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what is your 14-15 yr old ds getting for Christmas?


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I seem to remember posting in a similar thread recently, but I don't see it at the moment.


My 15-year-old son is getting:


- a garment bag and matching toiletries bag for carrying costumes and supplies to dance competitions.

- a portable tap dance floor.

- weights (so he can work on bulking up to get better at lifting his dance partners -- Are you sensing he's interested in dance?)

- an Avengers-themed wall calendar.

- books.

- a nice version of Risk (board game).

- personalized pajamas (a family tradition).



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Mine has spent several months researching what he needs to build his own gaming computer.  He's price shopped for everything.  We're buying him the tower for Christmas, and he should be able to buy the rest of what he needs with money he'll get from grandparents, etc.  He found a couple of better deals over Black Friday weekend, so we bought those, and he'll pay us back with some of his Christmas money.  I was very reluctant on the computer at first, but he's put considerable time and planning into it, and I'll be putting that into a high school credit.


He's also getting two Assassin's Creed paperbacks, an amazon gift card, a facial/hair grooming kit, an AXE gift set, fleece pjs, and a leather/sterling silver bracelet (originally $50 at Kohl's, but I bought it for <$12).  I really wanted to get him that Shakespeare/Star Wars book, but that will have to wait.



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My son will be 14 a week after Christmas. We did the computer thing last year. He built his own and bought most of it himself. We did gift some computer parts last year. This year he is into playing his Bass guitar. He is getting a lot of music gifts that he asked for. His favorite band is Muse and he asked for a few things from their store. One really cool gift that we found is a water powered alarm clock. That is one of his bday gifts. He is interested in environmental science and conservation so the clock seems perfect for him.

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I have two boys in that age range.


Wii U

Some Wii U games





Scout Pants

backpacking hammocks


Pocket knife

a few books

Steam cards



They would probably love a new PC so they could both play at the same time.

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My 15yo mentioned a TV for the boys' room, but quickly took the hint that that was not happening.

He's getting the one other thing he asked for, a case for his bass guitar. Also a new case for his phone, baseball pillow and fleece blanket, Amazon gift card, books, a Yankee mug, and a sandwich maker that puts the Yankee logo in your food. I'd like to find some sort of (non-electronic) game if I survive the shopping district tomorrow.

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ds15 is getting


$10 subway gift card

$15 movie gift card

walmart gift card in amount yet to be determined

fuzzy blanket

axe body wash and spray


shooting glasses (forgot to add that to dd14s list on the other thread both are getting these now that it looks like they made the team)

othello board game

lego set

and a big remote control truck



While I would be happy to be done getting him toys in many ways he is younger than 15 so a few toys it is.  When I go to buy the shooting glasses on Monday I will see what else the store may have up his alley.

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Pocket Knife, pillow (seriously, on his list in all caps!), football cards, football, pop tarts (I never buy them), flannel lined jeans, long sleeve T, and dont recall what else offhand. He, & little brothers, all want iPods, but waiting til this ones bday next week b/c others are not getting this and b/c we try to make bday a WOW gift so it feels more like a bday & not Christmas leftovers. :)

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DS12 is getting the Bigshot Camera, a kit to build your own camera. He likes photography, and I'm trying to encourage his building/putting together skills. Maybe a bit young for a 14 yo but you never know. Also a couple of brand-name shirts that are too expensive imho to buy just because, Risk, Monopoly, Angry Birds sodas (he got one last year in his stocking and still remembers it as yummy (he gets soda maybe three or four times a year though so ymmv)). Grandparents have bought a new case for his violin, and he's getting a laptop case as well.

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ROFL, so I clicked "like" on the question about what steam is.  Then I read the answer; THEN I looked at this funny icon I have on my desktop to see what it was.  Can you guess??  Yep:  Steam.  DH has been using this for a while, he loves it.  We recently put it on my laptop for a game that DS wanted.


And so, to make this even more relevant, even though DS is 17, here's what he is getting:


said game downloaded and usable on steam

another game: one of the Kingdom Hearts games that he's missing

a new bicycle seat

some books



Doesn't look like much, but the kids think they are getting NOTHING under the tree because we have been on an Amazon buying spree lately and I've declared that all these things they (DH, and the kids) just HAD TO HAVE all counted towards Christmas  ;)






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My ver soon to be 14 year old is getting 


A fun alarm clock

a good watch

think putty

Air Hog  sphere thing

a bag of pistachios

nutella, candy and axe stuff in his stocking.


Nutella! Why didn't I think of that for dd15? I don't think it will fit in the stocking now, but great idea!

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