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Does anyone else really like February?

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When I first heard the concept that people don't like February I was shocked! It's my favorite. I always deck the house in tons of hearts, leave love messages all around, make sure there are always fresh flowers and chocolates to be found, deliver valentines to the neighbors and dress in pink and red the whole month. I love the fact that its short and sweet. And the gloomy weather makes it all the cosier inside to snuggle up and read, or decorate cookies, or just be together with the people I love. Am I the only one who feels this way?

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I don't hate February like I hate January.  January is like hell, a long, cold, dark, hell.  February is only purgatory, not as long, not as cold, not as dark.  Kind of like a holding place until March, when the temps here are typically back in the 60's.  



See, I always say January is my favorite month.  I find October - December so hectic.  There are so many obligations.  And then April and May get very busy with school, recitals, etc.  But no one really plans much in January or expects much of me.  I guess January is a good month for lazy people like me. 

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Well. It's problematically STILL cold, but I do like February, actually. I like telling people I love them. My favorite dance festival is in February.


I think the saying that everyone hates homeschooling in February is pretty much true, though. We decided this year to take February as "project month." The kids each set a learning goal and then we figure out together what they need to do to meet it. I'm trying to convince my 13yo to make me an infinity mirror but I think he's still undecided. It'll be something straight out of MAKE magazine, though, I figure. The 11yo wants to build a fusion reactor and his second choice was to make video game using the Unity engine. We'll be going with the second choice. The 8yo wants to learn to make candies from scratch, meaning, like, from plants: he wants to start with fruit, juice it, then add agar agar to make gummies. It's totally exciting and knowing that month was on the calendar gave us a reason to hit our mid-year goals on time. Really refreshing.


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I don't like winter.  So I hate all the winter months.  January and February tend to be the worst months.  December sucks.  March I'm climbing the walls.  April is all over the place.  May I have horrible allergies.  June is good.  July is too hot.  August is all over the place.  Then September and October tend to be decent.  November can be wintry or fallish so sometimes I like it and sometimes I hate it.


I've come to the conclusion I hate most weather.  LOL  I'd like to live in a perfectly climate controlled bubble world or something. 



Ha! I had almost this exact conversation with DH this week. He came to the conclusion that I only really like 12 weeks of the year weather-wise. May and the first half of June and September and the first half of October. :-) 

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January is ugh.  Too much work pressure with the start/beginning of semesters, and the weather is cold and nasty.  


Usually things start looking up in February.  Typically the weather isn't as bad.  We finalize our garden plans and start seeds!


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I hate February.  I enjoy winter but by the end of January I start getting stir crazy and just want to skip to Spring. February is the shortest month but it feels like it drags on forever!!  I've never celebrated Valentine's Day so it just a boring/cold month all around.  That being said, this year I think I'll be celebrating Valentine's day for the first year ever because my 3.5 year old has already started screaming "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!"

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I hate February. In January, the snow still looks kind of pretty but by February we are so sick of snow...and we should get another foot over the next four days.  When our youngest daughter was little, we always called February her Cry Month. Every time it snowed she would cry because all she wanted was pretty spring weather so she could go out and play.   Pretty much how I feel about February now. But I cry because the heat bill is so high, the snow boots are dragging in a mess, I'm cold all the time, and the snowplow guys are getting lazy and they're digging ruts into my yard. 


I will do a happy dance when March gets here. 

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Of course I'm happy we're not on fire.


That's the spirit.


I love winter (Georgia resident here), and I love the winter parts of February, but when we start having spring later in the month, blechhh.  It is a reminder that summer is just around the corner.  And once you turn that corner, it just never ends.  I've spent my entire life in the South, and I am OVER the summers.  Counting the days until I can retire to Wyoming...

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February is the best! 

Our anniversary, Valentine's day,  Mardi Gras and my dh's birthday are in February. 

Our first child was conceived in February (Tmi :) )

the weather is lovely, spring is here, everything is green and blooming, wildflowers everywhere, it isn't hot yet. 

King cake, cupcakes, cookies,gumbo. Bring it on!

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Two great reasons February is slightly redeemed:

1) it is the shortest month of the year

2) it is the last month of winter


Other than that? Not so much:)

And hubby and I both despise Valentines everything. When we were dating we made a pact to never get dragged into it! In fact, we celebrate Anti-valentines day:)

We try to treat each other like we really love one another all the year through...and on VD get to plan whatever activity we want. He invariably schedules a climbing trip with a couple of (often single!) friends that weekend, and I have 'me time'.


Of course, neither of us will touch diamonds, I am allergic to flowers, I occasionally can stand chocolate🙀and am just not bothered about things like making sure my husband remembers without prompting birthdays anniversaries, or Hallmark holidays, lol.

I am pretty sure February and all it has come to be is not marketed toward us!

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I love February because the Christmas debris is finally gone and the summer holidays are over and we can stop hemorrhaging money. Our annual holiday was a disaster this year (we were overseas and ill) and the only reason I was awake to see the New Year in was because I was medicating a child with post-viral hives, so I have resolutely ignored January: my New Year started today :-)

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I love Feb - when we can spend it in Hawaii, Florida, or some other warm and light spot. 


Starting next year I hope to have it be one of my favorite months as our current plan is to spend it in one of those spots (we'll be empty nesting and hubby's work is portable).  We also plan to make up for Feb being discriminated against by being shorted days all these years.  Therefore, Feb will likely "start" as soon as college boys return to school in Jan and "end" March 7 - 15th or so.  ;)


When stuck up here in "winterland" Feb is my least favorite month.  I do love the change in seasons and really dislike temps > 84F, so we didn't stay in FL long when we lived there permanently (5 years).  I love the first few snows for the beauty and even shoveling.  It's just by Feb winter gets old and I'm ready for spring.


When we lived ever further north in "winterland" (almost all of my youth), both Feb and March were detested.  Here we usually start getting spring in March.


Valentine's Day?  That's a holiday?  Hubby and I really don't do much with it - on purpose.  Neither of us are in to things like that.  We may opt to go out for fast food or order in Chinese, but that's it.

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