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How do you casually read?


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So, DH has been laughing at how I spend my casual reading time. I think I'm normal but I've had several friends say otherwise. I currently have 4 books going at one time. I sit in my spot with my tablet and kindle. I will read a chapter or two, then put down my kindle, browse this forum, fb or pinterest and then hop back to reading. I do this rotation frequently every evening. I will often change to another book as well during these rotations.. I typically read atleast two different stories at once every day. I typically read atleast a few chaptesr in all current books I have going.

Am I the only one here that bounces multiple stories plus social media at the same time? Surely not!

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Well, I prepare by going to the bathroom and washing my face and brushing my teeth. Then I put my pajamas on. Then, I take a blanket and my book, I get all comfy in my big brown chair, curl up, read about 3 pages and fall asleep. Then dh wakes me up half an hour later and I drag myself to bed. It's horrible, but I have no other time during the day to read. I love to read.

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I read one fiction book at a time-- I get so engrossed in the story line I will actually take on the emotions of the characters!  Dh has gotten his head chopped off more than once when my character is angry.  I will stay in the book (in my head) while cooking or cleaning and talking to me is hard because I am so into my own head. I cannot put a book down until done and my children are the same.  Scheduling library day on a day when there is no school the next day is a must. 

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I have to settle in to one fiction book at a time. If I do two at once, I get story lines confused.


We are really into audio books now. D and I each have a Kindle. We let them read to us while we do other things (gaming, cooking, cleaning, knitting, driving, walking, etc).


I can double up on nonfiction. I listen to religious audio books and teachings while I work out or do yoga. I often have a how-to book, or a nutrition or parenting book going, or even one of each.


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Multiple books at once here. I also read the book out of order. I might read several chapters, but then skim ahead, go back to where I was, etc. At some point, I usually read the ending before I'm actually finished with the book (and yes, I still finish the book).

There are times when I may take a break, read something else, or end up here. There are other times that the story is so interesting that I will read it from cover to cover in one sitting with no distractions. It depends on the book. It depends on the day.

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I've found that I read more when I stick to one book at a time.  No idea why that is, though.


If I read two at a time, it's one fiction and one non-fiction.


Most of my reading time is at night now, and falling asleep is a definite problem.  I'm also guilty of bringing my phone along and pausing between chapters to check Twitter and message boards.  And some of those pauses can get quite long IYKWIM.

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I used to read only one book at a time....but then I would usually get in trouble with Mom for staying up all night finishing that one book and be exhausted (but done! :) ) just in time for school.  Now, I usually have a novel or two or three I am reading with the kids, a novel I am reading for me, a reference book I am reading for me, a biography or historical novel I am reading with or right after Mom (same book she is reading)...but I have a terrible time getting anything finished.  I am like Pawz4me I guess.  I read more if I stick to one book at a time (since I actually finish books rather quickly when I do that)...I just can't seem to actually stay with only one book at a time these days.  And I do rotate several times a day...  :)

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I usually only casually read while sitting waiting for one of the kids to participate in something or if I have time between patients at work unless I really get into a book and must finish it. I do tend to have a couple books going at once and am often reading something with dd, too. (I love re-experiencing certain books with her.)

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Fiction = one at a time, and if it's really good, everyone can help themselves for meals and I'll read through the night until the book is done!

Non-fiction = a chapter or two, here and there, with anywhere from 1-4 books "on the go" at any one time. Or blogs, internet articles, etc. related to my readings. My computer often has several windows open and waiting for me.

And of course, I have to take breaks from non-fiction to read the boards, visit with the family and discuss my reading, etc. I need that time to process.

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Frequently reading more than one book at a time and rarely reading straight through any one of them. Sometimes I'll follow a particular character. Sometimes I skim thought until I fond the same setting. Sometimes I'll skip tot he end just to see if I like the ending enough to justify continued reading - all with several books at the same time. 


So, while you may indeed be weird :w00t: , you are not uniquely weird! :thumbup1:

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So, DH has been laughing at how I spend my casual reading time. I think I'm normal but I've had several friends say otherwise. I currently have 4 books going at one time. I sit in my spot with my tablet and kindle. I will read a chapter or two, then put down my kindle, browse this forum, fb or pinterest and then hop back to reading. I do this rotation frequently every evening. I will often change to another book as well during these rotations.. I typically read atleast two different stories at once every day. I typically read atleast a few chaptesr in all current books I have going.

Am I the only one here that bounces multiple stories plus social media at the same time? Surely not!


I'm similar.  I usually try to keep it to two fiction books (my books, not what i'm reading the kids) and maybe a non-fiction book (homeschooling or parenting).  When I read I'm almost always in my bed.  It's the most comfortable and it's quiet.  I read a chapter or two and then check my phone.  After an hour of reading I'll pull out my laptop and check homeschool boards.  Then I may switch books. 


Sometimes I have to fight myself to not check my phone after each chapter. 

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