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This is the most disturbing comment so far. There is a movement?? That means there are more of these crazies. I was hoping their supporters were just buying the spin that they are being harassed because they are different or because they homeschool. But it sounds like there are supporters who know what kind of crazy stuff the Nauglers believe and are right there with them.


Well.... I think you have to look at it in context.  I mean... I have a movement every morning, but that doesn't mean it is of any great significance in the scheme of the world.

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They are still insisting that they spent the weekend with all the kids together in one place, and only said goodbye on Monday.  :confused1:


So this weekend Nicole posted photos of goats taken on their property, and sunsets that appear to have been taken while driving down the highway, while claiming that they were with the kids the whole time but that CPS prohibited them from taking pix of the kids while they were together. 


The news report said they had "a supervised visit on Friday" —no mention whatsoever of them staying in a home with all the kids from Friday through Monday. One would think that if they're lying about the weekend-long visit, then CPS would not be happy about them claiming that they got special treatment. And if they really did have a type of visit that is normally not permitted, then I presume CPS would be pissed off that they blabbed about it! 


We are so grateful that our children were reunited for the entire weekend. On Monday, our visit ended and we were left without them again.


The above is a quote from their facebook page. It say the CHILDREN were reunited...........NOT that the PARENTS were reunited with the kids for the entire weekend. It could be that the parents had a short (usually 1-2 hour visit) with the kids but that the KIDS were all reunited over the weekend so that they could have more sibling contact. I think they want people to think that they spent the entire weekend with the kids but that is very very highly unlikely.



In the interview, I think they said something along the lines of their having a friend who was foster-approved, who took all the kids for the weekend.  It wasn't clear how much time the parents had with them.


Is that a saw behind the baby? On the ground?



Yes it is. 


So aside from the safety issue, it also proves that Joe really is no 'craftsman'.  No one with any real knowledge of tools would leave them or allow their children to leave them lying around like that.  Both from a safety issue and a taking care of them issue. 


But then we already knew that.....


If that is how they treat their tools, it's no wonder they have done very little building.  A rusty saw isn't going to cut much.  


And don't get me started about letting the toddler play with them.  

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Um....did she seriously post a meme suggesting that people were jealous of her?!?!?!   :huh:


My favorite is the meme where she's basically comparing their family to people who broke the law to hide Jews during the Holocaust.


Those poor kids.  My heart just breaks for them.

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In the interview, I think they said something along the lines of their having a friend who was foster-approved, who took all the kids for the weekend.  It wasn't clear how much time the parents had with them.





If that is how they treat their tools, it's no wonder they have done very little building.  A rusty saw isn't going to cut much.  


And don't get me started about letting the toddler play with them.  



There is a post on the Nasty Blessed FB page from that guy Pace claiming the weekend long visit is evidence that the abuse allegations have been proven false. Hmmm.....

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In the interview, I think they said something along the lines of their having a friend who was foster-approved, who took all the kids for the weekend.  It wasn't clear how much time the parents had with them.





I take everything they say with a grain of salt.  you don't know what is (or even if there is any) truth.


those who know them personally have said they are very manipulative.  that quote could simply be feeding their supporters.


their level of delusion could rival Everest for scale.  (though granted, Everest isn't as tall as it was before the Nepal quake.)

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Well.... I think you have to look at it in context.  I mean... I have a movement every morning, but that doesn't mean it is of any great significance in the scheme of the world.


LOL!!!!  Just wish that in this case the movement wasn't plopped right on the head of the innocent children being neglected while the parents push out their dung.

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My favorite is the meme where she's basically comparing their family to people who broke the law to hide Jews during the Holocaust.


Those poor kids.  My heart just breaks for them.


:huh:  :blink:  :svengo:


I hope the foster families, and cps are able to get the kids the things they need to grow up to be *rational* and functional.

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And of course, she's claiming the broken glass and some of the garbage was there before they moved in. Riiiight.


even if that's true, they've been there a while. When you move in somewhere with young children and there is broken glass all around, that's the first thing you clean up.

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I'm wondering if perhaps this whole thing might be a giant scam. These people are basically releasing all this information themselves... How could their story be verified? Are the people even real? Are the unregistered children real? Has any source of info *but* the blogger independently confirmed anything? They sure are releasing a lot of info for no apparent motive.


This might be the world's biggest fundraiser for crazy off-grid living ever launched: pretend we have a ton of children in cps custody and need urgent money and help with our land... Set for life.


I know there are photos. They could be a camping trip with friends for all we actually know.


I don't know if a scam that elaborate is actually likely... Probably not... But I don't think it's impossible.

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I'm wondering if perhaps this whole thing might be a giant scam. These people are basically releasing all this information themselves... How could their story be verified? Are the people even real? Are the unregistered children real? Has any source of info *but* the blogger independently confirmed anything? They sure are releasing a lot of info for no apparent motive.

The local news stations have reported on it including videos of them at the courthouse.

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I'm sure they are real. They had an interview with the son and the sheriff or whoever was also speaking to the press commenting that if they'd gotten more cooperation from the Nauglers, the situation would not have escalated.


I kind of resent that they've been given thousands of dollars. Jeez, do you know what I could do with that money? :p Or even thousands of other people who are struggling just as much as the Nauglers but aren't making ridiculously poor decisions.

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A court-administered trust to ensure that all money is spent on things to improve home and life for the children??


Won't happen, but sounds like a sensible approach that would guarantee no foolish expenditures were made. This also would confer credence upon the tear-jerker moans about how much they love the children.

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A court-administered trust to ensure that all money is spent on things to improve home and life for the children??


Won't happen, but sounds like a sensible approach that would guarantee no foolish expenditures were made. This also would confer credence upon the tear-jerker moans about how much they love the children.


Can you imagine the claims of fraud and theft??? The government not only stole their children to make money but then they commandeered the donations they wanted to use to fix up their home to meet the demands of the evil overload. 

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You can get huge generators that are diesel fueled. They can run large equipment for days. My dh's work has them to run pump stations in power outages. They are hauled in on large trailers .



our neighbors have a cell tower on their property.  during a prolonged outage, the cell company brought one of those things in to run the tower.  they are 'quite large'.  the neighbor made a deal he could also hook up his house to the thing.

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A court-administered trust to ensure that all money is spent on things to improve home and life for the children??


Won't happen, but sounds like a sensible approach that would guarantee no foolish expenditures were made. This also would confer credence upon the tear-jerker moans about how much they love the children.


Why would the court have any authority to dictate how the money can be spent? GoFundMe investigates campaigns that are suspected of being fraudulent or users can report them to local authorities to investigate, but otherwise it's a case of buyer donor beware. If people are dumb enough to throw money at people who are poor money managers, it's their own fault if they spend it foolishly.


Donors should only contribute payments to GoFundMe users they personally know and trust. We’re often asked how a donor can tell the authenticity of a personal cause found on GoFundMe. Unfortunately there is no way to 100% guarantee that a user’s GoFundMe donation page contains accurate or truthful information. As such, donors should not make payments to any campaigns or people unless they fully understand and trust the cause presented.

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Why would the court have any authority to dictate how the money can be spent? GoFundMe investigates campaigns that are suspected of being fraudulent or users can report them to local authorities to investigate, but otherwise it's a case of buyer donor beware. If people are dumb enough to throw money at people who are poor money managers, it's their own fault if they spend it foolishly.


Donors should only contribute payments to GoFundMe users they personally know and trust. We’re often asked how a donor can tell the authenticity of a personal cause found on GoFundMe. Unfortunately there is no way to 100% guarantee that a user’s GoFundMe donation page contains accurate or truthful information. As such, donors should not make payments to any campaigns or people unless they fully understand and trust the cause presented.

The courts would not have such authority. I thought readers would catch that I was expressing "wishful thinking" for the family to have some external "checks and balances" mechanism to prevent the parents from squandering money that may have been donated in good faith by people who [are gullible enough? to ] think their gifts will benefit the children directly.

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Can you imagine the claims of fraud and theft??? The government not only stole their children to make money but then they commandeered the donations they wanted to use to fix up their home to meet the demands of the evil overload.

See my reply to WordNerd.

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See my reply to WordNerd.


Oh I knew you were wishfully thinking. I'm right there wishing with you. I was just saying that what we  see as something to protect the children and honestly it would help Nicole and Joe as well plan and get the most out of the money, they would see as another sign that the government is all about stealing. 

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Oh I knew you were wishfully thinking. I'm right there wishing with you. I was just saying that what we see as something to protect the children and honestly it would help Nicole and Joe as well plan and get the most out of the money, they would see as another sign that the government is all about stealing.

If the funds are in bitcoin, will the family even see any money? I would think of the fund as a symbolic gesture, rather than tangible help. I don't traffic in alternative finances, though, so cannot know the answer.

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Well.. I think it's a work in progress. Like everything else in their life. :p I do think the Nauglers will do just enough to get their kids back and then probably move to another state or something. Though, maybe not with Nicole's business being there.


ETA: I also think that once the kids are back home, things will get worse again and the parents probably won't maintain what positive changes were made. That's just my guess though...

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The pictures of their "clean up day" are very odd!? So they picked up glass, moved an old boat, and cleaned up enough to add to the burn pile? Is that it? These people are delusional if they think they can pick up trash and get their kids back.

Can you post a link to the pics? For the morbidly curious non-FB people? :)

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The pictures of their "clean up day" are very odd!? So they picked up glass, moved an old boat, and cleaned up enough to add to the burn pile? Is that it? These people are delusional if they think they can pick up trash and get their kids back.

Any indication of how many people REALLY came out today?


I saw she mentioned that there was glass on the property left from previous tenets and that it will just keep coming up when it rains.  I UNDERSTAND that.  We have that here as our place had an old barn on it years ago.  That said, I don't think the state is so worried about the FEW pieces that will keep working their way up after rains/winter, but likely they are more worried about the hundreds of pieces that are laying all over on top of the ground right now.

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If the funds are in bitcoin, will the family even see any money? I would think of the fund as a symbolic gesture, rather than tangible help. I don't traffic in alternative finances, though, so cannot know the answer.


I haven't the foggiest idea. I thought the bitcoin stuff was for the grooming business but I didn't understand it there either. I really don't understand bitcoin at all. I was doing night nanny work for a family who worked for the World Bank and when he asked how I wanted to be paid I said, 'check, cash, Paypal - anything is fine'. He said how about Bitcoin' - and laughed. I guess that's World Bank humor. But beyond that I've not heard anything about it or how it works. It screams shady to me. 


I think US GoFundMe is typically US currency but I don't know how it's distributed. I did look a bit at the website and there are rules for using it, including an agreement to comply with tax laws. Are we taking bets on whether the Nauglers will pay taxes on this 40+k gift? They certainly don't have charity or tax exempt status. It also mentions that it is monitored and fraud, such as using the money for something other than what it was said to be for, will be reported to authorities. That could be an issue as well if they don't keep an account of how the money is spent. 

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If the funds are in bitcoin, will the family even see any money? I would think of the fund as a symbolic gesture, rather than tangible help. I don't traffic in alternative finances, though, so cannot know the answer.


I think this may have already been answered, but Capistan (funding the grooming business) works on bitcoin. GoFundMe is real money (my sister used it for my niece).


ETA: I see it's answered right above me. By the time I came back to pc to finally answer, someone beat me to it.

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Now Nicole is talking about what they have on the property in terms of livestock: goats, chickens, and dogs. They plan to raise rabbits for meat and will be starting that endeavor this summer as well as planting an orchard this summer. Eventually they want to have an aviary and additional cabins where guests can stay.

Oh good, an orchard. So that they can have fruit in several years, if at all.


It seems the publicity from losing the kids is the biggest financial boon these people have ever had. I really hope Go Fund Me shuts them down.

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One person that states they showed up to help says the place was "very gross". Said a few people left early afternoon as they got hungry, but not much got done because they were to busy kissing ***. Her words, not mine.

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Oh good, an orchard. So that they can have fruit on several years.


It seems the publicity from losing the kids is the biggest financial boon these people have ever had. I really hope Go Fund Me shuts them down.


You mean, they not disburse the funds? I believe the fund  stopped donations last week or so.

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One person that states they showed up to help says the place was "very gross". Said a few people left early afternoon as they got hungry, but not much got done because they were to busy kissing ***. Her words, not mine.


Darnit, looks like they deleted the comment. I was really interested to see the opinion of someone who was there.

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The pictures of their "clean up day" are very odd!? So they picked up glass, moved an old boat, and cleaned up enough to add to the burn pile? Is that it? These people are delusional if they think they can pick up trash and get their kids back.

don't forget they took time to take pictures of flowers to say the homestead is pretty.  How about new pictures of the "home" itself

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One thing that really got me there at the end: the interviewer questions whether they will comply with CPS requests, saying why wouldn't you if you wanted your kids back.

Joe says some nonsense about 'the line' that they are willing to comply with according to their personal beliefs. He says, yeah, a fence and cleaning up the old decrepit sites that were on the property from previous tenants, that's fine. They always planned to, but it was a step-by-step process they were following...

But it clearly implied that there were things they would NOT be willing to comply with to get their kids back:(

Seriously frightening. I feel for those kids who will need years of reprogramming:(

And I certainly hope that the location of the foster homes is kept from them!


Yeah, Nicole had a post on FB saying that they're really doing this for all the people like them, and that before this is over she's going to make sure that CPS will never go after her or people like her ever again. Sounds as if being proven right is going to take precedence over getting the kids back. :( 


It's really not helping that they are deleting all posts except for the ones from fellow nutters who are cheering them on and assuring them that not only will they get their kids back ASAP (because Constitution!), but they will be able to sue CPS for millions of dollars for illegal kidnapping. Nicole is posting all these photos and quotes of MLK, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and holocaust victims, like she's a crusader on a divine mission to defend truth, justice, and civil liberties, instead of an incompetent parent who lost her kids because they've been living in poo for 2 years.

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