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Well...I'm leaving on a jet plane...don't know when I'll be back again...leaving...


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Today is the day.  We're packed up, dh has one major errand to run this am, and then two friends will be driving us and our 24 suitcases + 7 personal items to IAD, and then we will head to Paris, and then onto Naples, Italy.


I'll have my computer...but not sure about how the internet access will be.


I've been up since 4.  I colored my hair, got involved in an internet debate (with people from Naples), and now it's time for me to get up and face the rest of this crazy day.


Love to you all!



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We made it.  I'll write more about the fun with flying...(whine) later.  I'm just too tired to think straight.  My dh and I have really been up been up the greater part of the past 48 hours.  Wish the kids would go to sleep already (they have gotten their 3rd wind since opening up their  bags and getting into the LEGOs).  Hotel living is already getting a bit old, and it's only day 1 (but I figure it will take us about a week just to figure out how to best arrange our living situation here..


Be back later.  Much later.

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