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I am just sick to my stomach & need a shoulder to cry on...


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My dh is self employed. He's a contractor & this past month he helped friends out that took a whole week of his time unpaid (they said they would pay him at some point, but he never billed them and told them to give him what they thought it was worth, they both make ok money) not a huge deal, whatever this was a few weeks ago & nothing yet, I'm at peace with that, whatever. Then he had a floor job last week and was supposed to put the toilet back on today. They called last night and said there were "problems". These are people that I know from homeschooling. He went today and there were some spots in front of the sink that did not look great and had edging marks, so he had to try & fix it, but he's not happy and said they probably won't be either. He said he will probably need to redo the whole floor & isn't even sure about billing them. I have bills do next week and now no money. I know God will meet our needs and I'm trying not to be upset, but this really hurts right now. Plus our anniversary is tomorrow. Happy anniversary to us. After 19 years you would think life would be easier.

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My emote button won't work but I would put the hug one if I could! I am so sorry you're going through this. Would you or him feel comfortable talking to the friends? When Dh didn't have a very stable job he did things on the side for people and sometimes they wouldn't pay but usually came through when we needed it if asked. 

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I'm sorry you and your DH are going through this right now.  


Happy Anniversary. :)


I would call them regarding the money and all the time the project took.  I think that if you don't, that will weigh on the friendship anyway….so better to be up front about it.

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I agree to call the first family with a gentle reminder.  As someone who is in a family that also makes "okay money" sometimes it's hard to remember that the money we owe someone may be more urgent for them than it would be for us - that paying now versus in a few weeks is no big deal if it were my family, but that it can be for others.


Hugs.  I hope a way opens and it works out.  And that you enjoy your anniversary despite anything else.

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Trust me, the first family knows our situation, they are friends from church that we see twice a week. They make ok money, but don't always manage well and are working on it, they reassured us they would give us something when they have it, it's just not as soon as I need it probably. Dh really doesn't care if they pay ot not, he doesn't see it as big of a deal. This second job is what is harder to swallow. That's money I was counting on for bills.

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I'm sorry. I was married to a self-employed carpenter. It's very hard, very humbling, and I thought it would get easier too. It's also very hard to know you're doing the right thing about billing and "bugging" friends for money and know that you're the one who ends up suffering on the financial end. However, I still believe that doing the right thing even when it hurts so badly is still the right thing and it will pay itself back in the end. 


I wish patience for those people you may need to call about delaying your bills. I wish you love to see the honorable, honest work your dh is doing, and I wish you better financial days.  :grouphug:

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Is the edging fail something that you are responsible for (refinishing marks from a poorly maintained edger) or something that you can work through the manufacturer for reimbursement (new laminate with defective edges)?  We have had lots of products fail, and the companies are usually good about replacing the product, and sometimes we can even get labor reimbursement.  Your DH will still need to re-install the floor, using up time that I'm sure he already has scheduled out for the next job, but any reimbursement is worth the effort to pursue.  


ETA - Oh wait, you are talking about a bathroom.  Unevenly snapped tiles are hard to repair.  Pulling out just one or two can be done, but to be honest we usually end up breaking several more tiles around the problem area in the process, and in a small bathroom it might be faster to just start over.  Ugh.


hugs and sympathy

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I am so sorry.  DH and I are self-employed too and had a project we thought was done blow up last week.  And the best part is that it's not our fault but we get to fix it.  


I hope your situation turns around.  

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Hey, we got married on the same day!  Today is our 19th as well.


I hope today is better.



My dh is self employed. He's a contractor & this past month he helped friends out that took a whole week of his time unpaid (they said they would pay him at some point, but he never billed them and told them to give him what they thought it was worth, they both make ok money) not a huge deal, whatever this was a few weeks ago & nothing yet, I'm at peace with that, whatever. Then he had a floor job last week and was supposed to put the toilet back on today. They called last night and said there were "problems". These are people that I know from homeschooling. He went today and there were some spots in front of the sink that did not look great and had edging marks, so he had to try & fix it, but he's not happy and said they probably won't be either. He said he will probably need to redo the whole floor & isn't even sure about billing them. I have bills do next week and now no money. I know God will meet our needs and I'm trying not to be upset, but this really hurts right now. Plus our anniversary is tomorrow. Happy anniversary to us. After 19 years you would think life would be easier.


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Things are better today. He did get a text that there were a few spots of polyerothane to buff out, so he went & did that & can now bill them. I guess they are happy, they didn't say they weren't, either that or they are just done with it. I went with him & thought it looked ok, I couldn't really tell where there were problems. It looked a ton better than it did. It was in really rough shape. Keep praying we can get caught up though.

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Things are better today. He did get a text that there were a few spots of polyerothane to buff out, so he went & did that & can now bill them. I guess they are happy, they didn't say they weren't, either that or they are just done with it. I went with him & thought it looked ok, I couldn't really tell where there were problems. It looked a ton better than it did. It was in really rough shape. Keep praying we can get caught up though.


I'm glad it's working out.


I will be praying for you guys.  

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Ok, one more quick prayer, I looked at the invoice and dh put the due date of the 31st and then I told him and said, "did you send it?" he said, I think so. What, he said he was using Google drive on his phone and so he thinks it got sent, but there was no way to know for sure.  What the heck, it either did or it didn't.  He did some work for them recently and they paid about a week after the bill and I will see the wife on Tuesday, which is fine, but how will I know if they even got a bill.  UGH!!

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So sorry all this is hitting at once  :grouphug:


As for the invoice, since you are seeing the wife soon, I would print out a copy and take it with you when you see her, don't whip it out but just deflect it with a light-hearted "Harry can be so spacey sometimes, he wasn't sure he sent you the invoice so I brought along a copy just in case he didn't get it to you."  then give her a wink and your biggest smile.

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