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Has this been discussed? Doug Phillips *resigns* from Vision Forum (Ministries)!


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 He also liked to call himself a "bioethics expert" and wrote in the Samaritan Ministries newsletter a few years ago that women with ectopic pregnancies are guilty of abortion if they follow the doctor's advice and get treated (because supposedly one time a mother and baby both survived without treatment). I wish I were kidding, but I read the article with my own eyes. No matter where the baby is implanted, he considers it murder to have it removed.


Wouldn't it be suicide to leave it there?

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On casting stones...   written by a former homeschool student.


It is very disheartening to read the posts. Who are any of us to cast the first stone or are we all perfect? We also can't judge others motives or lives. We are only responsible for ourselves in the end. I personally feel bad for his Savior and what this has done to him.

Why don't you pray instead of casting stones isn't that what Jesus would do???


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That post on "casting stones" was great. The VF fans are definitely out patrolling the internet, using that and similar lines to try to shut up those of us who've been damaged by these doctrines of men. There's a big difference between us warning others about the depths of destruction sown by Phillips and his doctrines and actually trying to kill the man.

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Wesley Strackbein, a spokesperson for Vision Forum, told The Christian Post that while the non-profit will cease to exist, the board is currently deliberating on whether the organizations' conferences, workshops, film festival (which was canceled a week before Phillips' announcement) and other programs, will continue apart from the organization.



So, if Vision Forum Ministries does go on to do all the same activities, but under a different name and without Doug Phillips, have they really "closed up shop?" If they reorganize and continue to spread their garbage under a different banner, it sounds more like a coup. What is really going on? What did he do that made his friends and associates so angry with him? 
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So, if Vision Forum Ministries does go on to do all the same activities, but under a different name and without Doug Phillips, have they really "closed up shop?" If they reorganize and continue to spread their garbage under a different banner, it sounds more like a coup. What is really going on? What did he do that made his friends and associates so angry with him? 


He got caught with his pants down, so to speak.

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I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking about how many of his associates have careers because he was peddling their books and DVDs for them. He probably greatly increased their customer base. People don't generally bite the hand that feeds them. That's why I think there has to be something else going on. If the comments from Scott Brown's sermon were about Phillips, then Phillips must have really, really angered him. I hope I never have a "good friend" (as Brown refers to Phillips) talk about me in public like that.

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Wesley Strackbein, a spokesperson for Vision Forum, told The Christian Post that while the non-profit will cease to exist, the board is currently deliberating on whether the organizations' conferences, workshops, film festival (which was canceled a week before Phillips' announcement) and other programs, will continue apart from the organization.


So, if Vision Forum Ministries does go on to do all the same activities, but under a different name and without Doug Phillips, have they really "closed up shop?" If they reorganize and continue to spread their garbage under a different banner, it sounds more like a coup. What is really going on? What did he do that made his friends and associates so angry with him? 



Non-profits must open their IRS 990s (revenue/expense forms) to the public.  A for-profit corporation does not need to be so transparent.  There could be a simple reorganization underway that allows VF to draw the curtain.

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So, if Vision Forum Ministries does go on to do all the same activities, but under a different name and without Doug Phillips, have they really "closed up shop?" If they reorganize and continue to spread their garbage under a different banner, it sounds more like a coup. What is really going on? What did he do that made his friends and associates so angry with him?




I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking about how many of his associates have careers because he was peddling their books and DVDs for them. He probably greatly increased their customer base. People don't generally bite the hand that feeds them. That's why I think there has to be something else going on. If the comments from Scott Brown's sermon were about Phillips, then Phillips must have really, really angered him. I hope I never have a "good friend" (as Brown refers to Phillips) talk about me in public like that.



Non-profits must open their IRS 990s (revenue/expense forms) to the public.  A for-profit corporation does not need to be so transparent.  There could be a simple reorganization underway that allows VF to draw the curtain.



Given the above, I'd guess is one thing DP did to make his associates so angry is that he messed up their income stream. If we could follow the money, it's likely we'd see a big piece of the puzzle. 

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This expresses so well why I know the patriarchy movement isn't right:  


You see, when it's all about....
Roles and rules instead of love and liberty
The system instead of the Savior
Following Pharisees instead of following Fairest Lord Jesus
Controlling others instead of controlling yourself
The earthly father instead of the Heavenly Father
Silencing and shaming instead of giving voice to the victims
Intimidation instead of inspiration
Authoritarian dogma instead of authentic dignity
... then it's time to "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace." from http://watchtheshepherd.blogspot.com/2013/11/vision-forum-and-friends-turn-your-eyes.html

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Doug Wilson responds to the situation: http://dougwils.com/s7-engaging-the-culture/patriarchy-vision-forum-and-all-the-rest-of-it.html

What's the code for the barfy smiley? I did like this though:

"When an advocate of biblical truth sins like this, we should not complain about how  the enemies of the Lord are chortling over this (2 Sam. 12:14). If you donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t want them whacking you, donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t hand them the stick."
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Given the above, I'd guess is one thing DP did to make his associates so angry is that he messed up their income stream. If we could follow the money, it's likely we'd see a big piece of the puzzle.

Money. I agree...follow the money. And if it is not money, it's power.

Remember, this is an organization that dismisses female humanity with prejudice.
They do not likely care two hoots about what Doug did to his wife and family
and certainly not the "other woman". That's nothing in the grand scheme of
things. But, his indescretions did put their money making venture in peril and
disrupted their almighty position of power.

Doug fell off his pedastal with a resounding thud that has probably deeply
affected their ability to continue to control people and certainly their
abity to make money.That has made them turn on him.

Since he was both president and treasurer, I would imagine that they need to go
through the books with a forensic accountant. Statistically, in 501c's where
the head honcho is also the head money counter/spender and has been hiding an
affair, it's fairly common to find money used illegally to help "cover tracks" or
funneled to the mistress. All of DP 's travel and that of his family's as well, was paid for by the ministry portion of VF. He is noted for taking the family nanny
(a volunteer unmarried older teen /early twenty something female - unpaid because
women are not allowed to earn money, but volunteering to work as a nanny is
considered a legitimate pursuit while waiting for daddy to approve a suitor).
Also adult women could volunteer at the ministry and if their fathers did not work
their also,the rule was that Doug and friends were their "covering" or authority
figure. So Scott and the rest of the gang have a mess on their hands as they have
to determine if any money was illegally funneled to the female whomever she is.

It's a disaster for them. Even with for profits this kind of thing is a crazy
maker. When Mark Hurd was fired from HP for both sexual harrassment of
female contractors working for the company and falsifying travel reimbursement
records to the tune of millions of dollars in order to maintain illicit
relationships through work, it was no fun time...but being profits not donated
dollars, it wasn't as bad as it is for non profits. Of course Mark Hurd
was snapped up immediately by Oracle Corporation as if MH was some sort of prize
apple just waiting to be picked! UGH!

Doug will be back. "Repentent and wiser". Repackaged, shined up, and retooled. It's
the same old, same old repeating itself ad nauseum. In my observations, it seems
like the ones that truly regret their decisions instead of just regretting being
caught, act very differently. For Beall's sake I hope I'm wrong.But, I will admit
to an extraordinary level of skepticism at this time.

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For those that might be interested in a discussion of why the VF board may have taken the action it has or some basic info on supporting the victims of spiritual abuseand organizations with cult like tendancies,
www.spiritualsoundingboard.com has aninteresting discussion of Scott Brown's rather scathing sermon
directed at DP and in the comments, espefailly towards the bottom, there are some suggestions for helping

Frankly, I've read the text of Brown's sermon. DP did some very, very bad things...a lot worse than he'll
likely ever admit to in order to have a long time friend say that about him and someone who still firmly
believes in the VF way of life to boot. Good gravy!

Beall swettie, my heart goes out to you, the other woman, and to the famines rocked by this. I pray all of
you make it to a spiritually and emotionally healthy place. This hurts like hell now, but maybe it can be a spring board for you and others to move forward out of the oppression of such leadership. I cling to
hope for you, though my experience leads me to believe that the hope is thin. May God hold you in His
loving arms.

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Money. I agree...follow the money. And if it is not money, it's power.

Remember, this is an organization that dismisses female humanity with prejudice.
They do not likely care two hoots about what Doug did to his wife and family
and certainly not the "other woman". That's nothing in the grand scheme of
things. But, his indescretions did put their money making venture in peril and
disrupted their almighty position of power.

Doug fell off his pedastal with a resounding thud that has probably deeply
affected their ability to continue to control people and certainly their
abity to make money.That has made them turn on him.

Since he was both president and treasurer, I would imagine that they need to go
through the books with a forensic accountant. Statistically, in 501c's where
the head honcho is also the head money counter/spender and has been hiding an
affair, it's fairly common to find money used illegally to help "cover tracks" or
funneled to the mistress. All of DP 's travel and that of his family's as well, was paid for by the ministry portion of VF. He is noted for taking the family nanny
(a volunteer unmarried older teen /early twenty something female - unpaid because
women are not allowed to earn money, but volunteering to work as a nanny is
considered a legitimate pursuit while waiting for daddy to approve a suitor).
Also adult women could volunteer at the ministry and if their fathers did not work
their also,the rule was that Doug and friends were their "covering" or authority
figure. So Scott and the rest of the gang have a mess on their hands as they have
to determine if any money was illegally funneled to the female whomever she is.


Faith inspired me to look at Vision Forum Ministries' most recent available 990 which is from 2011. 


While indeed DP is listed as president/treasurer, there is also a chief financial officer, Josh Wean, who earned more than DP from this organization.  ($44,035 to DP, $55,862 to JW; additional compensation from related organizations was report to the IRS: $24,254 to DP, $90,417 to JW).


Vision Forum Inc was paid for labor and services:  $193,176.  I assume that VF Inc is the for profit affiliated with VFM.


But here is my question:  VFM has more than a million dollars listed in assets (land, buildings, equipment).  What happens to that?


(For the curious:  the 990 tax form from VFM and other non-profits is usually found via Google.)




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Faith inspired me to look at Vision Forum Ministries' most recent available 990 which is from 2011.

While indeed DP is listed as president/treasurer, there is also a chief financial officer, Josh Wean, who earned more than DP from this organization. ($44,035 to DP, $55,862 to JW; additional compensation from related organizations was report to the IRS: $24,254 to DP, $90,417 to JW).

Vision Forum Inc was paid for labor and services: $193,176. I assume that VF Inc is the for profit affiliated with VFM.

But here is my question: VFM has more than a million dollars listed in assets (land, buildings, equipment). What happens to that?

(For the curious: the 990 tax form from VFM and other non-profits is usually found via Google.)

One of those assets is the home the Phillips family lives in. Wondering if they'll be packing up and moving out.
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Yes, Ai wonder about the assets. Doug lives ina 6000 sq.ft. home owned by the ministry. There are legal
aspects to be considered in the dispensing of company assets. Though think Doug will have to move or buy
it from the company. Question is will they be mad enough to make him pay fair market value or will be and
unethicalandlet him buy it for a buck?

From a spiritual standpoint, it would not be good for him to be allowed to purchase it. He needs to lose
it as part of the consequences and the family needs tonuproot and have a chance at a fresh start
if Beall is staying with him. IF she takes the kids and leaves, then he probably would not want a 6000
sq.ft house to maintain allby his lonesome. Without a wife and four daughters to wait on him, he'd have
a rude awakening in taking care of Doug 101 - a very depressing home economics course!

I wonder about Josh Wean. A simple affair does not for this degree of crazy make! Plus something is
kilter wampus because he stepped down from Bourne Assembly eldership back in Feb. why the delay from VF
and then the very sudden movement to close instead of promote Scott or Josh or hire the verges the very
devoted Geoffrey Botkin for the position? Something doesn't add up and I suspect that this something
is financial.

Acouple of years ago the 990 indicated that VFM bought the Jonathon Park series from VF Inc. for
more than $260,000? Why? VF Inc. already promoted it for VFM? This seems fishy. The ministry arm
supported by donations /fundraising spends in excess of a quarter million dollars to purchase something
from Dougs' profit making arm that it already promoted for the ministry and for which the 501c was not
set up to sell nor ship or pay for the marketing and packaging of??? To me this is a huge red flag, but
I'm willing to admit that my knowledge of forensic accounting is sketchy at best so maybe this is nothing.

But, if it's something, then is makes me wonder where Mr. Wean was while the treasurer was playing with
the money!

Dh served four five years as our church treasurer and says this is a red flag to him.


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For those that might be interested in a discussion of why the VF board may have taken the action it has or some basic info on supporting the victims of spiritual abuseand organizations with cult like tendancies,
www.spiritualsoundingboard.com has aninteresting discussion of Scott Brown's rather scathing sermon
directed at DP and in the comments, espefailly towards the bottom, there are some suggestions for helping

Frankly, I've read the text of Brown's sermon. DP did some very, very bad things...a lot worse than he'll
likely ever admit to in order to have a long time friend say that about him and someone who still firmly
believes in the VF way of life to boot. Good gravy!

Beall swettie, my heart goes out to you, the other woman, and to the famines rocked by this. I pray all of
you make it to a spiritually and emotionally healthy place. This hurts like hell now, but maybe it can be a spring board for you and others to move forward out of the oppression of such leadership. I cling to
hope for you, though my experience leads me to believe that the hope is thin. May God hold you in His
loving arms.


Yes. If it is true what is being talked about on what he did, he should rot for it.  

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For those that might be interested in a discussion of why the VF board may have taken the action it has or some basic info on supporting the victims of spiritual abuseand organizations with cult like tendancies,
www.spiritualsoundingboard.com has aninteresting discussion of Scott Brown's rather scathing sermon
directed at DP and in the comments, espefailly towards the bottom, there are some suggestions for helping

Frankly, I've read the text of Brown's sermon. DP did some very, very bad things...a lot worse than he'll
likely ever admit to in order to have a long time friend say that about him and someone who still firmly
believes in the VF way of life to boot. Good gravy!

Beall swettie, my heart goes out to you, the other woman, and to the famines rocked by this. I pray all of
you make it to a spiritually and emotionally healthy place. This hurts like hell now, but maybe it can be a spring board for you and others to move forward out of the oppression of such leadership. I cling to
hope for you, though my experience leads me to believe that the hope is thin. May God hold you in His
loving arms.


I feel sick. I mentioned in an earlier post that there is a DP/VF church near us in NC founded and pastored by DP's right-hand man.  I don't even want to type his name in my post because I've heard that people here who left his church and spoke out about him have been threatened, but let's just say he's been mentioned in this thread.  I didn't realize it was a DP/VF church until after this story broke. 


But I found out even worse info today.  We have three friends who used to go to our church and they also planted a FIC.  After the story broke, I started wondering if it's also a DP/VF church, but I kept thinking no, our friends are too sensible to get caught up in that mess. I was wrong.  On the NCFIC website, one of the pastors of that church is listed in the networking section. He used to be the youth pastor at our church. And the NCFIC's address is a street where I used to work.  I worked in the next block!  I can't believe this is going on right under my nose and I didn't know anything about it.


One of the families involved in the second church used to live across the street from us in seminary housing and our kids were good friends. They have changed drastically in the time we've known them. They have a lot of kids now; I grew up in a big family and I would have had 10 kids if circumstances were different, so I'm not slamming them for having more kids. But she has become in many ways the stereotypical homeschool mom who grinds her own wheat berries to bake bread, etc - again, a good thing. But every time I see her, she looks so tired and depressed. Even in family pictures, her smiles look forced. Now I'm really wondering if everything is okay with her, and whether she is really on board with all the changes, deep down, or if she's going along with her husband because she thinks she has to. Ugh. I am not in a position to do anything except pray for her because we are not close any more, but I am going to start doing that for sure.


I just had a creepy analogy come to mind. How many wives of patriarchal husbands are doing exactly what they want - taking care of their husband and kids full time - and yet, doing it under the hand of oppression is sucking the life out of them?  Their husbands are like dementors, sucking out their wives' souls one kiss at a time.

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So as I was scanning the comments at spiritualsoundingboard.com, I saw this  :eek: :   


Nikki Ecala  NOVEMBER 13, 2013 @ 12:56 PM 

The affair was with a younger woman (girl) in her teenage years who was very involved with the ministries of both VF and the church. She also helped greatly with the familyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s children as a nanny for many years.

This affair has gone on at least 10 years Ă¢â‚¬â€œ although she is of age now, she was not when the affair began.

Sorry to reveal so much, I believe this to be true, and the truth sets people free.



I saw that too.  If it's true, it explains a lot!

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When the main message is "don't gossip," the purpose is to shut victims up and hide the truth.  True Godly leaders care about the people who have been hurt and promote openness and healing instead. Their first thought isn't "control the fire! I don't wanna get burned!"


Liked this quote from http://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/the-stones-you-cast-the-tables-you-built/  "If you think speaking truth to power is casting stones, you need go back to the drawing board." 



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What's the code for the barfy smiley? I did like this though:

"When an advocate of biblical truth sins like this, we should not complain about how  the enemies of the Lord are chortling over this (2 Sam. 12:14). If you donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t want them whacking you, donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t hand them the stick."


I only like the "don't hand them the stick" part. I think he's saying that anyone who speaks out is both chortling and an enemy of the Lord, which is almost as repulsive as his whole "Delilah" theory (aka "Foxy Bubbles?!!") near the end. Poor DP had too much testosterone and what was he to do? It's the woman's fault?

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So as I was scanning the comments at spiritualsoundingboard.com, I saw this :eek: :

Nikki Ecala NOVEMBER 13, 2013 @ 12:56 PM [font='Lucida Grande']

[font=inherit][font=inherit]The affair was with a younger woman (girl) in her teenage years who was very involved with the ministries of both VF and the church. She also helped greatly with the familyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s children as a nanny for many years.[/font][/font][/font][font=inherit]
[font=inherit][font=inherit]This affair has gone on at least 10 years Ă¢â‚¬â€œ although she is of age now, she was not when the affair began.[/font][/font][/font][font=inherit]
[font=inherit][font=inherit]Sorry to reveal so much, I believe this to be true, and the truth sets people free.[/font][/font][/font]


If this is true, wouldn't there be a possibility of criminal charges? This is child predation.
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I only like the "don't hand them the stick" part. I think he's saying that anyone who speaks out is both chortling and an enemy of the Lord, which is almost as repulsive as his whole "Delilah" theory (aka "Foxy Bubbles?!!") near the end. Poor DP had too much testosterone and what was he to do? It's the woman's fault?


I KNOW! That part was just bizarre.  :confused1:  At least we know Doug Wilson doesn't frequent strip joints. FOXY BUBBLES?!?

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Doug Phillips clarified some points about his resignation today at:




Further comments have been posted here, http://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/2013/11/14/doug-phillips-clarifies-his-resignation-statement/, and also a warning:  


"If you know the identity of this girl, please do not post it anywhere on the Internet.  She deserves her privacy, sheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s absolutely the victim in all of this."


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Doug Phillips clarified some points about his resignation today at:





" The local church, not the Internet, is the proper forum for overseeing the details of a manĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s repentance"


This somehow doesn't seem quite reasonable to me.  He did not operate only within his church.  His offense is as broad as his ministry and customer base was. 


The whole thing makes me vomit.  Focus on repentance FOR A SEASON?  How about FOR GOOD.  Done, zilcho, out of ministry.  Anything he gets from his family at this point is way more than he deserves.

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Doug Phillips clarified some points about his resignation today at:




Further comments have been posted here, http://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/2013/11/14/doug-phillips-clarifies-his-resignation-statement/, and also a warning:  


"If you know the identity of this girl, please do not post it anywhere on the Internet.  She deserves her privacy, sheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s absolutely the victim in all of this."

And It took having someone else point it out to me that in that one he does say there was physical contact.  

what is sad he still does not ask for prayers for her,  just his family, the board and the other men who make up the staff.  


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And It took having someone else point it out to me that in that one he does say there was physical contact.  

what is sad he still does not ask for prayers for her,  just his family, the board and the other men who make up the staff.  



I attended a large homeschool convention for the last few years. It's big enough that the vendors and speakers are somewhat diverse. But there after a "kerfluffle" there has also been what I consider an effort to headline people who tend toward the most conservative elements of homeschooling.


I'm still looking for exhibitor lists for the last two years, but I'm pretty sure  wonder if Doug Phillips was there in 2011.  I wonder if this or any other conventions are regretting having DP or VF associated with their conferences.


Edited: I'm still looking for exhibitor lists and don't want to tar a convention that did stand up for the right of at least one of its speakers to disagree with some of its other speakers.

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I attended a large homeschool convention for the last few years. It's big enough that the vendors and speakers are somewhat diverse. But there after a "kerfluffle" there has also been what I consider an effort to headline people who tend toward the most conservative elements of homeschooling.


I'm still looking for exhibitor lists for the last two years, but I'm pretty sure Doug Phillips was there in 2011.  I wonder if this or any other conventions are regretting having DP or VF associated with their conferences.

Yes he was a big speaker at the convention I go to also, can't remember the last time he was there though.  

the VF shop is always there.  Will be interesting to see what is there this year.  And how they are received. 

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Yes he was a big speaker at the convention I go to also, can't remember the last time he was there though.  

the VF shop is always there.  Will be interesting to see what is there this year.  And how they are received. 


After the "kerfluffle" I tried to adopt a policy of shopping at booths that were willing to display a wide variety of science materials, and to avoid booths that used sales of AiG materials as one of their major advertising points.


I'm not thinking that I should be similarly picky about booths selling other books.


My friend helped keep me awake on the long 10 hour drive home from convention by taking notes as we discussed what we liked, disliked and would have liked at the convention. I think that I really need to write those notes up and send them to both the convention I've attended, and the state conventions in my own state. I think it is too easy for convention organizers to think that folks who want to hear about the Vision Forum, AiG sort of view are their most likely customer base. I'm not sure that is really true. But at least I would have made my own voice very clear.

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I think it is too easy for convention organizers to think that folks who want to hear about the Vision Forum, AiG sort of view are their most likely customer base. I'm not sure that is really true. But at least I would have made my own voice very clear.


I don't go to conventions, but I really, truly would like to see the foundation of a home education conference be education, not religion, and not religion-based recruiting for the "culture wars."  Homeschool is not about taking back the culture, but about what's best for the children.  If we teach them well, they will be able to discern what battles they need to fight in the future.


My state, WI, does have an inclusive conference, sponsored by Wisconsin Parents Association, but I've never felt I could take the weekend and the $$ to travel 3-4 hours to attend.  Maybe soon when I only have one child to teach, I can be more supportive.

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I don't go to conventions, but I really, truly would like to see the foundation of a home education conference be education, not religion, and not religion-based recruiting for the "culture wars."  Homeschool is not about taking back the culture, but about what's best for the children.  If we teach them well, they will be able to discern what battles they need to fight in the future.


My state, WI, does have an inclusive conference, sponsored by Wisconsin Parents Association, but I've never felt I could take the weekend and the $$ to travel 3-4 hours to attend.  Maybe soon when I only have one child to teach, I can be more supportive.


Well the nature and purpose and audience for conferences and conventions is (and has been) a whole 'nother thread.


I was just wondering if anyone who has used DP as a major speaker in the past now rues that decision.


I do agree with you on thinking that I have other venues for spiritual refreshment, support and guidance. But I have just about nowhere that can answer questions about how to get my homeschooler access to Advanced Placement exams or what the most recent changes in NCAA eligibility guidelines for non-traditional courses mean in a practical sense to homeschoolers.


And I'd really, really like to see lots of college reps at conferences, not just reps for a few schools that are private, protestant schools.


And I can go for decades without seeing The Perfect Pickler booth doing workshops while I look in vain for a panel discussing approaches to upper level high school math (ie, algebra, geometry and calculus -- not consumer math).


But as I said, that is definitely a different thread. Except to the extent that the voices of those who contend that VF and its ilk are not only a majority among homeschoolers, but also more correct and orthodox.

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And It took having someone else point it out to me that in that one he does say there was physical contact.  

what is sad he still does not ask for prayers for her,  just his family, the board and the other men who make up the staff.  



Its disgusting. It went on for so long (10 years) and with a young girl. His whole resignation letter is so "me" oriented.  He manipulated, violated and took advantage of this girl yet his letter seems to be all about him. Its so sad.

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