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WWYD re moving?


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If you had the possibility of a big move (at least one state - possibly across the country) in your future, but it's not at all definite, what would you do to prepare?  


I am thinking that priorities should be decluttering and doing repairs and projects in case the house needs to be sold.  


Anything else?  

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packing up seasonal items in moving quality boxes.

make a list of non-essential furniture items you'd rather sell than move, take pictures for online ad sites, etc.  so when you get confirmation you can just get them listed.


do repairs,

do touch-up painting  (if you have an wild colors - plan on painting them as soon as you get confirmation)


don't forget outdoors.

clean up flower beds


colorful flowers



eta: if you don't move - you'll feel better having these things done.



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Definitely declutter -- Good Will.


I won't bore you w/ the details, but when we sold our house and moved we had to fix our toilet's plumbing situation. Dh was getting prepared to procrastinate, but I got right on it and thank goodness because it was a long drawn out job that involved trenching through our living room.


Getting started the sooner the better is SMART.



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Definitely declutter -- Good Will.

I won't bore you w/ the details, but when we sold our house and moved we had to fix our toilet's plumbing situation. Dh was getting prepared to procrastinate, but I got right on it and thank goodness because it was a long drawn out job that involved trenching through our living room.

Getting started the sooner the better is SMART.


Ha ha--we once moved out of the country with a giant hole in our dining room ceiling thanks to a last minute toilet replacement gone wrong. We literally had to leave with a fan perched up on a ladder, drying out the gaping space. With an open house later in the week. Talk about a nightmare! Thank goodness we didn't take the well known advice, and DID hire a friend as a realtor! (she sold it that weekend--with the hole repaired)!

Yes, be prepared! Declutter and all the rest. If you don't move, you'll still get to enjoy the benefits of your hard work. :)
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We moved twice last year. Left our home and moved to a temp rental while looking for a new house to buy and then moved to our new house. We didn't have very much time to leave our home but I was meticulous about packing boxes and writing each and every thing that was in the box on a 3x5 card. I also labeled all four sides of the box with the letter/number that was on that card so it didn't matter how they stacked the boxes, I could still see which box it was. Kitchen was K-1, K-2 etc. this made livng in the rental bearable because we only unpacked the minimum but could find anything we needed if it came up.

I say this just to say that if you do decide to pack nonessentials, this system will keep you from going insane should those nonessentials become essential for some reason :)

We have been in our new home since August and not everything is unpacked yet. But anytime I need anything I just pull out the cards and go to it immediatly. It was worth the extra time it took packing (it didn't take much extra time)

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Declutter, and organize everything in your storage areas.  At least at our house, I've thrown boxes and bags up into our attic for years.  We'll probably be putting our house on the market in the next year or two, and that's what I'll start on.  I'll go through that giant, chaotic storage area and begin doing the painstaking process of sorting through everything:  deciding what to keep, what to give away; organizing special children's keepsakes into their own boxes, etc.  I need to do all of that anyway.  I even have boxes of my old college stuff up there! 

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I don't do anything until it is certain.

Me neither. But if I lived a normal life, I'd do the stuff people are suggesting.

Besides lots of moving practice because I've done it so often, the thing that has made moving for me much easier was getting rid of almost everything. Even if someone else is packing and moving and unpacking your stuff, it's always nice to have less. Always.
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While decluttering, I categorise my stuff into


1) things that I want to bring with me either on the plane or in the car.   Things like important documents, a few days change of clothes for everyone, medications. 

2) things that I want the movers to move but I can wait for their arrival.  Things like pots and pans, books and coats

3) things that I'll just buy at the destination because I run out of the movers quota from relocation or because I won't feel upset if I forgot to pack them.  Basically items that have no sentimental value and is easily re-purchase if the need arise.


We also start shortlisting realtors and repairmen in case we need to rent or sell our home. 


I use a lot of Asian spices when cooking so my hubby adds buying hard to get spices as a very important item on the moving list. If the destination does not have an Ikea nearby, we actually came up with an Ikea wishlist.

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I'm starting to realize, as we think about the possibility of moving, that I wouldn't even want to take about half of what we currently own. So I have been going through it very slowly and getting rid of anyhtign I think I wouldn't want to pack and move. It's been slow going, but so far we've gotten rid of quite a bit. And to think about all of what we still have!

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Completely organize all closets and pantry.  Make boxes for the following: Donate, Trash, Family/Friends, and Keep.


Fresh paint in a neutral color.


Fix any obvious broken things like drawer fronts etc...


Make sure all lighting works.


Freshly landscape with colorful flowers & mulch.  Pots make a great choice because you can take them with you.


Organize and clean your garage.


Update things like door knobs and ceiling fans.





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Me neither. But if I lived a normal life, I'd do the stuff people are suggesting.

I am sure that is true, lol. But, the question was: WWYD, not "what should I do?" :D I have been burned by big ideas and canceled orders more times than I can count. Nothing is happening until I know where I am going and when I am going. That is just the truth! ;)
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I am sure that is true, lol. But, the question was: WWYD, not "what should I do?" :D I have been burned by big ideas and canceled orders more times than I can count. Nothing is happening until I know where I am going and when I am going. That is just the truth! ;)

I completely agree with you. :)
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being military and moving is different than just about anything else.  


the one thing that is the same is that i try to be fully present and not disengage until i am getting on a plane.


an old military habit that still remains: at each season, i pack away decorations as if they are going to be moved before the next year rolls around.  i was very sad after the first military move when the christmas ornaments were almost all broken.  and most of my earrings are still in ice cube trays, so they can be quickly saran wrapped and moved.... and i haven't moved in 17 years now!!!


a habit i developed and still have is to visit things in the area where i live whenever i can, and not put it off for another day.


and i use flylady for decluttering, even yet.  it just makes everything easier.


so i guess what i would do at this point would be to try to develop all the good housekeeping habits i wish i had, decluttering, sorting thru clothes, etc, etc.  

and enjoy my friends and area with new keenness ....




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