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To those who are affected by the gov't shutdown...


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:grouphug: May your finances (and emotional health) weather this time period.


FWIW, I wish we could fire the whole bunch and let a few folks who successfully take care of household or business finances give our country a decent working budget without drama.



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:grouphug: May your finances (and emotional health) weather this time period.


FWIW, I wish we could fire the whole bunch and let a few folks who successfully take care of household or business finances give our country a decent working budget without drama.



I whole heartily agree

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FWIW, I wish we could fire the whole bunch and let a few folks who successfully take care of household or business finances give our country a decent working budget without drama.




We could fire them. We could vote them out of office but, on the whole we, as a country, continue to re-elect the same professional politicians to our legislatures year after year.

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Thank you, Creekland.  I just hope it doesn't last too long.  My family is directly affected - forced leave without pay.  We'll find out tomorrow if benefits are affected in addition to pay.


ETA: This on the heels of the summer furlough, all on top of the pay freeze that went into effect in 2009.  This is wrong.  I also keep seeing comments on FB showing ignorance about who government employees are.  They are not just in high-ranking positions or cush upper-class jobs, they are very much also the lower working class and everything in between.

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:grouphug: May your finances (and emotional health) weather this time period.


FWIW, I wish we could fire the whole bunch and let a few folks who successfully take care of household or business finances give our country a decent working budget without drama.



ITA. I am seriously considering just voting against all of my current congresspeople on principle.


I think we should have 3 year mandated, random service...like jury duty. No more gerrymandering, no more campaigning, no more political parties. No more embedded incumbents and no more lifetime pension and benefits - just generous compensation for those that serve for the time they are serving. Then they're out.


(JK. Sort of...)

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We are smack dab in the middle of a PCS move.  I have no idea how this is going to affect our per-diem (or shall I say actually RECEIVING our per diem).  Boarding a flight to Italy tomorrow.  Husband hasn't received his amended orders yet (hasn't been able to get in touch with anyone).  This...on top of the summer furlough...absolute nightmare.


Well...there will be enough time for griping later.  I have to finish packing up the kids' suitcases, get a couple of boxes mailed off, meet the repairmen at the house (our outer oven glass shattered on Friday, I hooked up the washing machine wrong and created a lake in the kitchen), take things off to the consignment sale, get the boys' hair cut, take the family in for more passport photos made (for our sojourners permit), give our other car to a new family, somehow get to the DMV to turn in plates, vote, and do a final once-over on our empty house, take all of my mom's cleaning stuff home, and make sure we have arrangements for tomorrow night at the hotel and a Super Shuttle or something to get us there!


And people are asking me if I'm excited to move...lol  I don't have time to be excited.  I'm doing too much running around just trying to get there!

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Good luck Lisa, I can imagine that stress.  Hope you are able to get things smoothed over quickly.  Hubby is excepted so is working for an IOU.  However, so many of our friends are being furloughed and haven't heard anything about how they're supposed to be paying their off-base housing. The whole thing is such an awful mess.  I don't understand why we can be excepted and required to work without pay, but not Congress.  Go figure.

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  My dh is considered Essential or whatever they are calling it; they informed him he will most likely be paid :confused1:  as long as he doesn't take leave, sick-leave and it doesn't last more than a few days.  (We had a mini leave/vacation planned for Wednesday-Monday for his big-birthday, but that is on hold and cancelled until we know more.)


My sister's dh isn't mandatory, so they will definitely not be paid :crying:  while our elected officials work this out.


:iagree: Vote them all out, because this is just too stupid. 




:grouphug:  :grouphug: Hugs to everyone stuck in this stupid-stupidmess.

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My dh, active duty, says that everyone at his work is going to be there, getting paid.  He said that his type of program runs on two year budgets so they still have a year left of their funding.  He said procurement runs on three year budgets.  But operations, like supporting current actions the military is involved with, like the war in Afghanistan, are on one year budgets and are affected.  So even though his program is not affected, he is thoroughly upset about the shutdown and how it will affect ongoing military operations. Yes, the military will get paid but operations also involve lots of civilians and contractors too.

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We are smack dab in the middle of a PCS move.  I have no idea how this is going to affect our per-diem (or shall I say actually RECEIVING our per diem).  Boarding a flight to Italy tomorrow.  Husband hasn't received his amended orders yet (hasn't been able to get in touch with anyone).  This...on top of the summer furlough...absolute nightmare.


Well...there will be enough time for griping later.  I have to finish packing up the kids' suitcases, get a couple of boxes mailed off, meet the repairmen at the house (our outer oven glass shattered on Friday, I hooked up the washing machine wrong and created a lake in the kitchen), take things off to the consignment sale, get the boys' hair cut, take the family in for more passport photos made (for our sojourners permit), give our other car to a new family, somehow get to the DMV to turn in plates, vote, and do a final once-over on our empty house, take all of my mom's cleaning stuff home, and make sure we have arrangements for tomorrow night at the hotel and a Super Shuttle or something to get us there!


And people are asking me if I'm excited to move...lol  I don't have time to be excited.  I'm doing too much running around just trying to get there!

Lisa, praying for you today for all you have to get done, and winging happy thoughts your way.


When you get over there and have a chance to breathe, please update the hive. Some of us are living vicariously through you!!!!!

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My dh, active duty, says that everyone at his work is going to be there, getting paid.  He said that his type of program runs on two year budgets so they still have a year left of their funding.  He said procurement runs on three year budgets.  But operations, like supporting current actions the military is involved with, like the war in Afghanistan, are on one year budgets and are affected.  So even though his program is not affected, he is thoroughly upset about the shutdown and how it will affect ongoing military operations. Yes, the military will get paid but operations also involve lots of civilians and contractors too.


Oh crap. Are contractors (say pilots with their own planes) allowed to take work on the side of the contract by others? If not, then this might affect one of my brothers (thankfully, his wife works also and they have no children).

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My husband is a reservist who went active duty for the month of September. Which means he won't be paid for his "real" job because he was with the marines. Now he won't be paid by the marines, either, despite being on active duty for that month. We are without a month's income this month!

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I vote Mrs. Mungo for President, DianeW for vice-president, Joanne for a new position - Secretary for the Department of Mental Health Services, Tibbie for Speaker of the House, SWB for the Department of Education and her main advisors would be Creekland, Nan, Jane in NC, Jan in Tx, Regentrude, and Margaret in CO, and Spycar for Secretary of State.


Let's get the vote out! :D



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We could fire them. We could vote them out of office but, on the whole we, as a country, continue to re-elect the same professional politicians to our legislatures year after year.


I agree.


Sadly, it takes a certain personality type to become a politician. The great thinkers of our time aren't the ones running for office, and the current politicians aren't great thinkers.

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I agree.


Sadly, it takes a certain personality type to become a politician. The great thinkers of our time aren't the ones running for office, and the current politicians aren't great thinkers.


It also takes money and sucking up to lobbyists. Money from lobbyists should be illegal.

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For those of you directly affected, sending you warm wishes for stability and peace of mind.


In one way or another, we are all affected by this ridiculous and heart-breaking breach in our country's unity. May we find a way to heal the wounds and begin genuine conversations that stem from the heart for improvement in the lives of all our citizens.

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I wish it was like parliament and when they deadlock, we get a new election for the whole House of Representatives in a month.

Ooh... I like this idea - can we vote for it?  I really want to add the Senate in there too.



Sadly, it takes a certain personality type to become a politician. The great thinkers of our time aren't the ones running for office, and the current politicians aren't great thinkers.



We really need a different system, because changing who is in power really hasn't changed a thing IMO.


It could all start with a Line Item Veto and/or a law saying they can not connect "100% different things" to the same bills.  Then put a bill in saying congress can't get paid if they don't do their job in a timely manner - and no back pay just because they are late.  Add them into any healthcare laws they enact too - no special deals for them and certainly nothing free.  Start with those small things and these big things might not be an issue.


When I went to bed last night I was really expecting them to have a last minute vote on something - anything - that worked.  Now I'm wondering if they'll let the US default on bills later this month just so they can keep their pissin match going.


If they do that, I think we'll all suffer.


And a reminder that when I "like" a post, it's really :grouphug:  for those affected.  Take care.

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Grrrrr.... They all need to be fired and be limited to two terms like the president (sure they can mess a lot up in 8 years but it can't be worse then this crap). I seen a thing on Facebook about them being paid minimum wage, I'm all for that or at least make their pay based on what they actually accomplish

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My SIL is out on furlough. She is one of those people who keeps track of the $$. My brother is classified as a contractor and they think he is still getting paid, but they aren't sure. 


They do know that their daycare is in a federal building (same building where her mom works) and now they are out of the $$ they have paid for the time.


It is sad to see our government hijacked like this.

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Grrrrr.... They all need to be fired and be limited to two terms like the president (sure they can mess a lot up in 8 years but it can't be worse then this crap). I seen a thing on Facebook about them being paid minimum wage, I'm all for that or at least make their pay based on what they actually accomplish


Senate terms are 6yr each. House of Representative Terms are 2 years.

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Senate terms are 6yr each. House of Representative Terms are 2 years.

I knew the terms I typed didn't seem right. 2 terms for senate and 6 terms for the house then. President stays at 8 years. Congress will then have 12 years to get thier crap together, if they didn't get what they wanted done, tough cookies.

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DH is also DOD civilian- he's at work right now, but just to "shut down".


I absolutely intend to vote out every incumbent in Congress, regardless of party.... I hate both parties equally.


I agree!  I, too, am an equal opportunity party hater!  They have been playing the "R party is bad, and D's are good", while the other one says "D party is bad, and R's are good."  I believe in logic it is called an either/or fallacy.  Unfortunately, they have rigged it so that we really don't get another choice.  I'm so sick of voting for the "lessor of two evils" because of this mess!

Hot Lava Mama

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I vote Mrs. Mungo for President, DianeW for vice-president, Joanne for a new position - Secretary for the Department of Mental Health Services, Tibbie for Speaker of the House, SWB for the Department of Education and her main advisors would be Creekland, Nan, Jane in NC, Jan in Tx, Regentrude, and Margaret in CO, and Spycar for Secretary of State.


Let's get the vote out! :D


Can I be secretary of defense?

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We are smack dab in the middle of a PCS move.  I have no idea how this is going to affect our per-diem (or shall I say actually RECEIVING our per diem).  Boarding a flight to Italy tomorrow.  Husband hasn't received his amended orders yet (hasn't been able to get in touch with anyone).  This...on top of the summer furlough...absolute nightmare.

If the TDY is approved, then it shouldn't affect your TDY. Any already approved TDY doesn't need further legislative approval, it comes out of a previously allocated pot of money. Does that make sense?


My dh, active duty, says that everyone at his work is going to be there, getting paid.  He said that his type of program runs on two year budgets so they still have a year left of their funding.  He said procurement runs on three year budgets.  But operations, like supporting current actions the military is involved with, like the war in Afghanistan, are on one year budgets and are affected.  So even though his program is not affected, he is thoroughly upset about the shutdown and how it will affect ongoing military operations. Yes, the military will get paid but operations also involve lots of civilians and contractors too.


My dh had to pass out letters to some civilians who work for him yesterday.


I wish it was like parliament and when they deadlock, we get a new election for the whole House of Representatives in a month.


I agree. I also approve of all of the yelling and such in parliment.


I'm just about fed up with seeing replies on Facebook from people who "aren't sad or upset that government workers have to face what the average working American has been dealing with for years" :-/


Maybe they should take a turn getting shot at in the desert, if they don't like government employees?


Ooh... I like this idea - can we vote for it?  I really want to add the Senate in there too.

To be fair, the Senate passed a budget.



My uncle works at the NWS. He seems to be home in a downward spiral of facebook ranting against congress.


I am a bit worried about NWS workers being home. I guess it is good it isn't storm season atm.


That's people from Oklahoma for you. We're most worried about NOAA's computer guys being home.


Another point, the government should not be this big that so many people are impacted.  That is a HUGE problem!  The fed's are not suppose to be this big and involved in our life.  Let's get back to LOCAL control!

How would states manage national parks and forest? How would states manage the military? How would states manage international intelligence?

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That's people from Oklahoma for you. We're most worried about NOAA's computer guys being home.





Yeah, we want NOAA to be treated like royalty. We even send people to other countries to learn to NOAA right. Oklahoma is ass backwards about a lot of things but NOAA is BEST THING EVAR!!!! Don't mess with it!


If it was May the Oklahoma Reps would be hyperventilating. Seriously.

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How would states manage national parks and forest? How would states manage the military? How would states manage international intelligence?



Federalism isn't about NO federal government.  It's about as LITTLE federal government that is necessary.  (A necessary evil) It is suppose to ONLY be for the things that the private market (or states) could not do effectively, such as defense, food inspection, even national parks.


I think the media has been very effective in wrongly characterizing those who want smaller government.  I don't know ANYONE (Rand Paul included) that wants NO government.  

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Why is it 'evil' at all? government is what we make it. It is us. It is how we go about the business of running our country. How is that evil?


What is inherently evil about government? Evil? Really? Like a manifestation of the Christian Devil type evil? Or do you mean that it is something that you don't like or take issue with? Because that is a long way from 'evil'.


And there has quite a lot of disagreement throughout our history as to the Federal Government being "only" for the things private markets or states can't do effectively, such as defence, food inspection and (seemingly) health care for its citizens.  That is something good friends (and federal judges) can disagree on, but it there is no 'supposed to' about it.  It is not a settled matter at all.

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Federalism isn't about NO federal government.  It's about as LITTLE federal government that is necessary.  (A necessary evil) It is suppose to ONLY be for the things that the private market (or states) could not do effectively, such as defense, food inspection, even national parks.


I think the media has been very effective in wrongly characterizing those who want smaller government.  I don't know ANYONE (Rand Paul included) that wants NO government.



There is a lot of disagreement among plenty of smart people about what government "is supposed to be for." There is plenty of disagreement about how that should look under a federalist system (have you read The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers). I don't see anything inherently evil about government. ALL civilizations have governments. eta: Sorry, red, was crossing posting. 



I personally know people who want zero federal government. So, speak for yourself on that note. 


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As Secretary of State my first action would be to pursue the opening with Iran.


I'd invite my Persian counterpart over for dinner. I'd serve an appetizer of Sabzi Kordan. Followed by an Ashe-e-jo soup. A Shirazi salad. With a main course of Ghormeh Sabzi, Fesenjan, Baghali Polo, and Khask-e-bademjan. Followed by pistachio ice cream.


I'd expect the Iranian Foreign Minister to say, "you know Sabzi Khoran? You know Ghormeh Sabzi? You know Ashe-e-jo?


I'd say, "Know them? Who do you think cooked the meal?" :D


After a good laugh, I'd convince them to abandon their nuclear program, and open their facilities to international inspection in exchange for the easing of economic sanctions.


More pistachio ice cream your excellency?



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