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Another 'get to know you' thread of sorts....

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If you are comfortable sharing....I'd love to know what each of your screen names means. I have seen some really interesting ones here!


I'll start....


"MyBlueLobsters" I read this little paragraph about blue lobsters and I just love how being different is seen as been great. A blue lobsters blue color is caused by a genetic defect. Since my youngest has a genetic defect that some people think make him ugly or less deserving of life, I just love how this lobster is viewed and wish that people saw all our differences this way....corny I know.


The blue lobster is truly another gift from God that most people never see. Many professional lobstermen go through their whole lobstering career without catching or even seeing a blue lobster. Those that do have the privilege of catching one of these beautiful creatures, are amazed and excited as it is seen as a once-in-a-lifetime event and feel a sense of awe when they experience seeing the strikingly beautiful blue lobster for the first time. Those that are caught are normally not eaten, but rather given to aquariums and educational institutions and kept on display in tanks for others to admire.

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I like your take on the lobsters, Emily. :)


I live in Nevada, and my husband started calling me "Rabbit" when we were dating because I wrinkle my nose up when I grin. My license plate says "RABTMBL" and it's really appalling how many people think it is a reference to reproducing!

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Sorry - boring here -


Yup. First name, last initial.


I was "Heather in AL" on the old board, I think, and my yahoo id is hhinct (HeatherH in CT) - but since we're moving again, I decide to keep geography out of it!!!!


I should have picked 1bassoon - I think I"m the only semi-professional (make that semi-semi-professional!!!) bassoonist on the boards!

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The WTM part is obvious ; ).


Cassandra is an old nickname from high school. When I picked the name it was from my French book and I thought it sounded neat, but later I discovered she was the goddess who was destined to tell the truth and not be believed. That has actually been weirdly true in my adult life.


My DH was after me to stop using my real name on the internet because it's unusual and eminently searchable, and going back to Cassandra was the first thing I could think of.

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If you are comfortable sharing....I'd love to know what each of your screen names means. I have seen some really interesting ones here!


I'll start....


"MyBlueLobsters" I read this little paragraph about blue lobsters and I just love how being different is seen as been great. A blue lobsters blue color is caused by a genetic defect. Since my youngest has a genetic defect that some people think make him ugly or less deserving of life, I just love how this lobster is viewed and wish that people saw all our differences this way....corny I know.


The blue lobster is truly another gift from God that most people never see. Many professional lobstermen go through their whole lobstering career without catching or even seeing a blue lobster. Those that do have the privilege of catching one of these beautiful creatures, are amazed and excited as it is seen as a once-in-a-lifetime event and feel a sense of awe when they experience seeing the strikingly beautiful blue lobster for the first time. Those that are caught are normally not eaten, but rather given to aquariums and educational institutions and kept on display in tanks for others to admire.


That's really nice, Emily! My story isn't so touching.


Here goes, stay with me all- I'm Jane. There. Whew. Did I lose anyone?:lol: The plain part, well that's me too. I've always felt my name was really boring. I'd much rather have been a Janel or Janet or something. But I'm just plain 'ole Jane. I'm also the type who tries blend in and I'm not big on controversy so 'plain jane' suits me just fine. I wouldn't describe myself as boring so I had to find an avatar that was more suited to my personality.;) :D

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WAaaay boring here:


"Astrid" is my actual first name. It's an old Swedish name (my family is Swedish) and I've always, always loved it. It's pretty common in Sweden, but here, everyone says, "Huh?" when I tell them my name. :001_huh:


Before I kept getting server errors a while back, and on the old board, I was "molly's mom" because, well, I have an only child, and her name is "Molly." LOL!


I love the lobster story!



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My story is pretty lame. I was trying to get on these message boards and I was not prepared when asked for a username. I couldn't think of anything (I'm lousy at coming up with something on the spot!). So when my ds came in the room, praising the muffins I'd made for breakfast, I just went with muffinmom. I do love to bake!


I think a better name for me would have been "partly cloudy" or "chance of rain." I'll let you figure that one out! :)

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I love the name Jane! It is one of my girls' middle name. We found out when she was about 6 that she had been under the impression that her middle name was "James". :lol:


That's really nice, Emily! My story isn't so touching.


Here goes, stay with me all- I'm Jane. There. Whew. Did I lose anyone?:lol: The plain part, well that's me too. I've always felt my name was really boring. I'd much rather have been a Janel or Janet or something. But I'm just plain 'ole Jane. I'm also the type who tries blend in and I'm not big on controversy so 'plain jane' suits me just fine. I wouldn't describe myself as boring so I had to find an avatar that was more suited to my personality.;) :D

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That's really nice, Emily! My story isn't so touching.


Here goes, stay with me all- I'm Jane. There. Whew. Did I lose anyone?:lol: The plain part, well that's me too. I've always felt my name was really boring. I'd much rather have been a Janel or Janet or something. But I'm just plain 'ole Jane. I'm also the type who tries blend in and I'm not big on controversy so 'plain jane' suits me just fine. I wouldn't describe myself as boring so I had to find an avatar that was more suited to my personality.;) :D

I have always thought of Jane as a beautiful name! Very classic. Timeless.



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LOL! Mine is pretty obvious too! This is how I am at this stage in my life. Busy busy busy!


I found it really hard when I had my first child. Then when my second came along I hit my stride. Life was very busy and at times stressful but I managed perfectly fine. Now with three I look back and think 'What an earth was I moaning about? Busy? I could have naps! I was able to boil the kettle AND actually have a cup of tea! I could finish a book. I had privacy on the toilet!'


Now from wake up at 5:30am till lights out at 10:30pm I am going from one job to the next. My six year old is able to help in many ways but life is busier now than it ever has been before and I am clinging to the assurances that three is the hardest number as I really don't know how I could squeeze any more time out of the day (or energy out of me) for #4 if it isn't a bit easier!

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I think we need to start a WTM orchestra with all us semi-semi professional musicians here! Its always terrific to find a bassoonist -- you aren't moving out West anytime soon, are you?


My screen name is really boring, but I couldn't come up with anything more clever when I first posted here (8 years ago?!!), and I didn't want to change it when we switched to these new boards. I'd be fiddlemama or something -- I play violin, as a professional amatuer, or amateur professional, or something. I get paid to play, but am not union!

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WAaaay boring here:


"Astrid" is my actual first name. It's an old Swedish name (my family is Swedish) and I've always, always loved it. It's pretty common in Sweden, but here, everyone says, "Huh?" when I tell them my name. :001_huh:


Before I kept getting server errors a while back, and on the old board, I was "molly's mom" because, well, I have an only child, and her name is "Molly." LOL!


I love the lobster story!



The name Astrid is very cool! I think the first time I ever heard that name it was as a Danielle Steel character. I used to read my mom's Good Housekeeping magazine back in the late 70s, and I remember her writing being featured in it.



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I'm so boring. Trivium Academy is the chosen name for our homeschool and my homeschool blog so it keep things simple, I use it as a screen name too. I couldn't think of anything more original, and I've asked the board in the past to help but Trivium Academy was it so now I'm stuck.


I did at one time want the screen name iWonder. I say it enough... so boring, slinking away now.

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I wasn't thinking of coming up with a creative board name when I first signed up either. Mine is actually my university network user ID from my early tech support days... 15+ years ago now. I use it for a lot of minor login names where security isn't really an issue and just popped it in there before I realized what creative names some of you have! Actually it's probably good that I did, because I would have paralyzed for a while trying to think of the perfect name! ;)

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Ha! Funny that you should all agree on this. I actually *have* started appreciating what a classic name I have now that I'm a classical homeschool mommy. I have never read an Austen novel so perhaps that's why the name still strikes me as plain.:confused: :lol:



I love the name Jane! It is one of my girls' middle name. We found out when she was about 6 that she had been under the impression that her middle name was "James". :lol:


I have always thought of Jane as a beautiful name! Very classic. Timeless.




oh' date=' I agree, Jane is a very classic name. :001_smile:[/quote']


I'm actually a pretty creative person, but it never occurred to me to used it in a screen name. I'm Amy, I live in Orlando.


And, Jane, I LOVE your name. Wanna trade?

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Well, my daughter's name is not Aly, but her name starts with Aly. It is very unique, and so is mine, and I really wanted to be able to let go on the boards (and I DO!!!), without fear of recognition, so I choose Mom to Aly--I didn't think about having to pick a name ahead of time, and just chose quickly. But, recently, someone let my "secret identity (read: my real name) out, so my WTM mask was unveiled and someone "recognized" me--yet, I still live on, in my superhero world, waiting for the kryptonite, or whatever it is to hit me ;).


Also, I recently saw a pic of a half blue, half red lobster on the internet. Like it was perfectly split down the middle. First time I'd ever heard of a blue lobster.


And I was thinking of Jane Austen when I was thinking what a great name Jane is.

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I am so not creative, so when I started posting on the old board, I just took the first initial of each of my children's names and stuck "and" in between, and put "mommy" afterwards. I really wish I had a different name now, but I was afraid when we switched boards that people might not know who I was if I switched names. I could have at least used an apostrophe, so people didn't get confused and think it sounds like "grandpa"! I pronounce it "g" and "p's" mommy. On a sidenote, I was just wondering if people ever change their board names now that we have the new format where you have to register. On the old boards, if you wanted to change your name, you could just post for awhile as "'new name', formerly 'old name.'" I'm sure you'd have to do something more official these days.

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For me, I picked this username because it explains what I am diagnosed with. Dissociative Identity Disorder, which used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder. Many of us "multiples" have many types of personalities and the differences are wide ranged; hence the name Mosaicmind. Although, now I am fully integrated but can't change it now can I.

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Psalm 127:3 Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.


Psalm 127:4 As arrows [are] in the hand of a mighty man; so [are] children of the youth.


Psalm 127:5 Happy [is] the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

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