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You know, I just don't like going out much


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A friend had invited me to drinks at her house tonight-a sort of cocktail thing. I just don't like these sorts of things. I am generally tired by this time of day (yes, i feel old) and don't much like socializing. I do like an after work drink--still revved from the office, unwind with a beer and conversation. But I have bene doing house stuff today, dealing with my sick chicken, worrying about work stuff...and I just don't want to go socialize with a bunch of strangers (although I know they will all be very nice). 


DH doesn't understand this--he's like 'Im taking the kids out so you should go and see your friends"...but I kinda just want to turn on some random tv, have a cup of tea, and knit.


I am such a dork.

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I  believe I know how you feel.   My husband and I are going over to have drinks with some friends tonight, and I don't want to go.  I've run errands and done chores all day.  What would really float my boat tonight would be doing some homeschool planning.  Yeah, I just somehow got fired up today and want to get to work.  That, and fold the mountain of laundry that's sitting on my couch.


The older I get, the more time I need alone.  And the less time I get.


Now, invite me out for a morning coffee date, and I'm ready to go!

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i am so glad i am not alone here LOL. The thought of taking a shower (the horror) putting on something presentable, and getting energized to socialize tonight....blah. It just isn't happening. Plus, y ou're right--my chicken needs me! I am hand feeding/watering her every hour! I can't leave her side! ;)


There is something about a day of chores and garden work that just leaves me completely UNPSYCHED to go out.

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I really don't enjoy going out, especially if I'm required to spend time with strangers. I've got to the point where I prefer the discomfort of turning down an invitation to the discomfort of going out when I don't want to! I'm always up for a movie, or a daytime coffee with friends, but that's about my limit.

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Wanna know what I woke up to this morning? After going to sleep at 1:30 and having DD wake me up at about 3 and going to sleep with her because she was scared of something she had seen on TV (totally valid, gonna kill DH)? I woke up to DD and DH perched above me just after 8 to let me know that the neighbors had invited us to spend the day at the lake. Did I mention I quit coffee (again) last week? Well, I did. So, little sleep. Poor sleep. No coffee. No interest in spending time with the neighbors (one of whom is so horrifically obnoxious he is even starting to annoy DH who is officially The Nicest Guy on the Planet). I declined the invitation. But, as usual, I felt like a hermit spending another day in my hidey-hole. The kids went with DH and they all had a great time. I was happy to be alone, finishing up the schoolroom before we start school. 


I got a lot done. And fit in 4 musicals! :lol:


Who can think of socializing when she has a sick chicken?  Seriously.  lol


I'm with you.  The fam wants to go to Half Price Books after dinner, and I can't even decide if I am up to getting dressed to go there.  It's not even fancy.  lol


This so cracks me up. :lol: Been there... Not the sick chicken, but working myself up to showering and dressing in something appropriate for society.


I recently had the night to myself and my treat to myself was to make a box of chocolate pudding and eat the whole thing by myself in the bowl I mixed it in while I watched cheesy tv from my youth. 


I've heard lore of this for so long. Today, alone and needing to go grocery shopping but refusing to leave the house when it is empty (helloooo, not gonna happen!), I made cookies and ate...let's just say a few too many. When I realized that I was getting exhausted from the blood sugar crashes, I deliberately started meting them out to myself to keep my blood sugar steady so I wouldn't crash. I feel stupid typing that. Shouldn't post it, but whatever.

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My children take up all the socializing energy I have, and then some. I don't want to see or talk to anyone that isn't absolutely necessary unless it's on my terms (and it only happens once every few months that I initiate a social phone call, to my mother or something). I just can't seem to handle it.

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Right there with the OP. I'd rather stay home and chill with a Louis L'Amour book or a Meg Ryan/Tom Hanks movie than anything else but especially a gathering of people I have to make small talk with. :) Dh keeps trying to get me to go out so I finally went. I took two L'Amour books and sat in the Wal-Mart parking lot for 3 wonderful hours reading nonstop. It was great.

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Then I'll be a dork with you because your idea sounds much better to me, too.




Give me a good book, movie/tv show, sewing project, or video game and throw in some chocolate. That's my idea of a good evening, lol.


Odds are good that I'll even take cleaning the house over going out and being social with people I don't know.

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Right there with the OP. I'd rather stay home and chill with a Louis L'Amour book or a Meg Ryan/Tom Hanks movie than anything else but especially a gathering of people I have to make small talk with. :) Dh keeps trying to get me to go out so I finally went. I took two L'Amour books and sat in the Wal-Mart parking lot for 3 wonderful hours reading nonstop. It was great.



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It's all about the hair. Seriously, my hair, anyway. If going somewhere in the evening means I need to shed the casual workday clothes, figure out an outfit and top it all with having to wash and style my hair at 5pm... forget it! If I'm taking a shower at dinner time, I'm putting on my pjs when I get out!

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I am the same way. I do like getting out and seeing my friend (singular, sad, I know) on occasion. But it's not a big party type situation. Coffee and talking homeschooling is fun. margaritas and a HP movie was fun, too. Dh is a musician and loves the attention. Me, I'm like..."I have cookie dough and BBC shows to rewatch. What would I need to leave the house for??" I don't get out much, but I like it that way. I might change my mind if I had a Barnes & Noble/Starbucks nearby, though. I might try to move in. ;)


I'm a dork with you.  I don't want to do that either.


And when I drink I prefer to do it at home so then I don't have to worry about driving.


Yup. That's another reason I don't go out to drink almost ever. I will not drink and drive even after one beer. No way, no how. If I can't walk or catch a safe ride, I ain't going. I used to be an EMT.

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Yes she really has a chicken.




Oh, okay thanks! I felt stupid to ask, but not knowing if it were a bird or a child that was sick was going to drive me bonkers!

I've always wanted to keep chickens but between stray cats, foxes, racoons, terrible weather, shady yard and neighborhood dogs that roam and destroy stuff, I just don't think that I'd do a very good job keeping a chicken safe. Plus my dad would only see soup when he looked at her :(.

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This might sound dumb; but do you actually have a chicken that is ill, or do you use "chicken" as a pet-name for one of your children and one of your offspring is ill?



I HAD a chicken that was ill--very ill with botulism poisoning. But she made a miracle recovery and is all better :)


I am quite sure it was because I stayed home and sang her lullabies. Really. I'm not kidding.

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Count me in for not coming out and being around folks - posting here once in a while and poking around on FB is more than enough social life for me, thank-you very much!   I remember in college being dragged by my roommate (a classic extrovert) out for a movie then meeting people at a noisy bar - I was so sleepy (I am a morning person) and couldn't understand what people where saying as the noise level was so high - aargh!   I am an introverted MORNING person.  By late afternoon I am turned OFF. 

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Count me in for not coming out and being around folks - posting here once in a while and poking around on FB is more than enough social life for me, thank-you very much! I remember in college being dragged by my roommate (a classic extrovert) out for a movie then meeting people at a noisy bar - I was so sleepy (I am a morning person) and couldn't understand what people where saying as the noise level was so high - aargh! I am an introverted MORNING person. By late afternoon I am turned OFF.

You know, JFS, you bring up an interesting point. Years ago, the only way to get the latest scoop was to actually muster up the energy and get out among the extroverts. Now our online connectedness brings all that socializing right to our eyes without having to endure the draining masses. I have to say, my introverted nature has been nurtured by fb, twitter, forums, blogs, websites, email.... Sometimes I have to wonder if that's a good thing? Like I am using my introversion and ease of access to information to live a life that is comfortable to me, but is perhaps weakening me in a way? Like muscle atrophy, maybe there's personality atrophy...


Oh man, that's way too much navel gazing for a Monday morning. Time to dust off the math book and then plan a field trip!

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I totally get that. My dh needs lots of social time, seriously, he's worse than the kids! Always asking if we can have someone over for dinner or a weekend, visiting someone else for a weekend, dropping in on someone, he's even asked if we can go on vacation with friends. I would so much prefer a quiet night at home, but for his sake and for marital peace I try to go his way as much as I can. He just doesn't get it. I like having just a few close friends, people I'm comfy with, he has dozens of "close" friends and loves to visit with them, it is overwhelming to me. I don't have panic reactions to it, but I wonder if its a bit of social anxiety for me. I'm a very friendly and warm person but there's only so much I can take before I just have to go home and hide!

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You know, I used to be so outgoing. Now I'm like all of you... It's really a lot of work to do my hair and makeup for an event i am lukewarm about attending. And its a good night when I can shower and get into my PJs early.


There are some exceptions. We have a couple families that we really enjoy spending time with, and when we have something planned with them, I look forward to it. But I can be so *real* with those friends. If I came to their houses in sweats and a ponytail they wouldn't care a bit.


Just like all of you ladies... I talk to all of you in my pajamas almost every day!! :D

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