone named Tinkerbelle is credible.

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I wish that were true. I used to see people questioning Rhogam all the time on mothering.com, saying things like, "Back before birth was medicalized, there was no such thing as Rh disease!"


There are even crazy websites suggesting that you can change your Rh factor using herbs and "detoxes." For example: http://tinkerbelle78.hubpages.com/hub/Natural-Birth-and-the-Rh-Negative-Mother




sad.  and women and babies never died in childbirth . . . .

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I'm RH- AND have lost a baby at 41 weeks due to an incompetent doctor and RH issues. I had a placental abruption. RH is not something to mess around with.

ETA: The nurses actually told my grandmother that there was a chance that I could die. It was a VERY scary night.


I am so very sorry for your loss.  :grouphug:

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This isn't related to the Nauglers but a few years ago I read the claim that caucasian children are specifically very valuable to cps. I rather suspect this racist thinking is not far removed from some of the comments made by some Naugler supporters.


This is always so fascinating to me. Because, you know, everyone really wants to adopt a malnourished, illiterate white kid at the age of seven.


I guess it stems from the idea that people want to adopt babies that look like them. Except that of the few people I know who did adopt, race and looking like them was literally the last thing on their mind. They just wanted to love and make a family. Oddly, the one person who had fostered three children of three different races in the process, and who would be the most "obvious" adopters (super white people, by which I mean, really pale, but also kind of hippy-dippy) did end up with a baby who looked just like them, but having gone through the foster system without reimbursement (refusing the money) for three nonwhite kids, you have to wonder...


Is it possible? Is it really true that white people can actually love brown babies?


I sure hope so because I was brown and my (biological) mom is white.

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Is it possible? Is it really true that white people can actually love brown babies?


I sure hope so because I was brown and my (biological) mom is white.



absolutely.  I have a friend who adopted four black baby boys (including a set of twins) . . . she was just as possessive of them as infants as any mother who gave birth. as far as she was concerned; they. were. hers.  they just got to her via a different path.  they moved away, but I saw her later as the boys were entering their tweens - and she treated them like any other mother I knew treated her tween boys.  (and that was after having an enormous surprise bio baby girl.  I'm sure they were great big brothers too.)  she had one with a medical problem the dr didn't think was a big deal - but she pushed just like any momma bear would for further testing. her mom gut worked just fine there was something wrong (he was borderline on the issue) that did need treatment.


I know several other families who adopted aa babies, and they loved those children as much as any parent who'd struggled to have a child could.  they were theirs.

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