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What shows do your tween kids watch?


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I think my 9 year old is finally ready to move on from the PBS cartoons lol. We have Netflix, which is what they watch mostly. They are allowed an hour per day of screen time. My six year old also watches with her most of the time. What I'm finding is that all of the shows that are marketed to this age are full of sassy/unkind kids, or 12 year olds focused on dating/getting a boy/girl friend. I'm not ok with that, honestly I'm much more likely to let her watch something with violence over this syrupy tween garbage. I let them watch Lab Rats today, with me watching and it was terrible. The whole show was one little boy (he looked 13???) changing himself from 'nerd' to 'cool guy" to win a girl. The worst part was that his DAD was the one that gave him the advice and helped him in the end to change his clothes, swagger, and ultimately get the girl to notice him. Wth??? Not the message I was my girls to get.

My dd is not at all interested in boys like that, she still loves boys as play mates because they are willing to climb trees, get dirty, and play roughhousing, active games. I want to keep that for her, there will be time enough later for her to see them as 'boyfriends'. To give you an idea, her favorite shows now are Call of the Wildman (😳lol), Cake Boss (this one annoyed me), and any wild animal documentary. They also love old Tom and Jerry, Woody Woodpecker, type cartoons. We need some non cartoon options....any suggestions??? This is hard and honestly I don't want to have to screen 44982923734 shows because I HATE the tween, teeny bopper shows. 😣

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[shudder]  Lab Rats!  Aaaack.  


I agree it's an awkward age - so many shows are poorly done.


What about shows like Mythbusters, the United Stats of America, stuff like that?  SciGirls?  It's on PBS, but it's not a cartoon.  We like that one, here. Fetch (Ruff Ruffman).  Have you seen all of the Jeff Corwin shows?  Oh, and the one about looking for treasure on underwater ships - what is it called?  Treasure Quest?


I have a 10 year old boy, so his interests might be a bit different, but the above have been good ones.  Also, Avatar - the cartoon series was good.  He liked Star Trek TNG, too.  And he's just started watching Dr. Who, though I'm not convinced about that one.  :)


He liked Merlin, up until season 3, at which point it was too dark for him.  


I'll be watching for more ideas!



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Also before the A Team movie came out, we made my then 2nd/3/rd grader watch the first few episodes of the TV show.  He ended up loving it.  Try looking into 80's series like that. Macgyver was on instant play for  long time, don't know if it is still there or not.  And that one where he jumped through time and every show ended up with him realizing he  was in another time period and  saying "Oh Boy".


eta:  Remembered it, "Quantum Leap"

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We don't have cable so it's Netflix and such here


Myth busters


How it's made

Scorpion (crime show)

Numb3rs (crime show)






My boys are 11 and 14 right now. They watch very little TV over all. They would rather be on computers. Lately they've mistly been watching Anime on Netflix and on Crunchyroll.

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My DD9 loves HGTV and the Food Network, as well as Mythbusters, Nature, Top Shot, Pawn Stars, and American Pickers. Fortunately, it seems that Netflix and Amazon Prime have at least some of these available most of the time-we just lost the Discovery and History stuff, but gained HGTV and Food Network stuff.


What she DOESN'T like is Animal Planet-too much sensationalism and making animals seem mean.



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At that age it was:


The Harry Potter movies

Marvel movies

the new Spiderman and Avenger's cartoons


documentaries about animals mainly wild cats


Since the early part and now working toward teenage, she's switched mainly to anime that I've approved.  But she also likes Oddities and the prepping shows.

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We don't have TV.


I assume you mean, in the context of this thread, that your tween doesn't watch anything then, no shows at all? Because, LOL, I am driven infernally insane by my kids' friends who proudly proclaim that they don't have a TV...but watch way more TV than my kids do with 24/7 access to their iPads and computers...which obviously aren't TVs but transmit television programming nonetheless... Anyway, I think it's an odd badge of pride for some people. 


Not that this frustrates me or anything...




My kids love Mythbusters and cooking shows. They like Dog with a Blog. DS11 likes to watch DH's car shows with him. They will all watch anything on science or history. Documentaries lure them in, even ones too boring for me. LOL They love that show Brain Games. The one sitcom we watch as a family is The Middle. 

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We are also a netflix only family. The Disney channel shows drive me nuts as well. Beyond the overall annoying-ness and constant stereotypes, what I hate most is that almost all the laughs are at the expense of a character on the show. I tell my kids everytime they ask why they can't watch those shows everyday that life is funny enough on its own; we need to laugh with people not at them.


For that reason we save the Disney shows for when I need the tv to function as babysitter. (The two situations that come to mind are when the kids are sick but feeling well enough to start annoying each other and on the rare occasion when we get stuck at church much longer than usual I will let them watch on the IPad.)


Non-Disney shows my Tweens love:



Clone Wars

My Little Pony

Avengers (newer cartoon series)

Leverage (seriously, Sister loves this show beyond reason)

Slug terra

Off Limits

Hogs Gone Wild


Dr. Who

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Well, my very first thought when I saw your thread title was...


Lab Rats.


It's a cute show- kids with bionic powers?  That's fun and completely unrealistic.  Why I was going to recommend it was because of all the tween shows out there (and we watch a lot of them) this one stands out as the least relationship focused.  There are the occasional episodes about someone wanting to date someone, but for the most part the show doesn't go there.  Sure, it's cheesy, but there are SO many other shows that are far worse. 


Dog With A Blog is also that way- being lighter about dating.  Yes, there's some relationship stuff, but the teen girl isn't always boy crazy and is presented as an intellectual girl who actually enjoys school and learning.


We're actually quite enjoying the new show Girl Meets World right now.  The relationship stuff has come up, but the characters seem to have chosen to be good friends rather than explore their feelings, and I appreciate that.



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Avatar - my tween and teen still watch this even though they've seen every episode more than once (dh and I actually watch it often with them, too)



Robin Hood

Once Upon a Time


Phineas & Ferb

Gravity Falls


We also all watch a lot of HGTV

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My kids are still very much into Wild Kratts. They don't watch much TV, though. They love Animaniacs on Amazon Prime and we own a few seasons of Horrible Histories.


TBH, my littles watch more TV (still not much) and if they feel like watching, they'll watch in passing. Usually, they spend most afternoons and into the evening playing outside or making up plays or crafting random and weird things.

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I forgot we love Mythbusters and How It's Made too...I'll look into more of the food network shows...Cupcake wars was a hit here. They still love the Kratts Brothers.

Our problem is that while we have lots of great movie ideas, they don't normally have enough time to watch a movie...only one hour of screen time means they each can pick a show of their choic, or agree on one longer show. We do watch full movies on Friday nights or the weekend...however I need some shorter shows for during the week. We do have an iPad with some games, but they don't alwasy want to play those either...

I find it sad and frustrating that there are dozens of shows specifically geared for this age, and so many of them really suck. 😒 There are so many ways to appeal to kids in that age range without resorting to shallow, sassy, and sexy characters.

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I assume you mean, in the context of this thread, that your tween doesn't watch anything then, no shows at all? Because, LOL, I am driven infernally insane by my kids' friends who proudly proclaim that they don't have a TV...but watch way more TV than my kids do with 24/7 access to their iPads and computers...which obviously aren't TVs but transmit television programming nonetheless... Anyway, I think it's an odd badge of pride for some people. 


Not that this frustrates me or anything...




My kids love Mythbusters and cooking shows. They like Dog with a Blog. DS11 likes to watch DH's car shows with him. They will all watch anything on science or history. Documentaries lure them in, even ones too boring for me. LOL They love that show Brain Games. The one sitcom we watch as a family is The Middle. 


Oh, this is so true!  My SIL says they don't have TV in this way, but her kids have more screen time than anyone I've ever seen.  They watch everything.  They use Netflix, and Hulu, and internet sites, and rent/buy movies all the time.


We haven't had satellite or cable since 2004, when DS was born.  But we have computers and other devices, so I'm not comfortable saying we don't have TV.  We do, it just comes into the house through a different means.  The kids still watch shows.  


And one more vote for whoever mentioned the Sparticle Project or Mystery (can't remember which is called) - DS loved that one!  

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That's about when we moved on to old sitcoms:  Dick Van Dyke, Get Smart, I Love Lucy, etc.  Also, some of the Star Trek series.  (We loved Star Trek:  The Next Generation.)  I'm not as familiar with the current shows for that age group, since my kids are older.


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Leave it to Beaver

Psych (for teens)

Say Yes to the Dress

Barbie Life in the DreamHouse

Phineas and Ferb

Dogs 101

Globe Trekker

House Hunters

House Hunters International

Little House on the Prairie

Martha Stewart Living

19 Kids and Counting

The Munsters


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