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Mouse in my house!


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I think I have a mouse in my house. Eeekkk!! If, in fact, there is a mouse, it will be the second one in about a month. The first time I saw one, it run across my living room into the playroom. DH and I hunted it down and killed it. Now, today, I have been hearing a small scratchy noise coming from one of my kitchen cabinets. Now, I should say that I live in a mobile home and they are not known for their airtightness so I am not super surprised if a mouse found its way in.But that does not mean I am not horrified!


So what do I do? I don't have a cat and even if I did the cat couldn't get into the cupboard to get the mouse anyway. My home is on the same property as my dad and he has two cats that I could "borrow" (they come down to my house often anyway), but I am not sure how helpful that would be. My first thought was to empty out the cupboard, but then what? I am sure there is an opening somewhere, it's a trailer after all, so it will either escape behind the other cabinets or run out at me. I don't really care for either of these options. My next thought was a trap or poison. I'm not sure about the poison, mostly because once it dies, it still in my cupboard somewhere! Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! So maybe a trap? I have never had to deal with this before and have no idea where to even start. Ugh! Please help me!

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We left our house for a year a few years back, and when we returned it was FILLED with mice!  Talk about EEK!!  We set lots of traps (with peanut butter) and left poison in various places.  I was surprised at how quickly we got rid of them and that we never found a dead one anywhere from the poison. Good luck!

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We live in an 80yo house and battle mice every winter. An old fashioned snap trap smeared with peanut butter, laid next to the wall near where you heard the mouse, or in the cabinet itself is the quickest, most efficient way to kill the mouse. Even better is to lay 2 or 3 in a group so that if one doesn't get it another will. If you catch one, set  another trap and leave it for a few days. They seldom come in ones.


Dh always does the mouse disposal for me.

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I'd do traps. But we have used poison in our old house when the traps just didn't work. I didn't have the mouse die in the house, but he did die. I have known of 3 others who used poison and never smelled a dead mouse. I think it's a cruel way to do it, though, so I prefer snap traps when you can.

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Our cat is excellent at tracking down mice. If he finds them, he usually brings them to us still wiggling and mostly unharmed. We throw them outside. I can't stand to kill them or let the kitty play with them to death. We live in the country and couldn't keep them out until we got our younger cat. Our old cat does not care. I haven't seen one in many months so I hope my kitty has eradicated them. We also have a few live traps but the cat was more successful. You hear them in the wall, but I'm sure they don't stay there- they are looking for food and water. When we first discovered the problem we read that poison wasn't recommended because if they die inside your walls it can be difficult to find and remove them.

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We live in an 80yo house and battle mice every winter. An old fashioned snap trap smeared with peanut butter, laid next to the wall near where you heard the mouse, or in the cabinet itself is the quickest, most efficient way to kill the mouse. Even better is to lay 2 or 3 in a group so that if one doesn't get it another will. If you catch one, set another trap and leave it for a few days. They seldom come in ones.


Dh always does the mouse disposal for me.

This, exactly, except sub "nearly 200" years for 80. PB and snap traps has been a good combo.

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We have one (or two) too. I'm trying to be very calm about it, but it FREAKS ME OUT. I'm mostly afraid I'll see one scamper across the floor and it will startle me. I hate surprises. Luckily, this mouse seems to enjoy leaving droppings in interesting places, but hasn't caused any damage. Yet. 

We used to live in the woods in PA, and I was always very afraid of mice there, because of the deer ticks. 


I've not had very much luck with snap traps, but I probably do them wrong. 

Good luck!

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Our cat is excellent at tracking down mice. If he finds them, he usually brings them to us still wiggling and mostly unharmed. We throw them outside. I can't stand to kill them or let the kitty play with them to death. We live in the country and couldn't keep them out until we got our younger cat. Our old cat does not care. I haven't seen one in many months so I hope my kitty has eradicated them. We also have a few live traps but the cat was more successful. You hear them in the wall, but I'm sure they don't stay there- they are looking for food and water. When we first discovered the problem we read that poison wasn't recommended because if they die inside your walls it can be difficult to find and remove them.

I told DH after we got rid of the first one, if it happened again, I would be headed to the animal shelter for a kitten! :-) he doesn't really want a cat because of our dog but I'm not digging having mice!

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I agree on the traps with peanut butter.  We live in a old, drafty house in the woods so we always get mice, and the occasional mole, and we are pretty sure we currently have a chipmunk.   We hear occasional scratching in the walls so who knows what else.  We do plan to tear down this house and rebuild eventually.


They tend to stick to the laundry nook off the kitchen, dash behind the cabinets to steal food from the dogs bowl, but whenever the kids see one in the living room they always want to try and catch it to keep as a pet.  :glare:

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You could try peppermint essential oil to keep them out. Since I started using it, we haven't had any mice. Put a few drops of oil on cotton balls and put them in the cabinets and wherever they may be coming in. Worked for me!

Thank you for this tip! I will most definitely try it. I have also heard the same trick works to keep spiders out as well.

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I set a trap in the garage once and next day the trap was gone! Sent dh to investigate and he found the dead mouse and trap in a different area of the garage. It was disgusting to think the mouse travelled around the garage half dead. So now, I put the baited snap traps in an open brown lunch sack. I find the dead mice inside the sack, fold up the bag and discard. No touching of the dead mouse or the icky trap is involved. Would love to get a cat instead, but some of our household have allergies to too many things, I don't want cat fur around to create more allergies. I love cats though.

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We live a bit in the country and get field mice fairly regularly.  Snap traps are the only thing that work.  We don't get poison because of the dogs.


Just be thankful, mice in our basement bring in snakes sometimes!  :crying:


Everybody sing, "She swallowed the snake to catch the mouse, she swallowed the mouse to catch the spider……"

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I set a trap in the garage once and next day the trap was gone! Sent dh to investigate and he found the dead mouse and trap in a different area of the garage. It was disgusting to think the mouse travelled around the garage half dead. So now, I put the baited snap traps in an open brown lunch sack. I find the dead mice inside the sack, fold up the bag and discard. No touching of the dead mouse or the icky trap is involved. Would love to get a cat instead, but some of our household have allergies to too many things, I don't want cat fur around to create more allergies. I love cats though.


I've only ever had a mouse in the house one time in my life, and used a snap trap.  And it really was just one.  That was before I had cats, but thankfully they've never had to earn their keep. ;)


I mostly just wanted to say that putting the trap in a paper sack is absolutely brilliant!!  I'm going to remember that for future reference.

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