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I need help to remember the name of this thong you set on top a candlestick...


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It can be useful to catch wax drips, but can also be decorated to give a new look to your candle holders.

I would like to shop for some online but I can't remember what to even search for! Surely one of you gals with fresher brain cells can help me out...

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Now that I've stopped giggling (and come to terms with the fact that I am, apparently, eleven years old), I'll agree with Mrs M.: bobeche. I'll always remember that word because Peg Bracken used it in her etiquette book as an example of something you can claim to need when you're being pestered by a salesperson ("I'm looking for some antique Swedish bobeche; do you have any?").


And I finally get to put that knowledge to use!

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Wow!  I knew we have discussed many topics here, but I am not recalling a thong you put on top of a candlestick  Cupcakes, kilts,  but thongs...I am not sure we have dedicated a thread to this....yet! :D  Thanks for this!  I needed a laugh today!


Not only that, but we're supposed to name them! Dibs on Sparkle Penelope.

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I'm really glad at least a few people knew what the OP was actually asking about. I'd hate for Seasider to get back here and see all these replies, only to find us waxing on about thongs :lol: (ha, waxing...candles...thongs...get it?)


And ironically, every time I try to type the word "thong," I accidentally type "thing." What does that say about me?!


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Hahahahaha! I am trying not to bust a gut in the craft store aisle!!! And I'm at Hobby Lobby no less - no way I could ask 'em for a thong holder here!

All I can say is..... it's Friday night!!!!!

And I just got a new phone and my chubby fingers have yet to adjust. I am tempted to fix my error but then nothing would be in context, and I know y'all have read my UO about deleting stuff and messing up the chat that follows.

I will have to go back and read everything - but I got as far as knowing that Mrs Mungo hit on the word I was trying to remember - bobeche.

Now if dh stumbles across this thread I will certainly hear about it. No doubt he will rummage thru my dresser looking for the infamous undergarment he doesn't remember ever seeing!

Glad to have provided a laugh. I will come back later after the kids are all settled and I've stirred up a tall Pimm's cup.

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It can be useful to catch wax drips, but can also be decorated to give a new look to your candle holders.

I would like to shop for some online but I can't remember what to even search for! Surely one of you gals with fresher brain cells can help me out...


Just to clarify.....you have a candlestick that has a dripping problem......and you want one of your fresh friends to help you decorate your candle holder with a thong that you can buy online?   Have I got it right?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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[quote name="Ethel Mertz" post="5573594" timestamp="1396660745"]

My 11 year old son wants to know what I'm laughing about so hysterically.

He looked over my shoulder.

He wants to know why you would put flip-flops on top of a candle.

No way, no how am I going to explain the other meaning of "thong."[/
I had totally forgotten that flip flops were called thongs. I can see why people don't use this term. Honey, could you please go get my thongs before we leave? Just takes things to a whole nother level :)

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[quote name="Ethel Mertz" post="5573594" timestamp="1396660745"]

My 11 year old son wants to know what I'm laughing about so hysterically.

He looked over my shoulder.

He wants to know why you would put flip-flops on top of a candle.

No way, no how am I going to explain the other meaning of "thong."[/
I had totally forgotten that flip flops were called thongs. I can see why people don't use this term. Honey, could you please go get my thongs before we leave? Just takes things to a whole nother level :)


My DH calls them that! I have never, ever been able to refer to them as thongs, and I cringe a little when I see the word in a shoe ad :lol:

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