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Classifieds: Is it still as active or is it slow now?


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I remember Buy and Sell to be very active before it became Classifieds. Is Classifieds as active or is it slow now? If you have sold your books there recently, did it take short or long time or did it just sit there? I have tons of very good things to sell, but I am not sure this is the good place to sell. I used to sell things pretty fast on the old Buy and Sell. Thanks!

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Many people are using the homeschool swap group through FB now (it got its start through a discussion here at WTM, when the Classifieds was having an issue, but has expanded now).  It functions through the VarageSale app. at Facebook and is called {BEST} Homeschool Swap. It has 8000 active members (meaning they specifically joined themselves, they weren't added by friends without them knowing/requesting it) and those all joined since last June.  I started it and used to admin, but no longer do. 

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I have trouble using the search function.  It never seems to be able to find what I am searching for.


I've noticed this too, across the forums. After the site revamp, the search function was finally working really well. But in the last few months, I've noticed that it's no longer accurate. I was searching for something the other day and there were threads on the first page of the chat forum that should have shown up in my search and did not. It's frustrating. 

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I have trouble using the search function.  It never seems to be able to find what I am searching for.



I've noticed this too, across the forums. After the site revamp, the search function was finally working really well. But in the last few months, I've noticed that it's no longer accurate. I was searching for something the other day and there were threads on the first page of the chat forum that should have shown up in my search and did not. It's frustrating. 


So it is not just me who has issues with the search function.   

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I have had much better success on another homeschool sale site. I have had 85% greater success other places. I had some very sought after curriculum (prima Latina) new for a good price. They sold in two other places at the same time (which was awkward) within 2 days of posting on the other sites. It had been listed here for 2 weeks so I do think something is not right with the classifieds.



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The classifieds here are completely dead compared to how active they used to be. I used to check every single day.....I never bought anything before checking here for it. I used to refer other homeschoolers to the WTM For Sale forum. The search function now is a complete fail. There's rarely much new listed...I know I don't personally sell here anymore. I don't use that VarageSale/FB group either....that group was annoying with too many rules and VarageSale is a pain in general (who needs the extra steps for Varagesale when I'm already wasting enough time on FB as it is). I am in much larger Facebook groups that are for buying-selling homeschool curriculum without all the Nazi rules. I check them all the time, quick and easy...and I sell everything on these groups.

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When I was admin. at the VarageSale/FB group, the vast majority of complaints (percentage wise, because I got very few complaints all told) were for being required to upload the photos into the categorical albums (history, science, math, preschool, etc.).  People were used to just uploading their photos/items onto the wall without that extra step.  But the vast majority of praises I got (which were more frequent) were because items were sorted into categories.  So it was an extra step on Facebook, but it served a purpose and people who didn't want to do it could easily use one of the other groups where there was no organization.  Now that it's through the FB app called VarageSale, it's a moot point.  Categories is the way VS runs and it's SO easy to upload and keep track of stuff. There really aren't any extra rules at VS so I don't get the "nazi" comment, nor do I get the thought that "it's yet another place I have to go and I just don't have time" because the button is right at Facebook. Here are the benefits of VarageSale for those who might be interested in checking it out:  You can upload 10 items at once; things are uploaded into pre-set categories so you can find what you're looking for easily, the search engine works really well, you can find all the items you are selling in one place by clicking "My Stuff" (so you can update), you can see everything a seller has for sale by clicking their name (save on shipping!), you don't have to scroll down the wall to see what's new but instead you can click Categories and All to see the new things uploaded (stop scrolling through bumped items that you've seen a million times before), and more. 


It works great for most, while I do understand that some don't like it. I'm not the admin anymore so I don't have a dog in the race, just sharing my thoughts and experience as the founding admin.

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I don't like that the new Classifieds are not sorted by age/grade.  Scrolling through everything listed is very time consuming.  And there are so many sellers whose names I don't recognize.  Still I did sell something recently. 

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You're welcome!  It's pretty unique at this point, and VS only lets large, active FB swap groups join, so they tend to be pretty busy places (you can search VS for other swap groups that might interest you; we have a very active local "yard sale" type group available and I use it a lot, too). 


I miss being the admin, but it was time for me to move on.  The current admin really loves running it.  She has a graphic posted at the top right now looking for feedback on the group and how it runs.  She's open to new ideas. 

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I'm a huge fan of http://homeschoolclassifieds.com/.  It is searchable and there is a feedback system.


ETA:  It also lets me post a wanted list easily and I can search other people's wanted lists and sell things before I even list them.  (Just did that today actually which reminded me to come here and mention it!).  And you can post things for sale without the hassle of taking and uploading pictures, not to mention inviting strangers see your facebook page.  And finally, listings there expire and sellers have to renew to keep them active.  On Varage if you finally find something you like, sometimes it sold 7 months ago.

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I definitely think the new Classifieds are wonky, just like My Content. 


The last time I posted, it was for several items that are generally in demand. I had zero questions or queries for quite some time, then suddenly had 5 people message me on the same day! It's like people were unable to see the posting or search for it, then one day it started showing up. 

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I had 4 things for sale recently, and posted them both on the WTM classified board and on Homeschool Classifieds.   The first sold through WTM and the other three sold through homeschool classifieds.   All were sold within 4-5 days.


I do try to price my items to sell quickly, because I don't really want to make a huge profit, but I do try to use both.

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My vote too would be for the previous format for selling curriculum. I find the classifieds difficult to search. And I really liked the date stamp that was on the previous format. If there is a possibility of changing back to the previous format maybe a poll would be helpful?

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I visited the Classifieds once looking for something and haven't gone back. It is horrid.


I have stuff to sell, too, and don't want to bother listing any of it because of the troubles folks have posted about it, so I'm not sure what I'll do. I don't have FB, or I would probably list things there. Sigh.


I wish we could go completely back to the old format... and that all the great folks who stopped posting when we switched would return. :sad:

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I'm another who wishes they'd realized the Classifieds are a doomed experiment and give us back the Buy, Sell, Trade boards.  It seems like it would be easy enough to do. I've complained off and on about the Classifieds since the switch, but it doesn't seem to be a priority.

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I liked the other format much better.  I used to be able to buy and sell quickly.  Now, I have listed items and had them expire before selling.  These items were popular items and they were priced to sell.  I also don't like that they took away my seller rating.  I worked hard to make everyone I dealt with happy and I had outstanding ratings.  I also liked buying more before the changes.  Last year, I mostly purchased new materials because I couldn't find what I needed.




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Does anybody here SERIOUSLY know how we can let someone know (whoever that is) that we want the old format back?  Is there a specific person who we can all email and let them know?  I have so much stuff to sell too...but I won't go near the new format....not only is it too hard to use and view, I know full well very few people even look at it, so why bother. 

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Does anybody here SERIOUSLY know how we can let someone know (whoever that is) that we want the old format back?  Is there a specific person who we can all email and let them know?  I have so much stuff to sell too...but I won't go near the new format....not only is it too hard to use and view, I know full well very few people even look at it, so why bother. 


I don't think it's possible to get the old classifieds format back - they overhauled the entire forum when they did that, not just the classifieds.

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can they "add' a new message board (like the chat one etc) and just abort the old classifieds board (does that make sense?). That way we can just post what we want to sell or buy, like before?  Or is everything just set in stone not to be chaged, added to, deleted from....what we have is what we have?


can someone who is super creative and computer savy figure out an alternative for us??  A google group or something...JUST for sellling and buying....I don't know...and maybe my ignorance is showing now....

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I would LOVE it if we had a separate forum just for classifieds. I hate the new classifieds and I used the old one a ton. I joined Facebook and then Varagesale but it is a pain imo. I don't like the format and I haven't found the selection to be all that great, often there is a lot of stuff but most it is not real great, unlike WTM which used to have a great selection. I have a huge stack to sale and I guess I'll be doing it on homeschoolclassifieds. 


I love being able to just scan through the threads or quickly search. I don't care to look at pics and if I have to load pics then I'm not going to list, it isn't worth the effort.

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Well, I *am* biased (and I know not everyone loves it) but here are some pros for VarageSale over what I recall of the buy/sell here:

  • You have your own storefront (so you can locate all your items in one place for updating)
  • You can upload 10 things at once in a variety of categories
  • Photos are required, not optional
  • Everything is organized by category (math, science, non-homeschool, preschool, literature, publisher, etc.)
  • You can hide categories you don't want to see (for example, preschool if you only have high schoolers)
  • You can see everything uploaded since the last time you visited by hitting Categories > All.  You don't have to scroll down the wall looking for new things (but having to scroll past dozens of items you've already seen before)
  • The pictures are huge so you can get a good look at what you're buying
  • If you find something you like from one buyer, you can go to their storefront to look at all their other items (to save on shipping)
  • A rating system has been implemented (will take a while to take off, but there IS some feedback available)
  • You can mark things as "pending" until the item arrives -- then people don't constantly message you for the item (buyers can see this at a glance, they don't have to click on anything)
  • Apps available for most operating systems
  • You can go to a member's Facebook page to perhaps get a "feel" for them before you buy/sell
  • It's easily accessible from FB -- the link is right there in the same columns as all your other groups; click and go
  • If you don't have FB, you *do* have the option of opening an account solely for this purpose; don't friend anyone, don't post on your news feed, don't upload any pictures,etc.  Just join FB, download the VarageSale app (at FB, not on your phone necessarily; smart phone not required), bookmark the VS web link and never go back to FB.

Just some thoughts based on 3 years experience with both groups. 


Aimee, I miss the original FB group I started, too. While the VS site is far better for reaching a larger audience, and for ease of use/organization (on a large scale), I miss the small-town feel of the FB group.  It's not hard to start a group up and I even have graphics you could use for the different categories if you (or anyone) wanted to start one up again. 


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Many people are using the homeschool swap group through FB now (it got its start through a discussion here at WTM, when the Classifieds was having an issue, but has expanded now).  It functions through the VarageSale app. at Facebook and is called {BEST} Homeschool Swap. It has 8000 active members (meaning they specifically joined themselves, they weren't added by friends without them knowing/requesting it) and those all joined since last June.  I started it and used to admin, but no longer do. 

Thank you for posting this!  This is an awesome resource!

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It was helpful for me to read this. I agree that the classifieds section of the forum has not worked out the way we had hoped, and OtherJohn and I are discussing some major changes. Please be patient with us for a couple of weeks and we'll see what we can do to improve the experience.



Thank you!



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It was helpful for me to read this. I agree that the classifieds section of the forum has not worked out the way we had hoped, and OtherJohn and I are discussing some major changes. Please be patient with us for a couple of weeks and we'll see what we can do to improve the experience.




OH THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!  We are so thrilled to know that you are changing this .....I can't wait to see what you decide.  As far as I am concerned...making like it was before would be great with me!!!

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