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My 9 year old was just bitten by a copperhead!

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Ds came in, and told me he had killed a copperhead by the barn. While I was helping him look for the body in the dark, I heard Daisy (our Basset) going crazy in the front yard.


Dh almost had the baby asleep, but the dog kept waking her up. He sent Dd out to make her dog be quiet. It turns out, Daisy was barking because she had a copperhead cornered. It struck Dd, and got her on her heel.


Dh is on her way to the hospital with her, but that's 20 minutes away.


I'm really scared.

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She will be in pain, but the bites are not fatal. They'll likely give her antibiotic and pain killer; no antivenom. The main danger is destruction of muscle tissue. If dh has ice on it, and you can get him by cell, tell him to take it off. It concentrates the venom, and more tissue destruction results.


I've known two people bitten.

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I've always heard copperhead bites aren't really dangerous, so I just looked it up, and this is what I found:


They say copperheads are the least venomous of the venomous snakes. Basically, their venom is the mildest. Most venomous, or non-venomous, snakes, tend to run, but copperheads like to strike in warning. However, they are striking to warn you off, and don't like to use venom in their bite--only if they have to make subsequent bites. Out of 400 bites tested, only 2 deaths occurred, and that was people who were bitten many times by 3 or more snakes.


They said that IF you seek treatment (and you really should in case of infection, as if you wouldn't), it is usually just for topical injury, and there is usually no venom injected at all.


I hope this helps you to feel a little better--I'm sure you won't rest easy until you hear from your dh, but, in the meantime, my prayers are with you.


And I'm sure your DH and doggie will be spreading plenty of snake away tomorrow!

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I'm feeling a bit more calm.


I know that they made it to the hospital, and Dh did not put ice on it.


I talked to my dad's girlfriend who is a nurse. She said that the hospital would give her antibiotics and an IV and keep her at least overnight.


I have a friend that will come stay with the other kids if Dd wants me to be at the hospital with her.

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Dh just called. The doctors gave her some Demerol in her IV, and she was calming down.


They are going to keep her in the hospital for awhile, but she said she was sleepy, and didn't need me there.


I appreciate all of the prayers and helpful information.


I think I'm going to go to bed now.

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Dh just called. The doctors gave her some Demerol in her IV, and she was calming down.


They are going to keep her in the hospital for awhile, but she said she was sleepy, and didn't need me there.


I appreciate all of the prayers and helpful information.


I think I'm going to go to bed now.



How terrifying for all of you. I'm glad to be able to read the whole thread and know that your girl is in good hands. I'm sure you'll see her today, and what a sweet reunion that will be! Hope you were able to sleep. Demerol?....that's what was in my I.V. when I had my first baby. Not what I'd hoped for a birth plan, that's for sure, but for sleeping -- that's goooood stuff. :001_smile:

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:grouphug: Poor kiddo, I just can't imagine...(Poor mom & dad too.) I'll be sending prayers for a full and speedy healing.


Dh just called. The doctors gave her some Demerol in her IV, and she was calming down.


They are going to keep her in the hospital for awhile, but she said she was sleepy, and didn't need me there.


I appreciate all of the prayers and helpful information.


I think I'm going to go to bed now.

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I've always heard copperhead bites aren't really dangerous, so I just looked it up, and this is what I found:


They say copperheads are the least venomous of the venomous snakes. Basically, their venom is the mildest. Most venomous, or non-venomous, snakes, tend to run, but copperheads like to strike in warning. However, they are striking to warn you off, and don't like to use venom in their bite--only if they have to make subsequent bites. Out of 400 bites tested, only 2 deaths occurred, and that was people who were bitten many times by 3 or more snakes.


They said that IF you seek treatment (and you really should in case of infection, as if you wouldn't), it is usually just for topical injury, and there is usually no venom injected at all.


I hope this helps you to feel a little better--I'm sure you won't rest easy until you hear from your dh, but, in the meantime, my prayers are with you.


And I'm sure your DH and doggie will be spreading plenty of snake away tomorrow!


While they are the "least" dangerous, and antivenin is not the protocol, the bites are dangerous and without proper treatment immediately, can be very nasty. They are painful too, poor Beautiful. I hope they are giving her what she needs at the hospital.

Not to frighten Amy but prompt iv antibiotics are very, very important.

Praying for you guys.

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Dh just called. The doctors gave her some Demerol in her IV, and she was calming down.


They are going to keep her in the hospital for awhile, but she said she was sleepy, and didn't need me there.


I appreciate all of the prayers and helpful information.


I think I'm going to go to bed now.


WoW!! How scary. I'll continue to pray for her.

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She did receive IV antibiotics at the hospital, and she is home now, with crutches, and antibiotics and pain killers.


She is still sleeping, which I take as a good sign.


I'll watch the site for streaking and additional swelling and take her to her regular doctor on Monday.

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I missed this last night, but prayed just now! What a scary evening you had!


I hope she's doing well this morning! Any updates on how things are going?


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Ditto. I just got on the boards this morning. Hope your dd is feeling much better.


Blessings to you!

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Amy, This may sound odd, but I'm a scrapbooker, so you'll have to take it from the source it's coming from! :)


You should take pictures of the foot, and her on her crutches......years down the road it'll be interesting to remember how it looked. I'd, of course, have you each write a short bit about your feelings as this all was happening. It's a story that will go down in your family history, so you might as well have the pictures and first-hand acocunts! :)

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Amy, This may sound odd, but I'm a scrapbooker, so you'll have to take it from the source it's coming from! :)


You should take pictures of the foot, and her on her crutches......years down the road it'll be interesting to remember how it looked. I'd, of course, have you each write a short bit about your feelings as this all was happening. It's a story that will go down in your family history, so you might as well have the pictures and first-hand acocunts! :)


Brindee, you are a true historian. I agree, too, that years from now all the first-hand accounts will be absolutely fascinating to read. Great idea!

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That doesn't sound weird to me.


Dh left the dead snake at the hospital, or I'd see about having a hat band made out of him for her.


I will take pictures and write about it from her perspective.


When this Dd was a couple of days old, our house was destroyed in a flood. Then, as soon as we got it repaired, Dh was transfered out of state.


It always hurts Dd's feelings that I've repressed so many of the memories of her babyhood.


Having the story written down will mean a lot to her.

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