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So I have the cordless keyboard, & I'm hiding in the closet...

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And 1yo just ran out of crackers, found me, & deleted my entire. post. :glare: And "resting" is boring. And dh is pushy about it. More so than before. :glare: But in a nice way.


Anyway, y'all know my water broke Sat around 3. Contractions didn't start until Sun around 2. Since I've had fast births in the past (3hrs, 19 min, 4 hrs), mw agreed to let me stay home past the 24 hr mark IF I'd take an IV of antibiotics. I did, & we agreed that if I wasn't in *really* active labor by 8:30, I'd go to the hospital.


Progress was much slower than previous births, but baby was born at 7:59PM, no problems. Dc were home by...9:30 or 10 (from neighbor's), & I couldn't believe how sweet they were. I mean, the big ones are big enough to understand, you know, but 1yo...I wasn't sure how she'd handle it.


She fussed when she saw me holding baby. I handed him to dh & took her (oh my goodness, she's heavy!), but she still fussed. She wanted to hold him! So we put him in her arms, & she made a big amazed "O" w/ her mouth, grinned, & pointed. Then she laid her face on him & "hugged" him.


Later, she tried to give him another hug, but kind-of got him in the face. He cried, & we tried to tell her it was ok, but she just became completely inconsolable.


This AM, she's been smiling, pointing, hugging, & carrying around a baby of her own. Ds7 came in to see if baby was real this AM, & just stood over us, glowing. Finally, he said, "I just think we should pray...a prayer of...thanks." And he did!! :001_smile: Sweet child. Dd5 is being the lone dissenter, not in affection, but in name. While the rest of us have been calling him Caedmon (w/ a short a sound), she insists on calling him Paul. LOL


Caedmon was a shepherd who was supposed to have had a vision of an angel & been inspired w/ what became the first recorded English...hymn or psalm or poem. Not sure if the classification matters, but it's in Old English, & was supposed to have been so beautiful that the queen requested an audience w/ him to hear it.


We chose the name when we were pg w/ #2, in case she was a boy. Basically, we see it as pastoral, peaceful, the English equivalent of David. And Paul is for dh's grmother, a woman so wonderful that, although she died LONG before dh & I met, I feel like I knew her, & she's still a common topic of conversation in his fam.


Baby is very peaceful & started nursing w/in minutes. Slept pretty much thr the night last night, which was nice, & has made up for that by eating almost nonstop today.


We finished reading Charlotte's Web this afternoon, all 6 of us together, & it was so lovely. But that's all dh would let me do! I'm a terrible patient. I get *so* bored. And I feel guilty for sitting around doing nothing. I even feel guilty for not napping. Then I get grumpy because I feel guilty. Eventually, I think dh will figure out that he needs to make up jobs for me to do. (Kind-of like I did for him during labor. Shh!)


Alright, wonderful ladies, I have to go before I get caught!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Rats! I thought I was going to get to be the first person to congratulate you. Pam beat me to it.


Congratulations, and let everyone take care of you. You'll wish you had later, if you don't now.

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So good to hear from you Aubrey. :)

Love the name. Good to hear the kids are enjoying the bebe.


Do get yourself some rest. I know, I don't like that 'having' to rest part much either, but really, just take it easy. Snuggle that bebe *smooches*

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I've been on vacation w/o reliable Internet access and fretting that baby would be born and it would be days before I could find out how you were and how baby was! So glad to hear it was a peaceful birth and the dc are thankful and proud. Love the name too.


Blessings on your family. Do get some rest!

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I missed the excitement of the breaking of your water (doesn't that sound official?) because I was out of town. But, to come home to this story, and you, all blissed out on baby, and your adorable children positively gushing with love for their mother and baby brother. Well, my dear, it's even better than all that sex talk we were having before you delivered! ;););)


I'm thrilled for you. I was with a tiny one month old this weekend (a niece) and can just imagine your beautiful boy in all his freshness. Ahhhh!




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Alright, wonderful ladies, I have to go before I get caught!


I am so glad you updated (risking a scolding and all!). I am so happy for you -- your birth story is wonderful and it seems as if little Caedmon is engulfed in a whole lot of love over there.


Congratulations to the whole family!

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I'm so glad the birth went so well and you got to have him at home. I love the name and was very impressed with your son's email. It was precious. I can't believe you are already reading to your kids. I think that's more energy than I would have. Take advantage of all the rest and extra help! And enjoy the new little one. He is beautiful!



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That is such a wonderful picture. (Not the hiding in the closet part!) Congratulations. You have the sweetest family.



On other fronts, I hate to tell you this so shortly after you have given birth, but I just knocked you up!:lol:

So soon Lolly? Couldn't you just wait a LITTLE longer....give her a chance to catch her breath and all? :confused:


You're funny! :lol:

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Pronounce that name for me, I know I'm going to love it. Scottish?


My brother's son has this name. They pronounce it Kaydmun. (Accent on first syllable.) There is a Christian group with the same first word - Caedmon's Call. That isn't where they got the name, but it is the easiest place to hear the pronunciation. :) I think this is what Aubrey is referring to with regards to the history of the name.


We love it. :001_smile:

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My brother's son has this name. They pronounce it Kaydmun. (Accent on first syllable.) There is a Christian group with the same first word - Caedmon's Call. That isn't where they got the name, but it is the easiest place to hear the pronunciation. :) I think this is what Aubrey is referring to with regards to the history of the name.


We love it. :001_smile:


This is all true, but (don't tell your bro) the band pronounces it incorrectly. Alternatively? At least, accd to my Med Lit prof, whose class I took *before* I'd heard of the band.


Imagine if we called the Aeneid the Aynede!! I yhink that's basically what the band has done. Either way, it sure makes the name more confusing & kind-of lends credence to 5yo's insistence upon calling him Paul. LOL

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