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Alternative board self?

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I'm actually sort of surprised at how talkative I'm not around here, my favorite place on the Web. I listen in on so many fascinating conversations, and laugh myself silly at the marvelous humor of you people, and really very rarely add my own .02.


In real life, I'm learning how to rein myself in and not dominate conversations. Seriously. I'm an extroverted talker who loves deep conversation as well as making people laugh.


But all the great info I pick up here and the great parenting advice I've learned over the years from Joanne make me a fount of valuable information for my RL colleagues. They keep calling the bean dip strategy "Sharon's bean dip" answer. And that's just so wrong!:lol:


So no, I'm much more loud and opinionated, talkative and witty in real life than on the boards. Y'all do it for me. :D

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more of a sense of humor. I don't think humor can come out well on the boards because it is easily misconstrued. Well, maybe that is my kind of humor.... Other people get me laughing here...


My rep score is almost nonexistant here and I actually am much quieter here than IRL. Perhaps because I've been on the boards for a long time and know how things can be taken wrong or go up in flames.


So, unless you go on a women's retreat with me or hang out in my real living room you probably don't know I'm half comedian/ half madly driven perfectionist homeschool mom teacher.


I can relate!!!

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I've noticed something interesting, though. The more I post here, the more comfortable I've gotten w/ myself irl. I think y'all are helping me be more confident, to blossom as it were. Y'all let me say what I think & don't really seem offended. So I've been saying a *little* more of what I really think irl, & so far...it seems to be going over just fine. People seem more comfortable w/ that than w/ the awkward silences. Go figure. LOL


Me, too. I don't have that many people I talk to irl. I am with my family most of the time, church friends, who agree with me on most things, from time to time, and the general, distant public the rest of the time. Here I am with people who share one of my interests (hsing) but who may not agree with me on a million other issues.


I tend to be quiet irl when I am with folks I don't really know that well (I'm thinking of my nephew's bride's bridal shower a week or two ago where I knew no one but my family). Here I share my thoughts on subjects I would never discuss face to face with folks I don't know. In a way, I'm more me here, although I wouldn't say I'm pretending to be something besides me at other times - I guess I'm just more open in certain situations that others. Sharing my real thoughts here has helped me to speak more confidently - I've seen a definite difference since I've started posting here. I'm not so afraid of people now.

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No...I'm very talkative in real life and quite a character.

My online personality is much more reserved.


The real life me would have 10,000 posts and would be telling you stories about about the funny thing my youngest just said, the socks I'm kniting, my driveway drama, and the fact that someone hit my van....again. I can talk to anyone about anything.


I'm not sure why I'm so much quieter online but I am fairly quiet in all online communities. It's not like I'm just quiet here.


This is pretty much me too. I am much more guarded here.

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I tend to be quiet irl when I am with folks I don't really know that well (I'm thinking of my nephew's bride's bridal shower a week or two ago where I knew no one but my family).


Ugh. I'm breaking out in hives on your behalf. That's a recipe for heart palpitations for me, right there. ;)

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I'm actually sort of surprised at how talkative I'm not around here, my favorite place on the Web. I listen in on so many fascinating conversations, and laugh myself silly at the marvelous humor of you people, and really very rarely add my own .02.


In real life, I'm learning how to rein myself in and not dominate conversations. Seriously. I'm an extroverted talker who loves deep conversation as well as making people laugh.


But all the great info I pick up here and the great parenting advice I've learned over the years from Joanne make me a fount of valuable information for my RL colleagues. They keep calling the bean dip strategy "Sharon's bean dip" answer. And that's just so wrong!:lol:


So no, I'm much more loud and opinionated, talkative and witty in real life than on the boards. Y'all do it for me. :D


I was just going to post something very similar about myself...this is sort of the opposite of what Aubrey was saying about herself..she is becoming more outgoing, while I am realizing I don't have to say outloud every thought that passes through my head.


Sooooo......I guess that means, my on line personality is really me...and the board is helping my IRL personality become a better me!

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Pretty much the same here. I type the way I think and talk. I do have more time to think out things online. I express myself better in written form, but I do temper my sarcastic nature somewhat, it doesn't always come across online as it would IRL. :tongue_smilie:


I type the way I think; however, IRL I'm shy and reserved, until I get to know you well. Who said it, above? In a way, I am more "me" online.


But then again, it's a one-sided "me." Y'all don't get to see the bad days.

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I'm more diplomatic online, but also more open, if that makes sense. IRL, if I like someone enough to let them in on my real opinions on things, than I am pretty no-holds-barred. Generally those are the people that either feel like I do on issues, or care enough about me to love me anyway!I am usually not like that online, usually anyway. I do have my soapbox issues.


But most people (hey, I'm a political liberal married to an Army guy- my peer group is not much like me!) don't get the "real" me. They get the diplomatic me, which is far less open than diplomatic online me. And they never get snarky me, which online, well, that does come out, I'll confess. I just think those things IRL.:glare:


So am I me, or not? I don't know. I'm so confused on which me is me. Then there is me on other, more, um, outgoing boards- different me again.


Guess I'm just an enigma wrapped in a mystery. Or mentally ill.:D

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Pretty much, what you see is what you get. Although, it may be easier to tell when I'm joking on-line, with the help of smilies:D


I tend to pretty much hang back and observe, and speak only when what I have to say I feel is relevant, or I'm moved to do so. If I see that what I want to say has already been said, I nod in agreement (but I usually don't post that) I suppose that's why I don't have more posts to my name:)


Having lived "in the public eye" -- I usually keep my strong opinions to myself in mixed company, and shy from antagonistic debates. Not unlike here...

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I think it's really interesting that many of you are saying that you're more expressive or open on this forum. I guess a bit of anonymity leads to more openess for some. I'm the opposite, because I don't really *know* you people, I'm much less open here than I am IRL. I don't really trust how people in cyber-space represent themselves. I need to see a face, hear a tone of voice and really observe a person before I would say I know them.


Just so you know, IRL I'm really beautiful, have a great sense of humor and I'm a wonderful dancer. :D


I do think that many of you ladies (and gents) have distinctive voices and, whether intentionally or unintentionally, a good bit of your personality is revealed in your posts, your style of writing, the topics you focus on, the energy you defend yourself - or don't.


Did I mention that IRL I'm extremly good looking? I mean, Angelina Jolie would be jealous - good looking. :tongue_smilie:


To answer Jessica's question; I'm more defensive and less open here than IRL.

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I sure think so. Here I try to be encouraging and fun. I think my friends in real life would describe me that way. I'm honest about my faults here and in real life. I love people and I love to laugh both here and there. The people who I have met IRL from this board are almost exactly like I thought they would be from knowing them here.

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Although English is now our home language, it's not my first language.

This means that I'm not a very confident writer and I'm always second-guessing the way something may come across. Before I post, I need know that I'll have the time to edit (and then I still agonize about it!).

I'm quite the extrovert in real life and I don't hesitate to take part in most conversations.

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I tend to think that I'm a hoot IRL, but as many people have said, humor doesn't always come through these boards real well. (Doesn't always come across real well IRL, either...)


I think for the most part, I will come across (both here and IRL) as a shy and reserved peacemaker. You will often find me trying to smooth over any "flames" I may inadvertently cause. I am one of the most opinionated people around, but absolutely hate confrontation. However, because of the forum setting, you almost have to take a side here and there. That's kind of the purpose of coming here and participating right? So, I'm sure as I get to know some of you more, I will come out of my shell, but until my fear of being attacked by every single WTM poster subsides, I'll probably just stick to being a "participating neutral" for awhile. :)

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I think it's really interesting that many of you are saying that you're more expressive or open on this forum. I guess a bit of anonymity leads to more openess for some. I'm the opposite, because I don't really *know* you people, I'm much less open here than I am IRL. I don't really trust how people in cyber-space represent themselves.


While I said I share more, I never post anything that I am not comfortable with people really knowing b/c there is no such thing as anonymity on the internet. I proved that last week when I recognized someone on this forum that I had never met IRL by the fact that too much info was the same as on a local homeschool email loop that we are both on.


My parents always, always taught us to never say or write anything that you don't want shared or repeated. I have tried to live by that advice. While I really don't share with people in general that our ds has a mental illness, I refuse to be ashamed by something that is uncontrollable. That said, I don't want people pre-judging him without knowing the kind-hearted side of him as well. Once they know us, I might share.


I simply share it here b/c here I find support, whereas from family, they are too often ready to point fingers and lay blame.

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My IRL friend who lurks thinks it's funny that she knows I'm a big softie. She says that she knows I swing her little ones on the front porch swing and sing to them. I told her she's a dead goose if she blows my cover!


NO! Stop! You're ruining my mental image of you! :tongue_smilie::lol:

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I think that I'm pretty much the same.

I'm a tiny bit more subtle here, I think, because I actually try to keep certain things private on this board, although in person I am very open.


If anyone who knows me IRL reads this thread, please answer. I don't think I can be objective about myself.


I think that this is accurate. I think that you are the bees knees, but I am biased.:D

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I think that I'm pretty much the same.

I'm a tiny bit more subtle here, I think, because I actually try to keep certain things private on this board, although in person I am very open.


If anyone who knows me IRL reads this thread, please answer. I don't think I can be objective about myself.


I've only met Anj for a wee bit, but she seemed pretty much the same. I'll vouch for her. :D

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Wow 10 pages but I read 'em:tongue_smilie:. IRL I am a non stop talker.(Just ask Tiklbee sp?) So I think that comes across pretty well here. :D I am also very outspoken IRL, with people that I know share my view that is. Here I have and imagine I will continue to share dissenting opinions when necessary I think because 1. I can thoughtfully prepare my respone and 2. I really do feel pretty safe here. I feel that even though we can be very different in the end we are all parents who want what is best for our children and respect each other's right to decide what that is. :001_smile:

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sick007.gifI don't mean to be hatin', Laney, but methinks you forgot to put on your make-up today. taunt002.gif


Just kidding, of course. I'll take a troll-smoochie from you any ol' day!


Thanks a lot. I put on make-up special for today.:glare:






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I am the same except that here I have a delete button! I type a lot of responses and then delete them. In real like I am a very sarcastic and realistic conversationalist. I am not the person to ask if "I like your potato salad" or if that outfit looks good to me. I can only buffer a small amount before I blurt out my opinion .... if asked for it. I don't run around giving my opinion where is not asked for. In real life my friends know this about me and most are the same way. Here, sarcasm doesn't come across well and even if the OP doesn't take offence to something you say, you have 1,000 other people who may. So, I guess here I am much more serious than real life. In real life I laugh a lot and am a very happy person.

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I'm more out-going IRL than I am here . . . I'm a bit more introverted on the boards, probably not as confident as I feel IRL.


Sometimes, I want to "pull a Doran" and poke sarcasm at some of the posts, but I don't have the confidence to say what I really think. Sometimes I do, though . . . most times, I LOL, roll my eyes and carry on.


As a group, I think the WTM participants are much more on their game than I am. I can talk the homeschooling talk, but I'm pretty relaxed with my kiddies.


Me in a nut-shell!



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