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If you could hear another person thoughts for one day who would you select?

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I was thinking about this because it is a special ability a character has in a book I recently read.

If you could hear the thoughts of one other person for just one day whose thoughts would you want to hear. Of course they would have no idea you have this power. OK dh or ds hmmmm this is difficult

OK dh thought are probably pretty boring, mostly work stuff.

I want to know what my 14 yo is really thinking.

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I was thinking about this because it is a special ability a character has in a book I recently read.

If you could hear the thoughts of one other person for just one day whose thoughts would you want to hear. Of course they would have no idea you have this power. OK dh or ds hmmmm this is difficult

OK dh thought are probably pretty boring, mostly work stuff.

I want to know what my 14 yo is really thinking.


I want to know what my son is thinking. He has very vivid imaginary play and I'd love to hear the dialouge that happens during that time.

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I would want to know dh's. I think that he is such a kind person and sure puts up with a lot from me, so I would like to know things that he is otherwise too kind to actually speak - what I could do to make him happier, what is really important to him around the house, etc. He always just tells me everything's great. He's really sweet.


And if I could read Jessica's mind for 1 hour, I would be a wiser woman. :)

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My friend, who is the most positive person I have ever met. I'm genuinely curious about what kind of "self-talk" you need to do to have such a great public face and attitude.


(I'm assuming, of course, that she's as genuine as she seems!)

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Oh, gosh. There are so many! Maybe DH, because he is an engineer, meaning a man of few words. My two boys because they are not sharing much of their inner dialog. Maybe I could help my oldest with some of his issues. My middle son so that I could understand how to let him know that I love him. Or, my friend Joanne, who is a very positive person and very good at reading people - I would love to hear that self-talk.


If I had to choose one, I would choose ds14 - he is troubled right now and I don't know how to guide him because he can't express himself very well.

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I REALLY don't think I want to know what other people think. I have a hard enough time dealing with my own thoughts.


TOTALLY agree with this. I have this feeling that I'd pick someone I admire tremendously and be totally disillusioned (as I'm sure anyone listening to my thoughts would be who had previously admired ME). :001_huh:


Besides, DH and the kids are all extroverts--I LIVE their thought lives every hour. I've got blood running out of my ears now as it is. I don't need to hear anymore thoughts! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (That was my silent scream.) ;)

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I would want to know dh's.


I would love to hear my own dh's thoughts instead of guessing at times.


And I'm just a phone call away even though I'm floored my name is on this list at all. Y'all do know that I'm only in my 3rd year and there are veterans here that could run circles around me in wisdom and experience?!?

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By that I mean, I would love to have been able to hear Ruth's (in the Bible), Queen Esther's, or Noah's while building the ark! There's just so many Biblical characters that I would love to have known there thoughts thru various trials. Perhaps Paul in prison as well.

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Both of these ladies are *unfailingly* kind about everything and everyone.

I've never heard either of them say anything even slightly critical about anyone we know.


I wish that I were like that, and I'd love to hear the thoughts of either one of them. I think either I'd learn that they really do have less-flattering thoughts that they don't share with others (in which case I'd feel a little better about not being able to achieve that), or I'd learn more about how to be the type of person they are.


Either way, it would definitely be one of those gals. They are my heroes, in a way, and they're who I want to be "when I grow up!"

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My 9 year old. He has apergers and he is so very different from me and his other brothers. I feel like I am so hard on him most of the time. He's just so very unapproachable.

If I could just see into his head for just an hour, I know it would change the way I deal with him. It would help me to extend the grace that I know he deserves and needs.

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I am amazed that there are so many men and boys selected. It is truly the difference between how us women typically speak our thoughts and they are mysterious, lol. I would have to jump on the same boat and say my dh. He is so kind to me and everyone, never saying anything judgemental. I want to know what he REALLY thinks, lol!

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Dh, but only because I truly want to know if he actually has an opinion or not!



No matter what I ask dh, when it come to me, he will always claim he has no opinion or he likes both, all or everything of anything I ask him about.


my "do you prefer my hair long or short?" gets " I like it both ways, whatever you like" from him.


my "do you like this perfume" gets "I like all the perfumes you wear" from him.


I really would love to know what his opinion is.

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If you could hear the thoughts of one other person for just one day whose thoughts would you want to hear.


than he could articulate his thoughts. So what I get when he's explaining something is a sort of mental shorthand that leaves me with absolutely no CLUE what he's talking about the first time through.


So I want to know if he TRULY thinks in sentence fragments, using only internally-referenced pronouns, or if there's a filter in there somewhere that sorts it out before he says something.:001_huh:


I could die happy knowing the answer to that.

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Ummmm, are you being funny or serious?

Because I had to laugh out loud to this one.

What would you hear?

Maybe she'd just like a quiet day all to herself?
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DH does not share his feelings well, so he is quiet about a lot of things. I really wish I could get inside his head at times! On one hand, it might be a little scary, but in the end I sure would love to know more about his thoughts and feelings.




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Without a doubt, my fourteen-month-old. She's got so much going on already, but I don't know how much she knows. She surprises me constantly with her perceptiveness and ability to assess a situation, comprehend and do effective nonverbal communication so well at such a young age (but she doesn't talk yet).



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