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Ken Ham v. Bill Nye debate


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This should be interesting. One of my friends mentioned they are thinking about streaming it. I'd be up for that.


Debate at Creation Museum


TV’s famed “Bill Nye the Science Guy†will argue the case against creation and for evolution as he faces the founder and president of the Creation Museum, Ken Ham, on February 4, 2014, in the museum’s 900-seat Legacy Hall. The museum, which has drawn two million guests in six years (including 20,000 visitors at its recent Christmas Town programs), is located in Petersburg, Kentucky (near the Cincinnati Airport).

The agreed-upon topic for the 7 PM debate is “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?â€

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I don't care how He did it or about being able to explain it ..... others can argue about it if they'd like. I'm just thankful it is.

Mostly This. I don't consider it a salvation issue, just fun to speculate. I sort of believe evolution is one tiny tool amongst a much larger set of tools, most of which we can't fathom yet. :D
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Are we voting on personalities or beliefs or both or what?


I don't follow either of them.  I like Bill's TV persona for kids' shows.  I agree more with Ken if I have to take a side and those are the only two options.  But I side far more with SWB's position on a very possible old earth but God involved type of thing.


These debates where I don't fully agree with either extreme wear me out.

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Are we voting on personalities or beliefs or both or what?


I don't follow either of them.  I like Bill's TV persona for kids' shows.  I agree more with Ken if I have to take a side and those are the only two options.  But I side far more with SWB's position on a very possible old earth but God involved type of thing.


These debates where I don't fully agree with either extreme wear me out.


Bill Nye does not hold an extreme position.

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I doubt Ken or any of his sycophants are capable of articulating an actual logical, coherent argument for their position...but they will definitely declare victory afterwards and Ham's Amen Choir will certainly agree.





WOW!   Just because others have different views than you, you feel justified in calling them sycophants!  I feel my views are Bible based and I am clearly not a sycophant.  

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I will tune in if they agree to do it Epic Rap Battles of History style. Otherwise there's no debate to be had.



Actually, I only want to see this if Keegan Michael Key plays Nye and Jordan Peele plays Ham. I don't much care to look at the actual faces of either Nye or Ham. And Ham's face proves that we are walking around with more than just Home Sapien DNA.

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Bill Nye does not hold an extreme position.

But he does accept a major theory supported by decades of imperical evidence from multiple disciplines, and accepts that, like all theories, it may one day be revised or disproven by new evidence. On the other side, we have a belief supported by divine infallibility, which I'm guessing could never be altered or disproven.


This is my fundamental beef with the framing of the question. One does not "believe in" evolution any more that one "believes in" particle physics. Science is based on accepted theories that can, and are often disproved. Belief systems gain and lose followers over centuries, but I'm not sure those are evidence based trends. Believe, or don't, in the god of your choosing, but don't mix up theology and science.

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