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Kids past 4 napping?


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My dd, 7, still napped at least 3-4 days a week up until age six. My 5 1/2 year old is not napping every day but still does about 3-4 days a week. I know because of k / preschool many kids stop at 4-5. I am wondering if homeschoolers still as a whole nap longer? Just curious since we are regularity home mid-day.

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My oldest and middle stopped napping the weekend my youngest was born. No one else could get them to nap and when I came home it never happened again. They were almost 3 and 18 months. They did start going to bed 2 hours early so that was nice. Youngest napped part time starting at 2ish for about a year. I never knew if she'd actually fall asleep or not. I on the other hand napped until first grade and my mother was soooo worried about me missing them. I've always enjoyed sleeping it's too bad my kids didn't.

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My oldest napped regularly at 5 & dd#2 would put herself down for a nap most afternoons even at 6. (She now puts herself to bed just after 7 unless we are out of the house or have people over. She takes awhile to wind down.) 


DD#3 stopped taking naps unless we were driving in the car before age 2. DS#1 stopped taking naps at around 2 1/2 unless he was going through a growth spurt, was getting sick, or we were driving. Ds#2 stopped taking naps before age 2 except for the same things as ds#1 plus "lots of outdoor activity."


My older ones napped more often partly because I forced the quiet time (boredom on their part) and probably partly due to personality. I don't think it is a universal homeschooler thing to nap later.

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Mine stopped napping around age 2, other than the occasional long car trip. It had nothing to do with homeschooling, they just wouldn't or couldn't sleep anymore. I'm also not a napper (can't sleep during the day unless I have the flu) .


Currently, dd4 wakes at 7am and falls asleep between 9:30-10pm.

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One of mine napped until he was 3 or 4. One of them.


The youngest one is already not napping. Let me elaborate, lol: he would nap. He really still needs a nap to get through the day (he's almost 3). But if he naps during the day, he stays up super late and still gets up super early (like 4) the next morning. So he's been banned from napping :D

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Ok....my brain is a bit foggy on this now (not for nothing but...all four of mine were born within 3 1/2 years of one another).


My oldest napped until she was 5 or 6...thereabouts.  She could have napped past that age, but her nap was starting to cause her to not fall asleep until later at night.


My second oldest...if I let that boy nap even fifteen minutes, past the age of 4, he'd be up until midnight.  Even now, he has a hard time falling asleep.  It isn't really surprising, though.  He's my "accelerated" child and has LOTS on his mind.  


My 3rd oldest napped until he was probably about 4 or so, could have gone on longer, but with the older two no longer napping...


Same with the youngest.  Actually, I think he was probably only 3 when he nixed naps because he didn't want to be the only one heading upstairs to sleep.


All that to say...yes, there was a blissful stretch of time where ALL FOUR NAPPED TOGETHER!  Every day, right after lunch...DD went to her room and immediately fell asleep.  And the boys went to their room where I sat outside their door for a few minutes until they fell asleep.


Ahhhhh, peacefulness.  It.was.heavenly.



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No magic tricks to tell. *shrug* We've always had a family-wide quiet time around 1-2 PM, readers read quietly, littles nap, teens work on school.



I second  daily quiet times.  LOL, I still do this with my 12 and 15 year olds.  These days quiet time usually means free reading or playing with Legos for the younger, while my older son is usually doing school work.  Now I tell my boys that quiet time is for me, not them!

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My 4 year old has gone through short phases of not napping since he was 18 months old, but always returns to it. I have no intention of putting a stop to it. ;) If he wants to nap until he's 7 that's cool with me. He sleeps in the car so it's never been an inconvenience and I love my quiet time in the afternoons.

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I completely gave up trying to make DS nap when he turned 4. He takes a nap maybe once a year, usually when sick, and is usually bouncing down the stairs by 7AM.

I'd had to force afternoon naptime since he was maybe 18 months, because without one, he would melt down before we could get through dinner. (He dropped the morning nap right before turning 1.) On the other hand, he would often wind up not taking the nap until 4 and then being wide awake for several more hours.


When he turned 4, I informed him that he no longer needed to take a nap, and we would have quiet time instead. I love quiet time. :001_wub:

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I'm 47 and still nap.


:lol:  Actually, I would looove to still nap...once in a blue moon I do.


When reading this it reminded me of when I was in Kindergarten.  We had 1/2 days and had naps on little mats.  I think all we ever did was nap, play with the pretend kitchen, and play with a few puzzles.  What did we ever learn??  Now in public K they need to write a paragraph in complete sentences. :huh:  

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What did we ever learn?? Now in public K they need to write a paragraph in complete sentences. :huh:

Wow. I did not know this was a thing. I think my son is brilliant and I don't see him doing this in a year. Here's something else to add to the list of why I'm glad we homeschool.

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Wow. I did not know this was a thing. I think my son is brilliant and I don't see him doing this in a year. Here's something else to add to the list of why I'm glad we homeschool.

:iagree:  My niece is in public K and my MIL was telling me that this is a requirement (at least in her school...which is not advanced or anything) before advancing to 1st.  I was shocked.  I was thinking of all the kids who can barely even read or write 3 letter words...how are they gonna do that?  I wondered if it has anything to do with common core...but I didn't ask.

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My 18mo naps for an hour or two in the afternoon. My 3yo will fall asleep in the car if we are out in the afternoon but otherwise doesn't nap unless he's up particularly early. If he doesn't nap at all, he falls asleep easily at 8:30 or 9, although he might get a little whiny around 4 or 5, but if he naps, he's up much later. My 6yo hasn't napped regularly in a few years but will very occasionally sleep for a short time in the car, if he was up late the night before and up early that morning. My almost 13yo didn't needs to nap after age 2, but I insisted that she lie down with me for a while longer, which usually made her fall asleep; I was pregnant and didn't need her running around the house alone. (This hasn't been an issue with my other 2-3yos because I've had older kids to keep an eye on them while I napped during pregnancies.)


My 10yo, otoh. He napped regularly until 4 and would often fall asleep in the car until easily 5, sometimes even until 6. Even at 10, he will sometimes get tired and take a short nap in the afternoon; he's just always been more prone to that sort of thing.

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Oldest napped until 5 when he went to school. Number 2 napped until 4, I think? We were homeschooling at that point. Number 3 napped until 3. He likes to be involved with everything.


Homeschooling hasn't done anything for naps here, sadly. It's all been about personality.

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All three of mine were done by the time they were 2.5yo, but that also led to them sleeping great at night and longer so I didn't mind them not having a nap during the day.  Although I did instill quiet time for about an hour in the afternoon.  This seemed to recharge everyone including myself.

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I actually had a theory on napping vs. what a previous poster said about a kid having "lots on their mind." I won't share it as it turned out to be an imaginary correlation, at least in our house. But, for awhile, I thought it was true. 


On a separate note, it is really nice as a mom to have a kid (or two) who know how to put themselves to sleep when they are tired vs. those kids who let themselves routinely get "overtired" from staying up too late. One kid will simply disappear and you will find them curled up in bed (yours or theirs). Another will still be up with parents and suddenly burst into tears or start fighting/screaming and the magic window of putting them to sleep nicely had already passed. Admittedly, the overtiredness is because I failed to do my job (seeing the tiredness & putting them to bed then) and not the child's fault. So, the self-soothing child contributes to my parental laziness.

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My older kids stopped napping at 2, 5, and 3.5. My 3 year old naps about half the time now and the baby naps every day. When the baby goes to sleep, the others go to their rooms for quiet time. Once in awhile the older ones may take a nap, especially if they got up early or stayed up late the night before.

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My three quit napping sometime before age 3. My current 2 year old still naps most days. My 5 year old will very occasionally still nap in the afternoon, but it's maybe once every 2 months. We still have a quiet time every afternoon.

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DS stopped at 4. DD just stopped recently around 5.5. We still have quiet time if we are home. They must separate from each other AND me! They usually listen to audiobooks in their rooms. DD will occasionally fall asleep. DS plays Lego while listening (and usually attempting to make a Lego tower fall very loudly on his wooden floors to make sure his sister doesn't have peace).


I sit in absolute silence.

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Wow. I did not know this was a thing. I think my son is brilliant and I don't see him doing this in a year. Here's something else to add to the list of why I'm glad we homeschool.


It's not. 


Though, they did take out nap time, which is a shame.

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My own DS stopped napping before 18 months. I felt a bit ripped off!


When I cared for a room of fifteen 3-5 year olds, they all napped. Towards the end of the year, some of the 5 year olds were allowed to do a quiet activity at the other end of the room.

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Both my girls napped until 5. Honestly, I think 6yo could use one or two a week but she stays up late if she does nap.


2yo still takes 2 naps a day. 1.5-2 hours in morning and 1 hour around 4:30. And goes to bed about 7:30. What a rock star. :)


My kids need their sleep.

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For some there might be something to P.S. stopping naps.  Another mother in DD's ballet class talked about how the school has her K kid in tutoring while the other kids are napping.  The logic is that he is on the young end of the grade so he needs more instruction.  Of course, being on the young end of the grade he probably really needs naps more than the rest of the kids.  But, that might risk him not testing well.  Another mom was complaining that her kid's K school doesn't allow naps, and punishment is to miss recess, which happens frequently.  

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My kids are generally so quiet, I don't need to impose any quiet times.  I might have to impose times to make more noise.  LOL


Does. Not. Compute. lol!


The other day dh was home. I was in the kitchen cooking and dd4 was in the living room with dh. He asked me, "Is she always like this?!?!" I had to turn my brain and my ears back on to figure out what he was talking about. Oh, just talking a mile a minute with highly accelerated physical action to go with it. "Yes. yes, she's always like that," I respond. He could only shake his head.


She'll still take a nap, if I let her. She won't just lie down, I have to lie with her. Of course, if I lie with her, I also fall asleep... If she does nap, she cannot sleep past 2:30 or she'll be up until 11pm. Accelerated. Bratty. Rebellious. I've decided to maybe try melatonin this week... :leaving:


My oldest, I don't remember when she stopped naps. I do remember when she did take them, it was at 12pm on the dot, no matter where she was (even in her lunch - I had move lunch earlier). I could set a clock to when she decided to lay down. That started when she was about 1.

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My first napped until about age 4, though she could have probably napped until around age 5. But her little sister stopped napping at about 2.5 (she had always been very hard to get to sleep anyways, from birth) and they would just keep each other up so I was just like, fine, no more napping. My son is 2 and still naps and has always been a great sleeper so he'll also probably nap for a long time. Which is fine with me because I have a baby due in July and I neeeed that naptime!

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