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JAWM...fractured vertebrae and toddlers


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Long story short I fell down our stairs holding my daughter a few days ago. I've been in severe pain since then but couldn't see a doctor till today. X ray showed two broken vertebrae. I see a neurosurgeon on Friday and they sent me home on strict bedrest and narcotics.

My husband is on a 40 hour shift. He has been trying to see if someone can come cover him overnight tonight but, well, it's New Years Eve. I asked my mom if she could keep my kids overnight tonight so I could at least take the narcotic and she said she is too tired. I have no one else I can call. The house is a disaster because I haven't been able to clean in a few days. The puppy is doing well and I do have a neighbor boy coming to walk him and play with him this evening since I can't.


But I am so tired and in pain and overwhelmed I am sitting in Walmart waiting for my prescription and sobbing. I think I am scaring everyone around me. I think I was wrong for refusing hospital admission but honestly what were they going to do, admit my toddlers with me?

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No church family. If it wasn't New Years Eve there are some other people I could call but I know everyone has plans for night.

DH will be home in the morning and has taken off work till Saturday. I just have to get through tonight, and I don't dare take narcotics while home with the kids. Thinking it was muscular I took a lot of NSAIDs and tore up my stomach lining, plus I am allergic to Tylenol, so OTC pain killers are a no go right now

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No church family. If it wasn't New Years Eve there are some other people I could call but I know everyone has plans for night.

DH will be home in the morning and has taken off work till Saturday. I just have to get through tonight, and I don't dare take narcotics while home with the kids. Thinking it was muscular I took a lot of NSAIDs and tore up my stomach lining, plus I am allergic to Tylenol, so OTC pain killers are a no go right now

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Fingerlakes region.

I did find some people to help me through the evening; two of my "brothers" from my fire department who are graciously giving up their New Years celebration to care for my children.


I will get over the mother thing. It is par for the course with her; just sometimes bothers me.

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I'm so relieved you found help.


When my kids were 3 and 1 I had a back injury. I too sat in the drugstore parking lot and cried.


Unfortunately that is the last thing I remember. I woke up days later in the hospital.


Turns out my mother called, I must have been out of it and she sent my brother from an hour away to check on me. He called 911.


Please take care of yourself and take advantage of offers of help.

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:grouphug:  I am glad those guys have stepped up to watch your little ones, take the narcotics tonight and rest.  I am sorry your mom was being so selfish tonight, even if it is typical of her you would think a mother hearing her child has fractured her back would be doing everything in her power to help her. 

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Fingerlakes region.

I did find some people to help me through the evening; two of my "brothers" from my fire department who are graciously giving up their New Years celebration to care for my children.


I will get over the mother thing. It is par for the course with her; just sometimes bothers me.

I'm so glad you found some help. Take your meds and rest as best you can.

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It is not everyday that you find some young 20 something guys willing to give up their New Year's Eve plans to care for a hurting old paramedic and her two toddlers, and do my dishes. :-)

They are truly the best. Thank you all for the wishes and prayers. they are very much needed tonight. My pain is controlled right now by the narcotics; we are praying that nothing happens to increase the injury and cause spinal cord damage.

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I am so sorry!  When I was 20 I fractured my spine sledding.  It was the worst pain I've ever experienced.  Fortunately for me, I had no one to take care of except myself.  I cannot imagine having to take of little people, too.  I'm so glad you found some help.  I hope you get some relief with the stronger meds.  

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Your mom is a selfish witch, and your friends are the best! I am glad you got some help. I hope you are able to find more reliable help. Do you have any far-away relatives who might love you enough to fly in to help for a week or two? My MIL is NOT usually a very helpful person, but she did cheerfully swoop in and help care for my infant/preschooler when I had to travel suddenly for my dad's stroke back many years ago. She still isn't my fave person, and she still doesn't like me, but I will always remember that she did that. My own aunt and mom stepped up at that same time (Dad was in the ICU out of state for 17 days before he died), but I would have predicted that from them. My own MIL -- she surprised me.

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