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Thoughts on this gift


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I think you should let her know that it takes longer to bake than a real oven and that she won't be able to watch it bake, along with any other negatives that might matter to her.  Then, if that is still what she wants more than anything else- get the darn thing. 


I have no problem letting my kids know that if I get X, it means I won't be getting Y for them.  I also discuss how a toy might not be as neat in real life as it appears on TV.  But in the end, if it is the only thing they want, then I usually go ahead and get them that thing (unless I have some super objection). 

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I think the easy bake oven is totally stupid!!!!!!!!! I never wanted one for that matter and I didn't ever play with my friends either LOL! That being said you know your daughter will be completely opposite of course! My older daughter asked for one when she was 9. She had long since been in the kitchen with me and she still wanted it. We got her one with every darn accessory and mix we could find. She loved it! She really loved it. My younger daughter wanted nothing to do with it. As my older girl who is now 16 grew the easy bake was donated away when my younger still refused. This year my younger is 9 the thing she wants the most is the stupid easy bake oven LOL!! Yes she helps all the time in the kitchen but this is still her hearts desire.

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My DD 7 has an easy bake but we never use it-- because it is made in such a way that you can not see the things baking.  There is no window.  You poke the little pan in with a plastic stick, then you get it out the other side when it is done.  To me that's boring.  

This was a gift from just a couple of years ago.  Is the one you are looking at like that?  If so, that's no fun.

Explain to DD that with the toaster oven she will get to see the things baking through the window and watch them rise, brown, etc.

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My oldest wanted an Easy Bake Oven when she was about 7.  I found one for her at a thrift store, but we hardly used it.  I thought it was silly, and I didn't make the effort to help her with it.  And after I while I donated it...


Then my younger daughter asked for an EBO when SHE was about 7.  I bought one new, and decided to really help her use it.  We didn't use their mixes, but whenever I baked cookies, she would pull out her oven and bake one or two for herself.  If I baked a cake, we would put a little of the batter into her pans and she would bake and frost her own little cakes.  She made pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving, and even an occasional dinner roll.  She used it often for about 3 years!  Yes, she could have used the real oven at that point, but she enjoyed that little fake oven, and it was fun for both of us.  Looking back, I wish I had taken a tiny bit of time with my oldest to help her get more use out of her little oven.  


BUT the toaster oven sounds cute, too! I'd buy muffin pans and mixes and hot pads and an apron and those cute kitchen utensils that Target has and....





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I wanted one so bad.  A friend had one, and we'd "bake" every time I went over there (which was a lot).  My mother said it was "silly."


So of course I figured DD would want one. I suggested it over several years.  She found a set of kid-sized baking pans and a cookbook that she really wanted more than the Easy Bake.  So we baked smaller cakes, pies, and muffins for awhile in the regular oven.


Now she does most of our desserts including ones for church events.  She got the "bug," and is so much better than I am at it.

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If you're interested in the baby cakes things, and you have Tuesday Morning, check there-I just picked up one there for my niece for $8. She likes to cook and likes little cute things, so I think she'll enjoy it.

 Thanks but no Tuesday Morning.  We tried the cookie one a year ago but according to her it does not make that fantastic cookie smell.   But the waffle sticks one is great if they have it.  DS uses it once in a while to make breakfast.

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On the list or top of the list? From Santa or from anyone? What I did in the same situation, although it was not a "top of the list" or Santa request...


I let my DD read reviews. She was unimpressed. Then I offered her an alternative. I let her cruise Amazon with me, and helped her add items to her wish list--a new baking cookbook, apron, an adorable set of mixing bowls, spatulas, special cake pans (one tart pan and squares that can stack to make a wedding cake, oohlala!), etc. This probably worked for my DD because what she was most attracted to was the idea of doing it all by herself. So I started to back off of letting her "help" me and moved into the role of (secret) overseer. She has loved this and last year moved into cake decorating.


Anyway, I would give her the choice, after making her aware of the pros and cons and limitations. If she still really wants the EBO, I would do it, but I will say I was so relieved that DD didn't choose it. :tongue_smilie: She is a happy little baker and has really come a long way in terms of skill and ease in the kitchen.

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On the list or top of the list? From Santa or from anyone? What I did in the same situation, although it was not a "top of the list" or Santa request...


I let my DD read reviews. She was unimpressed. Then I offered her an alternative. I let her cruise Amazon with me, and helped her add items to her wish list--a new baking cookbook, apron, an adorable set of mixing bowls, spatulas, special cake pans (one tart pan and squares that can stack to make a wedding cake, oohlala!), etc. This probably worked for my DD because what she was most attracted to was the idea of doing it all by herself. So I started to back off of letting her "help" me and moved into the role of (secret) overseer. She has loved this and last year moved into cake decorating.


Anyway, I would give her the choice, after making her aware of the pros and cons and limitations. If she still really wants the EBO, I would do it, but I will say I was so relieved that DD didn't choose it. :tongue_smilie: She is a happy little baker and has really come a long way in terms of skill and ease in the kitchen.

Sigh, your lucky. I tried to sell dd on this option but this is the thing she wants, she told me today she will really be sad if she doesn't get one. I had to go w/ the older model at least as I couldn't bare the thought of the newer one as it had such crappy reviews. Dd is obsessed w/ cooking though and I see her using the EBo and continuing cooking w/ me. I like your idea of the special cake pans. I need to get her some decorating supplies as Cake Boss is her hero :)

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When I was 5, I wanted a Holly Hobbie Easy Bake Oven but I knew it was too expensive for my family so I wrote Santa and refused to tell anyone what I had asked for. Of course, I didn't get my Easy Bake Oven and my belief in Santa was shattered. Forward 20+ years, my dh found and bought the exact Easy Bake Oven and gave it to me. One of my favorite presents ever!


When my dd wanted an Easy Bake Oven, I bought her one for Christmas and she was thrilled. We made homemade mixes and she used it for about a year before transitioning to the real oven. It was worth every penny.


Buy her the Easy Bake, not for practicality, but for the joy on Christmas morning.

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Pretend you are a little girl who has a pink easy bake oven on your list.  You have asked for one for 2 years.  You love cooking with mommy.  


Based on the reviews of the easy bake, Mommy thinks it is not the best idea but is willing to try it.  Mommy is also thinking about getting a toaster oven instead.   A toaster oven with different pans and tools would be the same cost as the easy bake.


What would you get?


I think the easy bake oven is a ripoff and the supporting products really suck.  They're not really tasty and they are terrible for you.    I LOVE your idea for your child, and I think it is true that personality will out.  If you make it clear to your daughter that this a gift made out of respect to her, and that this is REAL stuff, not kiddie stuff, she will get it.  At least, that's how it went with my daughter when this was an option.


Further, you can always buy a pink toaster overn or spray pain the one you get with krylon high temp pink paint.   You can make this work.

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On the list or top of the list? From Santa or from anyone? What I did in the same situation, although it was not a "top of the list" or Santa request...


I let my DD read reviews. She was unimpressed. Then I offered her an alternative. I let her cruise Amazon with me, and helped her add items to her wish list--a new baking cookbook, apron, an adorable set of mixing bowls, spatulas, special cake pans (one tart pan and squares that can stack to make a wedding cake, oohlala!), etc. This probably worked for my DD because what she was most attracted to was the idea of doing it all by herself. So I started to back off of letting her "help" me and moved into the role of (secret) overseer. She has loved this and last year moved into cake decorating.


Anyway, I would give her the choice, after making her aware of the pros and cons and limitations. If she still really wants the EBO, I would do it, but I will say I was so relieved that DD didn't choose it. :tongue_smilie: She is a happy little baker and has really come a long way in terms of skill and ease in the kitchen.


Yes, this is my dd too.  She can now make baked oatmeal all by herself, aside from the oven part.  She is so proud of herself!  I think if she cooked it in the toaster oven she could handle that part too, but our toaster oven is convection and screws up all of the recipe cooking times and temperatures.


But I don't think she even knows the Easy Bake exists.

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I think it's a lesson.  Ds was dying for one.  Finally I got one on sale for like $15 for his birthday.  Of course, he was MASSIVELY disappointed by it.  Because it's complete junk.  But now he laughs about it.  And he is a little more wise about how the idea of a thing isn't always as good as it sounds.

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I think it's a lesson. Ds was dying for one. Finally I got one on sale for like $15 for his birthday. Of course, he was MASSIVELY disappointed by it. Because it's complete junk. But now he laughs about it. And he is a little more wise about how the idea of a thing isn't always as good as it sounds.

That is true about the lesson. I think a big part of the reason DD was able to decide against the EB was that she had already had her big experience of paying her own money for something (despite bad reviews and Mommy advice) that turned out to be a giant piece of junk. It was a craft kit that she absolutely had to have, and it was the shoddiest thing ever. That was also her first lesson in how to make a return.

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I vote for the Easy Bake Oven.

When I was 8 Cabbage Patch Dolls were the "it" toy for Christmas. All I wanted was a Cabbage Patch Doll.

I got two dolls that year, neither were a Cabbage Patch. I loved them and played with them but I never got over that they weren't Cabbage Patch. Probably didn't help that my younger brother did get a Cabbage Patch Doll from the aunt who gave me the knock off. Anyway, I never did get a Cabbage Patch Doll and even though I am 37yo whenever I think about it I get really irritated. Why would you give one child the real thing and a fake to the child who really really wants one?! He never even played with it and refused to give it to me, wouldn't even let me play with it.


Get her the real thing.

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Yeah I've never seen an EBO for $5.  I find buying used doesn't save money around here either.  I wonder who falls for it though. 


I have seen them at flea markets and yard sales a lot for 5 bucks. Two years ago a friends daughter received one as a gift and didn't want it so it was put up thinking maybe she will want it someday well, she never did. When the garage got cleaned out I got it brand new still in the box never opened for free. Saved me 40 bucks because that is the MOST wanted this year with my youngest LOL! Of course if I had been actively looking for one I couldn't have found it. Just so you know I did remove the mixes and such and got new ones but now after all the talk about the one in stores I am so glad I didn't buy because it is so crummy. The older one looks a lot like the one her big sister had so she will be happy. Glad to know your boy enjoyed his so much!!

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My dd wouldn't know EBO exists either except for visits to the grandparents house as we don't have commercial tv. I think dd will be crazy about the EBO fro tea parties and such though, she loves little things. My mom is buying her a bunch of gf cake and cookie mixes to go with it.  I wish she was more into cooking than baking but it seems baking is her favorite. She does make breakfast at times, scrambled eggs and gf oats and such and does a pretty good job.

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I vote for the Easy Bake Oven.

When I was 8 Cabbage Patch Dolls were the "it" toy for Christmas. All I wanted was a Cabbage Patch Doll.

I got two dolls that year, neither were a Cabbage Patch. I loved them and played with them but I never got over that they weren't Cabbage Patch. Probably didn't help that my younger brother did get a Cabbage Patch Doll from the aunt who gave me the knock off. Anyway, I never did get a Cabbage Patch Doll and even though I am 37yo whenever I think about it I get really irritated. Why would you give one child the real thing and a fake to the child who really really wants one?! He never even played with it and refused to give it to me, wouldn't even let me play with it.


Get her the real thing.


:thumbdown: Why does family do that kind of thing? I feel your irritation.

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After reading this thread we decided to get a toaster oven for my son.  I just wanted to let all interested parties know that Walmart has a cherry red 6 slice toaster oven on sale for $40.  So it's a fun color and a real oven :).  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Hamilton-Beach-6-Slice-Convection-Toaster-Broiler-Oven-Candy-Apple-Red/23497217

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