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Question about "CC"

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I notice some posters put (CC) on titles to advise of Christian content. Just wondering why I don't see "BC" or "JC" or "AC" for Buddhist or Jewish or atheist content. :001_smile:


I truly don't mean this to come across as accusatory or nit-picking. Just can't see why the Christians need to advise. It appears to me that we're bright enough to notice religious content and skip over it if we aren't of that particular persuasion.



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I've honestly always seen it as a way to avoid offending non-Christians or a debate.


It was *started* (years ago, on the 'old' board) because non-Christians didn't like the surprise of opening up a post to find Christian content.


Please...feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in my remembering, but I'm recalling that it was instituted as a consideration thing.


ETA: I don't always do it, but I might put it out there if it's something that seems, well, big enough to warrant it, under the old practice. Generally, I just figure that a statement like, "As a Christian, I do/believe thus-and-such" within a basic post is pretty self-explanatory, and can be taken in the context it's intended.

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It was *started* (years ago, on the 'old' board) because non-Christians didn't like the surprise of opening up a post to find Christian content.


Please...feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in my remembering, but I'm recalling that it was instituted as a consideration thing.


ETA: I don't always do it, but I might put it out there if it's something that seems, well, big enough to warrant it, under the old practice. Generally, I just figure that a statement like, "As a Christian, I do/believe thus-and-such" within a basic post is pretty self-explanatory, and can be taken in the context it's intended.


Understood - and I certainly don't want to invite a re-hashing of any old issues! I just wonder why I only see Christians doing this.

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Slightly OT, but every time I see CC, I think it means it's being cross-posted on another forum. Even though I know what it means, I always read it as "carbon copy" and wonder which other forum it's being posted to. I think if I start seeing AC, I'll keep wondering what's wrong with everyone's air conditioning all of a sudden.

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Understood - and I certainly don't want to invite a re-hashing of any old issues! I just wonder why I only see Christians doing this.


we Christians are always the ones back-paddling, explaining why we are imperfect, apologizing for offending (about everything, not just over the obvious need to right our wrongs), etc.


I dunno. I don't do the CC thing.


But let's face it: Christ alone offends - Rock of Offense, Stumbling Block. If we have Him in us, we are offensive on that basis. No amount of apologizing, advertising to others to beware, etc, is going to change that.


Gosh.I.said.it. But, hey, I really think it, too.

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Well, Phred did use AC for Atheist content once. . . (not to rehash that thread!) I think that if someone wanted to write SC for secular content it wouldn't be wrong - but I don't think that most Christians would be as offended at opening a thread with a secular theme (as most are - after all, do you want a Christian green bean recipe or a secular one?!) but even recently there have been comments by people (Phred was just one) who really don't like being blind-sided by Christian content. I use CC if the overall theme of the thread is esp. Christian - like my thread on a ministry experience.

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I don't know, I didn't think it was about being offended by Christian content--I thought it was more about applicability. For example, if I click into a thread about...I don't know, someone asking for discipline advice or something, but they want to discuss it from a biblical perspective, I can't really add anything to that. So if I know in advance that it's a CC thread, I wouldn't bother going in. I'm not offended when I receive Christian-oriented (-based?) advice in my threads, or when I open threads threads with such content, but I wouldn't have much to add there, so I'd rather not spend my time opening them.


As for JC or BC or AC notations, yeah, I guess that makes sense. I don't think many of those kinds of threads really occur around here? At least not specifically? I don't know. Most of the threads I've read that involve atheist content are generally welcoming of input from Christians because they're looking for more of a discussion (or debate), maybe? And I can't recall any threads that had specifically BC or JC content at all :D


That's my take on it, anyway.

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we Christians are always the ones back-paddling, explaining why we are imperfect, apologizing for offending (about everything, not just over the obvious need to right our wrongs), etc.


I dunno. I don't do the CC thing.


But let's face it: Christ alone offends - Rock of Offense, Stumbling Block. If we have Him in us, we are offensive on that basis. No amount of apologizing, advertising to others to beware, etc, is going to change that.


Gosh.I.said.it. But, hey, I really think it, too.



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I notice some posters put (CC) on titles to advise of Christian content. Just wondering why I don't see "BC" or "JC" or "AC" for Buddhist or Jewish or atheist content. :001_smile:


I truly don't mean this to come across as accusatory or nit-picking. Just can't see why the Christians need to advise. It appears to me that we're bright enough to notice religious content and skip over it if we aren't of that particular persuasion.




Dating myself here. What first came to mind was CC = carbon copy. Maybe community college.

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I've never understood the idea of someone being 'offended' by Christian content. :confused:


If you're not a Christian and don't wish to discuss Christian matters, then it's pretty easy to just click back out of a thread without participating.


(and just for reference, I *do* understand from both sides of the fence. I was raised for many years in a die hard atheist family - and grew up to become a Christian. Go figure. Maybe they found me in the woods. ;) )


If I asked for advice about something and someone gave me suggestions from a different point of view in faith {or absence of such}, I would thank them, see if there might be something that I can take from their advice regardless of the faith/view/etc that they come from, and appreciate their time & effort in replying. :cheers2:

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Guest Virginia Dawn
It was *started* (years ago, on the 'old' board) because non-Christians didn't like the surprise of opening up a post to find Christian content.


Please...feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in my remembering, but I'm recalling that it was instituted as a consideration thing.




Yep. It was supposed to be a helpful warning sign for those who preferred not to waste their time reading posts that would never apply to them.


I think it is amusing that is now being viewed in another light. It is like a mini history lesson.

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It was *started* (years ago, on the 'old' board) because non-Christians didn't like the surprise of opening up a post to find Christian content.




As I remember, there were 2 things -- lack of specificity in the subject lines and what you said above.


It's just a courtesy so that people don't spend their time opening a subject that says, "Help!" only to find a debate on Scripture or baptism or salvation when that isn't their thing. We were asked to be more specific in our subject headings and to label them as having CC.


The reason you don't see AC all that often or JC or BC or WHATEVERC is because it just doesn't occur. If a Buddhist or Muslim or Wiccan had a specifically Buddhist or Muslim or Wiccan post, I'm sure they would be just as courteous in being specific and labeling their posts.


Ya see, we're all one big happy family who have agreed to disagree and do it agreeably -- most of the time :D

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I think it's ridiculous and rude too, to require that in your post headings. If Christians have to do it, why not everyone?


Why be petty enough to whine about wasting a few seconds reading a post that isn't interesting to you?

That much protesting is evidence of something else......fear? Intolerance??


Maybe some should post BC for b@tthole content. I'll use it on my posts.

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I don't know, I didn't think it was about being offended by Christian content--I thought it was more about applicability. For example, if I click into a thread about...I don't know, someone asking for discipline advice or something, but they want to discuss it from a biblical perspective, I can't really add anything to that. So if I know in advance that it's a CC thread, I wouldn't bother going in. I'm not offended when I receive Christian-oriented (-based?) advice in my threads, or when I open threads threads with such content, but I wouldn't have much to add there, so I'd rather not spend my time opening them.


As for JC or BC or AC notations, yeah, I guess that makes sense. I don't think many of those kinds of threads really occur around here? At least not specifically? I don't know. Most of the threads I've read that involve atheist content are generally welcoming of input from Christians because they're looking for more of a discussion (or debate), maybe? And I can't recall any threads that had specifically BC or JC content at all :D


That's my take on it, anyway.


My JC or BC or AC notations were a tongue-in-cheek attempt to make my point. :) Sorry if that wasn't clear enough!


I appreciate everyone's help in understanding the background of the CC notation. I still wonder about it, though, from this perspective: I realize that there are people who would take offense at anything overtly or covertly religious, or who would not consider a religious viewpoint or suggestion to be applicable. I realize that it is courteous to be considerate of such. I just wonder if it is fair to think others might extend such courtesy in return - or is it only Christians who are so potentially offensive, or whose advice is so potentially non-applicable? I also realize that's a pretty steep cliff to start rolling down, with much moss to accumulate - "warning: content might offend Taoists, certain Arabian nomadic tribes, or possibly even Tibetan rock-dwelling marmots." <--(poor attempt at humor again)


Or, preferably, what if we all stop being so offendable and simply look past that which is not of our particular persuasion? I'm not holding myself above reproach here; after all, I'm bringing up something before y'all that is offensive to me, namely, that there appears to be a sort of expectation placed upon Christians, and only Christians, to walk carefully on tiptoes with a hushed voice.


I'm not personally wounded, or trying to rock a boat I only climbed into recently. Seriously. Just been pondering this in the greater context of what I consider sickening amounts of political correctness that is evident in our current culture.

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Funny, I've always taken the CC posts as those looking for a Christian perspective for their question. I'm offended by very little on these boards. I honestly think we all take the PC a bit too far.


:iagree: As usual, Jenny has summed up my thoughts exactly. :001_smile:

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"warning: content might offend Taoists, certain Arabian nomadic tribes, or possibly even Tibetan rock-dwelling marmots."




Ah-hahahahahah. That was funny! Just had to say you made me smile -- it wasn't a "poor" attempt at humor at all, lol.

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I think it's ridiculous and rude too, to require that in your post headings. If Christians have to do it, why not everyone?


Why be petty enough to whine about wasting a few seconds reading a post that isn't interesting to you?

That much protesting is evidence of something else......fear? Intolerance??


Maybe some should post BC for b@tthole content. I'll use it on my posts.



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I'm trying to remember if I have ever seen a Jew or a Muslim post something here that was overtly religious and seemed to be primarily speaking to other people of that shared faith. I can't remember anything.


I agree that if the board had more members of other faiths and they were having conversations amongst themselves, it would be nice to identify it that way in the subject line, but I haven't ever seen it.


If someone posts about a problem and my input is mostly based on something biblical, I will usually put "CC" in my response. That way, if the person or another reader really doesn't want to hear what the bible has to say, they can skip it. I don't think I have ever seen someone post a problem and then receive what is primarily religious counsel based on another religion....

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we Christians are always the ones back-paddling, explaining why we are imperfect, apologizing for offending (about everything, not just over the obvious need to right our wrongs), etc.


I dunno. I don't do the CC thing.


But let's face it: Christ alone offends - Rock of Offense, Stumbling Block. If we have Him in us, we are offensive on that basis. No amount of apologizing, advertising to others to beware, etc, is going to change that.


Gosh.I.said.it. But, hey, I really think it, too.


:iagree: AMEN!!

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"warning: content might offend Taoists, certain Arabian nomadic tribes, or possibly even Tibetan rock-dwelling marmots."


:iagree:Love it!!


Or, preferably, what if we all stop being so offendable and simply look past that which is not of our particular persuasion? I'm not holding myself above reproach here; after all, I'm bringing up something before y'all that is offensive to me, namely, that there appears to be a sort of expectation placed upon Christians, and only Christians, to walk carefully on tiptoes with a hushed voice.


I'm not personally wounded, or trying to rock a boat I only climbed into recently. Seriously. Just been pondering this in the greater context of what I consider sickening amounts of political correctness that is evident in our current culture.


I seem to remember way back when "political correctness" started it was a big joke. Then someone took it seriously and ran with it. Now everyone is afraid of offending anyone.


Humans have lived ages and ages (depending on your POV for that) without having to worry about being PC. Have our skins gotten so thin that we can't handle a bit of offense?

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I personally don't find it necessary to label posts. If I accidently open a post that has content I don't agree with, I have really only wasted a couple seconds. No big deal!


The one time I think it is good to put that is if the poster ONLY wants Christians to answer. That way an athiest doesn't waste their time coming up with a thoughtful answer to a question, when the person isn't interested in it.


As for me personally, I am a Christian, but I would not want to limit my answers to Christians only. If someone answers my post with something that I think is way off base I thank them for their answer and take someone else's advice.

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No, the historic reason that it's there is a carryover from the old boards where people complained about opening up posts only to find that there was CC. It was agreed that if someone was posting and mentioned any CC, that they would put the CC as a "warning" label of sorts. It was decided that that was the best way to both allow Christians to be able to discuss something from a Christian point of view and to avoid other people feeling offended.


I think when people are asking only for Christian input, they tend to say that.

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Why be petty enough to whine about wasting a few seconds reading a post that isn't interesting to you?

That much protesting is evidence of something else......fear? Intolerance??


Hm, I hope that wasn't directed at my response, because I'm pretty sure you and I have never met in real life, so you have no idea what I think constitutes a waste of my time. I'm pretty sure that I get to decide that. I generally don't read threads marked CC, the same way I don't read threads directed towards moms of boys, those asking for advice on 4H issues, requests for things to do in specific travel locations, and lots more. I also wasn't whining, and I have no idea who was.


Marking a post or thread as CC isn't required of anyone. It's not a rule of this board, nor a legal obligation. It's just this nice thing that some people do as a favor to some other people, like shorthand. If I were to post a thread looking specifically for evolution-based, non-biblical resources for something, I would note that in the title of my thread so that Christians could easily bypass it. If I ask for discipline advice, I'd note that I'm not looking for corporal-punishment-related suggestions. IMO, that's the equivalent.


Funny, I've always taken the CC posts as those looking for a Christian perspective for their question. I'm offended by very little on these boards. I honestly think we all take the PC a bit too far.


Me too.


I'm trying to remember if I have ever seen a Jew or a Muslim post something here that was overtly religious and seemed to be primarily speaking to other people of that shared faith. I can't remember anything.


ITA. I start lots of threads here. I've not felt that I needed to post "Secular content!" on my posts asking about whether my left-out watermelon was safe to eat, or how to make a difficult decision.


I guess I just don't really understand why this is suddenly an issue. Several posters here have talked about people being "offended" by CC. Who has been complaining about being offended? Did I miss a thread? I see tons of posts that have Christian content in them that aren't marked CC, and no one has complained. I guess I don't see why it's being made into an concern. Some people do it as a courtesy, some don't; some non-Christians are bugged by unmarked Christian content, some aren't. So what?

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I guess I just don't really understand why this is suddenly an issue. Several posters here have talked about people being "offended" by CC. Who has been complaining about being offended? Did I miss a thread? I see tons of posts that have Christian content in them that aren't marked CC, and no one has complained. I guess I don't see why it's being made into an concern. Some people do it as a courtesy, some don't; some non-Christians are bugged by unmarked Christian content, some aren't. So what?


It's an issue because I joined the board recently, and I started this thread to inquire about the practice. Mea culpa. I've no intention of "making" it into anyone's issue or concern. I'm not trying to challenge any established traditions, I simply wanted to understand the back story.


It appears that there are some, like me, who think the practice is perhaps hypocritical and perhaps points to some hypersensitivity. We've just been fleshing that out by looking at why it has been done and what people perceive it to mean.


If this is not relevant to your experience, feel free to ignore the thread! :001_smile:

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If this is not relevant to your experience, feel free to ignore the thread! :001_smile:


LOL! I'm sorry, I meant to go back and add that I'm actually far less bothered by your questioning (actually, not at all, really) than I am about some of the responses to it here.

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LOL! I'm sorry, I meant to go back and add that I'm actually far less bothered by your questioning (actually, not at all, really) than I am about some of the responses to it here.


Glad to see that first part, but curious why responses have bothered you. ?:001_smile:?

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No, the historic reason that it's there is a carryover from the old boards where people complained about opening up posts only to find that there was CC. It was agreed that if someone was posting and mentioned any CC, that they would put the CC as a "warning" label of sorts. It was decided that that was the best way to both allow Christians to be able to discuss something from a Christian point of view and to avoid other people feeling offended.


I think when people are asking only for Christian input, they tend to say that.



Also, those were the days when many, many people were still on dialup! So opening posts that were not relevant was a big time-waster. It is not so much of an issue now as most people have faster connections than we used to.

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we Christians are always the ones back-paddling, explaining why we are imperfect, apologizing for offending (about everything, not just over the obvious need to right our wrongs), etc.


I dunno. I don't do the CC thing.


But let's face it: Christ alone offends - Rock of Offense, Stumbling Block. If we have Him in us, we are offensive on that basis. No amount of apologizing, advertising to others to beware, etc, is going to change that.


Gosh.I.said.it. But, hey, I really think it, too.

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Glad to see that first part, but curious why responses have bothered you. ?:001_smile:?


Hmm, outside of my current PMS and forced participation in craft projects (which I loathe :001_rolleyes:), I guess it's because some of this discussion feels like an implied accusation against those of us in the non-Christian minority here:


"Just wondering why I don't see "BC" or "JC" or "AC" for Buddhist or Jewish or atheist content."

"I just wonder why I only see Christians doing this."

"we Christians are always the ones back-paddling, explaining why we are imperfect, apologizing for offending (about everything, not just over the obvious need to right our wrongs), etc."

"I think it's ridiculous and rude too, to require that in your post headings. If Christians have to do it, why not everyone?"


As several responders stated (and were ignored), it doesn't really have much to do with being offended. In addition, others pointed out that the parallel type of threads, for the most part, don't even exist. No one's listening to that POV though, so it feels like there's this preconceived notion that those of us who are not particularly interested in CC have this quiet, seething animosity toward opinions from Christians. It simply doesn't apply to some of us. Sometimes it's welcome, of course, but for the most part, advice from that perspective just doesn't resound with me.


Virginia Dawn, a Christian board member, specifically said in her post, "Yep. It was supposed to be a helpful warning sign for those who preferred not to waste their time reading posts that would never apply to them.


I think it is amusing that is now being viewed in another light. It is like a mini history lesson."


Yet the focus is on offense--the perceived offense given, and the resulting offense taken. I'm finding that quite bothersome. I really don't care whether or not something is labeled CC, but I find it helpful. When I post thread titles, I try to include the subject of my post in the subject line as a courtesy, so people can decide whether or not to read. It's about efficiency more than anything else. Visiting this board is the only "me" time I get right now, sadly. I like to make it work for me!!!

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I don't know, I didn't think it was about being offended by Christian content--I thought it was more about applicability. For example, if I click into a thread about...I don't know, someone asking for discipline advice or something, but they want to discuss it from a biblical perspective, I can't really add anything to that.


I see CC as a request for a Christian point of view on an issue, so I don't join in.



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I see CC as a request for a Christian point of view on an issue, so I don't join in.




Well, but--ugh. That's problematic. Because I've read all these posts--particularly from the non-Christians--and I thought that I'd come to understand that the CC was added as a courtesy to those who might not want to read Christian content and NOT as a means of discouraging a secular participant's input. (Was that as clear as mud?) By contrast, Laura seems to be saying exactly that: That the CC suggests to her that her perspective isn't sought. That seems...unfortunate to me. :confused:

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Several posters here have talked about people being "offended" by CC. Who has been complaining about being offended?


It happened on the old boards several years ago. The posts that mentioned it were explaining the history behind using the CC label. I don't think anyone meant that there have been recent complaints.

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Laura seems to be saying exactly that: That the CC suggests to her that her perspective isn't sought. That seems...unfortunate to me. :confused:


I'm not offended by it at all. I just assume that my viewpoint might not be relevant. I recently posted a question explicitly directed to those who are not ideological homeschoolers, because the topic was about the benefits of a different schooling option. I think of 'CC' as an equivalent marker. Am I wrong?



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I'm not offended by it at all. I just assume that my viewpoint might not be relevant. I recently posted a question explicitly directed to those who are not ideological homeschoolers, because the topic was about the benefits of a different schooling option. I think of 'CC' as an equivalent marker. Am I wrong?




Well, Laura, you've been around a LOT longer than I have. Maybe you are right. I guess I just hadn't seen it that way. I assumed that it was a way for Christians to say, "Look here, folks, I've got something to say, and I'm a Christian, so I'm not going to apologize for the fact that I'm going to be bringing God into this discussion. So read on as you wish, but just know that about me up front."


As a Christian, that's the way I took it. I figured that it was a courtesy for folks who...I don't know...just can't stand hearing about God? I don't know what I thought, honestly, but I didn't think that it was designed to exclude people. (Am I hopelessly inclusive?! :001_huh:)


But I could certainly be wrong about that. My DH swears that I often make mistakes, though there's no documented proof of it. ;)

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Well, Laura, you've been around a LOT longer than I have. Maybe you are right.


I wasn't around when the practice originated, so I might have got the wrong end of the stick. I'm not easily offended by the beliefs of others though, so it wouldn't occur to me that 'CC' would just be used to shield my sensitive eyes from unexpected godliness.


Good night,



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Well, but--ugh. That's problematic. Because I've read all these posts--particularly from the non-Christians--and I thought that I'd come to understand that the CC was added as a courtesy to those who might not want to read Christian content and NOT as a means of discouraging a secular participant's input. (Was that as clear as mud?) By contrast, Laura seems to be saying exactly that: That the CC suggests to her that her perspective isn't sought. That seems...unfortunate to me. :confused:


IMO, it's both, depending on the thread. For example, Aubrey recently posted the thread about her feelings on struggling with the new baby and where it's brought her spiritually, and it was marked CC. I read it anyway because I love her posts, and because I misunderstood and thought she was looking for advice and support on handling all the new responsibilities and thought I might have something to offer. It turned out she wasn't, so I clicked back out. I'm happy to hear how she's been uplifted, but again, it's not so relevant to me, so I had nothing to add.


Other times I've seen people looking for, say, marital advice and mark the thread CC. My philosophies are far different from those of many of the Christians here, so I don't bother opening those threads, or the God is great threads, etc.


So it can function both ways--CC can indicate threads where I won't feel like I have anything to add, and CC can indicate threads I'm not interested in reading. (I hope this rambling all makes sense--it's bedtime here!)

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As a Christian, that's the way I took it. I figured that it was a courtesy for folks who...I don't know...just can't stand hearing about God? I don't know what I thought, honestly, but I didn't think that it was designed to exclude people. (Am I hopelessly inclusive?! :001_huh:)


I'm certain there are some who feel that way--I could probably name at least one :D :lol: Some of the biblical philosophy (e.g., the strict "submit to your husband" parts) makes me :banghead:, and I'm much happier when I don't read about it, accidentally or intentionally (I'm sorry if that offends, it's just an example!). But that has nothing to do with why I think CC is a useful label.


I'm not easily offended by the beliefs of others though, so it wouldn't occur to me that 'CC' would just be used to shield my sensitive eyes from unexpected godliness.


ITA. And :lol:

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Well, Laura, you've been around a LOT longer than I have. Maybe you are right. I guess I just hadn't seen it that way. I assumed that it was a way for Christians to say, "Look here, folks, I've got something to say, and I'm a Christian, so I'm not going to apologize for the fact that I'm going to be bringing God into this discussion. So read on as you wish, but just know that about me up front."


As a Christian, that's the way I took it. I figured that it was a courtesy for folks who...I don't know...just can't stand hearing about God? I don't know what I thought, honestly, but I didn't think that it was designed to exclude people. (Am I hopelessly inclusive?! :001_huh:)


But I could certainly be wrong about that. My DH swears that I often make mistakes, though there's no documented proof of it. ;)


I don't see it this way at all. The vast majority of posters on these boards are Christian. Almost every thread would need CC up front if this were the case. There are numerous prayer requests daily w/o CC posted. I don't see why people feel they need to apologize for their beliefs.


Except for a tiny few, most of the non-Christians (many of whom believe in God, but are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Bahai) or Multi-Theists, and even a few agnostic/atheists, I feel, have been very careful to be as respectful, as have many of the Christians in return. Again, I have no problem with the use or non use of CC before a post. I have always understood it to mean the post is of a Christian theme and that Christian views are sought. Not to exclude, but I think most would rather not have a debate about their faith, especially if it is a post for help or support.


I think way to much is being made of this. If you don't like to use CC, then don't use it. I realize that most posts I will read here will have some Christian undertones, and if it was so upsetting.... why would I stay? I stay because this is a cool place to support each other, learn about resources, and just talk.

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