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Tell me about Otterboxes


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I am asking here, because it's where I first heard of them. They look so complicated on the Otterbox website. I am having trouble picturing them -- do they have a built in screen protector *and* a cover on the front? I usually use screen protectors on phones, but not on iPads, as they pretty much stay in the house.


I need to get a case for my old iPhone 4s that I am giving to ds and for dd's iPad 3 whose Apple case is falling apart. I just bought an Apple silicone case for my new iPhone 6, but have not opened it yet. And dd just got an iPod Touch, no case yet.


Fwiw, ds is tough on things, dd and I are both very careful.


Any info would be helpful!

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I have the Otterbox Defender on my Samsung and love it. It is hard plastic on the back and around the edges. It has a built in screen protector attached to the top plastic piece. There is a rubber casing around the back and sides over the hard plastic pieces. Took me a few minutes to figure out how it goes on, but now it is easy to take off and put back on.

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I have an otterbox and a toddler. My phone is still in good working order. I think that speaks volumes!  :laugh:


They are a bit complicated to take on and off, but I rarely need to do that. And yes, I have a screen protector under the otterbox cover. It does reduce the sensitivity of the touchscreen a tiny bit, but I adjusted pretty quickly.

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We have loved the otter box for my two ds iPad minis. Not long after we got them I took the screen protector part off. It was just dirty and reduced the sensitivity quite a bit I thought. It was very easy to remove and we haven't missed it. Older ds cover is broken but the regular part that he actually uses on the iPad is fine. I got the otterbox over the others because of the cover with stand but to be honest they very rarely use the cover. The cases are a pain to get off and on, so if you might want to remove them frequently I wouldn't recommend them, but otherwise I have been very pleased. I also like how they look.

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We've had Otterboxes for four phones, we have eleven kiddos and have not yet broken a phone in the last four years or so since we've had them. Maybe that means something?


They are cheaper on Amaxon. I'm trying to screw up my courage to pay $60+ for the ones for Fires. Ouch. Hoping to find one cheaper on Ebay or something.


I am hard on my phone I think?


I have had Defender and Commuter cases and I think the Defender is superior.

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I have an otterbox on my phone that is great, but dh has had two in the same time that have been completely destroyed. On my iPad, I have a Griffin (survivor?) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. It has been 3 years and it is still going strong. My kids have dropped it on cement and spilled things on it and the only problem was that my 2 year old ripped off the flaps that cover the camera and speaker. It's not a huge deal. But if I had a kid that was hard on things, I would definitely go with the Griffin.

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Otterbox is a phone-saver around here.  We have used both Griffin and Ballistic in the past, but the fit wasn't quite right on our iPhone 4S's.  Otterbox fits exactly.  I am a bit of a klutz and drop my phone frequently and it still looks and works like new after 2 years in the Otterbox.  DD20 actually killed an otterbox by stepping on it in high heels(!) but the phone survived unscathed. 


I wouldn't own a phone or tablet without some type of case and the otters work well.

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I've downgraded to the Otterbox life (I think - the waterproof one) from the heaviest duty one. It is thinner, for sure. The ones with the rubber you took on and off were a pain. Mine is easy to open with a quarter, but I've only done that twice. Once our phones are in a case, that's where they stay. And then I tut-tut at the people with cracked screens. Actually, I just got a 5s this summer, and I took my ol' 4 out of the Otterbox it had been in constantly for 3 years, and the woman at the desk couldn't believe it - not a scratch or fingerprint to be seen!

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DS has had a Defender on his iPod Touch for 3 or 4 years, and it's held up really well. He drops it all the time, throws it in his fencing bag or backpack, and it's never been damaged. I have an Otterbox Commuter on my iPhone 4S, and I'm very very happy with it. It's not as clunky as the Defender (no rubbery outer case), but it's protected it really well for the last 2 years and still looks new. I bought another Commuter case for the Moto G that we use as a house phone, and I would definitely get another when I upgrade my iPhone. The teal color Commuter case for the 4S (which is the one I have) is only $15 on Amazon, which is a great price for an Otterbox.


ETA: Funny story (and praise for the Commuter): One day at the gym I was running on a treadmill that didn't have anywhere to put my phone, so I just stuck it in the waistband in the back of my yoga pants. After a few minutes of running, it suddenly slipped down my pant leg and out the bottom, where I stepped on it before it went flying off the back of the treadmill. Not a scratch on it.  :laugh:

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Depends on the device. My son (rough on stuff) has an OItterbox Defender on his iPod Touch. After a year and a half the device is intact despite "the boy." I love this case for the Ipod Touch.


When I got my wife an iPad Mini I figured another Otterbox. But it was too ungainly. We got her a thin silicon one with the "shock" corners (Orange). I'm blocking on the name? Like it.



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We all have Otterbox cases for our phones.  DH and I have the Defender and the boys have the Commuter.  My case is almost two years old and has held up very well.  Certainly no stretching or cracking or anything like that.  It does take some thinking to figure out how the Defender cases go on/off, but it's not a big deal at all.  Maybe a five minute task to begin with (at the most).  As long as DH and I are paying for the boys' phones they'll keep them in an Otterbox case.  That's non-negotiable.  When they're paying for the phones themselves they can risk them any way they choose.

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I have always used Otterboxes. I use the Contender case, as it is a bit more streamlined and I don't need quite as much protection as the biggest they offer.


As far as them wearing out, they do have lifetime warranties and I have had 2 replaced by Otterbox with ZERO difficulty. They have great customer service! In fact, on my last order (when we got our iPhone sixes), the sales guy took a few extra minutes figuring something out and gave me 25% off my entire purchase (which was already discounted due to a special). I wound up getting $40 cases for $25 each and free shipping.


Of course, that is just my experience. Others' mileage may vary.

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I haven't read all of the replies, but I'm just going to add that I've had Otterbox defender covers since my first iPhone 4-5 years ago. I've NEVER had a cracked/broken phone, even with 3 young (and rough!) boys. I decided about a year ago to fork over the high price for an Otterbox for my iPad since the DSs started using it more. It has been dropped on ceramic tile twice, with no damage. I will always use Otterboxes, even though I've seen other cases I prefer for purely cosmetic reasons.

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I have otterbox on iPhone and despite dropping it constantly it is in perfect condition. On our iPads we have the griffin survivor and they are also awesome. Ds when little would actually throw the iPad when mad but both are still in perfect condition. Kids that don't use the cases in iPod touches because they are too bulky have cracked screens from dropping them.

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My Otterbox Defender kept my iPhone 3 like new for 4.5 years, through use by three young kids. It fell many, many, many times. Its first fall came 30 minutes after it went on my brand new phone in 2009, when DD, 4 at the time, tried to pry it away from me. We both lost, and it went flying hard onto the hard tile floor in the kitchen. The most impressive save came 4 years later, when youngest DS dropped the phone from the top of the bleachers at swim onto concrete, about a 16 foot fall. I resigned myself to its death before it got fished out from below. Nope. Still worked fine. LOL I only got a new phone because I liked the improved nav on the iPhone 5. Got another Defender for it, of course. I do not like it as well for this model though, because the holes in the screen protector for the button and the earpiece let in yuckies that get between the screen and the protector, which never happened with my 3 case. I keep it on though, because the protection is wonderful.

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My Otterbox Defender kept my iPhone 3 like new for 4.5 years, through use by three young kids. It fell many, many, many times. Its first fall came 30 minutes after it went on my brand new phone in 2009, when DD, 3 at the time, tried to pry it away from me. We both lost, and it went flying hard onto the hard tile floor in the kitchen. The most impressive save came 4 years later, when youngest DS dropped the phone from the top of the bleachers at swim onto concrete, about a 16 foot fall. I resigned myself to its death before it got fished out from below. Nope. Still worked fine. LOL I only got a new phone because I liked the improved nav on the iPhone 5. Got another Defender for it, of course. I do not like it as well for this model though, because the holes in the screen protector for the button and the earpiece let in yuckies that get between the screen and the protector, which never happened with my 3 case. I keep it on though, because the protection is wonderful.

My Otterbox Defender has kept my phone in perfect condition for 3 or 4 years. 


I got a Commuter for my new phone, but it is hard and slippery.  I think I will go back to the rubbery Defender. 

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I had an Otterbox as my first case, it worked well though it eventually needed to be replaced.  I replaced it with a Lifeproof case because I wanted something that was also waterproof, it worked out great.  Protected it through many, many falls and accidental dunkings (though you may not need that since you have older kids).


Several months ago we got an additional iPhone as our home phone, DH got an Otterbox for it.  Then a couple weeks ago 4 year old DS2 was using it to play Minecaft (apparently he asked 6 year old DD2 for permission  :huh: ) and dropped it in the toilet, but didn't tell anyone.  I was really wishing it had a Lifeproof case on it after that.

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