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Unwatchable movies (s/o celebrities)


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I forgot about Eragon. That was a bad movie.


I'm curious if you read The Hunger Games before seeing the movie. I advised everyone I knew to read the book before seeing the movie. They did the best they could to explain what the story was really about. But if you were unprepared I can see how it would be a revolting movie to sit through. I remember the first time someone recommended reading that book and described the story. Ack. What kind of a book is that? I had no desire to read it. Now I really appreciate it. I understand it's not for everyone. I cry the first 15 minutes every time.



I have read the books, but haven't seen the movies. I think it's on Netflix now, so I was considering watching it.

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I have to say, we love "Waterworld". We know it's universally hated, but we really like it. :)


The movie DH and I both despise is "Moon 44". Awful. Just awful. Oh, and "Random Hearts". We saw it with some friends. At the end of the movie, Harrison Ford says something like, "Maybe we can go see a movie." We heard someone say, "Don't go see this one." We all started laughing. It was the highlight of the movie.


I personally hate the original "Footloose". The girl is a whiny twit. Kevin Bacon is awesome, but the girl ruins it for me.

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The worst movie ever is Reckless with Mia Farrow , whom I do not particularly care for. It is unbelievable idiotic. Roger Ebert said, "It's one of those films where you think it's only a dream, and then when everyone wakes up, it's worse." Mia Farrow is at her most breathless and exasperatingly vague. The reviewer for the NYTimes said, "Ms. Farrow is so perfectly cast as Rachel that the character seems a distillation of nearly every role she has played since she was a teen-ager in Peyton Place. With her peaches-and-cream complexion and slightly whiny voice, Ms. Farrow has always epitomized a precocious, overgrown princess whose garrulity inspires protectiveness tinged with irritation. In Reckless, projecting a mixture of the sweetly forlorn and the intractably childish, she is nothing less than American innocence incarnate demanding to be snapped out of it."


Strangely, it is apparently part of a series (or duo) with Prelude to a Kiss, with Meg Ryan, which isn't a bad movie at all!

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I didn't see Middlemarch mentioned in this thread so unfortunately I watched it on Netflix.


While the Hive was unable to save me, maybe I can save other Hive members who are bored and looking for something nice and period drama-ey. The only character I liked was the gambling minister but I guess he was just a minor character and nothing interesting happened with him. Boooooo

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Two children's books that I adore have recently been made into unwatchable movies. Upon seeing "The Seeker: The Dark is Rising" my dd said, "Someone needs to apologize to Susan Cooper for what they did to her book." My 10yo dd enjoyed the movie "The Secret of Moonacre," but I watched aghast at what they had done "The Little White Horse," A book I enjoyed when I was her age.


Amber in SJ

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I actually do like Will Ferrell (Anchorman and Talladega Nights are quoted often in this house... when the kids aren't listening), but "Blades of Glory" was so bad I couldn't finish watching it. I don't think it was him or Jon Heder that were bad, it was just an incredibly unfunny movie.

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I Am Legend. Bleh. And Dogville starring Nicole Kidman. Horible is putting it kindly. I can't even believe I watched it past the first 2 minutes. Because believe me - it doesn't get any better after that. Ooh, and Cider House Rules. DIdn't care for that one either.

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Any movie based on any book by Nicholas Sparks. And Sleepless in Seattle.

I like Sleepless in Seattle.


I watched When Harry Met Sally for the first time the other month and it was extremely 'Meh' for me. Why is there such a big fuss about THAT movie?!?! Lol

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I like Sleepless in Seattle.


I watched When Harry Met Sally for the first time the other month and it was extremely 'Meh' for me. Why is there such a big fuss about THAT movie?!?! Lol


I think When Harry... was big because when it came out it was different. I imagine seeing it now loses a lot :)

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How about Jack & Jill with Adam Sandler? Horrible, HORRIBLE movie!


Mirror Mirror was pretty bad, too.


Oooh and, I'm probably in the minority with this one because everybody and their uncle seemed to love it but, I LOATHED Bridesmaids. Seriously, I just didn't get it at. all.

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I also hated Bridges of Madison County. Another one that some others love. Why must every movie contain adultery?


I read the book and watched the movie....before adultery was real in my life. Now the thought of that movie makes me ill. And I love Meryl Streep.

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I'm curious if you read The Hunger Games before seeing the movie. I advised everyone I knew to read the book before seeing the movie. They did the best they could to explain what the story was really about. But if you were unprepared I can see how it would be a revolting movie to sit through. I remember the first time someone recommended reading that book and described the story. Ack. What kind of a book is that? I had no desire to read it. Now I really appreciate it. I understand it's not for everyone. I cry the first 15 minutes every time.



My husband had not even heard of the books when I requested to see the movie for a date night. He went along good-naturedly, but I wondered why he seemed so resigned before the movie started. Ten minutes into it, he leaned over and whispered, "what the heck is this?"


The poor man thought I was dragging him to a chick flick about eating disorders.


(He has since read all three books and loved them.)

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I'm curious if you read The Hunger Games before seeing the movie. I advised everyone I knew to read the book before seeing the movie. They did the best they could to explain what the story was really about. But if you were unprepared I can see how it would be a revolting movie to sit through. I remember the first time someone recommended reading that book and described the story. Ack. What kind of a book is that? I had no desire to read it. Now I really appreciate it. I understand it's not for everyone. I cry the first 15 minutes every time.



I watched the movie the first time in the theater and left thinking that there had to be more to the story. I got home, downloaded all 3 books and read them in 3 days. Without the books, the movie just doesn't make sense.

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Is he the one in Elf? What an stupid, stupid movie.


I hate pretty much anything with Will Farrell. I loathe everything about that man.


Two movies that DH and I still joke about were ones we saw while dating - That Darn Cat (1997) and The English Patient. That Darn Cat was just stupid piled on top of bad acting. The English Patient has to have been the dullest movie in history.

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Black Swan was horrible!! I was so disturbed that I had to chase it with The Hangover even though it meant staying up till 1:00.


The worst movie I've ever seen is Ed Wood with Johnny Depp, absolutely terrible!


ETA, I just checked Rotten Tomatoes and it got 92%, so it seems like I am one of the few that hated it.

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No one has mentioned my two favorite love-to-hates: Starship Troopers and Love Story. My mother kept gushing about how Love Story was such a beautiful movie, but all I could see were two boring, self-absorbed people in the '70s.




My cousin loves Starship Troopers and made me watch it one night. It was definitely interesting, though I've never had the desire to watch it again. I did go ahead and read the book though. :)

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The Robin Hood movie starring Kevin Costner (so funny how he finally just gave up on the English accent). Couldn't be saved even by Morgan Freeman and Alan Rickman. I do, however, love the soundtrack.


The recent Hobbit movie was boring and somewhat ridiculous at times. I only watched to the end because it was family movie night.

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How about Jack & Jill with Adam Sandler? Horrible, HORRIBLE movie!


Mirror Mirror was pretty bad, too.


Oooh and, I'm probably in the minority with this one because everybody and their uncle seemed to love it but, I LOATHED Bridesmaids. Seriously, I just didn't get it at. all.


I LOVE Bridesmaids!! I seriously only watch TV about once a month, and I watch BM about every other month :). My DH is sick of it.

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Well, this might not exactly "count" because it was a made-for-TV movie...


The Star Wars Holiday Special.




Even though Harrison Ford is in it... and my kid is a Star Wars nut... we lasted maybe ten minutes before watching the rest of it on fast-forward. We just couldn't stomach hours of Wookieespeak without translation. But the grand finale with Princess Leia singing the Star Wars theme redeemed the experience by about 1%.

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Well, this might not exactly "count" because it was a made-for-TV movie...


The Star Wars Holiday Special.




Even though Harrison Ford is in it... and my kid is a Star Wars nut... we lasted maybe ten minutes before watching the rest of it on fast-forward. We just couldn't stomach hours of Wookieespeak without translation. But the grand finale with Princess Leia singing the Star Wars theme redeemed the experience by about 1%.



What, you didn't enjoy watching Grandpa Wookie drool over Dyan Cannon? (Note that for most of the scene we don't see his hands.)


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WE sometimes like to watch truly awful movies- generally they are older movies- early 60's or older. I don't know most of the names- like the one where Nazis turn up in a Louisiana swamp and make zombies- oh I found it. It is called Revenge of the Zombies and is a 1943 movie. They aren't supposed to be funny but they are.

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Two children's books that I adore have recently been made into unwatchable movies. Upon seeing "The Seeker: The Dark is Rising" my dd said, "Someone needs to apologize to Susan Cooper for what they did to her book." My 10yo dd enjoyed the movie "The Secret of Moonacre," but I watched aghast at what they had done "The Little White Horse," A book I enjoyed when I was her age.


Amber in SJ


The Little White Horse is one of my top-three favorite books in the entire known world (the other two are Understood Betsy and The Chestry Oak. Why they are not mandatory reading for every person in the world is beyond me. But I digress...) I was surprised to find that although I didn't love The Secret of Moonacre, I wasn't as offended by it as I was about the debacle of the LOTR movies. Maybe it was that I had lower hopes, because it was *short*, you know, not really enough time to get the most out of the book. But I was sad that Miss Heliotrope had been reduced to a cartoon character (where's the dignity? where's her love for Maria?), and the love stories between Loveday Minette and Sir Benjamin, and Miss Heliotrope and the Parson, were so insipid (I cannot remember at this moment what happened in the movie between all the lovers; perhaps I have blanked it out to protect myself. o_0 ).


Ok, now I think I'm going to have to read the book again, just because. :D

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Pitch Black. I like a lot of the movies mentioned so far in the thread.


Hahaha! Most people hate the Riddick movies, but I've seen them a bunch of times (though, I have to admit that Pitch Black was definitely the worst). The third in the series is actually due out sometime in the fall. I guess you'll be skipping it. :laugh:

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Kevin Costner was the most boring Robin Hood ever. All my friends thought it was amazing and I thought it was crap. They kept making me watch it. These same friends made me watch Titanic more than once.


On that note: I hate the Titanic movie with Leonardo DiCaprio. I liked the Abyss and Terminator so I was hoping it would be good. Fail.


I would rather watch Pitch Black over and over than Titanic. I think Titanic is more violent and gruesome.


Man in the Iron Mask is also a terrible movie. (again, my friends)


Mrs Mungo has a theory that anytime you see Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich in the same movie that something is seriously wrong with the script. Everytime they are together the movie is pure crap but people will go to a movie to see Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich.

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My cousin loves Starship Troopers and made me watch it one night. It was definitely interesting, though I've never had the desire to watch it again. I did go ahead and read the book though. :)


Love the book. This is one that I wish they would remake correctly.

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The Robin Hood movie starring Kevin Costner (so funny how he finally just gave up on the English accent). Couldn't be saved even by Morgan Freeman and Alan Rickman. I do, however, love the soundtrack.


The recent Hobbit movie was boring and somewhat ridiculous at times. I only watched to the end because it was family movie night.


I love Robin Hood in spite of Kevin Costner. I love Morgan Freeman, Alan Rickman, & Christian Slater, plus I loved the actors who played Little John, Fanny (Little John's wife), and Maid Marian. Definitely have to overlook KC's role in this movie.


I liked The Hobbit too. :)


Well, this might not exactly "count" because it was a made-for-TV movie...


The Star Wars Holiday Special.




Even though Harrison Ford is in it... and my kid is a Star Wars nut... we lasted maybe ten minutes before watching the rest of it on fast-forward. We just couldn't stomach hours of Wookieespeak without translation. But the grand finale with Princess Leia singing the Star Wars theme redeemed the experience by about 1%.


I haven't seen this yet. One day....


WE sometimes like to watch truly awful movies- generally they are older movies- early 60's or older. I don't know most of the names- like the one where Nazis turn up in a Louisiana swamp and make zombies- oh I found it. It is called Revenge of the Zombies and is a 1943 movie. They aren't supposed to be funny but they are.


These movies are fun b/c you can get all MST3000 on them. :) I love MST3000, though some are not as funny as others.

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Okay, here goes, my top most hated films ever:


Mosquito Coast with Harrison Ford...almost knocked the infatuation with him right.out.of.the.water.


Star Wars - so this covers six films and again, if Harrison Ford had not become Indiana Jones, it would have been curtains for him in my eyes.


Anything with Keanu Reeves..anything.at.all.


Legends of the Fall...Anthony Hopkins (normally a favorite of mine) could not save this from despair.


Titanic - I was rooting for her to just get it over with and push ole Leondardo's head under the water herself. If had she chosen to leap off the board and die with him, I would have stood up and cheered. Unfortunately, I had 17 middle/high school piano students at the time and ALL OF THEM wanted to learn to play the theme song. I thought I would end up committing suicide. This is TOO MUCH for any one music teacher to endure at one time. Weeks on end of "My Heart will Go On". Dear Lord, please do not allow that heart to keep going, make.it.stop!!!!!!


Oh, and there was some hideous movie back in the late 80's with Jane Fonda...some sort of horror or sci-fi flick. I think it had to do with Aliens and a gate or something. We had to leave. It was get up and go, or pay for professional counseling to get over the immense trauma of watching that film.


And finally, Wayne's World. It makes my brain hurt, very, very badly.



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Okay, here goes, my top most hated films ever:


Mosquito Coast with Harrison Ford...almost knocked the infatuation with him right.out.of.the.water.


Star Wars - so this covers six films and again, if Harrison Ford had not become Indiana Jones, it would have been curtains for him in my eyes.


Anything with Keanu Reeves..anything.at.all.


Legends of the Fall...Anthony Hopkins (normally a favorite of mine) could not save this from despair.


Titanic - I was rooting for her to just get it over with and push ole Leondardo's head under the water herself. If had she chosen to leap off the board and die with him, I would have stood up and cheered. Unfortunately, I had 17 middle/high school piano students at the time and ALL OF THEM wanted to learn to play the theme song. I thought I would end up committing suicide. This is TOO MUCH for any one music teacher to endure at one time. Weeks on end of "My Heart will Go On". Dear Lord, please do not allow that heart to keep going, make.it.stop!!!!!!


Oh, and there was some hideous movie back in the late 80's with Jane Fonda...some sort of horror or sci-fi flick. I think it had to do with Aliens and a gate or something. We had to leave. It was get up and go, or pay for professional counseling to get over the immense trauma of watching that film.


And finally, Wayne's World. It makes my brain hurt, very, very badly.




Agreed on Keanu Reeves!


And you had my dh rolling with your Titanic story. He couldn't agree more! :D

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Man in the Iron Mask is also a terrible movie. (again, my friends)


ITA. bad, bad, bad.


Mrs Mungo has a theory that anytime you see Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich in the same movie that something is seriously wrong with the script.


I'd have to agree with her.

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Mrs Mungo has a theory that anytime you see Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich in the same movie that something is seriously wrong with the script. Everytime they are together the movie is pure crap but people will go to a movie to see Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich.


It is true!! There are several wonderful actors who are in *terrible* movies. It is like they say, "this is bad, hire someone that will bring in the money." Why not just say, "this is terrible, let's skip it."

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Dinotopia. Seen that four hours of HELL? Don't.


HATED The English Patient, before Elaine on Seinfeld hated it. Rilly, rilly hated it.


Anything with Keira Knightly and her bared teeth menacing "smile." I was so disappointed that she was cast in Anna Karenina, because I would like to have seen that.

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