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And on the bright side their GoFundMe campaign has also been closed.


Really! I just checked it like an hour ago and it was up (okay, in all honesty I probably checked it like 10 minutes ago. Nope, I'm not obsessed. Not at all.  :coolgleamA: )

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And on the bright side their GoFundMe campaign has also been closed.



Well, it says "the organizer" has shut down the campaign, not gofundme. I guess $48,000 is at least a start, but I would be shooting for half a million. 

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discussing the Nauglers (the other thread got derailed)


Thanks.  I've actually been working for a living lately so completely missed that thread.  I suppose that's why this one doesn't make a hoot of sense.  I appreciate the little bit of knowledge.

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Well, it says "the organizer" has shut down the campaign, not gofundme. I guess $48,000 is at least a start, but I would be shooting for half a million. 


Gotta get something out of the situation huh? :p

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Thanks.  I've actually been working for a living lately so completely missed that thread.  I suppose that's why this one doesn't make a hoot of sense.  I appreciate the little bit of knowledge.



Working??? Don't WORK!!!! Start a gofundme!!! 

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Working??? Don't WORK!!!! Start a gofundme!!! 


Eh, the camaraderie wouldn't be the same...  I don't sub in our public school for the money, it's the kids I enjoy working with.


But wait... how much money did they make and what sort of business?  There's always that travel junkie in me who would love more travel funds.

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Good grief. The stark difference between the business and the home is kind of shocking. Is it really necessary to have such a nice place for the business? I mean, there's nothing wrong with it, if you can afford it but SHE isn't affording it, her "investors" are.

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This was a comment on their FB page a few hours ago:


"Mom and Dad have done absolutely NOTHING to provide a shelter & sustain this lifestyle they want everyone to believe they live. They are literally, winging it, at their kid's expense. Volunteers had to come in & build the "cabin" portion they live in, because the father was completely ignorant & lazy as to how to do it. It wasn't big enough for all 12 of them so the children are the ones who went out & cut down all the sticks to build the fence around the "kitchen" and strung the tarps so they wouldn't get rained on while they cooked. The children are the ones who've constructed every fence on the property, dug every garden, and planted every seed. Nicole herself said the children have built and constructed everything you see in the pictures with their own bare hands. And she wasn't exaggerating. The tables, the shelves, the beds, the firepits, the stoves, the garden, EVERYTHING has been built by the children. Which is exactly why it looks like a fort built by children. Because it IS. The children dug all the trenches for rain run-off, they feed and take care of all the animals, they supervise one another and stand guard on the "farm" while dad sits in the "cabin" on WiFi or sleeps. The children cook all their own meals on a makeshift brick stove and are in charge of all of the cleaning, clearing off of land, and washing clothes. They work from sun up to sun down under the guise of "learning" and "play". The children are the ones who empty the buckets filled with feces they use for toilets. The parents do nothing but beg while the poor children pick up all the slack (oh I forgot the Mom sells dog bows. And yes, the children are the ones who make the bows too) The 10 children have literally built their parents a place to reproduce. I am so glad the children have survived this long being their own parents, it's truly a miracle. These kids may be healthy, but its no thanks to Mom and Dad, it's thanks the eldest son and daughter."




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This was a comment on their FB page a few hours ago:


"Mom and Dad have done absolutely NOTHING to provide a shelter & sustain this lifestyle they want everyone to believe they live. They are literally, winging it, at their kid's expense. Volunteers had to come in & build the "cabin" portion they live in, because the father was completely ignorant & lazy as to how to do it. It wasn't big enough for all 12 of them so the children are the ones who went out & cut down all the sticks to build the fence around the "kitchen" and strung the tarps so they wouldn't get rained on while they cooked. The children are the ones who've constructed every fence on the property, dug every garden, and planted every seed. Nicole herself said the children have built and constructed everything you see in the pictures with their own bare hands. And she wasn't exaggerating. The tables, the shelves, the beds, the firepits, the stoves, the garden, EVERYTHING has been built by the children. Which is exactly why it looks like a fort built by children. Because it IS. The children dug all the trenches for rain run-off, they feed and take care of all the animals, they supervise one another and stand guard on the "farm" while dad sits in the "cabin" on WiFi or sleeps. The children cook all their own meals on a makeshift brick stove and are in charge of all of the cleaning, clearing off of land, and washing clothes. They work from sun up to sun down under the guise of "learning" and "play". The children are the ones who empty the buckets filled with feces they use for toilets. The parents do nothing but beg while the poor children pick up all the slack (oh I forgot the Mom sells dog bows. And yes, the children are the ones who make the bows too) The 10 children have literally built their parents a place to reproduce. I am so glad the children have survived this long being their own parents, it's truly a miracle. These kids may be healthy, but its no thanks to Mom and Dad, it's thanks the eldest son and daughter."




No words.

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wait, wait, what? I've been missing so much. So this off the grid, kids living in a shack person is now going to have a grooming business? Gobsmacked. Can't provide a home and education for your kids but will make fifi smell nice and clip her matts off?

AFAIK...that was the mom's career all along, since before she had children.


*disclaimer this post in no way endorses the mistreatment of the children. I'm stating a "fact" I gleaned while reading about the family.

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:lurk5:  :lurk5:  :lurk5:


Why am I so interested in this family??  I have my own life! Supposedly.....


Well, here's me:


1. I'm starting to get really freaked out by the cries of, "Oh, no, the government is breaking up homeschooler's homes and stealing all the kids!" when it turns out that, no, a family was abusing and neglecting children and using hs'ing to hide it all (which might affect us all someday soon). I mean, it keeps happening.


2. Homesteading, the yearning for back-to-the-land, is in my bloodstream. It's the thing I didn't do when I chose to homeschool four sons, because I have limited energy and funds. Couldn't do both,  so I'm doing homeschool well. But I still might buy a small plunk of land, when these people grow up. So if somebody's doing it at all -- well, poorly, criminally -- I'm interested.


3. Specifically for this family: I'm just wondering where the heck the bottom is. Every time we hear a little bit of their story, I think that must be the worst, but no. There's more.

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OMG!  So out of boredom I followed the link to her business site.  Randomly scrolling while listing to something else I found this posted April 19: 



"One of the things I will be offering at the salon are Pet Parenting Classes.

I have a home grooming class, pet first aid class in the works for May and June. Schedule to come soon."


She is offering pet PARENTING classes! 


Oh the irony...



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I am not a fan of these parents by any means,  However, if this is their sole means of support (outside of the GoFundMe which presumably will go for the legal fees that it really isn't supposed to be used for) then she does need to continue to work on the business partly as a way of proving to CPS that they can take care of these children.  

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This was a comment on their FB page a few hours ago:


"Mom and Dad have done absolutely NOTHING to provide a shelter & sustain this lifestyle they want everyone to believe they live. They are literally, winging it, at their kid's expense. Volunteers had to come in & build the "cabin" portion they live in, because the father was completely ignorant & lazy as to how to do it. It wasn't big enough for all 12 of them so the children are the ones who went out & cut down all the sticks to build the fence around the "kitchen" and strung the tarps so they wouldn't get rained on while they cooked. The children are the ones who've constructed every fence on the property, dug every garden, and planted every seed. Nicole herself said the children have built and constructed everything you see in the pictures with their own bare hands. And she wasn't exaggerating. The tables, the shelves, the beds, the firepits, the stoves, the garden, EVERYTHING has been built by the children. Which is exactly why it looks like a fort built by children. Because it IS. The children dug all the trenches for rain run-off, they feed and take care of all the animals, they supervise one another and stand guard on the "farm" while dad sits in the "cabin" on WiFi or sleeps. The children cook all their own meals on a makeshift brick stove and are in charge of all of the cleaning, clearing off of land, and washing clothes. They work from sun up to sun down under the guise of "learning" and "play". The children are the ones who empty the buckets filled with feces they use for toilets. The parents do nothing but beg while the poor children pick up all the slack (oh I forgot the Mom sells dog bows. And yes, the children are the ones who make the bows too) The 10 children have literally built their parents a place to reproduce. I am so glad the children have survived this long being their own parents, it's truly a miracle. These kids may be healthy, but its no thanks to Mom and Dad, it's thanks the eldest son and daughter."




Look on the bright side - in a few years those kids will write a book that'll top the bestseller list for weeks. They'll never have to live like that again. 

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This was a comment on their FB page a few hours ago:


"Mom and Dad have done absolutely NOTHING to provide a shelter & sustain this lifestyle they want everyone to believe they live. They are literally, winging it, at their kid's expense. Volunteers had to come in & build the "cabin" portion they live in, because the father was completely ignorant & lazy as to how to do it. It wasn't big enough for all 12 of them so the children are the ones who went out & cut down all the sticks to build the fence around the "kitchen" and strung the tarps so they wouldn't get rained on while they cooked. The children are the ones who've constructed every fence on the property, dug every garden, and planted every seed. Nicole herself said the children have built and constructed everything you see in the pictures with their own bare hands. And she wasn't exaggerating. The tables, the shelves, the beds, the firepits, the stoves, the garden, EVERYTHING has been built by the children. Which is exactly why it looks like a fort built by children. Because it IS. The children dug all the trenches for rain run-off, they feed and take care of all the animals, they supervise one another and stand guard on the "farm" while dad sits in the "cabin" on WiFi or sleeps. The children cook all their own meals on a makeshift brick stove and are in charge of all of the cleaning, clearing off of land, and washing clothes. They work from sun up to sun down under the guise of "learning" and "play". The children are the ones who empty the buckets filled with feces they use for toilets. The parents do nothing but beg while the poor children pick up all the slack (oh I forgot the Mom sells dog bows. And yes, the children are the ones who make the bows too) The 10 children have literally built their parents a place to reproduce. I am so glad the children have survived this long being their own parents, it's truly a miracle. These kids may be healthy, but its no thanks to Mom and Dad, it's thanks the eldest son and daughter."




I do feel bad for saying the were too stupid to build a fort. For children, that is pretty good.


Also, stupid was too  kind a reading of the situation, if the above is true. :(

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Oh, I just saw what you meant; they took their facebook page down. They probably realized it was a HORRIBLE idea to leave all that evidence of their neglience open to the public (and to provide a place for people who know them to post about their experiences with the family, which can't help them in any way).


I've been riveted to this case too and I have NO idea why. It hasn't inspired me to do more school or cleaning or anything, lol, but it has made me think about the possibility in the future of fostering older children.

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Oh, my.  And here I thought Halycon was seriously having a bad day.  I've been skipping all the threads referring to families I don't know, and I guess that wasn't such a bad choice. 


Off to hug the dc and thank dh for providing us all with real walls and a roof. 





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Oh, I just saw what you meant; they took their facebook page down. They probably realized it was a HORRIBLE idea to leave all that evidence of their neglience open to the public (and to provide a place for people who know them to post about their experiences with the family, which can't help them in any way).


Blessed Little Homestead is still on Facebook.

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I'm watching because we're in the process of buying a homestead and this is the worst case scenario. I know lots of people who are doing homesteading well. I have never seen anything like this.

The people I knew who homesteaded (including my brothers) had community to help them out.  They had done research.  They had some money set aside for starting costs.  They had some money set aside for contingencies.  They had plans B and C and D and on down the line.  Things can go wrong and often do but I think something of this magnitude only happens when you don't have all of the above.  The stories of these children doing all of this basically on their own reads like those old stories of orphaned kids who scraped by because they had to, not kids who have able-bodied parents right there in the picture.  

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OMG! So out of boredom I followed the link to her business site. Randomly scrolling while listing to something else I found this posted April 19:



"One of the things I will be offering at the salon are Pet Parenting Classes.

I have a home grooming class, pet first aid class in the works for May and June. Schedule to come soon."


She is offering pet PARENTING classes!


Oh the irony...

Sidetrack comment of the day: i seriously hate the term "pet parenting." I saw this at Petsmart. It really irks me.

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Sidetrack comment of the day: i seriously hate the term "pet parenting." I saw this at Petsmart. It really irks me.

I was talking recently with a father of two preschoolers. He told me that one of his co-workers likes to talk about how taking care of her dog is like raising a child, only she has it harder because kids grow up and move out but she has to take care of her dog its whole life.

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I was talking recently with a father of two preschoolers. He told me that one of his co-workers likes to talk about how taking care of her dog is like raising a child, only she has it harder because kids grow up and move out but she has to take care of her dog its whole life.


Oh. My.


When my older two were around 4 and 2 a woman at church (who had never had any children) told me she knew *exactly* what it was like having children because she has cats.

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I'm watching because we're in the process of buying a homestead and this is the worst case scenario. I know lots of people who are doing homesteading well. I have never seen anything like this.

But this isn't about homesteading, IMO. It's about child neglect, (possible) mental illness, (possible) addiction, (possible) spousal abuse.


I thought Someone on The Other Thread had said this family basically become homeless when they moved out there to the land. I can't find the post but I've been turning that thought over and over...

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