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I love coffee....but....


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I do love coffee.  The smell, the taste, how vibrant I feel after drinking it.




I do not love how I feel a few hours after drinking it.  I do not love the headache, jitters, yucky feeling I get with the "coming down off cafeine and sugar crash" . 


I used to drink 2 cups a day.  It never seemed to bother me.  Then I got down to 3 or so cups a week.  I cut back mainly due to calories.  Coffee was a treat, an experience....chocolate sauce, whipped cream, yumm!!  This past week I went 5 days without coffee.  Until today.  It tasted so good!!!!  I felt energized and optimistic, and ready to take on the world.  Until a few hours ago. 




I just can't drink coffee anymore.  It isn't worth the crash feeling. 


What about decaf?  Is that a decent alternative or am I still going to get the yucky feeling.....

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Instead of ditching the coffee habit altogether maybe you could address the sugar crash part and gradually reduce what you add to your coffee. It has helped me reduce my post coffee slump. Decaf might help but you may still need to check the sugar content of your add-ins.

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Instead of ditching the coffee habit altogether maybe you could address the sugar crash part and gradually reduce what you add to your coffee. It has helped me reduce my post coffee slump. Decaf might help but you may still need to check the sugar content of your add-ins.

I agree. Dh had this same problem until he stopped putting sugar in his coffee (and having the donuts with it). At first he thought it was the caffeine but then realized it was the sugar.


I love my coffee with a tablespoon of heavy whipping cream and no sugar. It might sound weird, but everyone I know who's tried it has liked it. Sometimes I sprinkle some cinnamon on top.

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The caffeine doesn't really have a big effect on me, unless I drink coffee at night. But I use flavored coffee (French vanilla or hazelnut), stevia (currently English toffee, which goes nicely with the vanilla coffee), and a little heavy cream. No sugar. I also almost always drink it with a low or no grain/sugar breakfast (usually eggs or cheese, plus vegetables and/or mushrooms), and there's not a crash.

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I believe that if one drinks coffee or other things with caffeine in them, on a regular basis, this will not happen. Caffeine is an addictive drug and if one is accustomed to receiving caffeine and then quits, "cold turkey", the intense headaches are likely to begin.  I worked on a temporary job assignment in Huntsville and shared a cubicle with an Engineer from Florida. He was there from FL with his wife and dog. I was there from TX with my dog. His wife went home to FL and took the coffee maker with her.  He had intense headaches from the withdrawal. She sent him a  coffee maker and he was OK...

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coffee is an addictive drug and people who consume it do have withdrawal symptoms if they miss a dose.  so if you are going 3-4 days in-between doses you will feel the coming down effect.   some regular addicts like my DH have difficulty if he goes a few hours past his regular coffee consuming time slot without having his coffee. He would find it just about impossible to go a day without coffee- and I would find him impossible to live with .

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I believe that if one drinks coffee or other things with caffeine in them, on a regular basis, this will not happen. Caffeine is an addictive drug and if one is accustomed to receiving caffeine and then quits, "cold turkey", the intense headaches are likely to begin. I worked on a temporary job assignment in Huntsville and shared a cubicle with an Engineer from Florida. He was there from FL with his wife and dog. I was there from TX with my dog. His wife went home to FL and took the coffee maker with her. He had intense headaches from the withdrawal. She sent him a coffee maker and he was OK...

This is true, but it isn't what she is describing....she is describing that draggy feeling a few hours after she has a cup. I vote sugar as the culprit.

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A good compromise at our house is to go half caf. I much prefer a high quality water processed decaf. To pair with the high quality regular. I drink coffee with a splash of milk no sugar. I think the sugar might be causing the problem actually.


Eta didn't read responses before I posted. Looks like I am in good company. :)

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Interesting. My personal plan to avoid this is not to give up coffee.:) Then I won't have negative issues whenever I try to drink it again.


Calories-coffee doesn't have calories does it? I know it is zero carb. I use artificial sweetener and some half and half. Then I sometimes buy sugar free flavored syrups. The one I am using now is salted caramel flavor Yum.


However, if you feel so much better without coffee and want to give it up, I can certainly appreciate and respect that. 

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I have to agree that if coffee means fancy lattes with sugar, chocolate and whipped cream that it is a massive sugar crash that is causing most of the issue.


You could try and balance it by eating some protien and fiber when you get one but overall probably need to consider these treat drinks to be a giant dessert more than coffee. Maybe a smaller drink or only drink half of one, if it is something you like having as an occasional treat still.

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I also agree with sugar being the culprit. I drink several cups of coffee per day and have never felt a "caffeine crash." But then I don't drink my coffee with sugar or creamer, just straight. Depending on how much chocolate sauce and whipped cream you're putting in it might be like drinking a soda. A can of coke has about 33g sugar; a tall cafe mocha without whipped cream from Starbucks is about 27g sugar. If you drink soda do you get a similar crash afterward?

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Chocolate sauce? Whipped cream? What kind of coffee are you drinking? That doesn't sound like a typical cup of joe, it sounds like a dessert coffee. That's no way to start your day!  Try a half-caff coffee with a little turbinado (half teaspoon to take off the edge) and a dollop of half-n-half. It's just as enjoyable but less sugary. I typically drink decaf with just a bit of half-n-half.  

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I love coffee so much, I drink it black and decaf. :). For me, it was obvious that the caffeine was to blame because I don't add anything else to it and if I have more than two caffineated beverages in a few days time span, the headaches start up.


I'd try switching to decaf and dropping the add-ins. Really good coffee needs nothing else and decaf is every bit as wonderful.

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It's the sugar.  You might try experimenting with different coffees, you'd be surprised how different they taste.  Good coffee is like wine, with undertones of other flavors.  I drink black espresso, and can tell brands apart fairly easily.  My favorites are the ones with chocolate undertones.  :)   Try ordering coffee online, that is freshly roasted - coffee that is stale is not as good, and will need sugar added.  Freshly roasted beans will give a nice "crema" on top - sort of a frothy look.  Mmmmm.


To cut the sugar, go slow if you must, and work your way down to only cream.  Once you find a bean that works for you, cutting out even the cream/milk is fairly easy to do.  It's all about the bean!


Or, if you want to give up coffee altogether because you feel it's better for you... that's okay, too!  I have no input there, just best wishes!



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I tried drinking coffee without sugar and still got the crash. Happened with decaf (still has caffeine) too.


I'm currently drinking coffee but am giving it up next week. As much as I think I love it, it's the habit I love. I have a couple cups first thing in the morning, or in the afternoon when planning school, or when we go somewhere. The week I didn't have any I was very off.

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It's the sugar.  You might try experimenting with different coffees, you'd be surprised how different they taste.  Good coffee is like wine, with undertones of other flavors.  I drink black espresso, and can tell brands apart fairly easily.  My favorites are the ones with chocolate undertones.   :)   Try ordering coffee online, that is freshly roasted - coffee that is stale is not as good, and will need sugar added.  Freshly roasted beans will give a nice "crema" on top - sort of a frothy look.  Mmmmm.


To cut the sugar, go slow if you must, and work your way down to only cream.  Once you find a bean that works for you, cutting out even the cream/milk is fairly easy to do.  It's all about the bean!


Or, if you want to give up coffee altogether because you feel it's better for you... that's okay, too!  I have no input there, just best wishes!


hmmmm......I have stopped using milk and instead, I use about a tsp of cream or a tbls or 2 of half and half.  So yesterday, I put 1/2 tbls chocolate syrup  and 2 tbls of half/half in the coffee.  Calorie wise....that adds up to 25 calories for the sweetener and 40 calories for the creamer. It tasted wonderful!!!  If I go to a chain store, I always ask for 1 pump in my tall drinks and 2 pumps in my grande drinks.  That is about much less than they normally put in the lattes


I can gradually cut back the syrup or perhaps try something with stevia.....

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I drink coffee in the morning & then switch to black tea as the day goes on, thus decreasing caffeine but not cold turkey. Sometime in early evening I switch to herbal or decaf black tea.

no sugar. I agree with others that this will contribute to any crashing.

I take my coffee with unsweetened soy milk so I get a bit of protein with each cup...

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hmmmm......I have stopped using milk and instead, I use about a tsp of cream or a tbls or 2 of half and half.  So yesterday, I put 1/2 tbls chocolate syrup  and 2 tbls of half/half in the coffee.  Calorie wise....that adds up to 25 calories for the sweetener and 40 calories for the creamer. It tasted wonderful!!!  If I go to a chain store, I always ask for 1 pump in my tall drinks and 2 pumps in my grande drinks.  That is about much less than they normally put in the lattes


I can gradually cut back the syrup or perhaps try something with stevia.....


Well that doesn't sound like too much sugar--about 7g. Maybe for you it is the caffeine.

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If I drink coffee without food I get deleterious effects, even black with nothing in it. Some people are just more sensitive to caffeine and you can get more so with age. It bothered me less five years ago.

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It's the caffeine. Here's my take.

You body develops a tolerance the more consistantly you use it, hence you felt normal on 2 cups a day. With only occasional use, you now do not have tolerance to the less great effects like racing heart or jitters. Same thing happens if you shoot over your normally tolerated amount.

So.. Either use decaf, or drink more coffee!!!!ðŸ˜

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I stopped having that feeling when I went to bulletproof or black coffee. It's the sugar, not the coffee.


ETA: Sometimes it's not about how much sugar, but any on an empty or nearly empty stomach. If insisting on sugar, I'd suggest a good protein hit along side it.

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Sugar very rarely bothers me unless I eat a LOT of it (like when I'm baking cookies and eating the dough  :blush:), so I'm going to say it's the caffeine as well. As I've gotten older, I've grown less able to tolerate it (although I never tolerated it all that well in the first place). DH has experienced the same thing--for years he drank 5-6 cups a day, never had jitters, never had any problem sleeping, etc. Then, suddenly, about two years ago, he started getting jittery, so he cut back to one or two cups a day and was fine. Recently he started having problems sleeping and discovered that if he drinks any coffee after 1:00-ish, it will affect him that night. That's completely new to him. 


My compromise is half-caf when I'm wanting the energy boost and decaf when I just want the coffee experience. Decaf doesn't taste as good, IMO, but it satisfies me (good decaf--I buy Starbucks Sumatra). I use the same amount of sugar as I do in full-caf coffee, but no jitters and no crash. 

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Well, I tried coffee again today.  Same recipe as before.  But, I enjoyed sipping it over about 3 hours.  It dawned on me today that coffee is really a dessert treat for me.  I usually have it over ice after lunch.  Even in winter, I prefer iced coffee.  So far, I haven't gotten the awful crash that I got the other day.  But, instead of drinking it fairly fast in a short amount of time, I've enjoyed sipping it.  Perhaps spreading it out over time is key for me.....

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